
Tender For Repair Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System And Other Misc Allied Works For Pocket A At Jasai Mil Stn Under Ge Army Barmer, barmer-Rajasthan

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repair Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System And Other Misc Allied Works For Pocket A At Jasai Mil Stn Under Ge Army Barmer. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-11-2024. Overhead Line Tenders in barmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Repair Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System And Other Misc Allied Works For Pocket A At Jasai Mil Stn Under Ge Army Barmer
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repair Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System And Other Misc Allied Works For Pocket A At Jasai Mil Stn Under Ge Army Barmer-- 1 Material and labour for 80 mm dia GI tubing medium grade in repairs incl. accessories for protection of cables on poles/under road crossing complete all as specified and directed. 2 All as per srl item No 01 above but 50 mm dia. 3 All as per srl item No 01 above but 40 mm dia. 4 M&L for excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5 m wide and not exceeding 1.5 m in depth for laying of cables, erection of poles, struts/stays, leveling of yard etc not exceeding 10 M² on plan and not exceeding 1.5 m in depth and getting out in soft/loose soil complete all as specified and directed. 5 M&L for clean dry (tibba) sand cushioning to U/G cable and punning for cushioning of cable 8cm below the cable and 15cm above cable all as specified and directed.Note :- Thickness after punning shall not be less then 18 cm. Punned thickness shall only be measured and paid. 6 M&L 40 to 50mm thick rough dressed Jodhpur type stone slab cover 25 to 30 cm wide and not less than 60 cm in length, laid dry abutting each other with gap between adjacent slab not exceeding 10 mm over under ground cable protection complete all as specified and directed. 7 M&L for returning, filling in, including spreading, leveling watering and well ramming in layers n.exc 25 cm in soil complete all as specified and directed. 8 M&L for removing of excavated soil not exc. 50 mtr from starting points complete all as specified and directed. 9 M&L for motorized auguring/drilling under without disturbing road through soil of any type of suitable dia for laying of 40/50/80 mm dia GI tubing pipe by using trenchless method complete all as specified and directed.Note :- Shall be mesured only where re-routing is involed. 10 M&L for Re-routing/relaying of existing LT cable PVC/XLPE insulated aluminium conductor armoured with glavanised steel wire complete of any size and core from any position i.e ground/wall/poles/ culverts etc with protection cover, sand, pipe complete all as specified and directed. Note:- (i) Old cable as obtained shall be re-used. (ii) Old serviceable protection cover, protection pipe and sand obtained under this item shall be reused if found serviceable. (iii) Earth work and any other new items shall be measured and paid separately under relavent items. 11 S&F in repair 4 Sqmm 2 core 1100 volts grade heavy duty cable PVC insulated aluminium solid conductor, served with inner sheathing of PVC tape and overall PVC sheathed in service connections complete all as specified and directed 12 All as per srl item No 11 above but 6 Sqmm 2 core. 13 All as per srl item No 11 above but 10 Sqmm 2 core. 14 Material and labour for repair to outdoor type double door LT panels/Feeder pillar box by repairing/replacing hinges at site by replacing unserviceable pedestal locks, replacing unserviceable bow handle and connected accessories of front, rear and inner doors by welding, cutting, drilling etc and incl fixing with MS nuts and bolts and repair/ replacing of copper bus bar of various rating suitable along with RYB insulation including cable end terminal aluminium lugs and including one coat of red oxside zink chrome primer on newly replaced steel surfeces and two coats of spray painting using synthetic enamelled paint of approved tint over entire LT panel surfeces (Internal and external) of MS sheets and angles complete all as specified and directed at site. (Note : Copper bus bar and porcelain insulators to be measured and paid under separate Sch A item) 15 Material and labour for replacement of old unserviceable voltmeter/ammeter with panel mounted multi function three phase digital meter of accuracy Cl-1.0 for measuring voltage, current duly painted complete all as specified and directed. Make: Legrand/Schneider/Siemens/ABB 16 Material and labour for replacement of old unserviceable indicators any type with LED based indicating lamps of RYB colour incl disconnecting and connecting of the same complete all as specified and directed. 