
Tender For Welcome Maintenance Of Md Accn Map Accn And Connected Items In The Area Of Age B/R-Ii Under Ge Gwalior - Dismantiling Of Stone Slabs And Tiles (Kota Stone Etc) Of Any Discription Or Any Thickness In Floors, Aprons, Skirting, Dado Etc Laid Bedd, gwalior-Madhya Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Welcome Maintenance Of Md Accn Map Accn And Connected Items In The Area Of Age B/R-Ii Under Ge Gwalior - Dismantiling Of Stone Slabs And Tiles (Kota Stone Etc) Of Any Discription Or Any Thickness In Floors, Aprons, Skirting, Dado Etc Laid Bedd. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-11-2024. Footwears Tenders in gwalior Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Welcome Maintenance Of Md Accn Map Accn And Connected Items In The Area Of Age B/R-Ii Under Ge Gwalior - Dismantiling Of Stone Slabs And Tiles (Kota Stone Etc) Of Any Discription Or Any Thickness In Floors, Aprons, Skirting, Dado Etc Laid Bedd
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Welcome Maintenance Of Md Accn Map Accn And Connected Items In The Area Of Age B/R-Ii Under Ge Gwalior - Dismantiling of stone slabs and tiles (Kota stone etc) of any discription or any thickness in floors, aprons, skirting, dado etc laid bedded and pointed in any mortar complete all as specified and directed. Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling of any description and in any position including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) complete all as specified and directed. Demolition of cement concrete of any description and in any position (reinforced) in ground floors and paving not exceeding 15 cm thick (below or above GL) complete all as specified and directedNote:Demolition material throughout MOD Land rate include above item. Demolition of cement concrete of any description and in any position reinforced concrete (re-inforcement cut to facilitate demolition) including disposal of unserviceable of mateial complete all as specified and directed. Note:Demolition material throughout MOD Land rate include above item M&L for non skid ceramic coloured tiles, joint free, 7mm to 8 mm thick (Square or rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.11 sqm but not exceeding 0.18 sqm, in floors etc set over and including 15 mm thick cement screed in (1:6) CM set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match with the colour of tiles complete all as specified and directed. M&L for ceramic coloured tiles, joint free 7mm to 8 mm thick as in skirting fixed over and including 10 mm thick cement screed in CM (1:4) set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match with the colour of tiles complete all as specified and directed with the colour of tiles complete all as specified and directed. M&L for digital glazed ceramic coloured tiles of size 300mm x 450mm x 7mm thick on vertical faces i.e. as in skirting/dado etc set & jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the colour of tiles fix over and including 10 mm thick backing coat in cement mortar (1:4) complete all as specified and directed. M&L for digital glazed ceramic coloured tiles of size 300mm x 200mm x 7mm thick on vertical faces i.e. as in skirting/dado etc set & jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the colour of tiles fix over and including 10 mm thick backing coat in cement mortar (1:4) complete all as specified and directed. M&L for non skid ceramic Coloured tiles of size 300mmx300mmx 6mm to 7mm thick, in floors etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in coloured cement to match with the colour of tiles, over and including 15 mm thick screed bed or bedding layer of cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Granite slab 18 mm to 20 mm thick machine cut, bedded and joined with cement and pointed with white cement with admixture of pigment to match over and including 20 mm thick screed bed CM (1:4) the shade of granite stone including cutting and polishing type as in cill and jamb/skirting, steps cooking plateforms including rounding off the exposed edges and polishing complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Virified Ceramic tiles light shade 10 mm thick (square/ rectangular) polished, area of each tiles not exceeding 0.36 sqm, in floors etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match over and including screed bed or bedding layer of mortar 15 mm thick in cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and directed. Same as per Item No 11 above but in vertical surfaces such as skirtings, dados and risers to steps etc over and including 10 mm thick backing coat in cement mortar (1:4) complete all as specified and directed. Demolition of brick work/stone work built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars etc complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Brick work with sub class B bricks straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius built in cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Brick work with sub-class `B bricks, straight or curved on plan to any radius, in half brick work built in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. M&L for 75mm thick PCC (1:3:6) Type C-2 ( using 40mm graded stone aggregate) as in plinth protection surface even and fair without using extra cement including forming & filling expension joints 65 mm deep x 10 mm wide filled with sealing compound grade A complete all as specified and directed. M&L for 40 mm thick PCC (1:2:4) Type B-1 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) as floor surfaces concrete complete all as specified and directed. M&L for PCC (1:2:4) Type B-0 using 12.5 mm graded stone aggregate as levelling course/mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. M&L for cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1 (using 20mm graded stone agrregate) as in lintels upto 1.5m clear span, cills, stes, seismic and other similar bands, plinth course, string course, lacing course, parapets and railings upto 60cm in height, coping, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, kerbs, water