
Tender For Gyan Jyoti Festival And Commemoration Of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati 200Th Birth Year From 16 To 18 November 2024, 1 Stage & Sitting Area Setuperection Of Main Stage At Arya Gurukul Mahavidyalay Including All Labour, Material, T&P Etc Comple, sirsaganj-Uttar Pradesh

Directorate Of Tourism has published Tender For Gyan Jyoti Festival And Commemoration Of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati 200Th Birth Year From 16 To 18 November 2024, 1 Stage & Sitting Area Setuperection Of Main Stage At Arya Gurukul Mahavidyalay Including All Labour, Material, T&P Etc Comple. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-11-2024. Event Management Tenders in sirsaganj Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Gyan Jyoti Festival And Commemoration Of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati 200Th Birth Year From 16 To 18 November 2024, 1 Stage & Sitting Area Setuperection Of Main Stage At Arya Gurukul Mahavidyalay Including All Labour, Material, T&P Etc Comple
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender for Gyan Jyoti festival and commemoration of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati 200th birth year from 16 to 18 November 2024, 1 STAGE & SITTING AREA SETUPErection of Main Stage at Arya Gurukul Mahavidyalay including all labour, material, T&P etc complete in all respect for 3 days event as under: 2 Supply on rent all infrastructure, erecting temporary Main Stage (approx 48 ft L X 24 ft W size X 6 ft ht) with suitable material and required underneath support / prop capable of holding atleast, decoration based on Theme Maharshi Dayanand/Arya Samaj withflowers, fabric, MDF cutoutsand any other composit material as per requirement including Backdrop accompnied by theLED display Screen with sound system complete in all respect of minimum size approx 40 ft L X 10 ft H complete in all respect. Cloth masking on either side of stage, Stage design as per available space for logos of Organizer and flex of Event including stage floor carpeting, two way steps with railing on both sides of stage, furnishing as per approved design and as per directions and satisfaction of Administratvie Officers including transportation, loading, unloading, dismantlingetc complete in all respect. 3 Providing on rent, erecting German Hanger of 100 ft Span X 500 ft length size with central ht. of about 10.0 m and side ht. of about 6.0 m for covering of main stage with white PVC coated fabric fire retardent and water proof including safron & white color new cloth underneath masking at inside top covering to be fixed/ tied seperately including transportation, loading, unloading, dismantlingetc complete in all respect. It is mandatory to keep 30 m clear span i.e. without any central support / prop. 4 Supply on rent all infrastructure, erecting temporary Cultural Stage (approx 24 ft L X 20 ft W size X 4.5 ft ht) with suitable material and required underneath support / prop capable of holding atleast, decoration based on Theme Maharshi Dayanand/Arya Samaj withflowers, fabric, MDF cutoutsand any other composit material as per requirement including Backdrop accompnied by the sound system complete in all respect. Covering/Branding of Stage as per available space including stage floor carpeting, two way steps with railing on both sides of stage, furnishing as per approved design and as per directions and satisfaction of Administratvie Officers including transportation, loading, unloading, dismantlingetc complete in all respect. 5 Decoration of main stage with flowers and any other composit material as required approx 1500 sq. ft., Decoration of stair cases, barricadings in front of the stage etc with flower and series of garlands, Decoration of D area by floral / combination of floral and colour rangoli as per approved theme, Supply of flower pots on centre tables placed near stage (Fresh Flowers will be replaced on daily basis), Podium Decoration with flowers, Providing Deep Stand & its Floral decoration, Floral & Garland, Bouquet for VVIPs, Bouquet Ordinary, Garland VVIP, Garland Ordinary, Rose Buds, Rose Patels as per requirement and approved design and as per directions and satisfaction of Administrative officials 6 Supplying on rent and erecting Main entry gate and two event entry (about 22 ft hight x 9/10 ft Span) with Decoration with theme based cut outs etc, withflowers & series of garlands and any other composit material complete as per requirement and approved design and as per directions and satisfaction of Administrativ officials 7 Light & SoundAutomatedLightingincluding all labor, material, T&P etc complete in all respectas under for 3 days:For main stage providing on rent, testing, operating and maintaining during the event period and dismantling after the end of event, infrastructure as under: Trusses 60 X 30 four side , Sharphy lights 16 nos, LED Par RGB 30 nos, Par 64 20 nos, Profile 02 nos, Follow light 1200 watt 01no, Blenders 04 nos, Desk for automated lighting with operator (avolite board), Color filters, Smoke Machine 01 no, Haze Machine 01 no, Dimmer Pack 24 kv 02 nos, T- Poll 02 nos and LED Par RGB 10 nos, Par 6406 nos with DMX Controller, Dimmer Pack for Side stage as per requirment andas per directions and satisfaction of Administrative Officials 8 Stage Soundincluding all labor, material, T&P etc complete in all respectas under for 3 days:Providing on rent for main stage and Cultural stage, erecting, testing, operating and maintaining during the event period and dismantling after the end of event, infrastructure as under: JBL