17 Material and labour for fabrication of copper busbar including, bending cold or hot in any size and shape all directed and including RYB insulation mounted on epoxy cast/polymer glass insulators complete all as specified and directed. 18 Material and labour for fixing of epoxy cast/polymer glass for 1100V grade insulators on the bus bars/panel complete all as specified and directed. 19 Supply and fixing in replacement of 250 Amp, 25 KA, 4 pole, thermal magnetic unserviceable MCCB etc suitable for 415 Volts 3 Phase 4 wire system complete all as specified and directed. Make of MCCB : Legrand/ABB/Indoasian/L&TNote : MCCBs shall be lcu=lcs=100% 20 All as per srl item no 19 above but MCCB, AC, 415 volts, 250 Amp, 25 KA, 4 pole, thermal magnetic 21 All as per srl item no 19 above but MCCB, AC, 415 volts, 200 Amp, 25 KA, 4 pole, thermal magnetic 22 All as per srl item no 19 above but MCCB, AC, 415 volts, 160 Amp, 25 KA, 4 pole, thermal magnetic 23 All as per srl item no 19 above but MCCB, 125 Amp, 415 volts, 16 KA, 4 pole, thermal magnetic 24 All as per srl item no 19 above but MCCB, 100 Amp, 415 volts, 16 KA, 4 pole, thermal magnetic 25 All as per srl item no 19 above but MCCB, 63 Amp, 415 volts, 16 KA, 4 pole, thermal magnetic 26 M&L for demolition of old brocken earth pit chamber and provision of earthing chamber pit made of PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate, 40 mm thick precast cover slab of RCC (1:2:4) type B-0 using 12.5mm graded stone aggregate reinforced with 8mm TMT bars @ 10 cm C/C on both sides with suitable cast iron handle shall be provided in lieu of cast iron cover shown in electrical plate No 3 of MES SSR Part-I complete all as specified and directed. 27 M&L for regular maintenance of existing APFC panel with cleaning of dust inside by blower and cleaning of moving parts/contacts from CT cleaner, tightening of loose parts/ electrical wires, cleaning of contactors, relays and capacitors, junction point, servicing, oiling to cooling fan including testing of APFC relay with necessary setting with CTs/load adjustments to match with the APFC load management system complete with replacement of worn out unserviceable components/burnt wires/ timbles/ lugs of capacity 10 KVAR to 60 KVAR complete all as specified and directed. NOTE :- (i) There are 10 Nos of APFC panel installed at different locations in Mil stn jassai and all the panels are to be maintained for the complete contract period. (ii) The power factor (PF) for all the 17 Nos APFC panel should be in between 0.95 to 0.99, in case the PF is less than the power factor maintain above due to any reason, then the contractor shall liable to pay compenssation equivalent to JVVNL tarrif. (iii) The spare parts shall be of same make and capacity of existing one and shall be measured and paid separately. (iv) Replacement of bolt/nut/screws etc. shall deemed to be included in ther rate quoted. (v) Interval of maintenance shall be according to Engr-In-Charge at site 28 Supply only in replacement of MCB TP 415 Volts 10KA, C curve 10-32 Amps in existing panel of the same make in existing MCB to match with existing holes/surface complete all as specified and directed. 29 Supply only in replacement of MCB TP 415 Volts 10KA, C curve 40-60 Amps in existing panel of the same make in existing MCB to match with existing holes/surface complete all as specified and directed. 30 Supply only in replacement of contactor (capacitor duty type) TP 415 V of capacity 10 to 32 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 31 Supply only in replacement of contactor (capacitor duty type) TP 415 V of capacity 32 to 70 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 32 Supply only in replacement of capacitor 440 volts 50 HZ APP type electric conforming to IS: 13340/13441 & IEC-831-1 of capacity 1 KVAR complete all as specified and directed. 33 Supply only in replacement of capacitor 440 volts 50 HZ APP type electric conforming to IS: 13340/13441 & IEC-831-1 of capacity 5 KVAR complete all as specified and directed. 