
Tender For Stage Contract For Various Buildings At Khanabal. - Repair And Routine Maintenance Of Dak Bungalow Khanabal 2 Engagement Of Jcb For Clearence Of Site, Earthwork In Excavation, Removal Of Malba Etc 3 Engagement Of Labour For One Day 4 Enga, anantnag-Jammu And Kashmir

Public Works Department has published Tender For Stage Contract For Various Buildings At Khanabal. - Repair And Routine Maintenance Of Dak Bungalow Khanabal 2 Engagement Of Jcb For Clearence Of Site, Earthwork In Excavation, Removal Of Malba Etc 3 Engagement Of Labour For One Day 4 Enga. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-10-2024. Excavation Work Tenders in anantnag Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Stage Contract For Various Buildings At Khanabal. - Repair And Routine Maintenance Of Dak Bungalow Khanabal 2 Engagement Of Jcb For Clearence Of Site, Earthwork In Excavation, Removal Of Malba Etc 3 Engagement Of Labour For One Day 4 Enga
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Stage Contract For Various Buildings At Khanabal. - Repair and routine maintenance of Dak Bungalow Khanabal 2 Engagement of JCB for clearence of site, earthwork in excavation, removal of malba etc 3 Engagement of labour for one day 4 Engagement of skilled labour for one day 5 Earth work in excavation by manual means in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed:: All kinds of soil 6 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic excavator) in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sidesand ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed, within a lead of 50 metres: All kinds of soil 7 Providing and laying of stone soling duly hand packed & consolidated with hand rammers including all carriages etc complete job. 8 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including curing & carriage of material but excluding the cost of centring and shuttering. All work upto plinth level 9 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including curing & carriage of material but excluding the cost of centring and shuttering. All work upto plinth level 10 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including curing & carriage of material but excluding the cost of centring and shuttering. All work upto plinth level 11 Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including curing & carriage of material but excluding the cost of centring and shuttering. All locations. 12 Reinforcement for RCC work including straightening cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete (Thermo mechanically treated bars) including all carriages complete. 13 Centering & shuttering including strutting, propping etcincluding removal of form work for : 14 Foundations, footings, bases for columns, plinth 15 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses etc. 16 Lintel, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers. 17 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platforms. 18 Brick work with F.P.S (non modular) bricks of class designation 75 in superstructure above plinth level upto Floor V level in 1:6 mix (1 cement: 6 coarse sand) including carriage of all materials from approved sources upto site of work complete. 19 Providing wood work in frames of doors windows, clerestory windows and other frames wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fasts lugs or with dash fasteners of required dia and length (hold fasts lugs or dash fasteners shall be paid for separately (ist classKail wood) including all carriages complete. 20 Providing wood work in frames of doors windows, clerestory windows and other frames wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fasts lugs or with dash fasteners of required dia and length (hold fasts lugs or dash fasteners shall be paid for separately (imported Kail wood) including all carriages complete. 21 Providing and fixing 35panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows fixing with butt hinges of required size with necessary screws, excluding panelling which will be paid for separately, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. ( ist classkail wood ) 22 Providing and fixing panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows fixing with butt hinges of required size with necessary screws ( Ist Class Kail wood), including panelling with Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on one side and balancing lamination on other side, Grade I, Type II . ( For Doors) 23 P/F and fixing 35mm thick wire gauze shutters using galvanized MS wire guaze of average width for aperture 1.4mm with wire of Dia 0.63mm for doors, windows and clerestory windowsincluding ISI marked bright finished or / and black enameledMS but hinges with necessary screws including all carriages complete (Ist class Kail wood) 24 Providing and fixing of KHATAM BANDI ceiling of first class budloo/fir wood including the cost of frame work and 10 mm thick ply base and two or more coats of french sprit polish Chaar Gul 25 Providing and fixing of 4 mm thick glass panes (Weight not less than 10 kgs/Sam) including cost of wooden beadings 26 Structural steel work welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer and including all carriages complete. 27 Steel work welded in built up sections/framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.In , gates and similar works 28 Providing and fixing of 0.5mm thick colour coated high rib ironprofile sheets of approved profile as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in roofing including carriage of same upto site of work complete. The sheet should have protective guard film of 25 microns minimum to avoid scratches while transportation and should be supplied in single length upto 12 mtr or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling /self tapping screws of size(5.5 x 55mm) with EPDM seal of same colour matching the shade of the sheets. 29 Providing and fixing of 0.5mm thick colour coated iron profile sheet roofing accessories in ridges, valleys etc (500 to600 MM wide) of approved profile and colouras approved by Engineer-in-Charge with self drilling /self tapping screws of size(5.5 x 55mm) with EPDM seal of same colour matching the shadeof ridges/valleysincluding carriage of same upto site of work complete. 