Vertech VT 164888, Amplifiers Indian- From 250 Watts to 5000 Watts ( A+, P series , Ahuja etc) Amplifiers Imported- From 100 Watts to 9000 Watts @ 4ohm : (Crown Dual Channel Digital power Amplifiers) Corded Mikerophone Shure SM 58, SM 57 Microphone Imported Sennhiser 200002 no, Cordless Mikerophone Imported Shure U4rd 02 nos, Lapel mikes, Microphone Stands as required, Speakers (Indian), Speakers (Imported), JBL Array Fames for Suspending VT 4889 24 nos, VT 4880 12 nos, High-fi two way speakers, MonitorSpeakers JBL VRX 915 08 nos, Center fill VRX 932 Line Arry 02 nos,Side fill JBL Srx 835 04 nos,Stage Bass Dual 18 02 nos, Sound Mixer SC 48 ch, 32 channel, 16 channel, Drum kIt mikerophone Sennhiser 901 8 pc 01 set, Lead Guter Amo fender 01 no, Bass Gutaramp hartje550001, Key boad ampRonald kc 550 01no, DI box 10nos, Senneheiser G3 in ear monitors with flying anntina 08 nos, Wooden Poudium with Poudium Mike 01 no etc as per requirementand as per directions and satisfaction of Officials with 03 Plasma TV on stage for VVIP(s) and artists 9 Providing on rent, erecting German Hanger of 100 ft Span X 200 ft length size with central ht. of about 13.0 m and side ht. of about 6.0 m for covering of main stage with white PVC coated fabric fire retardent and water proof including safron & white color new cloth underneath masking at inside top covering to be fixed/ tied seperately including transportation, loading, unloading, dismantlingetc complete in all respect. It is mandatory to keep 40 m clear span i.e. without any central support / prop. With one stage of appropriate size approx 40 ft x20 ft(L and W) and of 4 ft Hight with LED Backdrop and sound for the purpose of Temporary Theatre for Promotional and Devotional films with a complete setup for a capacity of 500 visitors at a time 10 Safe House, Green Room, Toilets, Stalls and Barricading etcincluding all labor, material, T&P etc complete in all respectas under: 11 Supplying and erecting Temporary Water & fire proof VVIP Rest House (of standard size / minimum size 5 m X 10 m) with ply / Pagora for V.V.I.P.) along with attached toilet blockof minimum size 10 X 5 (made up of ply and covered by white cloth on all sides) with temporary water supply arrangement with PVC tank, Thermus for hot water, sofa covered with new towel cloth,complete New carpet, chair, easy chair, centre table, mirror, New towel, liquid soap, dettol, tissue paper, toilet cleaning facility with a dedicated peon to clean the room daily as per directions etc and all other necessary accessories with proper lighting and room freshner, mosquito repellant etc complete in all respect as per requirement and approved design and as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 3 days. 12 Supplying and erecting Temporary Water & fire proof Green room and Media Center with complete carpeting (of about 5 m X 5 m size) with User sign board with all standard arrangements as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 3 days. 13 Supply & erection on rent portable toilets / Mobile vacuum toilets (minimum inner size 3 X 3)for artists/ VIP with cleaning personnel as per requirement and approved design / plan and as per directions and satisfaction ofOfficials for 3 days. 14 Supply on rent & erection of 50 mobile Toilets for Invited Students and guest residential area 15 Supply on rent Truss Pandal of 100 X 150for Tourism and Arya Picture Exhibition covered by cloth from three sides and water proof top covering, complete ground carpeting, with supporting wall inside for pasting pf flex or pictures etc, including its transportation, loading, unloading, erection, dismantling and including all labour, material, T&P etc complete in all respect. 16 Providing on rent Pagora of 5 m X 5 m size for administrative offices including its transportation, loading, unloading, erection, dismantling including all labour, T&P etc complete in all respect with ground carpeting, proper lighting, power plug 2 nos for 3 days. 17 Supply on rent & erection of Octanorm/Pagoda stalls 10 frontage X 10 deep with 2 tables and 2 chairs, for product Sales and display, with power plug / socket and electrical wire connection as per requirement and approved design / plan and as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 3 days. 18 Supply on rent Truss Pandal of 150 X 150for Book Fare covered by cloth from three sides and water proof top covering, complete ground carpeting over ply flooring including its transportation, loading, unloading, erection, dismantling and including all labour, material, T&P etc complete in all respect for 7 days. 19 Bed Roll includes 1 Gadda, 1 Razaai, 1 Pillow and 1 bed sheets for 3 days, bed sheets and pillow cover should be changed every day 20 Barricating for public area within the pandal, V.I.P parking area, and outside with vertical Ballis tied with three rows of horizontal ballies and strong iron mesh covered with good quality of white cloth in every block as per design layout approx 2000 mtrs length, Hight- 5ft, as per requirement and approved design / plan and as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 3 days. 21 Mojo Barricading 22 Providing and fixing of stage Furniture with V.V.I.P sofa, VVIP chairs, Kaleen, VVIP center Table, Executive chairs, Towels and hand towels, arrangement of cotton batti, ghee, lighting candle required for Lighting of Lamp by VVIP(s) etc as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 3 days. 23 Banquet chairs with cover for 3 days 24 Moulded Plastic chairs as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 3 days. 25 Moulded Plastic chairs as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 3 days. 26 Moulded Plastic chairs as per directions and satisfaction of Officials for 7 days. 27 Synthetic Matting (Red / Green / Fancy) for dust protectionfor 3 days 28 Centre Table with Mica Top and glass covering for V.V.I.P. (Brand new quality) for 3 days 29 Supply on rent drinking water dispensor of 20 litre capacity with tap and required size table for 3 days including its refilling as and when required. 