34 Supply only in replacement of capacitor 440 volts 50 HZ APP type electric conforming to IS: 13340/13441 & IEC-831-1 of capacity 10 KVAR complete all as specified and directed. 35 Supply only in replacement of capacitor 440 volts 50 HZ APP type electric conforming to IS: 13340/13441 & IEC-831-1 of capacity 20 KVAR complete all as specified and directed. 36 Supply only in replacement of voltmeter digital type 0 to 500 volts capacity complete all as specified and directed. 37 Supply only in replacement of Ampere meter digital type 0 to 200 amps capacity complete all as specified and directed. 38 Supply only in replacement of CTs suitable for ampere meter 100/5 Amps Rating complete all as specified and directed. 39 Supply only in replacement of CTs suitable for 200/5 Amps Rating complete all as specified and directed. 40 Supply only in replacement of CTs suitable for 60/5 Amps Rating complete all as specified and directed. 41 Supply only in replacement of APFC relay square flush type with protective device intelligent automatic processor based on electronic controller 6 stages for APFC panel complete all as specified and directed. 42 Supply only in replacement of APFC relay square flush type with protective device intelligent automatic processor based on electronic controller 8 to 14 stages for APFC panel complete all as specified and directed. 43 S&F in replacement of selector switch for voltmeter & Amp meter of existing suitable size complete all as specified and directed. 44 M&L for spray painting to existing LT panel board/Kisok of any size after scrapping the existing paint and two coats of synthetic enamelled paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 45 Supply only Copper Lugs suitable for 6 sqmm copper cable. 46 Supply only Copper Lugs suitable for 10 sqmm copper cable. 47 Supply only Copper Lugs suitable for 16 sqmm copper cable. 48 Supply only Copper Lugs suitable for 25 sqmm copper cable. 49 Supply and lay cable in replacement XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cable (heavy duty) 1100 Volt grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 10 sqmm 2 core complete all as specified and directed. Make : Finolex/Havells/KEI. 50 Supply and lay cable in replacement XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cable (heavy duty) 1100 Volt grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 25 sqmm 4 core complete all as specified and directed. Make : Finolex/Havells/KEI. 51 Supply and lay cable in replacement XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cable (heavy duty) 1100 Volt grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 70 sqmm 3.5 core complete all as specified and directed. Make : Finolex/Havells/KEI. 52 Supply and lay cable in replacement XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cable (heavy duty) 1100 Volt grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 95 sqmm 3.5 core complete all as specified and directed. Make : Finolex/Havells/KEI. 53 M&L for outdoor jointing kit suitable for 25 to 50 sqmm 3.5/4 core XLPE/ PVC Cable 1100 volts grade, heat shrinkable type for indoor/ outdoor applications including preparing ends of cable complete all as specified and directed. (Make: Denson, Raychem) 54 All as per srl item no 53 above but for 70 to 250 sqmm 3.5 core. 55 M&L for dismantling of broken U/S existing earthing with galvanised steel strip/wire complete including removing of PCC from site. 56 M&L for bore well earthing by drilling bore with bore machine for poles and other matchinery/eqpt using GI pipe heavy duty 50 mm dia as earth electrode driven up to a depth of 50 meters below ground level, duly made holes at 20 cm intervals, along the length of GI pipe and providing the charcoal salt mixture incl GI pipe 150mm dia light grade as protection up nto a depth of 12 meters and GI strip of 32x6 mm so as to acheive desired earth results including testing and commissioning complete all as specified and directed. (Earth strip of size 32x6mm upto a length of 7.5m is deemed to incl in this item rate). 