
Tender For Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments Providing Of Manpower And Supply Of Various Chemicals During Contract Period Of 01 Year For 1.0 Mld Stp Based On Sbr Technology At Smhs, Srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Housing And Urban Development Corporation Limited has published Tender For Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments Providing Of Manpower And Supply Of Various Chemicals During Contract Period Of 01 Year For 1.0 Mld Stp Based On Sbr Technology At Smhs. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-11-2024. Lubricating Oils Tenders in Srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments Providing Of Manpower And Supply Of Various Chemicals During Contract Period Of 01 Year For 1.0 Mld Stp Based On Sbr Technology At Smhs
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments Providing Of Manpower And Supply Of Various Chemicals During Contract Period Of 01 Year For 1.0 Mld Stp Based On Sbr Technology At Smhs-1 Comprehsive Maintenance for One Year Comprehensive Maintenance (Breakdown Maintenance and Routine Maintenance) of all the Electro-Mechanical Equipment’s installed within 01 MLD STP including housekeeping within the contract period of 12 months inclusive of all taxes. Breakdown maintenance shall include rectification of damages of all the installed equipment either in working condition or damaged condition at present within 15 days of allotment and thereafter of all equipment’s as and when damages occur to these or other equipment’s installed within STP. In no case shall any equipment allowed to be left in damaged condition beyond 03 days. Routine maintenance shall include application of lubricants to all rotating machinery as per pre-determined maintenance schedule to be submitted by the contractor at the beginning of contract period. Housekeeping shall include cleanliness of all the installed equipment, paths within the STP premises, landscaping of STP premises and cleanliness of all the buildings and various units of STP. Note:-The final payment is subject to the condition that at the time of completion of one year O & M contract all the electromechanical equipment’s shall be handed over to the department in working conditions. 2 Supply of Manpower for the STP during contract period of 12 months as per the details here under: - 2.01 a. Supervisors, highly skilled (01 N0.) with 05 years experience in a sewage treatment plant certified by the officer for whom the employee has worked.The wages to the supervisor are to be paid @Rs.552/day as per minimum wages act in vogue in UT of J&K. 2.02 b. Chemist, highly skilled (01 N0.) Bachelors in Science (B.sc)/ M.Sc) Masters in Science. The wages to the chemist are to be paid @Rs.552/day as per minimum wages act in vogue in UT of J&K . 2.03 c. Operators, skilled (06 N0.) 2 for each shift of (8 hour/day)Day/Night with 02 years experience in a sewage treatment plant certified by the officer for whom the employee has worked. The wages to the skilled operators are to be paid @Rs.483/day as per minimum wages act in vogue in UT of J&K. 2.04 d. Electrician/Mechanic, skilled (01 No.) with 02 years experience and ITI certificate in electrician trade. The wages to the skilled operators are to be paid @Rs.483/day as per minimum wages act in vogue in UT of J&K. 2.05 e. Housekeeping/landscaping person (01 No.). The wages to the housekeeping person are to be paid @Rs.311/day as per minimum wages act in vogue in UT of J&K. 3.00 Supply of Chemicals for treatment aerated water/treated water and laboratory 3.01 Supply of Sodium hypochlorite having specific gravity a. Description: Pale Yellow Green liquid having chlorine odor and shall not produce any sludge or turbidity when mixed with water.b. Relative density at 250c = 1.2 (minimum)c. Available chloride as Cl% by mass = 10-12.5d. Free Alkali as (NaoH), PPM (Max.) = 0.5e. Iron as (F), PPM (Max.) = 1.0f. Sodium Chlorite, traces as per BIS11673:1992 = 10 ltrs/day x365=3650 ltr 3.02 Supply of Poly Aluminum Chloride for water treatment @5Kg/day for 365 days =1825 kg @50/kg

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 31-10-2024 Please read Other 04-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1500 /-
INR 62140.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 31.07 Lakhs /-
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