
Tender For Maintenance Of B/R Items Incl Chajja, Facia, Roof Projects, Balcony And Other Repair Under Age B/R-Iii Of Ge (A) Jaisalmer - M&L For Ms Props Erecting For Temporary Supports To The Structural Members Like Beams, Slabs Etc. To Relieve The Load O, jaisalmer-Rajasthan

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Maintenance Of B/R Items Incl Chajja, Facia, Roof Projects, Balcony And Other Repair Under Age B/R-Iii Of Ge (A) Jaisalmer - M&L For Ms Props Erecting For Temporary Supports To The Structural Members Like Beams, Slabs Etc. To Relieve The Load O. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-11-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in jaisalmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Maintenance Of B/R Items Incl Chajja, Facia, Roof Projects, Balcony And Other Repair Under Age B/R-Iii Of Ge (A) Jaisalmer - M&L For Ms Props Erecting For Temporary Supports To The Structural Members Like Beams, Slabs Etc. To Relieve The Load O
Open Tender

Tender Details

Maintenance Of B/R Items Incl Chajja, Facia, Roof Projects, Balcony And Other Repair Under Age B/R-Iii Of Ge (A) Jaisalmer - M&L for MS props erecting for temporary supports to the structural members like beams, slabs etc. to relieve the load on the members during breaking of damaged concrete, removal guniting, excavation or any dismantling work as per the instruction of Engineer in-charge. These supports shall be provided either in the form of props or trestles fabricated using structural steel as per the site requirements.Note :- The temporary supports/ structure, steel PROPS etc, shall be used at site for arrangement of support system shall be take back by the Contractor after requsite period of strengthening of members / strructure or completion of repair work as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 2 M&L for Chipping of slab/columns/ beams/chajjas /parapet /roof projection/ balcony/ staircase and removing loose mortar with chisel hammer without much impact on concrete surface, clean the surface by sand blasting the surface using river sand with minimum of 6 kg pressure at the nozzle or air blow by electric pressure blower by mechanical compressor, cleaning the exposed reinforcement with wire brushes etc and disposal of debris for all lead and lifts complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note :- Scaffolding/ temporary support structure required to support the members / structure during strengthening shall be measured and paid under Ser item No.1. 3 M&L for Cleaning & applying rust remover (Sika rustoff100)) in two coats over rusted reinforcement surface and providing anti corrosive coating with two component epoxy based zinc rich primer/Rust passivation Inhibitor coat at the rate of 6-8 sq. mtr/ltr not less than 50 microns dft with Sika friazinc R or equivalent to reinforcement surface as per manufacturer’s instructions including all scaffolding, machinery, tools tackles and clearing of debris complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 4 M&L Mild steel TMT bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bendingspirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note : Additional Reinforcement: Check the diameter of the existing rebars and if the diameter is less than 30% of the original diameter, provide additional reinforcement. Cut 12mm dia bars as main reinforcement to the required length with proper development length. Tie them to the prefixed shear connectors so that the additional rebar acts monolithically with the existing ones and core concrete. 5 M&L Mild steel TMT bars5mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia in stirrups, spacers and binders , cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bendingspirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note : Additional Reinforcement:In the case of the shear reinforcement also, if the diameter of the rebars are reduced, provide 8mm dia stirrups in the form of 2 U shaped bars. Tie them properly so that it has a tight contact with the main bars. 6 M&L for Shear Connectors by drilling 12mm dia holes up to a depth of 75mm maximum and fixing 8mm dia L shaped anchor rods as shear connectors at every 300mm c/c on the surfaces of the columns/beams or any other structural member as the case may be. Clean the same using air or blower and make sure that there are no fine particles present in the hole and filled the holes with one or two component styrene free vinylester resin anchor or two components, styrene & cement free epoxy- acrylate fixing and anchoring compound. At this stage push the shear connector gently in to the hole and finish the excess resin which comes out of the hole and allow the shear connectors not to be disturbed for Minimum 20 minutes complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note : Reinforcement shall be paid separately under item ser no 5 above. 