throughs and the like including wheathering slightly rounded or chamfered angle and throating complete all as specified and directed. S&F 3mm thick, plain glass pin head type and glazing with oil putty, silicon or wooden beads, in square not exceeding 0.5 sqm in each pane including hacking out old broken glass of any thickness and any description from wooden/steel frame/stone, concrete or brick surrounds complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of galvanised wire cloth, 0.48 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.18mm and fixed with tinned tacks or galvanised staples complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of 4.8 mm thick tinted glass of selected quality in square not exceeding 0.5 sqm in each pane, fixed to aluminum frame with and including suitable rubber beading including hacking out old broken glass of any thickness and any description from wooden/ steel frame/ stone, concrete or brick surrounds complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of 4.8 mm thick tinted glass of selected quality in square exceeding 0.5 sqm in each pane, fixed to aluminum frame with and including suitable rubber beading including hacking out old broken glass of any thickness and any description from wooden/steel frame/ stone, concrete or brick surrounds complete all as specified and directed. Taking down cement or cement lime plaster on brick or stone walls etc including racking out joints hacking for key scrubbing down with water etc complete all as specified and directed. M&L for 15 mm thick rendering in cement mortar (1:4) on brick/concrete/ stone surfaces finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed. Note : Water proofing compound shall be measured and paid separately under appropriate item of BOQ as supply only M&L for 15 mm thick rendering in cement mortar (1:6) on brick or concrete surfaces finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. M&L for 5 mm thick rendering in Cement Mortar (1:3) on ceiling finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. M&L for 15 mm thick dubbing coat in Cement Mortar (1:4) on ceiling surface complete all as specified and directed. M&L for preparation of the newly plastered surfaces of wall & applying three coats of white wash on wall surfaces complete all as specified and directed. M&L for two coats of oil bound emulsion paint over a coat of Birla wall care putty on plastered surfaces on wall including preparation of surfaces complete all as specified and directed. M&L for preparation of the newly plastered surfaces of ceiling & applying three coats of white wash on ceiling surfaces complete all as specified and directed. Supply only Liquid water proofing compound complete all as specified and directed. M&L for 10 mm thick rendering in CM (1:3) over floor/wall, surface finished even and Smooth mixed with water proofing compound complete all as speceified and directed.Note : Water proofing compound shall be measured and paid separately under appropriate item of BOQ as supply only . M&L for Plain cement concrete (1:5:10) type D-2 (using 40 mm graded stone aggregate) as in foundations/mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Two or more coats of Epoxy (hardener and raisner) coating over primer over new prepared wall/ floor surfaces complete as in sunken portion complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for Preparation of old decorated surface of walls of plastered or unplastered surfaces by brooming down or steel wire brushing, scraping down smoke soot, moulds, moss and efflorescent salts treating oil and greasy spots complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for applying two coats of white wash on walls complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for and applying one coat of white wash on walls complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for Preparing of old decorated surface of Ceilings of plastered or unplastered surfaces by brooming down or steel wire brushing, scraping down smoke soot, moulds, moss and efflorescent salts treating oil and greasy spots complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for one coat of white wash ceilings complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for applying one coat of oil emulsion on walls complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Complete removal of existing treatment (internal and external surfaces) on walls by scrapping with steel wire brush or any other means including one coat of wall care putty on wall complete all as specified and directed. M&L for applying two coats of oil emulsion on walls complete all as specified and directed. M&L for applying two coats of premium acrylic exterior anti algal fungal emulsion paint over one coat of weather coat exterior primer on wall complete all as specified and directed. M&L for applying one coat of premium acrylic exterior anti algal fungal emulsion paint over one coat of weather coat exterier primer on wall complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for prepration old or untreated surfaces of wood or wood based surfaces and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint over a prime coat of pink primer on surfaces of any description, not otherwise described, over 10 cm width or girth complete all as specified and directed. M&L for preparation of wall surface and aplying one coat of wall putty on wall surface finished even and smooth including rubbing complete all as specified and directed. Material and labour for applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint on steel or iron surfaces of any decription, over 10 cm in width or grith, not otherwise described including preparation of surfaces and over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. Taking up or down steel tubing and connection including cleaning for refixing or removing to store of 15mm bore of pipe, complete all as specified and directed. Taking up or down steel tubing and connection including cleaning for refixing or removing to store of 20mm bore of