30 Supply and providing drinking water biodegradable disposal glass for 7 days. 31 Supplying and Erecting3 tiertemporary platform stage covered with cloth and carpet top for media coverage with various plug points and sockets etc and isolated with from general audiance on rental/hire basis for 3 days 32 Providing and fixing of riser for Live Broadcasting Team on rental/hire basis for 3 days 33 Supplying on rent Sound and LED Display units(Size approx 15 x 10/10 x 8) with big size Iron angle tables for the same for 3 days 34 Supply on rent Kanaat 6 high (Full size) Good quality for 3 days 35 Supply on rent White Chandni (Brand New look) for 3 days 36 Supply on rent Cloth walling / View cutter for 3 days 37 Electrical Works in & around the Event campusincluding all labor, material, T&P etc complete in all respectas under: 38 Providing & fixing 20-23 watt lamps with holder including necessary wiring etc complete. 39 Temporary Fixation of Tubelights with complete fixtures and wires 40 Fixation of 500 Watt LED Hellogen light with temporary poles and wires as required 41 Fixation of 450 Watt Metel Halide light with temporary poles and wires as required 42 Providing & fixing of temporary plug point 5 amp including wiring etc. complete. 43 Providing & fixing of temporary power point 15 amp including wiring etc. complete. 44 Providing & laying temporary under ground cable wiring required for lighting & electrical connection as per requirement. One Job 45 Change over switch 200 amp TPN for generator its providing and connection complete. 46 Panel distribution Board and taking temp. Connection up to 100 kw load. 47 Distributer Board of 330 amp and 440 Volt 48 Main feeder Board as required 49 Hot Air Blowers for Stage and VIP galary 50 Power Point Connections 51 Laying of 3.5 Core 25 mm cable with earthing to provide connections to all equipments 52 Providing on rent Silent Diesel Generator of appropriate KW(62) without fuel and mobil but operator including all other necessary accessories in case of power faliure of required number & capacity and satisfaction of Officials. Log book must be verified by the nominated designated officer for fuel reimbursement. 53 Providing on rent Silent Diesel Generator of appropriate KW(32) without fuel and mobil but operator including all other necessary accessories in case of power faliure of required number & capacity and satisfaction of Officials. Log book must be verified by the nominated designated officer for fuel reimbursement. 54 LED Par Light Complete Set 55 Par Light Complete Set 56 Providing and executing Ground Earthing 57 Other Necessary Items 58 Event Photography and Videography 59 Drone Camera with battery and trained operator for 3 days 60 Coloured CCTV camera with complete recording & operating system and one technician for 3 days 61 Walky-Talky (range 2 km.) for 3 days 62 Providing on Rent Erecting A YagyaShala in Arya Gurukul Premises, with traditional look and theme of Arya Samaj with all necessary Poojan/Yagya Samagri. 63 Security personnel- Guard for 3 days 64 Fire tender enclosure 18 X 12 for 3 days 65 First aid fire fighting systems (like Co2 type, ABC type etc) as per site requirement and standards for 3 days 66 Video & Still coverage, Live Coverage, with dedicated Social Media team for social media platform sreaming, blogging, posting and interaction with influencers as per directions and satisfaction of Officials 67 Refreshment (Tea & Coffiee) & Snacks including biodegradable disposable cup & plate/VIP cutleries for VVIPs and VIP Guests and Media Persons 68 Food Arrangement for 1000 persons which includes Students and invited Arya Samaj Members, on fix meal basis i.e. Morning Tea, Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks and Tea, Dinner for 3 and half day 69 Adequate cleaning and picketing in the entire premises and proper disposal of garbage from the stalls. Covered Dustbins (big size) at all strategic locations, Cleaning of the toilets and sufficient staff for 3 days. 70 Providing on rent colourful flags of 3 X 2 size including its verticle rod about 3.0 m ht and fixing / tying it in Event area (From Main road to Main gate uptoDayanand College and to Building entrance of Arya Gurukul Mahavidyalay for giving festive look to theEvent area. 71 Food Area and Temporary Kitchen Area with proper light, matting, Garbage disposal tables pvc chairs etc for invited 1000 students/guests residing during the event 72 PA sound system for help desk covering event area and food area 73 Supplying on rent and fixing advertisement (filled with helium gas) baloon of about 10 feet diameter for Event Brand promotion duly printed as per theme upto the satisfaction of officials including required manpower for 5 days 74 Additional Arrangements For Hon. CM Sir Visit

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 02-11-2024 Updated Technical Bid Part A Technical Bid 05-11-2024
2 03-11-2024 Corrigendum Clarification in Technical Bid Technical Bid 05-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 11800 /-
INR 300000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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