
Tender For Maintenance Of Rcc Retaining Wall, cannanore-Kerala

Directorate General Defence Estates has published Tender For Maintenance Of Rcc Retaining Wall. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-11-2024. Wrenches and Drivers Tenders in cannanore Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Maintenance Of Rcc Retaining Wall
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Maintenance Of Rcc Retaining Wall; 1 Maintenance of RCC retaining wall 45m X 2m height on south end of Cantonment Trenching ground, GLR 41, Class C land 2 Material & Labour for Demolition of Brickwork or stone/ boulder masonry, built in built in cement mortar or cement lime mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc, but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles 3 Material and Labour for Excavating in trenches, n exc 1.5 m wide and n exc 1.5 m in depth; for foundation, etc. or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. n exc 10 sq m on plan and n exc 1.5 m in depth and getting out in mud 4 Material and Labour for excavating in trenches for foundation or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. n exc 10 sq m on plan and n exc 1.5 m in depth and getting out Hard/Dense Soil 5 Material and Labour for Cement concrete Type B2 (40mm graded aggregate)in walls or retaining walls, any thickness, size or shape including pilasters, buttresses columns, pillars, boundary pillars and posts (including caps and bases) 6 Material and Labour for Reinforced cement concrete ((design mix)M-30 (20mm graded aggregate) in Foundations, including rafts, footings, foundation beams; plinth beams; bases for columns, etc.; basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass concrete 7 Material and Labour for Reinforced cement concrete ((design mix)M-30 (20mm graded aggregate) in Foundations, including rafts, footings, foundation beams; plinth beams; bases for columns, etc.; basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass concrete 8 Material and Labour for Reinforced cement concrete ((design mix)M-30 (20mm graded aggregate) inWalls, retaining walls, basement walls, ballast walls and the like; any thickness; above top of footings; including attached pilastersandbuttresses 9 Material and Labour for Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm. 10 Fixing and for bracing, supporting or otherwise holding firmly in position Mild steel TMT bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping forcolumns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips 11 Use and waste of Formwork to sides of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or to batter, putting together, erecting,striking and removal and maintaining in position until no longer required 12 Use and waste of Formwork to faces of walls, retaining walls, abutments, parapets and staircase railings and similar work including attached pillasters, buttresses, etc.; vertical or to batter, putting together, erecting,striking and removal and maintaining in position until no longer required 13 Material and Labour for Removing excavated material exc. 250 m but n exc. 500 m and depositing where directed 14 Supply and Fixing High density poly- ethylene pipes 50mm bore (HDPE) of pressure rating 6 kgf/cm2 fixed complete to walls, ceilings or in floors etc. 15 Supply and Fixing Grating doom 100mm dia of PTMT (Minimum weight 25gms) 16 Material and Labour forLoose filling with aggregates (Broken stones or boulders) of gauge 40 to 80 mm in back side of weep holes 17 Material and Labour forRendering 15mm thick on fair faces of concrete sur- faces with CM 1:6 18 Material and Labour for Prepration of surface and applying three coat of cement based painton wall surface

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Document Fees
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INR 44320.0 /-
Tender Value
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