
Biennial Contract For Mechanical Maintenance (Preventive & Routine, Bd & Oh) And Operational Support Of Equipments Of Main Plant Boiler & Aux, Tg & Aux And Bop (Excluding Major Overhauls Of Boiler And Turbine) & Engagement Of Field Operation Assistant (Op, panki-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited has published Biennial Contract For Mechanical Maintenance (Preventive & Routine, Bd & Oh) And Operational Support Of Equipments Of Main Plant Boiler & Aux, Tg & Aux And Bop (Excluding Major Overhauls Of Boiler And Turbine) & Engagement Of Field Operation Assistant (Op. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-12-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in panki Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Biennial Contract For Mechanical Maintenance (Preventive & Routine, Bd & Oh) And Operational Support Of Equipments Of Main Plant Boiler & Aux, Tg & Aux And Bop (Excluding Major Overhauls Of Boiler And Turbine) & Engagement Of Field Operation Assistant (Op
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

BIENNIAL CONTRACT FOR MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE (PREVENTIVE & ROUTINE, BD & OH) AND OPERATIONAL SUPPORT OF EQUIPMENTS OF MAIN PLANT BOILER & AUX, TG & AUX AND BOP (EXCLUDING MAJOR OVERHAULS OF BOILER AND TURBINE) & ENGAGEMENT OF FIELD OPERATION ASSISTANT (OPERATOR) IN SHIFT (ROUND THE CLOCK FOR ASSISTANCE IN OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES FROM UNIT CONTROL ROOM, 1x660 MW, PTEP, PANKI-KANPUR- Round the clock Routine, Preventive, Breakdown maintenance, operation and Up keeping works of TG area EOT cranes and General cleaning work of Main Turbine and it’s Associated auxiliaries like BFP, CEP, Vacuum Pump, Condenser, Heaters Tanks, Valves etc. ofUnit # 1x660 MW, PANKI EXTN. 2 RoundtheclockRoutinemaintenance(in 03shiftsduringrunningofunitormain turbine oil system in service) &Preventive Maintenance, and Equipment Cleaning workofMainTurbineandit’sAssociated AuxiliarylikeBFP,CEP,Vacuumpump, DMCW Pump & other small pumps , in day shifts. (01 Job consists of 24 hrs. work for the Unit) 3 Operationof TG Hall EOT Crane 4 OperationofoneNo.TGhallEOTcrane (Capacity 100/42T) (One job will be of 8 hrs duration operation) 5 Breakdownmaintenance of Main TG area auxiliaries like BFP, CEP, Vacuum pump, DMCW Pump & other small pumps 6 Rev./ Replacement of DE Journal bearing of T-BFP/MDBFP BOOSTER PUMP 7 Rev./Replacement of NDE Journal bearing of T-BFP/ MDBFP BOOSTER PUMP 8 Rev./Replacement of NDE Thrust Bearing ofTDBFP /MDBFP BOOSTER PUMP 9 Rev./Replacement of NDE Mech. Seal of TDBFP/MDBFP BOOSTER PUMP 10 Rev./Replacement of DE Mech. Seal of TDBFP/MDBFP BOOSTER PUMP 11 Inspection/ Minor Overhauling of Booster Pump of TDBFP/MDBFP 12 Rev./Replacement of DE Journal bearing of T-BFP/MDBFP FEED PUMP 13 Rev./Replacement of NDE Journal bearing of T-BFP/MDBFP FEED PUMP 14 Rev./Replacement of NDE Thrust Bearing ofTDBFP /MDBFP FEED PUMP 15 Rev./Replacement of NDE Mech. Seal of TDBFP/MDBFP FEED PUMP 16 Rev./Replacement of DE Mech. Seal of TDBFP/MDBFP FEED PUMP 17 Thread out of BFP Cartridge 18 Thread in of BFP Cartridge 19 Miscellaneous revisioning workof Hydraulic coupling: 20 Revisioning ofThrustcumradialbearing no. 1of BFP-Turbine 21 Revisioningof rear journal bearing no. 2 of BFP-Turbine: 22 Inspection/OverhaulingofGearBoxof BFP Turbine: 23 InspectionandrectificationofThrustand Journalbearingsofcondensateextraction pumps 24 InspectionandrectificationofThrustand Journal bearings of Drip Pump: 25 Rev/replacement of Mech. Seal of CEP: 26 Rev/replacementofMech.SealofDrip Pump: 27 CompleteOverhaulingofCondensate Extraction Pump: 28 Replacement of Condensate Extraction pump: 29 Complete Overhauling of Drip Pump: 30 Axial & Radial alignment of Horizontal equipmentlikeMDBFPtoHydraulic coupling/ Hydraulic coupling to Motor/ Motor to Booster pump/ TDBFP to Drive Turbine/ DriveTurbinetoGearbox/Gearboxto Booster pump 31 Complete servicing/overhauling ofvacuum pump : 32 Replacement/ServicingofDEbearingof main vacuums pump 33 Replacement/ServicingofNDEbearingof main vacuum pump 34 Replacement of DE Mechanical Seal/ gland of Vacuum pump: 35 Replacement of NDEMechanical Seal/ gland of Vacuum pump 36 Replacement/Servicingofwhitemetal bearing of Motor. (Booster Pump side/Hydraulic Coupling side). 37 Servicing/OverhaulingPortableOilPurifier of MDBFP: 38 Overhauling of TDBFP/ Main TG - transfer oil pump/ Oil purifier Gear type oil pump 39 Axial and radial alignment of vertical Pumps likeTankmountedlubeoilpumpofMain TG/ BFPT & Condensate pump-CEP/Drip Pump 40 Highcapacityhorizontal Pump Alignment 41 Low capacity horizontalPump Alignment : 42 Replacement of coupling of equipment like MDBFP/TDBFP/CEP/Drippump/Vacuum Pump/DMCW pump/EOP/AOP of main turbine & BFP Drive turbine. 43 Arresting oil leakage through the felt ring of MOP of Main Turbine/ Drive Turbine: 44 Replacement ofMOP/ EOP of main turbine/ BFPDriveTurbine(Onejobconsistsone pump): 45 Rev/Replacement of bearing of MOP/ EOP of main turbine/ BFP Drive Turbine/ MDBFP AOP (One job consists one pump): 46 Lowcapacitywater&OilservicePump Mechanical Seal replacement 47 Lowcapacity water&OilservicePump Bearing replacement 48 CompleteOverhauling/ServicingofLow capacity water & oilservice pump. 49 Repair/ Overhauling of DMCW Pump: 50 O/HofVapourextractorofMOT/Control Fluid Tank/ TDBFP Oil Tank/ GSC vapour extractor : (One job consists of one tank) 51 O/H of Sump Pump/ Dewatering pump: 52 Replacement/Inspection/Revisioningof EH control oil unit pump of Main Turbine/ HP bypass valve: 53 Checking&fillingofN2(Nitrogen)gasin Accumulators. 54 ReplacementofN2Bladders/Serviceof accumulatorsofTurbinesystemandits auxiliaries: (One job consists of one auxiliary) 55 Overhauling of Hydrazine/ Ammonia dosing pump: 56 TG Hall (100/42 MT) / BFP (65 MT) EOTCrane- Attend defect 57 Inspection,Testing&Issueofrequired Statutory test certificate for TG Hall (100/42 MT) / BFP (65 MT)EOT Crane 58 Breakdown maintenance work ofTG Area: Tanks/ Heaters/ Strainers/Condenser Jobs 59 Replacement of the Burst Atmospheric relief Diaphragm of LP Turbine/ Drive Turbine. 60 Inspection of last stage blades of LP Turbine and minor repair work if required. 61 Oil Replacement/Tank cleaning & Minor revisioningof Main Turbine EHC unit Oil/Turbine HP Bypass Oil: 62 Preservation of Steam turbine: HP/IP/ALP/BLP/Condenser/LPH1 & 2 63 CEP /BFP BP/DMCW pump (SUCSTRAINER) Cleaning 64 BFP Main pumpSuctionStrainer Cleaning 65 MOT Duplex Filter/ Return oil MOT strainersCleaning 66 Centrifuging of Lub Oil through Portable Centrifuging machine 67 Bowl cleaning ofPortable centrifuge 68 Cartridges replacement/ revisioning/ cleaningof Main Turbine/Drive Turbine/CLOST Oil Conditioners 69 Inspection/ cleaning, flushing and normalization of Deaerator. 