57 M&L for earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrodes 600mmx600mmx6mm thick buried directly in ground earth (earth pit not less 2.25 m deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less then 1.5 mtr below normal ground level connected to galvanised iron earthing strip 32mm x 6mm thick by means of bolt nuts check nuts and washers of galvanized iron or steel all as specified & shown in electrical plate No.3 of MES SSR part-I 2010 connected to earth test point as specified and testing on completion including provision of 40 mm dia light grade pipe up to 7.5 mtr length as protection & watering pipe shall be 20 mm bore medium grade including all excavation & earth work in any type of strata incl PCC pit (1:3:6) type C-1 with RCC cover including charcoal, salt, funnel, complete all as specified and directed. Note : Rate included for excavation & earth work in any type of strata as shown in electric plate no-3 in SSR Part-I. 58 M&L for dismantling and disconnecting the exsisting unserviceable LT panel boards of any type in non repairable condition complete all as specified and directed. 59 Supply, install, testing and commissioning of LT panel board, outdoor type, floor mounted, factory made (CPRI approved) suitable for 415 volt, 3 PH, 4 wire, 50 HZ, AC supply system having bus bars chamber with copper bus bars of rating current density 1.6 (400 amps) duly insulated by insulation of RYB colour 400 Amps rating mounted on porcelain insulators. The panels shall be factory made, double door, made out of 3.15 mm thick MS sheet totally enclosed dust, vermin and rust proof front operated, front and rear opening with locking arrangement fixed with MS angle iron frame of size 40X40X5 mm including embedding the panel in PCC platform and duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer with colour directed including internal wiring with multistranded copper conductor cable of suitable size incl lugs and cable gland to incoming and outgoing cable with 3 hinges to panel doors and locking arrangement as desired complete all as specified and directed and comprising of the following:-(A) INCOMING(a) MCCB 4 Pole 415 Volts 36 KA 250 Amp rating thermal magnetic release type (Icu=Ics=100%) -01 No(b) RYB indicating lamp LED type suitable for panel mounting (Set of three) - 01 No.(c) Panel mounted multi function voltmeter & ammeter of accuracy CL-1.0 rating including CT - 01 No(B) OUTGOING(a) MCCB 4 Pole 415 Volts 25 KA 160 Amp rating thermal magnetic release type (Icu=Ics=100%) -01 Nos(b) MCCB 4 Pole 415 Volts 25 KA 100 Amp rating thermal magnetic release type (Icu=Ics=100%) -02 NoMake : Legrand/ABB/Schneider 60 Supply, install, testing and commissioning factory made LT feeder pillar (Kiosk) box made out of CRCA sheet of 3.15mm thick, 200A rated, of size 0.45 x 0.45 x 0.45 mtr, outdoor canopy type, CPRI approved, floor mounted, dust and vermin proof, front and rear operated door with necessary locking arrangement made of 50 x 6mm MS angle iron frame work and duly painted with two coats of powder coated paint of approved shade after seven tank treatment process both internally and externally. The panel shall be suitable for 415 Volts, 50 HZ, 3 Phase 4 wire system and shall be complete with suitable capacity screwed copper bus bar (200 Amp rating) with suitable size bolt and nuts, thimbles glands as per existing structure complete all as specified and directed. 61 Material and labour cement concrete (1:2:4) type B -1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate for pedestal of poles/copping including necessary frame work, fair finishing to exposed surfaces using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 62 Material and labour for cement concrete (1:3:6) type C -2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate for foundation of pole/struts/stay assembly etc complete all as specified and directed. 63 Supply and errect in replacement steel tubular swaged poles type 410 SP-31 (9.0 metres long) with cast iron base plate and finial taper plug, bolts, nuts & screws complete all as specified and directed.Note: - (i) Excavation and earthwork, PCC shall be measured and paid separately in relevant item.(ii) Painting with two coats of black bituminous paint throughout internally and externally upto plating depth and the remaining external complete pole portion shall be painted with silver colour in two coats over a red oxide primer 64 M&L for disconecting and reconecting of burnt LT XLPE cable from panel to OH conductor on pole/ panel/equipment including removing of faulty part of cable, preparation of cable for connection, suitable Al lugs, nut bolts, glands, GI pipe etc and directed on site. Note: (i) The cost of earth work for taking out LT cable loop and refiling will deemed to be included in above quoted rate. (ii) GI pipe to be measured under separate Sch A item mentioned. 