
Tender For Admin-2000159153-Toilet Sanitation Services At Plant A., Hazira-Gujarat

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Admin-2000159153-Toilet Sanitation Services At Plant A.. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-10-2024. Cosmetics Tenders in Hazira Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Admin-2000159153-Toilet Sanitation Services At Plant A.
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Tender Details

Tender For Admin-2000159153-Toilet Sanitation Services At Plant A. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 1 2000159153 10 10 10 UNSKILLED MANPOWER SUPPORT 13,140 TAG 20 VARIOUS R & M SERVICES - SUPERVISOR 1,095 TAG 30 HOUSEKEEPING MATERIAL 12 MON Email : Vruthika.Patel@ext.amns.in Contact : Name : Vruthika Patel Item Details : Technical Contact Person: Mr. Fagna, Dharmendra - Mob- +91 7227043169 Mr. Reddy, Ananda - Mob- +91 7990166042 Mr. Rathod, Dharmendrasinh - Mob- +91 9879103363 Scope of Work- Vendor: 1. The Contractor will ensure a minimum daily deployment of 39 personnel, consisting of 36 janitors and 3 supervisors. 2. Shift: A shift 26+2 = 28 & B shift 10+1=11. Working Hours – 10 Hours in a day (07:00 to 17:00 Hours and 13:00 to 23:00 hours. 3. Location: HRC (SMP1, Caster, HSM, CRM, DSC, Lime Plant, Oxygen Plant-A, Utilities, CMS, HRC Store, HR, offices, CMD, Security gates, HED area, Pipe Mill and Coating) 4. HK Supervisor: Male-2 and Female-1 and Janitors: (70% male and 30% Female). 5. The contractor ensures that all washrooms in the specified areas are cleaned regularly. 6. Deployment of Janitors & Supervisors to be done in two shifts. The ideal staffing and supervision required to conduct this activity needs to be derived by vendor considering the detailed scope below. 7. The contractor shall provide proper uniforms, safety shoes, helmets, safety jackets, and dust masks for all staff. Ensure that staff use and wear appropriate safety gear while working within the plant area. Additionally, the vendor will provide identity cards for its personnel, which will be subject to verification by the Company. The Company reserves the right to deny entry or remove any personnel who do not possess an identity card or are not properly dressed while on the premises. 8. The vendor shall appoint supervisors to oversee the work of their personnel at the premises. Any complaints regarding services should be directed to these supervisors, who must take immediate action to resolve any issues and ensure that services are provided without interruption throughout the duration of the work order. The vendor will maintain full supervision and control over their personnel, ensuring compliance with all terms and conditions outlined in this scope, as well as any additional stipulations set by the Company. The vendor will be solely responsible for the actions and omissions of both the personnel and their supervisors, and the Company will not be held liable for any personnel employed by the vendor. Supervisor education and qualities: Any Degree or diploma Page 2 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000122621 Date 22.10.2024 Submission Date 29.10.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Pinky Raval Contact Email Pinky.CRaval@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details Minimum 02 years’ experience in industrial washroom housekeeping. Physically fit and willingness to perform housekeeping activities during adversities. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Office apps. The ability to multitask projects. Excellent time management and organizing skills. Communication abilities that work and Customer service talents that are second to none. Should be able to read and write English/ability to fill and maintain regular cleaning checklists 9. The vendors site supervisor will prepare and submit a requisition for housekeeping materials in consultation with the admin supervisor. All necessary items, including washroom consumables and cleaning supplies, must be provided by the vendor. Housekeeping materials should be delivered between the 1st and 5th of each month. The vendors site supervisor will handle material gate entry, security stamping on invoices, and will submit original material purchase invoices for verification. 10. The contractor should ensure there are enough relievers to accommodate the planned leaves of workers. Duty rosters must be created accordingly, and the vendor is responsible for guaranteeing that all workers receive their weekly days off. Additionally, services must remain consistent, regardless of holidays or special events. Please note that the manpower requirements provided do not include relievers and should be considered separately. 