70 Inspection/ cleaning, flushing and normalization of Condenser hot well (one Condenser) 71 Condenser water box cleaning TG (Both sides) of one pass. 72 Inspection, cleaning and adjustment of Condenser COLTCS Screen. 73 TANK Cleaning-TG DMCW O/H tank / Both LP & HP Dosing Tank / Drip tank/ flash tank/Lube oil unloading tanketc. (either of LP/HP/Atm FT) 74 Inspection and Cleaning of MOT Tank/COT/DOT Tan 75 Inspection and Cleaning TDBFP MOT Tank 76 Inspection/ Cleaning of MOT Oil Plate Heat Exchanger 77 Inspection/ Cleaning of MDBFP & TDBFP Lube oil /working oil Plate Heat Exchanger 78 HP Heater / LP Heater /DE superheater/GSC Internal inspection/servicing/ Attending tube leakage 79 HP Heater/ LPHeater /DE Superheater/ GSC manhole door gasket replacement. 80 Tube & Shell type cooler cleaning, Tube leakage checking and plugging: 81 Cleaning of sump pits of T/G Area. 82 Filling, Flushing and normalization of DMCW System 83 Performing of system vacuum and Condenser tube leak test and attending all the leakages by plugging and welding, if any. 84 Hanger Check/ Attend defect: 85 The work of revisioning/ servicing of ball collector of condenser tube cleaning system 86 The work of inspection/ minor repairing of ball catch strainer of condenser tube cleaning system 87 Cleaning of CEP Pit/ Condenser Pit/ BFPT Pit/ MOT Pit 88 Breakdown maintenance work of TG Area: Servicing/ overhaulingof Valves/ NRV/PRV 89 Main TG/BFPT: MSV/MCV servomotor servicing 90 HP/LP Bypass valve servicing. 91 Servicing of motor operated control valve, motor operated gate/globe valves, manually operated gate/globe valves, check valves of Oil,Condensate, feed water, steam, CW, DMCW, ACW line valves (except butterfly valves), LP Valve (Dia<6”) 92 Servicing of motor operated LP Valve (Dia 6- 12”) 93 Servicing of motor operated LP Valve (Dia>12”) 94 Servicing of motor operated HP Valve (Dia<6”) 95 Servicing of motor operated LP Valve (Dia 6- 12”) 96 Servicing of motor operated HP Valve (Dia>12”) 97 Replacement of gland packing of HP / LP Valves on per mm. dia basis of valve 98 Repair/ Replacement of LP piping by cutting & welding 99 Replacement of flange type gate / globe valves/butterfly valves of LP lines 100 High pressure TIG Welding per one inch dia pipe basis. ( Proportionate payment shall be done for other sizes) 101 Safety Valve Servicing:(1”-4”) 102 Safety Valve Servicing:(>4”-8”) 103 Safety Valve Servicing:(>8”) 104 Revisioning / Servicing of Butterfly valves (Size: <6”) 105 Revisioning / Servicing of Butterfly valves (Size: 6-12”) 106 Revisioning / Servicing of Butterfly valves (Size: >12”) 107 Servicing of valve Gear Box (Size: Up to 12”) 108 Servicing of valve Gear Box (Size: > 12”) 109 Flange (Above DN300) Attend Defect 110 Replacement of flange gasket of HP/ LP valves & piping 111 Expansion Joints (UPTO 1000MM) Replacement 112 Breakdown maintenance work ofTG Area: Replacement of Valves/ NRV/PRV &Miscellaneous work 113 LP Valve Replacement 114 HP Valve Replacement 115 Steam Piping Stress Relieving 116 Steam Piping(Dia>6”)Stress Relieving 117 Fabrication&ErectionofPlatform,Stairs, Rackon Tonnage basis 118 Erection of scaffolding 119 General cleaning of turbine area for 1x660 MW, PANKI EXTN. 120 DailyCleaningworkofallFloors,stairs, railings,trenches,doorsetcintheturbine area. 121 Weekly Cleaning work of ventilation and cooling air ducts/ piping, columns, etc in the turbine area. 122 ForMechanizedcleaningofT.G.Floors- 1x660 MW, ETPS: Frequency: Weekly 123 Routine and Preventive/Breakdown Maintenance of Main Boiler & its accessories Including Pressure Part , Soot Blowers, HP Valves, LP Water Pumps, Online sealing of Valves, Insulation Refractory works etc and Daily Routine Maintenance of Main Boiler as well as Auxiliary Boiler and cleaning activities of these in general shift of 1X660 MW, PANKI THERMAL EXTENSION PROJECT PANKI KANPUR for a period of 02 Year. 124 Preventive/Breakdown maintenance of Pressure Parts 125 Attending tube leakage up to 1st ten H.P. weld joints. (irrespective of number H.P. weld joints in one frequency) 126 Attending tube leakages for each H.P. weld joints beyond 10 Nos. of H.P. weld joint. 127 Boiler HP Joint Radiography 128 Fixing of Scaffolding during Attending Tube Leakage. 129 Sky Climber Installation and Removal. 130 Eco Coils Attend defect online. 131 Stress Relieving of HP Joints. 132 Boiler (Tube Bends) Fabrication. 133 Boiler Segment Shield Welding. 134 Boiler Peep/Man Hole Attend Defect. 135 Hanger Inspection. 136 Hanger Servicing. 137 Preventive/Breakdown maintenance of soot blowers. 138 Wall Blower/LRSB Over hauling 139 AttendingDefect of Soot Blower Valve 140 Wall Blower Servicing. 141 Operation & Maintenance of LRSB. 142 Flange (Gasket) Replacement of soot blowers. 143 Preventive/ Breakdown maintenance of sky climber 144 Testing of Sky climber after installation. 145 Over hauling of Sky Climber. 146 Removal of Honey comb from Boiler. 147 Over Hauling/Servicing of HP Valves. 148 Overhauling of Safety Valve. 149 Overhauling of Control Valve size up to 6. 150 Servicing of HP Valve sizeup to 6 151 Servicing of HP Valve size above 6 to 12 152 Servicing of HP Valve size above 12 153 Servicing of NRV size 6 to 12 154 Servicing of NRV size below 6 155 Servicing of NRV size above 12 156 Overhauling of E/M Relief Valve. 157 Gland Replacement of HP Valve. 158 Preventive/ Breakdown & Over hauling of Boiler fans. 159 Coupling and alignment of Fan. 160 Overhauling of Fan. 161 Checking and Fault removal of Oil gun assembly. 162 Preventive/Breakdown maintenance of duct & dampers 163 Attending defect of dampers and Gate. 164 Replacement of Damaged portion of Duct. 165 Repair of damaged Expansion Joints. 166 Preventive/ Breakdown maintenance of LP water pumps. 167 Servicing of LP Water Pump. 168 Replacement of LP Water Pump Bearing. 169 Replacement of LP Water Pump Gland. 170 Coupling and alignment of LP Water Pump. 171 Removal and Installation of Scanner hose/Purg air hose Pipe. 172 Preventive/ Breakdown maintenance of lube oil system of hydraulic valves. 173 Replacement of Lube oil Pump. 174 Over hauling of Lube oil System. 175 Alignment of Lub Oil Pump Coupling 176 Servicing of Electrical hoist (Load range 0.3 to 0.5). 177 Servicing of LP Valve size up to 6. 178 Replacement of LP Valve (Flange Type) size up to 6. 179 Insulation & Refractory of Boiler and Turbine area. 180 NDT (Die Penetration) DPT. 181 Structural Fabrication. 182 Online Leak sealing of HP Valve. 183 Attending defect of online 184 Ring Clamp(above 2) attend defect 185 Box Clamp(above 9) attend defect 186 Online Safety Valve set pressure verification and set pressure adjustment by Valtest method for safety Valve installed in Boiler area. 187 Safety Valve setting 188 Including Travelling charges with fare expenses issued. 