pipe, complete all as specified and directed. Taking up or down steel tubing and connection including cleaning for refixing or removing to store of 25mm bore of pipe, complete all as specified and directed. Supply and laying 20 mm dia of bore CPVC pipe SDR11 and Plain CPVC SDR11 fittings (ISI) marked, concealed or fixed to wall or laid in floors complete all as specified and directed. Supply and laying 25 mm dia of bore CPVC pipe SDR11 and Plain CPVC SDR11 fittings (ISI) marked, concealed or fixed to wall or laid in floors complete all as specified and directed. S&F 20 mm dia steel tubing and connection galvanized with all fittings medium grade tube in floors, walls and ceiling etc complete all as specified and directed. S&F 20 mm dia steel tubing and connection galvanized with all fittings medium grade tube in floors, walls and ceiling etc complete all as specified and directed. S&F 25mm dia steel tubing and connection galvanized with all fittings medium grade tube in floors, walls and ceiling etc complete all as specified and directed. Taking down eaves gutters and rain water pipes (any size 75mm to 110mm of any pattern) of any description and in any position, including all fittings, heads, shoes, bends, swan necks, etc (measured overall as fixed along the centre line over fittings and accessories) complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 110mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 75 mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 75 mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, laid in trenches or in floors complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 110mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes bends any radius complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 75 mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes bends any radius complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 110mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes bends with access door any radius complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 75 mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes bends with access door any radius complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 110mm dia PVC(SWR) pipes junction, single (single T/Y) equal or unequal any radius with access door, complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 110mm dia PVC(SWR) vent cowl, complete all as specified and directed. M&L for renewal of 75 mm dia of out let PVC (SWR) floor trap plain with CP grating including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of 15mm dia pillar taps Fancy type long body chromium plated, cast copper alloy, with brass ceramic disc spindle and capston heads, screwed down high pressure, with lettered hot or Cold with long screwed shanks and flynuts, screwed for iron pipe complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of 15mm angle cock chromium plated, cast copper alloy, with brass ceramic disc spindle and capston heads, screwed down high pressure, with lettered hot or Cold with long screwed shanks and flynuts, screwed for iron pipe fixed complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of 15mm, bib tap Fancy type long body chromium plated, cast copper alloy, with brass ceramic disc spindle and capston heads, screwed down high pressure, with lettered hot or Cold with long screwed shanks and flynuts, screwed for iron pipe fixed complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of shower rose brass chromium plated without swivel joints, 100 mm in size including fixing to steel pipe complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of 15 mm Stop valve cast copper alloy screwed down high pressure with CAPSTON HEAD handle chromium plated with long shank and cup (concealed type) screwed both ends for iron pipe 15mm bore or for unions complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of Brass CP WHB mixer for mixing hot & cold water screwed down for 15mm bore iron pipe complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of Health faucet (ABS Body) mild steel chromium plated suitable for 15 mm dia pipe with 1.25 metre long flexible tube and ABS wall hook including making connections and fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal for wall mixer with Two in one pattern in of brass CP, complete all as specified and directed. S&F single lever sink mixer with swinging spout on upper side (wall mounted model) with connecting legs & wall flanges complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Soap dish of CP fixed with PVC rawal plugs and screw, complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of CP tubular towel rail D type 20mm dia and 60cm long complete all as specified and directed. S&F for peg set of six S.S. fixed to wall with PVC plugs and screw, complete all as specified and directed. Supply only 15mm dia PVC connection with PTMT nuts of length 450 mm, complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Flushing jet Spray (chromium plated) for padestral pattern EWC including 1.00 metre tube flexible pipe and brass chromium plated nuts completed all as specfied and directed. S&F in renewal of 2 Way Chromium plated angle cock with flange Complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of mild steel Chromium plated grating 100 mm dia complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Rotational moulded poly-ethylene multilayer water storage tanks (cylinderical vertical with closed top) 500 litres capacity, triple layer in construction white in colour hoisted and fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Rotational moulded poly-ethylene multilayer water storage tanks (cylinderical vertical with closed top) 1000 litres capacity, triple layer in construction white in colour hoisted and fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 20mm ball valves high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated Aluminium rod & high density plastic ball screwed for iron pipe and fixed (Minimum weight 15mm-142gms/ 20 mm - 210 gms / 25mm-455gms/ 40mm - 690 