Tender For providing Of Technical Building Under Ge 881 Ews-- 1 Sch A Part - I(Building Work):-This Schedule is not Pre-Priced by MES and the Pre-Priced rate indicated as Rs. 0.00 under col.5 signifies this fact only. 2 Construction of block of Technical building (IGLOO building) complete all as specified and as shown on drawings.Note:The building work is deemed to include VIFT, side wall, toe wall with saucer drain, earth traverse etc; alongwith all other details as shown on drawings (including bringing of approved soil as required to be brought from out side MD land). In this connection, please refer Sch A Note No. 6 (b) here-in-before. 3 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - II (Site Clearance) 4 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - III (Internal Electric Supply) 5 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -IV (Protective Work) 6 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -V (Area Drainage Work) 7 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - VI Road, Path, Culvert and Sign Board) 8 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -VII (Fire Point) 9 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - VIII (External Water Supply) 10 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - IX (External Electric Supply) 11 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - X (Lightening Protection) 12 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - XI (Demolition/Dismantling Work) 13 Sch A Part - XII (Misc Items of work) Note : This Schedule is not Pre-Priced by MES and the Pre-Priced rate indicated as Rs. 0.00 under col.5 signifies this fact only. 14 Construction of brick masonry valve chamber of size 110cm x 110cm x 90cm (Internal dimension) with PCC 1:3:6 using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in foundation 150mm thick, brick work 23cm thick built in CM 1:6, PCC 1:3:6 using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in coping, 50mm thick, plastering 15mm thick in CM 1:4 to all internal and exposed surfaces including excavation, earth work in any type of soil, MS sheet cover 6mm thick fixed with angel iron frame 50x50x6mm with locking arrangement embedded in PCC and painting to MS cover with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer etc complete all as specified and directed. 15 Supply, laying and fixing DWC HDPE pipe for protection of power cable (orange in colour) of size 50mm dia, complete with fittings and including cutting, jointing and clamping, complete all as specified and directed. 16 Supply and installation, testing and commissioning of LT outdoor type panel board factory fabricated cubical kiosk type whether vermin proof with IP-54 with locking arrangement and made out of MS sheet 3.00mm thick suitable size of channel for base complete with 200 Amps rated aluminium bus bar chamber and cable and cable alley chamber including cable gland of suitable size and adequate No. and cabinet for housing mounting switch disconnection fuse unit metering equipment prewired with suitable size of copper conductor and dully factory powder coated mounted on PCC (1:4:8) platform commissioning washer chamber and panel board fixing and angle iron frame which is made out of (40x40x6)mm thick angle iron duly marked the incoming outgoing controls and comprising with the following:- 17 a) Aluminium bus bar capacity 200 Amps for Phase-R-Y-B-3 No & 100 Amps for neutral -01 No b) Incoming MCCB 4 pole 16 KA 63 Amps -01 No with ICS=ICU=100%.c) Outgoung MCCB TPN 16 KA 40 Amps -03 Nos with ICS=ICU=100%d) MCB SPN 10KA 40 to 63 Amps railed mounted -02 Noe) Digital ammeter -01 Nof) Digital voltmeter -01 No. 18 Point wiring for One light/fan point controlled by oneway switch 5 Amp with 1.5 Sqmmsingle core multi standed copper conductor FRLSH insulated and unsheathed heavy duty cable in colour code including earth wire with cable of size 1.5 sqmm copper conductor flexible FRLSH insulated drawn into and including concealedin ERW steel conduit of not less than 20mm dia and 1.5mm wall thickness ISI marked terminated into annealed steel terminal boxes including modular plate and cover for mounting modular switch/ socket switches, sockets, fan regulators etc complete all as specified and directed. 19 Flame proof, weather proof distribution board 4 way (one MCB TPN as incommer and MCBs SP as outgoing) conforming to standards IS-2148:2004/ICE 60079-1 (2007) or latest ICE made up to LM6 material epoxy polyester powder coated including suitable size busbar complete all as speciffied and directed. 20 Earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode600x600x6mm burried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 m deep below ground level) with top edge of earth plate not less than 1.5m below normal ground level connected with galvanized iron earth lead wire 4mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanized iron or steel complete with 15mm dia GI light grade protection pipe, 20mm dia GI medium grade watering pipe with funnel including charcoal, dust, salt, PCC M-15 type B1 in pit with angle iron (25x25x3)mm frame work with precast RCC 1:2:4 type B-1 cover reinforced with 8mm dia TMT bars @ 150mm C/C both ways and 12mm dia MS fabricated handle, test point etc. in and including light grade GI protection pipe 20mm bore up to 7.5m length for drawing in earth lead wire, all as shown in electric plate No. 3 of SSR Part-I complete with necessary earth work in any type of soil, removal of soil to a distance not exc. 50m, testing on completion complete all as specified and directed . 21 Earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 600 mm x 600mm x 6.0mm thick buried directly in ground ( earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr below normal ground level ) with top edge plate not less than 1.5 metre below normal ground level connected to galvanized earth strip of size 32x6mmas earthing lead by means of bolts, nuts, chuck nuts and washers of galvanized iron earth lead with 15 cm thick alternate layers of charcoal dust & common slat including PCC pit in PCC 1:2:4 type B-1, RCC covermade out of cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) reinforced with TMT steel bars 8 mm dia @150 mm c/c both ways with suitable handle andangle iron 40 x 40 x 5 mm frame, GI medium grade watering pipe 20 mm bore and funnel with wire mesh light grade protection pipe 40mm bore up to main board complete as shown on electrical plate No 3 of MES Sch 2009 (Part-I) and testing on completion complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: - On testing after completion of earthing, if desired earth resistance is not obtained, the earthing will be re-done by the contractor at his own risk & cost to the entire satisfaction. 22 Taking down old unserviceable rusted GI pipes, 100mm dia, with all accessories, complete all as specified and as directed. 23 Cutting & screwing existing steel tubing of size 100mm dia for alterations or additions or lengthening screw on pipe to form connector and placed in position without taking down, complete all as specified and directed. 24 Deduction to be made from BOQfor Sch A Part -XIII (Schedule of credit) Amount of Rs. 4,77,290.00 during AOC.Note: Tenderers shall not quote for this schedule.