189 Daily routine maintenance work scope including burners, scanner air fan, purge air fan, Checkingof soot blowers, oil gun cleaning etc. in respect ofMain boiler as well as Auxboiler workround the clock 190 Cleaning of boiler and other associated work of 1x660 MW as well as Aux boiler. 191 Round the clock operation and maintenance works of Bowl mill, Gravimetric coal feeder, Coal mill reject system, ID/FD/PA fan, Air Pre-heater, ECW and its associated system of 1X660 MW PTEP PANKI KANPUR for a period of 02 Year. 192 Round the Clock Routine, Preventive & Breakdown Mechanical Maintenance of Bowl Milland Its Associated System as per Scope of Work And Bill of Quantity. 193 Inspection / Replacement Of Mill Coupling 194 Oil Replacements of Mill Roller Assly/ Gear Box/ Centrifuging of Oil 195 Replacement & Servicing of Bowl Mill Spring 196 Replacement of Bull Ring Segment 197 Adjustment/ Repair of Separator Body Assembly/ Classifier Servicing 198 MDV/ Burner Inlet Gate (Big)/ Variable Orifice/Transition Piece Replacement 199 Repair/Replacement of Scraper Assembly 200 Replacement / Checking of Labyrinth Seal Assembly per Mill 201 Mill Gearbox Input Shaft/ Bearing Replacement 202 Cleaning, Greasing, Servicing of Electrically Operated HOIST of MILLs. FD/ID/PA Fans/Economiser . Capacity (Nos.) :- capacity 60T (01), 22T(01), 5T(02), 20T(02),10T(01)20T ( 02 no.) & capaciy 01T (10nos.) 203 Structure Fabrication 204 Replacement of Roller Journal Assembly. (One RJ Assembly makes One Job): 205 Changing Trunnion Position of RJ Assembly. (One Trunnion of One Mill makes One Job). 206 Replacement of Worn Out Grinding Roll with New/Healthy One including Servicing of RJ Assembly:- 207 Repair of Airport Ring Assembly. complete One Set (One Set consist of 06 pieces). 208 Repairing/Replacement of Bowl Extension Ring Segment. 209 Repairing Eroded Portion of Classifier Inner Cone 210 Complete Dense Hard Facing of Cap of Airport Ring Assembly & Extension Ring (with L&T-670/700 Hard Facing Electrode). 211 Servicing of Lube Oil System of Mills (One Mill makes One Job). 212 Servicing of Pressure Spring Assembly ( One Spring Assembly of any Mill shall be considered as One Quantity). 213 Replacement/Servicing of Journal Stop Bolt. 214 Checking/Replacement of (Leaking) Victaulic Coupling Rubber Gasket of MDV/ Transition Piece. 215 Replacement/ Refitting/Servicing of Classifier Blade 216 Replacement of Mill Side Liner 217 Repairing of Mill Side Liners by Patching/Welding 218 Repairing/Replacement of Mill Side Bottom Liner. 219 Checking / Replacement of Bottom Insulation Covers Plate ( Complete Set):- 220 Repairing of Bottom Insulation Cover Plate 221 Servicing of Seal Air Valve on Seal Air Header of Mills 222 Round the Clock Routine Maintenance of Bowl Mills, RC Feeder & Coal Pipes & Other Miscellaneous Work. 223 Cleaning/ Removal of Choking from the Split Raw Coal Pipe from Bunker Outlet Gate to Bowl Mill (Mainly During Rainy Season) choked due to Wet Coal in the form of Slurry/Sticky. 224 Breakdown Mechanical Maintenance of RC Feeder and Coal Pipe as per Scope of Work and Bill of Quantity. 225 Inspection and Maintenance Gravimetric Feeder 226 Replacement of Belt 227 Replacement of Belt Drive Reducer 228 ServicingofBeltDriveReducer&Eddy Current Clutch Coupling 229 Replacement of Clean out Conveyor Drive Reducer 230 ServicingofCleanOut ConveyorDrive Reducer 231 ReplacementofHead/TailPulleys/Idlers/ Coc Shaft of Coal Feeder 232 Servicing of Feeder Inlet/Outlet Gates/ Bunker Outlet Gates 233 Feeder Bearing Replacement 234 Attend Breakdown of Feeder 235 Removal of choking from Coal Pipe 236 Replacement of Center Feed Pipe Coupling Area with SS Spool Piece 237 ReplacementCoalPipeCouplingGasket/ Coupling Assy 238 Attending Coal Dust Leakage 239 Welding/ Patch Welding Work for Repairing 240 Straight Pipe Rotation/ Replacement of Pulverize Fuel Pipe 241 Coal Pipe Bend Replacement 242 Repairing/Adjustment of Fuel Piping Supports/ Hangers 243 Round the Clock Routine, Preventive & Breakdown Mechanical Maintenance of Coal Mill Rejects System and Its Associated System 244 RoundTheClockOperationPLC(Auto) Room/ManuallyfromMillSiteand CompressorforCoalMillRejectHandling System and Routine/ Preventive/ Breakdown Maintenance of Pneumatic CoalMillRejectHandlingSystem& Compressor with Air Receiver Tank and Air Pipe Lines etc. along with the House KeepingofRejectSystemandNearby Area. (Like Reject Hoppers, Mill Gear Box, Mill Motor Coupling etc). 245 Round the Clock Handling, Lifting and Shifting of Coal Mill Reject from 246 Mill Floor at ‘0’ Meter. 247 Below the Silo 248 Routine, Preventive & Breakdown Mechanical Maintenance of ID/FD/PA Fan and Its Associated System as per Scope of Work and Bill of Quantity. 249 Repairing of ID/FD/PA Fan 250 Arresting of Lube Oil Leakage (Inside Casing) of ID/FD/PA Fan 251 Maintenance of Lube Oil System (FD/ PA/ ID) 252 Maintenance of Mill Seal Air Fan / ID Fan Seal Air Fan 253 Overhauling of Mill Seal Air Fan/ ID Fan Seal Air Fans 254 De-Coupling, Coupling and Alignment of Mill Seal Air Fan / ID Fan Seal Air Fan 255 RoutineMaintenanceofID/FD/PAFans, ECW& APHSystemduringGeneralShift per Day and Other Miscellaneous Work. 256 Preventive & Breakdown Mechanical Maintenance of ECW, APH andIts Associated System as per Scope of Work and Bill of Quantity. 257 Replacement/ Rectification and setting out Board/ Middle Board/ In Board Radial Seal and Circumferential (By Pass) Seals and Plates of Hot End & Cold End of Air Pre- Heater. 258 Repairing/ Replacement of Static Seal Plates by Fabrication, Cutting, Grinding, Welding of Hot End & Cold End of APH for Sector Plate. 259 Repairing/ Replacement of Rotor Post Seal of Hot End & Cold End of APH 260 Resetting/ Replacement of Axial Seal and Leveling of Axial Seal Plate by means of Adjusting Bolt in APH 261 Servicing of Lube Oil System of Guide/ Support Bearing of APH. One Job include One Lube Oil System. 262 Replacement of Guide Bearing 263 Replacement of Support Bearing 264 Replacement of Guide Trunion 265 Inspection & Housing Level Checking of Support Bearing or Guide Bearing of APH 266 Air Seal Housing Inspection and Replacement of Packing Rope of Guide or Support Bearing 267 Inspection of Gear Box, Drive Pinion & Pin Rack 268 Gear Boxes overhauling (RDU/SDU) 269 PM of Air Motor and Associated Valves/ Lines of APH 270 Servicing/ Replacement of Air Motor and Associated Valves/ Lines 271 Repair/ Cleaning or Replacement of APH Wash and Fire-Fighting Lines 272 Trial Run of Air Heater 273 Air Receiver Tanks Testing 274 Replacement of Main Drive Gear Box 275 Air Seal Assembly Repair 276 RotorInspection 277 Overhauling of APH Soot Blowers 278 Attending Defects of APH Soot Blowers 279 Servicing of APH Soot Blower 280 Flange Gasket Replacement of Pipe/ Valves 281 Replacement of Pumps 282 Replacement/ Servicing of Bearing of Pumps 283 Overhauling of Pumps 284 De-Coupling, Coupling and Alignment of ECW Pumps 285 Plate Heat Exchanger Inspection/ Replacement 286 Operation and general upkeep of Boiler Passenger/Goods (02no.) , Service Building (02 nos.), Administration Building (01nos.) & TG Building Passenger Elevator (01no.)