Auction Sale Of Unusable Processing Material, Unusable Machines, Tools, Scrap Etc. Available At Various Plants And Warehouses Of The Corporation. Seed Gravity Separator, Make Model- Osa Agro G.-4.E.C. Purchase year-2009.04 tons Indent Cylinder Make/Model Osa Agro IC-4. Purchase year-2009, 4 tons Electronic Weighing Machine (2 Nos.) Make/Model- Leo EPS-301, Purchase Year-2009. 200 kg Panel Board, Make/Model- Kisan Electrical, Purchase Year-2002 Blower, Make/Model- M/s Abhinandan & Brothers, Purchase Year-2002. scrap Old roofing sheets of warehouse no. 02, 3x6 feet empty bottle shelves, aluminum nuvan empty plastic bottle plastic broken drum plastic 500 liter water tank broken jeep tires, old Wooden crate in the form of broken pieces (260.00 kg) tree trimmings HDPE bag capacity 40 kg mutilated and unfit Jute bag capacity 50 kg mutilated and rotten throat unfit Fumigation chamber unsuitable for mutilation Cloth bag capacity 10 kg old unfit Cloth bag capacity 05 kg old unfit Cloth bag capacity 02 kg old unfit Indane Cylinder (Padson), Capacity-04 Ton, Purchase Year-24.03.17 Conveyor (Welt), Purchase Year-2007-08 Electronic fork capacity 100 kg, purchase year-2007-08 Jaali (Rotten Alley). Purchase Year-2017 HDPE bag capacity 40 kg mutilated and unsuitable (year-2022-23) Jute bang capacity 50 kg mutilated and unsuitable (year-2015-16) Fumigation chamber in blue mutilated pieces unfit (year-2017-18) Wooden crates unusable in broken pieces (year-2014) End Cylinder with Segment, Make Model-BLS-40 (S) Ag FOB Purchase Year- SEP-2008, Capacity-04 Ton Seed Treater Padson, Make/Model-M/S PADSON IND PVT LTD. Purchase Year- SEP-2002 V B ELEVATOR, MAKE MODEL M/S DURGA DHAIAI RUDRAPUR Purchase Year-20-08-2008, Capacity-05 Ton V.B.Elevator, Make/Model- m/s Ambala, Purchase Year-19-03-2011, Capacity-05 Ton V B ELEVATOR, MAKE/MODEL M/S DURGA DHAIAI RUDRAPUR, CAPACITY-03 TON, PURCHASE YEAR-09-12- V.B.Elevator, Make/Model- m/s Ambala, Capacity-05 Ton, Purchase Year-19-03-2011 Hoarding Bin, Make/Model M/S DURGA DHAIAI RUDRAPUR, Capacity-05 Ton, Purchase Year-20-08-2002 Hoarding Bin, Make/Model- m/s radiant equipment Ambala,, Capacity-05 Ton, Purchase Year-15-03-2011 M S Grain Pipe Size 2.4 Meter, Make/Model M/S DURGA DHAIAI RUDRAPUR, Capacity-2.4 M.T Ton, Purchase Year-09-12-2002 Seed Cleaner Cum Grader, Make Model M/S BHARAT AGRO & FOOD INDUS GARGON, Capacity-02 Ton, Purchase Year-09-12-2002 Seed Scalper Pre Cleaner, Mk. Model M/S BHARAT AGRO & FOOD INDOS GARGON, Capacity-04 Ton. Purchase Year-09-12-2002 Power Sewing Machine (Fish Bin), Make/Model M/S AGRO INDUS EQUIPMENT, Capacity-01 H.P Purchase Year-15-07-2006 Gravity Separator Machine, Make Model M/S OSAW AGRO INDUS. AMBALA Purchase Year-16-11-2010 HORIZONTAL BELT (PAIR NAFAL ADIANT LOOIT MEINT AMOR (IDC), Purchase Year- 19-03-2011 Jute bag capacity 50 kg mutilated and rotten wastes unfit Jute bag capacity 07 kg. Mutilated, rotten and unfit. HDPE bag capacity 40 kg mutilated and unfit HDPE bag capacity 20 kg mutilated and unfit Canvas tarpaulin torn into pieces Wheat tag (level) mutilated and unfit. Cloth bag capacity 10 kg Mutilated throats unsuitable