
Tender For Construction Of Record Room With Four Chambers At Dc Office Baramulla For Cpo/Revenue/ Accounts And Dseo Sections - Advertized Rate List/Bill Of Quantity For Construction Of Record Room With Four Chambers At Dc Office Baramulla For Cpo/Revenue/, baramulla-Jammu And Kashmir

Public Works Department has published Tender For Construction Of Record Room With Four Chambers At Dc Office Baramulla For Cpo/Revenue/ Accounts And Dseo Sections - Advertized Rate List/Bill Of Quantity For Construction Of Record Room With Four Chambers At Dc Office Baramulla For Cpo/Revenue/. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-10-2024. Earth Moving Machinery Tenders in baramulla Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Record Room With Four Chambers At Dc Office Baramulla For Cpo/Revenue/ Accounts And Dseo Sections - Advertized Rate List/Bill Of Quantity For Construction Of Record Room With Four Chambers At Dc Office Baramulla For Cpo/Revenue/
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Construction Of Record Room With Four Chambers At Dc Office Baramulla For Cpo/Revenue/ Accounts And Dseo Sections - Advertized Rate list/Bill of Quantity for Construction of record Room with four chambers at DC office Baramulla for CPO/Revenue/ Accounts and DSEO sections - Earth work in excavation in all kinds of soilby Manual/mechanical means (hydraulic excavator) in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspitsand the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides andrammingofbottomsliftupto1.5m,includinggettingoutexcavatedearthand disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed by site Engineer incld. removal of tree stumps and dewatering of trenches during execution of work.. 2 Supply and filling of dry stone soling in foundation trenches/under floors tightlyhandpacked with hand ramming, dressing ,watering incld. carriage of material from source to site of workcomplete 3 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including curing but excluding the cost of centering and shuttering. All work up to plinth level 1:4:8 (1 Cement: 4 coarse sand: 8 grade stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) including all carriages. 4 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including curing butexcluding the cost of centering and shuttering all work upto plinth level in 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 stone aggregate20mm nominal size)including curing complete including all carriages. 5 Centering and shuttering including strutting propping etc. and removal of form forfoundation, footings basses of columns etc .For mass concrete including all carriages. 6 Brick work with common burnt clay (non-modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level upto floor five level including curing in Cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement : 6 coarse sand ) including all carriages. 7 Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clesrestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners of required dia and length incld cost of hold fast lugs ordash fastenersFirst class Kail wood including all carriages.. 8 Providing and fixing 35 mm thick panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows fixing with butt hinges of required size with necessary screws, includingpanelling Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on both sides.Grade I,Type II IS:12823 marked incld all anodised aluminium hardware fittings,all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. First class Kail wood including all carriages 9 Providing and fixing 35 mm thick glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows using 4mm thick float glass panes including ISI marked M.S. pressed butt hinges bright finished of required size with necessary screws,incld all anodised aluminium hardware fittings,all completeFirst class Kail wood including all carriages. 10 Providing and fixing of Link lock or equivalent 200 mm 11 Providing and fixing ofL-Drop 300 mm 12 Providing hoisting and fixing trusses/purlins/ rafters/posts/post- plates or like components including cost of screws etc. complete First class Budloo /fir wood including allcarriages. 13 Providing wood work in frames of false ceiling , Partitions etc. Sawn and fixed in poisition in budloo wood including all carriages. 14 Supplying and filling in plinth with Nallah Muck under floors including, watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete, including all carriages. 15 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry and curing complete, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete, 50 mm thick with 20mm nominal size stone aggregate,including allcarriages. 16 12mm Cement plaster of mix in 1 : 4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand)including allcarriages. 17 Providing and applying white cement based putty 2 mm thickof approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface toprepare the surface even and smooth complete incld.all carriages 18 Providing & fixing colour coated (Hi-Rib) G.I sheet roofing 0.50mm thick incl. vertical/curved surface fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm diameter with bitumen and G.I limpet washers or with G.I limpet washer and over lapping of sheets complete in horizontal vertical trusses incl. cutting to size and shape wherever required including Ridges or Hips of60 cm overall width colour coated sheets0.50mm thick andvalleys of 90 cm width colour coated sheets0.50mm thicketc complete as per the directions of Incharge Engineer. including all carriages. 19 Providing & fixing of 0.50 mm colour coated GI Sheet ornamental eves boarding 300 mm wide as per the design as directed including cost ofnails , screws , scaffolding,welding etcincluding all cost & carriage of materials complete job. 20 Providing & fixing of 0.40 mm colour coated GI sheets for soffits with frame work of 2x2 size placed @600 mm center to center both ways with imported KD/Budloo wood as per the design as directed including cost of nails , screws , scaffolding etcincluding all cost & carriage of materials complete job. 21 Providing and fixing of 12 mm thick plywood/board(kit ply, Greenply, Century, Sarda,Mayur or equivalent) in ceiling/partition of wallsor equivalent work with cost of Nails, cornice, etc all inclusiveincluding cost and carriage of all material involved complete. 22 Applying priming coat With ready mixed pink or grey primer of approved brand and manufacture on wood work (hard and soft wood) including all carriages. 23 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade.Two or more coats on new workincluding all carriages. 24 Providing and fixing of18 deep Ward Robes/ Almirahof required size and pattern with 19mm thick Water proof Ply Board open rack type and 12 mm thick plyboard on back side incld D type beading fitted with Dalmica on exposed surface includingframe Work,all hardware fittings &fixing of adhesive,cornice ,beeding &with all leads, lifts, costs & carriages of allmaterials involved upto site of work complete job 25 Providingand commisioninglighting pointsincld wiring for lighting points in 1.5 Sq.mm PVC insulated copper wire and 2.5 Sqmm PVC insulatedmulti-strand copper wire for lightingsub mains,6 amp 1 way switch,2 mm thick PVC conduit/Channel with bends,junction boxes etc ,6 amp S Pole MCB ,10 amp DP MCB,2 way DB for housing MCB and hylem sheet of ISI mark and approved make with wooden box recessed in wallls with acessoriesincld all carriages(concelead type 12 watt) 26 Providing and commissioning heating point incld wiring for heating points in 2 .5 sq.mm PVC insulated multi-strand copper wire and 4 sq.mm PVC insulated multi-strand copper wire for heating sub-mains,16 AMP switch socket combine,,2 mm thick PVC conduit/Channel with bends, Junction boxesetc , 10 Amp S pole MCB ,2 way DB for housing MCB and hylem sheet of ISI mark and approved make with wooden box recessed in /over wallls with acessories complete incld all carriages 27 Taking of photographs ofsize 125mm x100mm Pre Execution, DuringExucation and PostExecutionto be submitted with bill complete Job. (Geo tagged photographs showingLongitude and latitude)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 300 /-
INR 14000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 7 Lakhs /-
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