& ESP (01no.) Elevator (M/s Techno Industries make) / Stack (Chimney) Elevator (01 no.)(M/s Alikraft Engineers Pvt. Ltd) for 1x660 MW, PTEP. 287 Round the clock operation and general upkeep ofBoiler Passenger cum Goods Elevator & TG Building Passenger Elevator (M/s Techno Industries make) (8:00 Hrs. job basis) 288 Round the clock operation and general upkeep ofService Building Elevators & ESP Elevator (M/s Techno Industries make) (8:00 Hrs. job basis) 289 Operation and general upkeep of Administration Building Elevators (M/s Techno Industries make) from 8.00 hrs to20.00 hrs. (12:00 Hrs. job basis) 290 Operation and general upkeepboiler goods Elevator (01 no.)(M/s techno industries) (8.00 hrs job basis). 291 Operation and general up keeping of Workshop Machines/Equipments for 1x660 MW, PTEP. 292 Operation and up keeping of Machine and Equipments (As Listed) 293 Housekeeping, Workshop Machines Cleaning and oiling and General cleaning of Workshop. 294 Routine and Preventive Maintenance of Mechanical systems of ESP, for 1x660 MW, PTEP. 295 Cleaning and sweeping of all railing of ESP top cover and cleaning of double geared motor emitting electrode rapping mechanism. (108 No.) 296 Cleaning and sweeping of platform between passes and cleaning of doubled geared motor of collecting electrode rapping mechanism. 297 Checking of oil level and attending oil leakage in all double geared motor of CERM, EERM, GDRM (per week). 298 Cleaning and sweeping of all stairs railing and platform from ‘o’ mtr. to top of ESP.(twice in a week) 299 Cleaning and sweeping of outside casing walls between passes.(once in two month) 300 Inspection and tightening of nut and bolts of CERM, EERM & GDRM if found in loose condition. (once in a week) 301 Cleaning of ash dust from ESP top roof of one pass, monthly per pass. 302 Breakdown Maintenance of Mechanical systems of ESP 303 Cleaning of complete structure, electrodes, shock bar, rapping mechanism, insulators & hoppers from inside of ESP of one field by wire brush, hard broom and old cloth/water washing. 304 Replacement of rapping hammer. 305 Replacement of plane bearing of rapping mechanism. 306 Repairing of rapping shaft. 307 Straightening of rapping shaft 308 Replacement of rapping shaft. 309 Repairing of bent collecting electrodes in ESP chamber in fix position. 310 Fixing of collecting electrodes with clamp/strip by bolting & welding. 311 Repair/Replacement of shock bar. 312 Replacement of shock pads 313 Repairing of shock bar guide (front/ rear) and shock bar guide attachment by welding or grinding wherever required. 314 Straightening of bent stay guide bar of collecting structure. 315 Removal of damaged emitting electrode and fixing the new emitting electrode. 316 Changing of damaged support Insulator. 317 Changing of damaged Shaft Insulator. 318 Alignment of disturbed emitting structure. 319 Repairing of support insulator screen pipe inside the ESP. 320 Replacement of asbestos rope of ESP shaft insulators cover. 321 Replacement of damaged motor gear box of rapping system. 322 Repairing of damaged rapping gear box. 323 Repairing of coupling of reduction gear box of collecting/emitting/GD rapping system. 324 Replacement of asbestos rope of ESP hopper manhole/Casing manhole/ Casing top manhole. 325 Repairing of manhole by replacing the damaged plate portion with new one. 326 Repairing of eroded portion by welding in ash hopper, ESP roof and other places inside and outside of the ESP chamber: 327 Repair/ fixing/welding of ash deflector plate 328 Repairing/ Re-fabrication of support of duct plate at ESP inlet 329 Repairing of bracings between ESP inlet gate and GD Screen and rear side of ESP by providing patch at eroded area or changing new piece by bracing pipe as per size. 330 Repairing /re-fixing of deflector plate on gas distribution screen. 331 Inspection and checking of ESP field and removal of minor defect. 332 Repairing of GD Screen. 333 Servicing of monorail. 334 Biennial Round the clock routine, preventive & breakdown mechanical maintenance and assisting in operation of RW Pump House, RW Intake PumpHouse , Clarifier Pump House , Pre-Treatment Plant , DM Plant,CPU,STP,NDCT, Effluent Treatment Plant , Hydrogen Plant , and Fire Finding System with Inner Gas System of 1X660 MW, PTEP,Panki, Kanpur. 335 Round the clock Routine & preventive maintenance and assisting in operation of RW Pump House, RW Intake Pump House , Clarifier Pump House , Pre-Treatment Plant , DM Plant,CPU,STP,NDCT, Effluent Treatment Plant , Hydrogen Plant , and Fire Finding System with Inner Gas System. 336 Breakdown mechanical maintenance of RW Pump House, RW Intake PumpHouse , Clarifier Pump House , Pre-Treatment Plant , DM Plant,CPU,STP,NDCT, Effluent Treatment Plant , Hydrogen Plant , and Fire Finding System with Inner Gas System. 337 Breakdown mechanical maintenance ofRW Pump House, RW Intake PumpHouse , Clarifier Pump House , Pre-Treatment Plant , DM Plant ,CPU,STP, Effluent Treatment Plant and other associated work. 338 Servicing/repairing of Valves (gate/globe/NRV/butterfly/ diaphragm valves) (Dia< 100mm). 339 Servicing/repairing of Valves (gate/globe/NRV/butterfly/ diaphragm valves) ( Dia 100mm- 200mm). 340 Servicing/repairing of Valves (gate/globe/NRV/butterfly/ diaphragm valves) ( Dia >200mm). 341 Overhauling of Valves (gate/globe/ NRV/butterfly/ diaphragm valves) (Dia<100mm). 342 Overhauling of Valves (gate/globe/NRV/butterfly/ diaphragm valves ( Dia 100mm- 200mm). 343 Overhaulingof Valves (gate/globe/NRV/butterfly/ diaphragm valves) ( Dia >200mm). 344 Replacement of Valves (gate/globe/ /butterfly / NRV/ diaphragmvalves) (Dia< 100mm). 345 Replacement of Valves (gate/globe/ NRV / butterfly/ diaphragm valves ( Dia 100mm- 200mm). 346 Replacement of Valves (gate/globe/ NRV /butterfly/ diaphragm valves) ( Dia>200mm). 347 Overhauling of Horizontal Pump: - (DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make-Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant. ( Dia <100 mm). 348 Overhauling of Horizontal Pump: - (DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make-Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.) ( Dia 100 mm- 200mm). 349 Overhauling of Horizontal Pump: - (DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make-Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.) ( Dia >200mm) 350 Alignment of Horizontal Pumps(DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.) (Dia <100 mm). 