30 P/F of ornamental eves boarding (300x40mm) including cost of nails etc complete ( 2nd class kail wood) 31 Providing and fixingof 25mm thick T&G wooden planks of budloo woodincluding frame work of2 x 2size joists placed60 cm apart in soffits including scafolding , all fixturesand all carriages complete 32 12mm Cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 1 : 4 ( 1 cement : 4 fine sand) including Carriage complete 33 12mm Cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 1 :6 ( 1 cement : 6 fine sand) including Carriage complete 34 15mm Cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 1 : 4 ( 1 cement : 4 fine sand) including Carriage complete 35 15mm Cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 1 :6 ( 1 cement : 6 fine sand) including Carriage complete 36 Providing/applying White cement based putty of average thickness 2mm of approved brand and manufacture over plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including all carriages complete. 37 Providing and fixing of Hardware Fixtures toShutters of Doors & Windows:Brass Finished bright of std make : 38 Tower Bolts 100mm length 39 Handles 100 mm 40 150 mm 41 L Drop(250mmx16mm) 42 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry and curing complete,complete.50 mm thick with 20mm nominal size stone aggregate. 43 25mm thick with 12.5 mm nominal size stone aggregate 44 40mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate. 45 50 mm thick with 20mm nominal size stone aggregate. 46 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed floor tiles conforming toIS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer ) of approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete 47 P/F 1st quality Ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to ISI 13753 of minimum thickness 5mm of approved make like, AGL, NITCO, ORIENT, SOMANY, KAJARIA or equivalent make in all colours, shades except bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer I/c in skirting, walls and dados etc over 12mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 course sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3Kg per Sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete 48 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS:15622 of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1cement :4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc. complete 600 mm x600mm 49 Providing and laying gang saw cut of specified thickness, mirror polished pre- moulded and pre polished machine cut granite stone of required size and shape of approved shade, colour and texture in footpath, flooring cut granite stone of required size and shape of approved shade, colour and texture in footpath, flooring in road side plazas and similar locations, laid over 20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement : 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with white cement mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-inCharge.1 18 mm thick 50 Providing and laying of 50mm thick Coloured interlocked rubber moulded cement concrete tiles of required colour and manufactured in M20 Grade ( sample to be got approved by incharge engineer at site) laidover and including a Bed of 50 mm thick sand cusion with all carriages up to site of work 51 Dismantling wooden boardings in lining of walls and partitions, excluding supporting members but including stacking within 50 meters lead :Thickness above 10 mm upto 25 mm 52 Providing wood work in frames of false ceiling, partitions etc. sawn and fixed in positionwith all necessary fixtures klin seasoned 53 Providing and fixing of 18 mm thick plywood of approved brand and quality with all necessary fitting andfixtures and scafflolding all complete as per directions 54 Providing and fixing of 12 mm thick plywood of approved brand and quality with all necessary fitting andfixtures and scafflolding all complete as per directions 55 Providing and fixing of 6 mm thick plywood of approved brand and quality with all necessary fitting andfixtures and scafflolding all complete as per directions 56 Providing and fixing wooden moulded corner beading of size 50x50 mm (base and height) of triangular shape to the junction of paneling etc. with iron screws, plugs and priming coat on unexposed surface etc. Complete second class kail wood 57 Applying priming coat:With ready mixed pink or grey primer of approved brand and manufacture on wood work (hard and soft wood) 58 With ready mixed red oxide Zinc Chromate primer of approved brand and manufacture on steel galvanized iron/steel works 59 Painting with synthetic enamel paint two or more coats of approved brand and manfacturer on wood work 60 Painting with synthetic enamel paint two or more coats of approved brand and manfacturer on wood workon old work 61 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade on New work (two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10sqm) 62 Painting with aluminum paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade. Two or more coats on new work 63 French spirit polishing, Two or more coats on new works including a coat of wood filler 64 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50 grams/ liter, of approved brand and manufacture, including applying additional coats wherever required, to achieve even shade and colour.Two coats 65 Distempering with dry distemper of approved brand and manufacture (one or more coats) and of required shade on old work to give an even shade 66 Removing dry or oil bound distemper, water proofing cement paint and the like by scrapping and sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete 67 Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade, one or more coats on old work. 68 Painting with aluminum paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade, one or more coats on old work. 69 French spirit polishing, one or more coats on old work 70 Providing/Fixing CP Brass fittings of standard quality and make (Jaguar/ equivelant standard make) 71 Angle valve 72 Bib Cock Long Nose 73 Wall Mixer 74 Basin Mixer 75 Towel rod 76 Towel ring 77 PVC Connection 78 Ball Value 79 Ball Cock 80 Tanky nipple 81 soap case 82 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 liter low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe (of approved make) with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS: 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required White vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests 83 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 liter low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe with manually controlled device (handle lever), conforming to IS:7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required: 18.2.1 W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid 84 Providing/Fixing of PVC pipes and fittings ofprince make or equivelant including jointing / testingcomplete(B Type ) 85 Pipe 100mm dia 86 Pipe 75mm dia 87 Door Tee 100mm 88 Door Tee 75mm 89 Plain Tee 100mm 90 Plain Tee 75mm 91 Reducer 75 x100mm 92 Providing/Fixing of GI pipes and fittings ofprince make or equivelant including jointing / testingcomplete(Medium Type ) 93 15mm dia 94 Pipe 25 mm 95 Union 15mm 96 Union 25mm 97 Providing and fixing wash basin with pedestalWhite Vitreous China Wash basin size 550x400 mmw ith all necessary fittings like waste pipe , hooks etc( sample to be got approved by Incharge engineer at site) all complete 98 P/F of water heater (Geyser) 50 liter. Capacity of Venus make including all necessary fittings / fixtures complete. 