11. Washroom surrounding area cleaning also to be covered in regular cleaning. 12. All issues related to sewage overflow, urinal jams, and line blockages should be addressed using the existing manpower. 13. The vendor’s site supervisor will ensure cleaning, lifting, shifting and removal of dead animals from inside & outside of the plant premises on a case-to-case basis if required. 14. No Pedestrian/Cycles/Two Wheelers movement will be allowed inside the Plant Premises. 15. The Vendor must ensure availability of sufficient buses/vehicles to ply their associates inside plant premises. Vendors ensure safe transportation of their associates from their place of residence to respective work location in the plant and back. The movement of persons inside the plant by foot/bicycle/two wheelers is prohibited. The Vendor must ensure that transport facilities are available to mobilize the team of workers within the plant premises. 16. The Contractor shall ensure to provide Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) which are required to carry out the services as envisaged in the Agreement and those should be as per the PPE Matrix and guidelines given by the HSE Department of the Company. The standards of quality as directed by the Company shall be strictly met and in no way shall go below the instructed standards. 17. Personnel engaged by the vendor for providing the Services shall be physically fit and shall be free from all communicable, contagious, infectious and other diseases and shall be required to undergo medical tests/examinations, as and when required by the Company, at the expense of the vendor and the fitness certificate shall be submitted to the Company. The Company, however, reserves the right to disqualify, at any time, any of the Personnel, if found to be medically unfit. 18. The Company, however, reserves the right to demand replacement by the vendor, at any time, any of the Personnel, if found not suitable and the vendor shall forthwith replace such person with another person meeting all the requirements. Page 3 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000122621 Date 22.10.2024 Submission Date 29.10.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Pinky Raval Contact Email Pinky.CRaval@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 19. The Vendor shall recruit Personnel having age between 18 years to 45 years to carry out the Services at the Premises. 20. The manpower shall be assigned for toilet cleaning, waste disposal management, and any other tasks designated by the Area in charge-Administration or Head Administration. Additionally, they may be deployed for debris cleaning, Swachh AMNS champion activities, and other housekeeping duties as needed. 21. The Contractor shall submit invoices on or before the 5th of each calendar month for processing, along with all required checklists, log sheets, and the Scrum report of manpower. 22. Day to day Job Analyses: Daily upkeep of bathroom, toilet, washbasin, wall, Corridors, door, window, fixtures & fittings, including light and fan etc. on regular and need basis, by providing all inputs including proper tools, equipment, detergent / cleaning agent disinfectants, scrubbers, naphthalene balls, repellents, sprayers, liquid soap, buckets, brooms, etc. Bathroom and Toilets to be cleaned as per approved schedule from head admin by scrubbing/mopping and by using good quality cleaning agents of make (as approved by AMNS) only are to be used. All toilets shall be cleaned thrice a day. The cleaning should be completed before 8.30 am at all major locations. All toilets as per the detailed list should be covered in deep cleaning fortnightly and the report to be submitted to the concerned admin in charge. The Vendor will ensure that while leaving the work location after shift hours toilets are in neat and clean condition in order to provide the neat and clean toilets for incoming Shift employees. If any choke-ups can be cleaned by manual method and which does not involve manual entry in manhole, will be taken care by vendor. Toilet Sanitation Services should be provided for 10 Hours on all days including holidays from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 11 pm, so that all areas are always neat and clean. Working hours should be adjusted in such a manner that cleaning work in the morning should be completed well before 08:30am at all the locations where work will start at 9:00 am. All consumables’ levels to be checked and refilled thrice a shift without fail and adequate stock of such items to be ensured. This includes handwash/toilet papers/urinal screens/naphthalene balls/Odonil/fragrance dispensers (not limited to). 