351 Alignment of Horizontal Pumps(DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.) ( Dia 100 mm- 200mm). 352 Alignment of Horizontal Pumps(DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.) ( Dia > 200mm). 353 Servicing of Horizontal Pumps:- (DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.) (Dia < 100 mm) 354 Servicing of Horizontal Pumps:- (DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.) (Dia 100 mm-200 mm) 355 Servicing of Horizontal Pumps:- (DM Make Up, Backwash, Degassed water, Potable Water, CPU Regeneration, Emergency Hot Well Make Up, and Pumps associated with PT Plant, DM Plant, ETP Plant.(Dia >200 mm) 356 Overhauling of Agitators/Flocculators (of all chemical tanks and clarifiers). 357 Servicing of Agitators (of all chemical tanks and clarifiers). 358 Overhauling of Clarifloculator. 359 Overhauling of Blowers. 360 Bearing replacement of Blowers. 361 Belt replacement of Blowers. 362 Overhauling of Reciprocating pumps. 363 Servicing of Reciprocating pumps. 364 Servicing of NRV. 365 Servicing of Screw pump/Compressor. 366 Overhauling of Screw pump/Compressor. 367 Choking Removal of GI Pipes. 368 Servicing of Water Channel Gates. 369 Gland replacement of LP Water Pumps. 370 Attending Defects in Flanges. 371 Choking Removal of clarifloculator. 372 Servicing of Clarifloculator Drive. 373 Repair/Replacement of rail of Clarifloculator/ Electrical Hoist. 374 Repair/servicing of Clarifloculator Scrapers (Replacement of CCF scrapper structure of ETP & PT-CW Clarifloculator.) 375 Lifting of water Channel Gates. 376 Miscellaneous Welding Works. 377 Replacement of the Cartridge Filter Element of RO / UF Water System. 378 Inspection, Repair and Replacement of the RO/UF Membranes of RO Water System. 379 Attending Defects in HDPE pipes. 380 Laying of HDPE pipes. 381 Erection/laying of SS Lines. 382 Replacement of Pressure Vessels for RO/UF of RO Water System. 383 Replacement of Victaulic coupling/bushes, CPVC Valves & Fitting of RO /UF Water System. 384 Inspection of Pressure Vessels. 385 Servicing of V/V gear box . 386 Cleaning of Tanks ((RO, UF, DM WATER, FILTER WATER & CST WATER TANKS). 387 Overhauling of Vertical pumps (100 mm – 200 mm). 388 Overhauling of Vertical pumps (Dia 200 mm–300mm). 389 Overhauling of Vertical pumps (Dia >=300 mm). 390 Providing a diving team of 3 divers and one supervisor. 391 Replacement of seal of Butterfly Valves (>300mm). 392 Servicing of Butterfly Valves(>300mm). 393 EOT/Cranes (≤5MT) servicing:- 394 Cleaning of Pit/Sump. 395 Replacement of MS piping (100mm- 200mm). 396 Replacement of MSRL Pipes. 397 Attending Defects in Expansion Joints (of RW intake/ supply pump etc.) 398 Laying of ERW Pipes. 399 Bulk Chemicals (RESINS/Activated carbon/dual media/sand) Hndlg & Stacking. 400 Overhauling of vessel (Ion exchanger Like SAC/WAC, SBA/WBA, MB, CIP,CPU & CPU Regeneration Vessel /ACF /DMF & Other Vessels.) 401 Servicing of Air Blower. 402 Strainer Cleaning/choking removal. 403 Replacement/filling of Resin (ion exchangers/CPU and Nozzle Replacement work/Carbonreplacement in ACF/Repairing work of CPU Vessel). 404 Servicing of diaphragm chamber/oil pressure relief valves (of alum/coagulant aid dosing pump/chemical dosing pump). 405 Attending gland leakage of various pumps and valves. 406 Maintenance of gear box of PT-CW/ETP Clarifier/Floculator. 407 Coupling Bush replacement and alignment in vertical pump. 408 Laying of MS pipe line. 409 Maintenance of Air Vent & A.R.V . 410 Cleaning of Trash Rack: (RW INTAKE/SUPPLY.P.H): 1set =complete trash rack installed for one no.of pump). 411 Cleaning of Travelling screen: (RW INTAKE) 412 PAINTING 413 Replacement/servicing/repairing of ejectors. 414 Rubber lining/re-rubber lining of tanks/valves/ pipings /Tee/Bends et. 415 Re rubber lining of Acid/Alkali/FeCl3/PE /Brinesolution/ARU/ CRU/CMB/N.pit/RO/UF cleaning solution etc. dosing/ measuring Tanks with two layer of neoprene rubber each have thickness of 1.5 mm. 416 Re rubber lining of one stream of cation tank with three layer of neoprene rubber each have thickness of 1.5 mm. 417 Re rubber lining of one stream of Degasser tank with three layer of neoprene rubber each have thickness of 1.5 mm. 418 Re rubber lining of one stream of anion tank with three layer of neoprene rubber each have thickness of 1.5 mm. 419 Re rubber lining of one stream of mixed bed tank with three layer of neoprene rubber each have thickness of 2.5 mm. 420 Rubber lining/ re- rubber lining of pipe/ bends/ Tee including both side flanges etc. (including fabrication works for flanges joining) with new pipe having sizes from 25 NB to 250 NB. (Running Meter measured at center line of pipes used). 421 Protective coating of Epoxy paint including removal of old paint, rusted surface, preparation of surface by sand blasting, two coat of epoxy primer and two or more coat of epoxy paint on outer surface of Acid storage tanks / Alum Solution Preparation Tank (PAC storage Tank) / DM water stream tanks/structures of Acid / Alkali unloading rack / other vessels / pipes of various sizes / bends / tee’s / and other Misc. work. 422 Breakdown mechanical maintenance of RW/PW Chlorinationsystem and other associated work. 423 Servicing of RW chlorinator 424 Servicing of RW evaporator 425 Replacement /servicing of RW/PW Remote Vacuum regulator 426 Replacement /servicing of RW/PW pressure relief valve 427 Replacement /servicing ofRW /PW Flow meter- 428 Replacement /servicing ofRW /PW Flow control valve- 429 Servicing of PW chlorinator. 430 Repairing /Servicing of RWInjector assembly with associated NRVs/valves - 431 Repairing /Servicing of PWInjector assembly with associated NRVs/valves - 432 Repairing /servicing of PW chlorine dispenser lines of one chlorinator with associated valves & filters - 433 Repairing /servicing of RW chlorine dispenser lines of one chlorinatorwith associated valves & filters :- 434 Repairing /Servicing of valves 435 Repair of MS pipeline work to arrest leakage- 436 Repair of HDPE pipeline for RW to arrest leakage of chlorine solution- 437 Repairing /servicingof RW parshall flume chlorine solution diffuser withassociated valves- 438 Fabrication of lead gaskets ID 13mm, OD:20MM Thickness : 3mm (as per sample)- 439 Repairing /Servicing of emergency shower with associated pipe line & valve connected to source:- 440 Servicing of RW line strainers- 441 Breakdown mechanical maintenance of Natural drought cooling tower system of 1x660 MW, PTEP, Panki Kanpur. 442 CT Dist Pipe/Nozzles Cleaning 443 CT Fill Packs/Drift elemanatorCleaning 444 CT BasinCleaning (Mechanical cleaning) 445 Replacement of rubber sealing Ring (Door Seal ) of B/F valve (2800NB) 446 Servicing of B/F valve 2800NB 447 Servicing of Centrifugal Vertical Pumps: Sludge disposal pump 448 Overhauling of Various Vertical Centrifugal Pumps: Sludge disposal pump 449 Servicing of Stop Log Gate 450 Breakdown Mechanical maintenance of fire fighting system including IGS of 1x660mw, PTEP, Panki Kanpur. 