7 S&F of new steel or rebars by drilling holes with 10 mm to 20mm dia and 100 to 200mm deep as per IS code of 10D formula and filling the holes after inserting of reinforcement dia 8 to 16mm for anchoring at ends/shear connector and filled the holes with one or two component styrene free vinylester resin anchor or two components, styrene & cement free epoxy- acrylate fixing and anchoring compound (having the technical parameters mentioned in material specifications) using standard sealant applicator gun after drilling holes of required diameter at required locations, for holding / fixing / placing in position the steel mesh reinforcement at desired level/ stretching complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note :- Steel/reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately. 8 M&L for providing leak proof shuttering in any position cut to length and providing including runners supports as per manufacturer’s instructions and including all necessary scaffolding, machinery, tools tackles and men materials complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 9 M&L for providing Micro concrete with CICO MICROCRETE at the rate of 25kg per 0.0125 m3 with 20% properly graded 5mm to 10mm silt free aggregate as per manufacturer instructions and mixing concrete with mechanically electrically operated mixer machine etc complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge 10 M&L for rendering 15 mm thick readymade plaster on inner/outer walls with Ultra Tech READIPLAST by adding 17-19% of potable water by weight of material. For thickness above 15mm is recommended to be applied in multiple layers, Ready-mix plaster shall complies with IS-1661-1972, IS 2250-1965, IS 2402-1963 and confirms the compressive strength @ 28 Days-10-12 Mpa/ Bulk density 1500-1800 Kg/m3 complete all as specified & directed. Note : The quoted rate by the contractor shall include cleaning of surface, application as per instruction and scaffolding upto 20 mtr height. 11 M&L for applying two (any pattern as approved by GE) 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/ Liter and UV resistance as per IS 15489 : 2004 Alkali and fungal resistance, dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted0 with silicon additives @ 1.4 liter/ 10 Sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ .9 liter/10 sqm over new surface complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 12 M&L for applying to the damaged concrete portion of slab/columns/beams/chajjas/parapet /roof projection/balcony/staircase with single component, fiber reinforced, dual shrinkage- compensated thixotropic, cementitious patch repair mortar Sika monotop 122F (having the technical parameters mentioned in material specifications) capable of applying up to 20-25mm thick in double layer initially by hand and finishing with troweled carefully compacting the same around the rebar and finishing to bring it in line with existing concrete surface with an average specified thickness complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge . 13 M&L for applying bond coat on the prepared old surface of concrete/ masonry to receive micro concrete with two coats of Sika-Latex Super SBR or equivalent make of brand & as per manufacturer specifications. Laying of reinstatement polymer mortar or micro concrete shall be completed within the overlay time of bonding coat. This bond coat act as bonding agent between old and new concrete complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge . 14 M&L for applying injection grouting through the nozzles, Drilling the holes of 12mm dia up to 100mm deep and fixing of nozzle of 10mm with using Bostik NO.3 hardener chemicals. Inject the polymer based cement grout Bostik NSPGC grout with cement to RCC wall/ceiling in adequate pressure and seal the nozzle complete as per manufacturer instruction complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge . 15 M&L for prepration of new surfaces and applying two coats of oil emulsion paint over a coat of primer complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 16 M&L for preparation of newly plastered surfaces and applying two coats of cement based paint over a coat of alkali resistant paint complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. 17 M&L for preparation of newly plastered ceiling surfaces and applying three coat of white wash on plastered surface complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. 18 M&L for preparation of newly plastered wall surfaces and applying three coat of white wash on plastered surface complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. 19 Note :-(i)The structural rapair and strengthening and rehabilitation and roof treatment shall be applied by the company’s authorized applicator firm only.(ii) Contractor have to get prior approval of applicator or authorized agency by submitting its authorization letter to this office for approval prior to commencement of work. Department will conduct an official varification from manufacturer of its authorised agency. (iii) Submission of 10 year warranty certificate for structural repair and roof waterproofing treatment work over roof is mandatory after completion of work. (iv) The cost of Scaffolding work required at certain places is including in the respective items catered for repairs itself. No extra shall be paid for the same.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 16-11-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 23-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 96000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48 Lakhs /-
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