23. Housekeeping staff must do following activities: Below is a tentative schedule of toilet cleaning, which will help vendor to ensure the cleanliness of toilets during working hours. Floor cleaning Manual /Pressure Jet Thrice a shift Floor Cleaning Wet Mopping Thrice a shift Urinals Cleaning High Pressure jet & required chemicals (at All the washrooms) Thrice a shift. Commode Cleaning Thrice a shift Washbasin Cleaning Thrice a shift Mirror Cleaning Glass Cleaning Kit/Manual Thrice a shift Side wall & Partition Cleaning up to Man height High Pressure jet/Manual Thrice a shift. Door Cleaning Wet Wiping Thrice a shift Window Glass Cleaning Wet Wiping Thrice a shift Tube light, fan, Exhaust Fan Cleaning Dry Wiping-Vacuum Cleaner Fortnightly Side wall (above man height) <(>&<)>roof cleaning Wet Wiping Fortnightly Waste Disposal Manual Twice a shift Page 4 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000122621 Date 22.10.2024 Submission Date 29.10.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Pinky Raval Contact Email Pinky.CRaval@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details Air Freshener/Tissues/Hand Wash etc. Manual/Automatic Every 3-4 Hrs./as & when needed Chemical Cleaning of Commode, Urinal, Washbasin etc. including disinfectant Manual Twice a day 24. Material / Consumable Required for Toilet Cleaning is listed below, but not limited to... Below is tentative the list of consumables that vendors might have to use during the toilet cleaning services, vendor will submit the quantity of consumable required for execution of the job. Vendors must provide materials per month, based on the calculation derived by them. The details of consumption to be recorded and provided to the admin Incharge for verification. Toilet Brush with Stand/ Dustpan Plastic/ Check duster yellow & White/ Mopping Duster Detergent powder/ Surf Taski R1/R2/R3/R6/R7/ Harpic Liquid hand wash foam based Odonil / Room freshener Dry Mop/Wet Mop Set with steel rod/ Wiper plastic (red) small/ Floor brush/ Choke up pump Garbage bag small and Big M-Fold Tissues/ Toilet Tissue Role/ Naphtha balls Scope of Work- AM/NS: Site supervision and cleaning will be monitored by the company area in charge. If cleaning is not up to mark area in charge can impose the penalty. The company shall review the service performance periodically, and if the services are not found satisfactory, will discontinue the contract. Specific Penalty for nonperformance by vendor and must be cardinally measured: Yes mentioned. Penalties for Non-Performance: 25. Absence of Manpower: In case of short fall in agreed deployment, the invoice will be processed as per proportionate deployment. Payment shall be made as per actual deployment and minimum wage basis. In case absenteeism of manpower is more than 5% of total man days. In such condition Rs.100/per day per person will be levied on manpower on proportionate billing. 26. Manpower without Uniform and PPEs: If manpower was found without PPEs and Uniform than, Rs.100/Day/Instance will be levied on vendors. 27. Shortage of Material: Incase vendor is unable to supply the material as per check list and requirement, then 2000/- or Actual Cost of material shortage will be deducted from the bill. 28. Delay arrival of manpower on duty: Reporting time on Duty is 7am/1 pm, in case of manpower report late on duty in such instance Rs.100/per day and per instance will be levied on vendor. 29. Job not done as per specifications / instructions: In case is manpower does not perform the job as per directives/ checklist given or quality of work is not good. In such case 200/per day/ per Instance will be levied on vendor. 30. Damage to company property: In case of any damage to company property 2.5 times the actual property cost will be deducted from vendor bill. Page 5 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000122621 Date 22.10.2024 Submission Date 29.10.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Pinky Raval Contact Email Pinky.CRaval@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details Complaint/Negative Feedback: In case of any complaint and negative feedback for not providing the toilet cleaning services as per scope of work, penalty of 5000/instance will be levied on vendor Description 1.Washroom Cleaning job at Plant A Supply of washroom cleaning manpower 36 Janitors, 10 Hours duty, 365 days (36*365=13140) Unit Days QTY 13140 2.Supply of Supervisor for washroom cleaning 03 Supervisor, 10 Hours duty, 365 days (03 x 365= 1095) Unit Days QTY 1095 3.Supply Washroom cleaning material Unit Month QTY 12

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