451 Maintenance of Hydrant Pump /Spray pump (motor/diesel engine driven). 452 Maintenance of Jockey Pump. 453 Maintenance / overhauling of Hydrant/Spray diesel engine 454 Maintenance / overhauling of Booster diesel engine 455 Maintenance / repairing of 250/200/150mmC.I. Isolating gate valves (fabricating , fixing & lapping of new brass seat rings in valve body & gate seat after removal of damaged ones, repair /replacement of wedge nut ,spindle, key , keyway ,gears, etc) 456 Maintenance / repairing of 100/80/65/40 mmC.I. Isolating gate valves (fabricating , fixing & lapping of new brass seat rings in valve body & gate seat after removal of damaged ones, repair /replacement of wedge nut ,spindle, key , keyway ,gears, etc) 457 Maintenance of 250/200 mm C.I. swing type Non Return Valve 458 Maintenance of 150/100 mm C.I. swing type Non Return Valve 459 Maintenance of 80/65 mm C.I. swing type Non Return Valve. 460 Overhauling(cleaning, repairing , replacement ofdamaged parts etc) of 150/100mm Y-type Strainer. 461 Overhauling(cleaning, repairing , replacement ofdamaged parts etc) of 250mm Basket-type Strainer. 462 Fabrication & fitting of flap seat of 250/200 mm swing type NRV. 463 Fabrication & fitting of flap seat of 150/100 mm swing type NRV. 464 Fabrication & fitting of flap seat of 80/65/40 mm swing type NRV. 465 Fabrication & fitting of complete hinge-lever of 250/200/150 mm swing type NRV. 466 Fabrication & fitting of complete hinge-lever of 100/80/65/40 mm swing type NRV. 467 Filling of gland packing in stuffing box of valves (250-200 mm). 468 Filling of gland packing in stuffing box of valves (150-50 mm). 469 Maintenance of Air release valve 25mm/40mm. 470 Maintenance / overhauling of150 /100mm Deluge valve. 471 Maintenance / overhauling of80 mm Deluge valve. 472 Maintenance/servicing of150/100 mm butterflyvalve. 473 Maintenance/servicing of 80 /65 mm butterflyvalve. 474 Maintenance of 100 /80 mm C.I. Isolating Valve installed underground in the chamber. 475 Maintenance of250/ 200 /150 mm C.I. Isolating Valve installed underground in the chamber 476 Maintenance of Hydrant valve 63 mm inlet and 63 mm(monitor) outlet. 477 Maintenance ofFoam Pump (Electric /Engine Driven). 478 Servicing of Diesel Engine of Hydrant/Spray/Booster/Foam pumps. 479 Maintenance of 80/100 mm Inline Balance Pressure Foam Proportioner). 480 Maintenance of Foam Maker. 481 Cleaning & servicing ofbasket type strainer 150 mm in Fixed Foam pourer pump house/system. 482 Maintenance ofC.S./S.S. valves/check valve (40 mm - 150 mm) in Fixed Foam pourer pump house/system. 483 Maintenance of Y type Strainer 80/100 NB (S.S.) in Fixed Foam pourer pump house/system. 484 Maintenance ofbooster pump(Electric motor/Diesel Engine). 485 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Generator Transformers/ Station Transformers/ Unit Auxiliary Transformers/ICT/UT/CHP Transformer. 486 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Boiler Burner Fronts/Rear 487 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Main Oil Tanks & Oil Purifier 488 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Clean & Dirty Oil Tanks 489 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in FGD storage shed. 490 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system as per scope of work in T- Boiler Feed Pumps and Oil Tank 491 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Cable Spreader Room in Main Plant at EI.0.0m/8.5m/13m/27m/ ESP Room . 492 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Seal oil pumps area. 493 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system as per scope of work in Fuel Oil Pump House. 494 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in E.D.G .Set Building. 495 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Coal Conveyors(section confined with one deluge valve will be treated as one job 496 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in Bowl mill area (system confined with one mill will be treated as one job). 497 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water) spray system in APH area(system confined with one APH will be treated as one job). 498 Maintenance/Servicing of complete Auto (Water/Foam) spray system in LDO Storage Tanks 499 Leakage arresting work in underground pipe line at approx. 1.5 meter depth. 500 Leakage arresting work in water lines laid at ground level. 501 Leakage arresting work in water lines running overhead. 502 For arresting leakage in pipe lines laid above ground or inside of trenches by providing clamp. 503 Maintenance/overhauling of Inert Gas flooding system. 504 Servicing of Inert Gas flooding system. 505 Maintenance / repairing of250/ 200/150/100/80 mmC.I. Isolating gate valves (fabricating , fixing & lapping of new brass seat rings in valve body & gate seat after removal of damaged ones, repair /replacement of wedge nut ,spindle, key , keyway ,gears, etc) 506 Bienneal round the clock & routine collection and preparation of sample and analysis of water/steam/coal/oil/ash/waste water and Monitoring, Recording & maintaining Water Chemistry of 1X660 MW,PTEP, Panki, Kanpur. 507 Round the clock collection and preparation of sample and analysis of water/steam/coal/oil/ash/waste water and Monitoring, Recording & maintaining Water Chemistry of 1X660 MW,PTEP Panki Kanpur. 508 Routine collection and preparation of sample and analysis of water/steam/coal/oil/ash/waste water/flue gas/mill fineness/various components pertaining to pollution etc.and Monitoring, Recording & maintaining Water Chemistry,calibration of instruments and Standardization of solutions for the special testing. 509 Round the clock Routine,Operationof CW/ACW Pumps , IAC/SAC/Air Driers, Complete CW Chorination Plant ,Complete CW Treatment Plant , Complete SSF Plant , FOPH System and LDO Unloading Pump House and its accessories andRound the clock Operation and Routine, Preventive, Breakdown maintenance & General cleaning work of HVAC (HeatVentilation and Air Conditioning) system and Routine, Preventive &Breakdown maintenance of 1.5TR & 2.0 TR Split type Air conditioners& 2.0TR Cassette ACinstalled in 1x660MW, PTEP-, Panki” for the period of two years. 510 Round the clock Routine,Operationof CW/ACW Pumps , IAC/SAC/Air Driers, Complete CW Chorination Plant ,Complete CW Treatment Plant , Complete SSF Plant , FOPH System and LDO Unloading Pump House and its accessories. 511 Breakdown mechanical maintenance of complete CW/ACW Pumps and its Auxiliaries, IAC/SAC/Air Driers, EOT Cranes/Mono Rail Cranes, Complete CW Chorination Plant ,Complete CW Treatment Plant andComplete SSF Plant , FOPH System and LDO Unloading Pump House and its accessories. 