gms) complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of 20 mm Ball valves high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated Aluminium rod & high density plastic ball screwed for iron pipe and fixed 20mm dia of pipe (Minimum weight 15mm-142gms/ 20mm-210gms/ 25mm-455gms/ 40mm - 690 gms) complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of gun metal globe / gate valve with iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipe of 20mm bore, complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of gun metal globe / gate valve with iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipe of 25mm bore, complete all as specified and directed. Disconnecting existing water tanks, setting aside (or lowering if required) for renewal, cleaning etc and reconnecting and refixing in position capacity of tank exc 500 and n.exc 1000 ltr (cleaning, repairing etc measured separately) complete all as specified and directed. Cleaning and removing all scale and dirt etc from tanks and from mouths of circulating pipes etc capacity of tank exc 250 ltrs but n.exc 500 Ltrs complete all as specified and directed. Cleaning and removing all scale and dirt etc from tanks and from mouths of circulating pipes etc capacity of tank exc 500 ltrs but n.exc 1000 Ltrs complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of sinks with drainage board made out of stainless steel 0.90 mm thick kitchen or laboratory with plugs, washers, and waste pipe including bedding in cement mortar on to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets, and connecting union to pipe overall size 915 mm x 460 mm with bowl size 410 mm x 330 mm x 160 mm complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal for plate rack made out of stainless steel of wire type / sheet pattern size and type as directed by Engineer-in-charge and approved by GE fixed to wall with necessary fitting arrangement complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of sinks made out of stainless steel 0.90 mm thick kitchen or laboratory with plugs, washers, and waste pipe including bedding in cement mortar on to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets, and connecting union to pipe overall size 495 mm x 420 mm with bowl size 410 mm x 330 mm x 160 mm complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of 600x450 mm size looking mirror of selected quality glass mounted on 4mm thick PVC building board or commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plug with chromiun plated screws complete all as specified and directed. S&F 5mm thick, 600mm wide rounded edge mirror of selected quality glass, with back polishig mounted and fixed with stainless steel decorative cap wahsers and screws set fixed on PVC rawl plugs complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of viterous china wash down water closet pan (pedestal pattern) white excluding fixing bolts, flushing cistern and flush pipe including connection to drain and to flushing pipe syphonage pipe etc and mild steel chromium plated or aluminised hinges device & on CP Jet complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of plastic water closet seat covered white coloured closed pattern with flat bottom and cover and mild steel chromium plated or aluminium hinging devise complete all as specified and directed. M&L for renewal of vitreous china squatting pan, orissa pattern of size 580x440mm white with integral foot rest (excluding flushing cistern) including vitreous china ‘P’ or ‘S’ traps connection to trap and to flushing pipe to complete and making good to floor, complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of vitreous china wash basin, white, flat back of size 550 x 400mm Including waste coupling, waste pipe and labour for fixing pillar tap, PVC connection but including cutting for and pinning in ends of and including brackets complete all as specified and directed.Note : Pillar tap and PVC connection will be measured paid separetly. S&F in renewal of Floor mounted one piece (including flushing cistern) pedestal pattern water closet with seat cover and inbuilt flush tank of size 380 x 630 X 770 mm (Also available in Soft Closing Seat Cover) or similar complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of PVC valveless syphonic action type flushing cistern low level white with inlet ball valve, float end handle including bracket of suitable size complete of capacity 10 litres, complete all as specified and directed. Dismantling boarding any description fixed with nails in any position (including cup board shutter/shelve upto 25mm thick) complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 18 mm thick PVC Celuka ply of one side prelaminated and other side plain white colour fixed with screws, solvent cement /adehesive complete all as specified and directed. S&F for 12 mm thick PVC Celuka ply of both side prelaminated and other side plain white colour fixed with screws, solvent cement /adehesive complete all as specified and directed. S&F for aluminium anodised barrel tower bolts of extruded section of 100mm size, complete all as specified and directed. S&F for continuous (piano) hinges mild steel bright finish or electro galvanised width of width of flaps n.exc 30 mm (when open) complete all as specified and directed. S&F for extruded aluminium alloy handle of 100 mm size fabricated type, anodised complete all as specified and directed. S&F for Haps and staple safety type Aluminium anodised with MS hinge pin including bolt to hinge pin of 100 mm size fixed with screw complete all as specified and directed. S&F for magnate catcher of metal body and striking plate heavy duty including fixed with screw, complete all as specified and directed. S&F corner glass shelf 300mm (with ABS Bracket) complete all as specified and directed. S&F for renewal of curtain rod stainless steel decorative type 25 mm dia including fixing bracket and end knobs complete all as specified and directed. Taking down chowkhat or frame (without taking off shutter from the frame) not exceeding 1.5 Square Metre each, removing