99 P/F of looking mirror of superior glass of approved make and required shape and size with plastic moulded frame with 6mm thick hard board backing size( 1.25x2.0 ) 100 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank ISI: 127101 marked indicating the BIS licence no. with cover and suitable locking arrangements and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes All complete 101 Construction of Brick masonry Man hole in cement mortat 1:4 with MS frame and cover including palasteringthe internal surface with 12 mm thich palster in 1:4( Size 1.5 x 1.5x1.5 ) all complete as per the directions of incharge engineer at site 102 P/l of wall-to- wall of superior quality including 10 mm thick thermocoal ( sample to be got approved from incharge engineer at site ) with all carriages, complete as per directions 103 Construction of wardrobe1.5 deep wardrobes cabin with 19 mm thick plywood and 10 mm thick plywood on back side ,plywood shutters fixed with denmica of std make on expopsed surfaceswith all fittings and fixtureslike handles, locks , catchers etc including carriage of materialall complete as per the directions of incharge engineer at site (Face area to be measured) 104 Construction of wardrobe2 deep ward robeswith 19 mm thick plywood and 10 mm thick plywood on back side ,plywood shutters fixed with denmica of std make on expopsed surfaceswith all fittings and fixtureslike handles, locks , catchers etc including carriage of materialall complete as per the directions of incharge engineer at site (Face area to be measured) 105 P/F of 12mm thick imported Kail wood paneling of approved pattern over and including baseof 10mm thick plywoodwith frame work of Budloo wood and finishing exposed surface with two or more coats of touch wood polish including cost of nails, adhesive material etc. and all carriages complete 106 Providing and laying of pre cast RCC rings for soakage pitof dia 4 and height 7 including earth work in execution including all carriages all complete as per directions 107 P/fof pre castcement concrete slab for the soakage pitincluding all carriages all complete as per directions 108 Providing and laying of matting including cost of 10 mm thick foam including all costs complete job. 109 Providing and fixing of PVC panelling of approved pattern over and including base of 10mm thick plywood with frame work of budloo wood and finishing exposed surface with two coats of touchwood polish including cost of nails, adhesive material etc and all carriages complete. 110 Providing and fixing aluminum work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixed with dash fastener of required dia. and size including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions i.e, at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket felt etc. Aluminum sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminum snap beading for glazing / panelling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-Charge (glazing, panelling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately.)For fixed portion Anodized aluminum (Anodized transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868, minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) 111 Providing anf fixing of 4mm thick ACP board flat pressed in panelling fixed in aluminium doors, windows shutters and partition frames with CP brass/ stainless steel screws etc complete as per drawings and directions of EIC. 112 Demolishing cement concrete manually/by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 meters lead as per direction of Engineer-incharge:1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix) 113 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/by mechanical means includingstacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meters lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 114 Demolishing brick work manually/by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meters lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge: In cement mortar 115 Providing and installing heating element of gyser including all costs complete 116 Dismantling steel work manually/by mechanical means in built upsections without dismembering and stacking within 50 meters lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge 117 Dismantling roofing including ridges, hips valleys and gutters etc., and stacking the material within 50 meters lead of : G.S. Sheet 118 Providing of plastic chairs of approved brand / make 119 Providing of sofa set3+1+1 ofapproved brand with cloth lining AND TABLENOT LESS 4X 3 120 P/F of queen size bed of standard make 121 P/F of VIP chair of approved brand / make 122 P/F of BEDDING INCLUDINGDUNLOP 150 MM BED SHEET QUILT , BLANKET NOT LESS THAN 5.OO KGCUSHION FOR QUEEN SIZE BED 123 P/F of Wallpapers incl. All fixtures,Complete job. 124 Supply of Utensils (All items related to daily usage), complete job. 125 P/F of Curtains,including curtains rods, all fixtures.complete job 126 Providing and fixing of LED TV24 of standard brand and manufacture , wallmount ISI marked,complete. 127 P/f of Led lights, MCBs, Sockets incl. all fixtures.Complete job. 128 Providing and fixing of ceiling/table Fans incl. all necessary fixtures complete job. 129 Providing and fixing of Dustbins for Divisional office (20 ltr of good quality), complete job. 130 Harpic 131 Wiper 132 Phenyl 133 Colin 134 Toilet brush 135 Soap liquid dispensor (Incl.Soap). 136 Jug 137 Bucket 138 Standing Mop 139 Broom (Jadhu) 140 Brrom (Web)

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