512 Breakdown mechanical maintenance of of Complete CW Chlorination Plant, CW Treatment Plant & Side Stream Filtration Plant 513 Servicing of CW chlorinator 514 Servicing of CW evaporator 515 Replacement /servicing of CW Remote Vacuum regulator 516 Replacement /servicing of CW pressure relief valve 517 Replacement /servicing ofCW Flow meter 518 Replacement /servicing ofCW Flow control valve 519 Replacement /servicing of CW Differential pressure regulator 520 Servicing/cleaning of CWCl2 absorption tower with suction duct network 521 Repairing /Servicing of CW Injector assembly with associated NRVs/valves 522 Repairing/Servicing of complete tonner manifold of CW with associated valves & expansion cylinders - 523 Repairing /servicing of CW chlorine dispenser lines of one chlorinator & evaporator with associated valves & filters 524 Replacement of coupling and Alignment of Booster pump 525 Replacement of coupling and Alignment of Recirculationpump 526 Servicingof caustic recirculation pump 527 Servicingof CWBooster pump 528 Overhaulingof caustic recirculation Booster pump 529 Overhaulingof CW Booster pump 530 Servicingof caustic Blowers 531 Overhaulingof caustic Blowers 532 Bearing replacement of different pumps 533 Bearing replacement of Blower 534 Repairing /Servicing of valvessizes 0mm-50mm 535 Maintenance /Servicing of valves sizes>50 mm -100 mm 536 Maintenance /Servicing of valves sizes >100mm -200mm 537 Repairing /Servicing ofPP diaphragm/check valves sizes -0mm- 80mm 538 Repairing/servicing of CPVC NRV/BALL valve0mm -50 mm 539 Repairng/servicing of CPVC BF/Check Valve 100mm-150 mm 540 Repair of MS pipeline work to arrest leakage 541 Repair of HDPE pipeline for CW to arrest leakage of chlorine solution 542 Repairing /servicingof CW Forebay chlorine solution diffuser withassociated valves 543 Replacement of CW chlorinator PVC vacuum pipeline with associated bends, tees, unions, flanges etc 544 Fabrication of lead gaskets ID 13mm, OD :20MM Thickness : 3mm (as per sample) 545 Refilling with maintenance /servingof oxygen cylinder and safety set 546 Repairing /Servicing of emergency shower with associated pipe line & valve connected to source 547 Servicing of CW line strainers 548 Attending B/d by re-rubber lining of different pipes, bend, pipes, Tee & Cross 549 Repairing /Servicing & revisioning of stroke adjustment of Acid dosing pump/scale inhibitor/corrosion inhibitor /biocidedosing pump 550 Complete cleaning & removal of foreign-material from scale inhibitor /corrosion inhibitor/biocide tanks, their strainer, backwashing of tank & Cleaning & flushing of pipe lines 551 Repairng/Servicing of agitator of scale inhibitor tank/corrosion tank/bio dispersanttank of dosing system 552 Repairing/Servicing of acid unloading pumps along with suction and discharge valve 553 Attending leakage in pipe lines 554 Repairing/servicing of PTFE NRV/ball/Diaphragm valve (0mm-50 mm) 555 Painting of Acid Storage Tank, Acid/Scale/ Corrosion inhibitor/ biocide measuring Tanks (Note : Paint and primer is in the contractor scope) 556 Overhauling of SSF Filter Back wash Pump 557 Servicing of SSF Filter Back wash Pump 558 Overhauling of SSF Air blower 559 Servicing of SSF Air blower 560 Replacement of Bearing of Filter Back wash Pump 561 Replacement of Bearing of Filter Back washblowers 562 Replacement of coupling, Alignment & balancing of Back wash pumps 563 Cleaning /removal of mud/sludgefrom SSF Backwash Water Pitand its disposal 564 Miscellaneous repairing / welding work of MS Pipe lines 565 Replacement/ Top up of media (sand ) per m3 566 Inspection of Pressure Vessels 567 Cleaning ofPressure Vessels 568 Gland replacement ofWater Pumps 569 Attending Defects in Flanges 570 Attending gland leakage of various pumps and valves. 571 Breakdown Mechanical maintenance of complete CW/ACW Pumps and its Auxiliaries, IAC/SAC/Air Driers, EOT Cranes/Mono Rail Cranes 572 Decoupling & coupling of motor and CW pump (while motor replacement)/motor removal and fitting of motor of CW pump 573 Alignment of motor and CW pump 574 Gland replacement and tightening of glands in stuffing box for arresting leakage in CW pump 575 Break down maintenance/Overhauling of CW pump 576 Decoupling & coupling of motor and ACW pump with adjustment of pump lift (while motor replacement)/motor removal and fitting of ACW motor 577 Alignment of motor and ACW pump 578 Gland replacement and tightening of glands in stuffing box for arresting leakage in ACW pump 579 Replacement of thrust bearing/spherical roller bearing 580 Break down maintenance/Overhauling of ACW pump 581 Cleaning of screen of CW PUMP 582 Cleaning of screen of ACW PUMP 583 Servicing/maintenance of Air release vent (ARV) /NRV/ Isolation valve and attend defect 584 Servicing/maintenance ofButterfly valve /Glove Valve 585 Replacement of Rubber sealing ring/gasketof Butterfly /Glove valve valve 586 Replacement of Expansion bellow 587 Cleaning of sump pit of CW/ACW Pump 588 Providing a Diving team of 03 Divers & 01 Supervisor 01 Helper for underwater diving services 589 Servicing & maintenance work of Service Air Compressor 03nos, Instrument Air Compressors 03nos & Air Driers 03 nos as per site requirement including assistance in A.M.C of above equipments of 1x660 MW, PTEP,Panki. 590 Servicing of monorail (FOPH) (make- M/s Mangla Hoist , 8 T capacity) & Unloading Pump House 591 CWPH EOT (60T/5on) , COMPRESSOR House EOT(8T) Crane, - Attend defect 592 General Cleaning of CW/ACW pump House, CW traetment Plant,SSF,CW clorination Plant and Compressor House 593 Inspection,Testing &Issue of required Statutory test certificate for CWPH EOT Crane (60/5 T). 594 Inspection, Testing & Issue of required Statutory test certificate for Compressor House EOT Crane (8 T) 01 no.,make: M/S Mangla Hoist 595 Inspection, Testing & Issue of required statutory test certificate for FOPH Mono Rail Cranes (8 MTcapacity) 01 nos & Unloading Pump House 596 Routine, Preventive and Breakdown maintenance works, Cleaning works, Decantation of LDO from BTPN rakes & other associated maintenance works of Fuel oil system of 1x660MW PTPS-Extn. for the period of 02 year. 597 Routine & Preventive maintenance works of fuel oil System 598 Cleaning of LDO storage tank, Capacity-2000 KL. Completion time-12 days (8 hrs shift). 599 Cleaning of DOT, Capacity-10 m3. Completion time-02 day (8 hrs shift). 600 Daily cleaning of fuel oil pump house area, Work includes cleaning of all trenches, channel & open drains inside and outside of fuel oil pump house area. 601 Complete cleaning of LDO Unloading Header . Cleaning also includes Cutting of Vegetation around unloading header and shifting of cutted vegetation in scrap yard or as decided by JE/AE/EE concerns. Completion period-01month=02 jobs. 602 Cleaning of sump/Pit of FOPH. Completion period-2 day (8 hrs shift). 