from the site Cutting holes exc 150 Sqcm but n.exc 400 Sqcm in super facia area into or through brick walls built in mud mortar and making good in cement mortar 1:3 or cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) as required complete all as specified and directed. Taking down chowkhat or frame (without taking off shutter from the frame) exceeding 1.5 sqm and not exc 4.00 sqm each, removing from the site Cutting holes exc 150 Sqcm but n.exc 400 Sqcm in super facia area into or through brick walls built in mud mortar and making good in cement mortar 1:3 or cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) as required complete all as specified and as directed. Taking down shutter of any description exc 1 Sqm and not exc 2 Sqm each complete all as specified and as directed. Supply & Fixing solid PVC door frame of size 50 mm x 47 mm made out of 5 mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with MS square tube fixed in opening as per specification & drawings complete all as specified and directed. S&F for factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 30mm thick (style) consisting to frame made out of M.S. tubes for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall be covered with heat moulded plain colour PVC C channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20 mm width struck inside with solvent cement for stiles and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail Penelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with suitable PVC sheet beading and joined together with solvent cement, suppling & fixing in the frame at site as per specification & drawing complete all as specified and directed. All as per Item No 118 above but wire gauge panel i.e. panel should be wire gauge in lieu of PVC sheet panel wire gauge shall be wraped on a additional squre tube 8 mm M.S. solid tube shall be welded to M.S tube and wire guage shall be streched tightly firmed complete all as specified and directed. S&F 30 mm thick Flush shutters, soild core construction, with particle board core and plywood face panels, commercial type both face is covered with decorative face veneer with lipping /frame to match and complete all as specified and directed. M&L for preperation of New surface of wood and wood based material any description and in any position over 10 cm width or girth and M&L for applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat pink primer complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal for floor door stopper of brass body and tongue, overall length of cover plate 150 mm, anodized, with hard drawn steel spring, fixed to shutters complete all as specified and directed. S&F for stainless steel butt hinges of 100mm size complete all as specified and directed. S&F for Extruded aluminium alloy handle of 150 mm size fabricated type, anodised complete all as specified and directed. S&F for aluminium anodised barrel tower bolt of 150mm of extruded section complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Powder coated (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) aluminium frame for doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including joining cleat for fixing etc complete all as specified and directed. M&L for Powder coated (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) aluminium window and ventilator (adequate track) without sash, aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg/m including joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber neoprene packing, necessary powder coated hardware i.e. handles, barrel tower bolts, hinges etc, powder coated aluminum snap beading, screws etc complete all as specified and directed. Note : Panel filling i.e. glass, fibre sheet, board, wire mesh etc shall be measured and paid for separately. S&F 4.8 mm thick tinted glass of selected quality in square not exceeding 0.5 sqm in each pane, fixed to aluminum frame with and including suitable rubber beading complete all as specified and directed. S&F 4.8 mm thick tinted glass of selected quality in square exceeding 0.5 sqm in each pane, fixed to aluminum frame with and including suitable rubber beading complete all as specified and directed S&F galvanised wire cloth, 0.48mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.18mm and fixed with tinned tacks or galvanised staples complete all as specified and directed. S&F for framed work such as grills gratings, etc with ends of bars shouldered and or riveted, or forged into spikes, framed guard bars, barred iron doors, ladders, framed balusters, walk ways, railings, framework of water tanks and similar work conforming to Fe 290, E-165, complete all as specified and directed. M&L for applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint including Preparation of new Steel surface over 10 cm width or girth comlete all as specified and directed. Repair and mending of leakage in 15mm bib tap, pillar tap, stop cock, angle stop cock etc of any description including renewal of internal fitting of requisite pattern and size complete all as specified and directed. Repair and mending of leakage in wall mixer, wash basin mixer and sink mixer etc of any description including renewal of internal fitting of requisite pattern and size complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of 32mm dia ribbed PVC waste drain pipe for WHB, urinal etc, streched length 90cm with PVC coupling socket complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of 40mm dia ribbed PVC waste drain pipe for sink, streched length 90cm with PVC coupling socket complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of internal fitting (PVC syphon kit) with handle complete for low level PVC flushing cistern complete all as specified and directed. Opening of air lock/ blockage in GI pipe line from service water tank to internal GI pipes/ fittings for smooth flow of water to bib taps/ showers/ pillar tap/ stop valves/ Angle cock/ all mixer and other sanitary fittings complete by application of pressure pump/ gravity pressure complete all as specified and