
Tender For Supply Of Stationary, shahdol-Madhya Pradesh

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For Supply Of Stationary. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-11-2024. Dustbin Tenders in shahdol Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Stationary
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For supply of Stationary-2 Photo copy paper, A4 size, JK 70 GSM 3 Photo copy paper, A3 size, JK 70 GSM 4 Photo copy paper, FS size, JK 70 GSM 5 Register, 02 Dasta, 8X13 inches 6 Register, 04 Dasta, 8X23 inches 7 Register, 06 Dasta, 13X17 inches 8 Register, 08 Dasta, 13X17 inches 9 Employee attendance register card board, 04 Dasta 10 Student attendance register card sheet, 02 Dasta 11 Teacher’s signature register card sheet, 02 Dasta 12 Salary register card board, 08 Dasta 13 Incoming register, 08 Dasta, 13X17 inches 14 Outgoing register, 08 Dasta, 13X17 inches 15 Incoming register, 06 Dasta, 13X17 inches 16 Outgoing register, 06 Dasta, 13X17 inches 17 Stock register, 08 Dasta, 13X17 inches 18 Cash book register, large, 10 Dasta 19 Post dispatch card board, cloth binding, 10X14 inches 20 Log book, hardbound 21 File pad, cloth binded 22 File cover, brown, 70 GSM 23 File cover, superior, 170 GSM, cloth binding 24 Note book, stapled, card binding, A/6 25 Yellow laminated Envelopes, 10X12 inches 26 Yellow laminated Envelopes, 12X16 inches 27 Yellow laminated Envelopes, 11X15 inches 28 Gum tube - packets 29 Fevicol tube - packets 30 Butterflow Pen - packets 31 Uniball pen blue/black/red - packets 32 Cello White Board Marker, blue - packets 33 Refill, White Board Marker, black - packets 34 Refill, White Board Marker, red - packets 35 Cello White Board Marker, INK - packets 36 Camlin Marker, blue/red/black - packets (for certificate signature) 37 Paper clip steel - packets 38 Suja handle wooden - packets 39 Suja handle plastic - packets 40 U-pin, 30 grams, 35 mm - packets 41 T-pin, 30 grams - packets 42 Paper pin, 30 grams, 32 mm - packets 43 Kangaroo Punch machine, 480Dp 44 Kangaroo Punch machine, 700Dp 45 Kangaroo Punch machine, 1200Dp 46 Kangaroo stapler machine, 10 number 47 Stapler pin, 10 number 48 Kangaroo stapler machine, 24 number 49 Stapler pin, 24/6 number 50 Ashoka Color Chalks 51 Ashoka Chapda 52 Stapler pin 23/17 H 53 Pencils, HB grade - packets 54 Rubber Apsara - packets 55 Pencil-rubber Apsara - packets 56 Pencil-sharpener Apsara - packets 57 Rubber band, nylon, 250 grams, big 58 Rubber band, nylon, 250 grams, small 59 Pen Holder Muji 60 Pen stand 61 Ashoka stamp pad, 160x97mm - packets 62 Ashoka Stamp pad, small, 110x70mm - packets 63 Ashoka stamp pad, plastic, 5-6X9 cm - packets 64 Camlin stamp pad, blue ink, 100 ml - packets 65 Camlin stamp pad, blue ink, 25 ml - packets 66 Ashoka Carbon paper, 210X330 mm - packets 67 Camlin glue, 100 ml 68 Kores Glue stick, 8 grams 69 Glue tube, 100 grams 70 Fevicol, 250 grams 71 Kangaroo Scissors Big Size 72 Desk knife 73 Paper weight, plastic 74 Table glass 3 X 6 per square feet 75 Table Top 76 Plastic file trays 77 Office dustbin 7 litres 78 Lattha Kapda per meter 79 Primer Dumfer 80 Highlighter - packets 81 Whitener Tube - packets 82 Cello Tape transparent, 2 CM 83 Cello Tape transparent, 3 CM 84 Cello Tape transparent, 5 CM 85 Cello Tape brown, 2 CM 86 Cello Tape brown, 3 CM 87 Cello Tape brown, 5 CM 88 JK XL SizePhoto paper, glossy, A4 size, 21.0x29.7 cm, weight 0.56 kg, 180 GSM - packets 89 Kores Duster - Bundle 90 Aerotix Plastic file folder 91 Koran Plastic file folder 92 Hitco Lock, large size, 65mm 93 Hitco Lock, small size, 40mm 94 Voucher File 95 Seal, 1 line 96 Seal, 2 lines 97 Seal, 3 or more lines 98 Puttha, A4 size 99 Scale, plastic, 12 inches - packets 100 Scale, plastic, 24 inches - packets 101 Scale, plastic, 36 inches - packets 102 Scale, steel, 12 inches - packets 103 Scale, steel, 24 inches - packets 104 Scale, steel, 36 inches - packets 105 Blade - dozens 106 Kangaroo, DS 23x12 stapler 107 L Folders 108 A4 box file card board 109 Calcualtor Casio DJ-120D

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2500 /-
INR 45000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15 Lakhs /-
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