603 Break Down Maintenance works of fuel oil system:-. 604 Servicing of LDO Unloading screw pumps (Installed Qty-5 nos.) 605 Servicing of LDO pressurizing screw pumps including auxilliary Boilerwith PCV (Installed Qty-2 nos.) 606 Servicing of Vertical Drain oil pump (Installed Qty-2 nos) 607 Servicing of Vertical Sump pump (Installed Qty-8 no) 608 Servicing of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size 20mm to 50mm. 609 Servicing of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size above 50 to 100mm. 610 Servicing of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size above 100-150mm. 611 Servicing of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size above 150-200mm 612 Servicing of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size above 200-450mm. 613 Replacement of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size 20mm to 50mm. 614 Replacement of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size above 50mm to 100mm 615 Replacement of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size above 100 to 150mm 616 Replacement of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs Size above 150-200mm 617 Replacement of Gate Valve/Globe Valve/NRVs to above 200 to450mm 618 Alignment of LDO pressurizing & unloading pumps. 619 Replacement of New/serviced LDO pumps. 620 Repairing/Replacement of PRV/PCV/ pressure release safety valve of LDO system (One PRV/PCV/PRS valve makes one number Job.) 621 Cleaning of Strainer of LDO pressurizing & unloading pumps 622 Decantation of LDO from BTPN rakes by making connection for unloading and making disconnection after unloading. 623 Decantation of LDO from Road Tankers by making connection for unloading and making disconnection after unloading. 624 Round the clock Operation and Routine, Preventive, Breakdown maintenance & General cleaning work of HVAC (HeatVentilation and Air Conditioning) system and Routine, Preventive &Breakdown maintenance of 1.5TR & 2.0 TR Split type Air conditioners& 2.0TR Cassette ACinstalled in 1x660MW, PTEP-, Panki” for the period of two years. 625 Round the clock Operation and Routine, Preventive, Breakdown maintenance & general cleaning work of HVAC (Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system of 1x660MW, PTEP- Panki for two years 626 Routine, Preventive & Breakdown maintenance of1.5TR, 2.0TR Split type& 2.0TR CassetteAir conditioners installed in 1x660MW, PTEP-, Panki” for the period of two years 627 Routine servicing of 1.5TR (Qty-53 Nos), 2.0TR (Qty-71 Nos) Split type Air conditioners and 2.0 TR(Qty-03 Nos) Cassette Air Conditionerinstalled in 1X660MW, PTEP, Panki, Kanpur. (Approx.Total 131 Nos. Split AC) 628 Breakdown maintenance of damaged/defective spare parts of 1.5/ 2.0 TR Split type Air &and 2.0 TRCassette Air Conditionerinstalled at CPU regeneration Building,DM plant Control Room ,clarified water building, CWPH, Raw water Pump house , Raw water Intake ,fuel oil handling/ Unloading ,Training centre, Chemical Lab , fire station, Gate house , Dispensary , store building,, SO2 Analiser, Canteen Buildingetc. in BOP area of 1x660MW, PTEP, Panki, Kanpur 629 Replacement of 1.5 Ton burnt compressor with gas charging (R-32). 630 Replacement of 2.0TR Split/ 2.0TR Cassette AC burnt compressor with gas charging (R-32). 631 Gas charging in 1.5 Ton Compressor (R- 32). 632 Gas charging in 2.0 TR Compressor of Split and Cassette Type AC (R-32). 633 Replacement of Strainer filter of 2.0 TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 634 Replacement of Strainer filter of 1.5 Ton Split AC 635 Replacement of Starting capacitor/ running capacitor of 2.0 TR split type & Cassette Air conditionercapacitor of 2.0/3.0 Ton split type Air conditioner 636 Replacement of Starting capacitor/ running capacitor of 1.5 Ton split AC 637 Replacement of Thermostat of 2.0 TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 638 Replacement of Thermostat of 1.5 Ton split type Air conditioner 639 Replacement of Blade of fan blower of 2.0TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 640 Replacement of Blade of fan blower of 1.5 Ton split type Air conditioner 641 Replacement of Fan motor capacitor of 2.0 TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner/3.0Ton split type Air conditioner 642 Replacement of Fan motor capacitor of 1.5 Ton split type Air conditioner 643 Rewinding of outer blower motor of 1.5/2.0TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 644 Rewinding of inner blower motor of 1.5/2.0 TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 645 Replacement of Starting relay of 2.0TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 646 Replacement of Starting relay of 1.5 Ton split type Air conditioner 647 Repairing of PCB 1.5/2.0 TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 648 Replacement of PCB 1.5/2.0TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 649 Repairing of Remote kit of 1.5/2.0TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 650 Replacement of Remote kit of 1.5/2.0/ TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 651 Top up of refrigerant of unit as per requirement (R-32). 652 Shifting of wall mounted complete Split AC of 1.5TR, 2.0TR Split Type & 2.0 TR Cassette Air Conditioner as per requirement of site, including supply of inlet/outlet copper piping with insulation, cutting, brazing & gas charging.Supply of inlet/outlet copper piping, insulation material, brazing & gas charging will be in the contractor scope. 653 Replacement of Condenser/Evaporator coil of 1.5 TR AC 654 Replacement of Condenser/Evaporator coil of 2.0 Ton Split AC 655 Replacement of Condenser/Evaporator coil of 2.0 Ton Cassette AC 656 Replacement of Fan Motor of 1.5 ton AC 657 Replacement of Fan Motor of 2.0 TR split type & Cassette Air conditioner 658 Engagement of FieldOperation Assistant (Operator) in shift (Round the clock) for assistance in operational activitiesfrom Unit Control room (CCR) of1X660 MW, PTEP - Panki, Kanpur 659 Engagement of FieldOperation Assistant (Operator) in shift(Round the clock) for assistance in operational activitiesfrom Unit Control room(CCR) of1X660 MW, PTEP, Panki Kanpur, {Each shift will be of 08 Hrs. and in 24 Hrs.(Day & Night) total 03 shifts will be carried-out and so in one year total shifts = 3X 365= 1095 Shifts)}

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 12-11-2024 Extension of Date 1 Date 27-11-2024
2 26-11-2024 Typographical error Other 27-11-2024
3 28-11-2024 Extension of Dates 2 Date 03-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 11800 /-
INR 1400000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 14.09 Crore /-
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