directed. Resecuring, easing or adjusting without taking down door/ windows shutters not exceeding 1 Sqm for easy operation, tightning hinges, adjusting position of hinges, tower bolts, sliding bolts etc including provision of necessary screws complete all as specified and directed. Resecuring, easing or adjusting without taking down door/ windows shutters exceeding 1 Sqm but not exceeding 2 sqm for easy operation, tightning hinges, adjusting position of hinges, tower bolts, sliding bolts etc including provision of necessary screws complete all as specified and directed. Resecuring, easing or adjusting without taking down door/ windows shutters exceeding 2 sqm for easy operation, tightning hinges, adjusting position of hinges, tower bolts, sliding bolts etc including provision of necessary screws complete all as specified and directed. Taking down and refixing of shutter of any description Note : Refixing including taking down easing and adjusting and also refxing builders hardware as required including removal of unserviceable screws etc. Hardware items will be paid at supply only rates except screws and nails Not exceeding 1 Sqm each complete all as specified and directed. Same as Item No 142 above but Exceeding 1 Sqm n.exc 2 Sqm each complete all as specified and directed. Same as item No 142 above but Exceeding 2 Sqm each complete all as specified and directed Supply only 150 mm long Aluminium anodised barrel tower bolt of extruded section complete all as specified and directed. Same as item No 145 above but 250mm long Aluminium alloy, anodised, sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast-aluminium alloy complete all as specified and directed. Saem as item No 145 above but 125 mm long Butt hinges, extruded aluminium alloy with galvanised mild steel hinge pin, anodised complete all as specified and directed. Same as item No 145 above but 75mm long Butt hinges, extruded aluminium alloy with galvanised mild steel hinge pin, anodised complete all as specified and directed. Same as item No 145 above but 150mm long mild extruded aluminium handles fabricated type complete all as specified and directed. Same as item No 145 above but 100mm long aluminium handles, cast type, anodised complete all as specified and directed. Same as item No 145 above but 30mm width of flaps (when open) continuous (piano) hinges, mild steel, bright finish or electrogalvanised complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Mild steel Drawers or almirah handles, projections drop (50mm to 65mm) on screwed plate complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of 150 mm size ordinary rat tail rod pattern springs including roller and roller plate complete all as specified and directed. S&F Sintex water tank cover (Dhakkan) tied with wire for 500 or 1000 Ltr capacity water storage tank complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Peg stays to steel windows/ ventilator complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of handles to steel windows / ventilator complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of cabinet mirror white colour complete all as specified and directed. S&F TMT bars 6 to 8 mm dia cut to length bent to shape required including cracking, bending spirally for hooping ends and binding with and including mild steel wire not less than 0.90 mm dia quality of steel conforming to Fe-410-0 or Fe-410-S complete all as specified and directed. Providing precast concrete as in cover slab, lintel etc using RCC (1:2:4) type B-1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate including all form mould etc complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of centeral hole basin mixer without popup waste system with 450mm long bralded hoses quneens prime single lever complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of wall mixer with provision for overhead shower with 115mm long bend pipe on upper side, connecting legs & wall flanges quneens prime single lever complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of wall mixer 3-in-1 system with provision for both hand shower and overhead shower complete with 115mm long bend pipe connecting legs & wall flange (without hand & overhead shower) quneens prime single lever complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of bath tub mixer (Exposed straight legs) with telephone shower arrangement & crutrch (without hand shower and hoses) quneens prime single lever complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of 2-way bib cock with wall flange quneens prime single lever complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of angular stop cock with wall flange quneens prime single lever complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Hand shower (Health faucet) with 1 meter long easy flex tube in chrome finish & wall hook complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of Maze hand shower of size 95X95mm Square shape single flow (face plate stainless steel & ABS body) with rubit cleaning system Registered design no 283939 complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of overhead shower of size 150X150mm squarel shape single flow (Abs body chrome plated with gray face plate) with rubit cleaning system complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of overhead shower of size 180mm round shape single flow (ABS body chrome plated with grey face plated) with rubit cleaning system complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of shower arm of size 400X25X25mm square shape for wall mounted showers with flange complete all as specified and directed. S&F in renewal of shower arm of size 600X25X25mm square shape for wall mounted showers with flange complete all as specified and directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 07-11-2024 Corrigendum 1 BOQ 18-11-2024
2 18-11-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 25-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 96000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48 Lakhs /-
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