65 Material and labour in replacement of ACSR conductor straightening properly on insulators and binding with aluminum taps/binding wire/conductor jumper etc complete all as specified and directed. 66 M&L for dismantling of cross arms (Clamp, nut bolts ), carefully from site all as specified and directed. 67 Material and labour for steel structure, cross arms bracing supports, clamps, back plates of any type, section incl. nuts, bolts, washers, welding, bending cold or hot in any size and shape all directed Including two coats of aluminium paints over a coat of red oxide primer incl preparation of surface complete all as specified and directed. 68 M&L for trimming and pruning of one tree complete with cutting of all branches of any dia but not exceeding 75 mm up to a safe distance from the over head lines and disposal of branches/bushes to a distance and clearing the site complete all as specified and directed.NOTE:- 1. The necessary man power, tool & plant, cutting tools and JCB required for cutting/pruning of branches is deemed to incl in the rate quoted for the job. 2. Proper shut down tol be taken care by the authorised rep only. 69 Material and labour for preparation of old painted surface and ZEBRA painting of PCC/steel poles 9/11 m long alongwith road upto 1.5 m height from pedestal, with two coats of enamel synthetic paints in 30 cm height incl painting of pole coping with black paint and writing pole No. complete all as specified and directed. 70 M&L for painting of steel tubular pole/rail pole upto 9 mtr long with two coats of enamel synthetic silver paints over a one coat of red oxide complete all as specified and directed. 71 Material and labour for preparation of old painted surface for steel structure, cross arms bracing supports, clamps, back plates of any type, section incl. nuts, bolts, washers, pipes mounted on PCC/steel poles 9/11m long alongwith road with two coats of enamel synthetic paints complete all as specified and directed. 72 Material and labour for writing pole number of minimum size 10 cm height with black paint over base of yellow paint on PCC/steel poles of LT/HT supply complete all as specified and directed. 73 M&L for dismantling of insulators any type any size from existing poles complete all as specified and directed. 74 Supply and fix pin type porcelain insulator, vitreous white brown or green including one galvanised mild steel spindle, two GI washer and GI nuts 100 mm height 65 mm dia for 1100 volts grade complete all as specified and directed. 75 Supply and fix shackle type, porcelain, vitreous, white, brown or green insulator 1100 volt grade 75 mm in height and 90 mm dia including galvanised mild steel straps of size 31 x 3 mm, insulator bolt of 12 mm dia, washers and nut complete all as specified and directed. 76 M&L in replacement for stay assembly complete with 230x230x 6 mm thick plate and 16 mm dia stay rod all as shown in elect plate No-1 of SSR-part-1 including stay wire of size 7/4mm dia and suitable loop insulator of appropriate size complete all as specified and directed. Note : Rate quoted is deemed to be included of excavation in any type of soil, PCC for stay and dismantling of old stay assy. 77 M&L in replacement of cradles, hexagonal/rectangular, fabricated with galvanised steel wire 3.15 mm or 4 mm dia complete all as specified and directed. 78 S&F in repair name board acrylic type (280mm x 400mm) of incoming and outgoing feeder, caution board etc with radium glow sign reflector type on acrylic board incl clamp of suitable size, nut, bolt etc complete all as specified and directed. 79 Supply and laying of 12.5 mm thick stone aggregate size in E/M installations complete all as specified and directed. 80 M&L for removing wild grass, vegetation, creepers, etc climbing up towards the poles and stay including cleaning bottom surface area of pole & stay not less than 1m x 1m by surface dressing of earth and inside the fencing of out door installations complete all as specified and directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 08-11-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 15-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 70000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 35 Lakhs /-
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