
Bids Are Invited For Veterinary Medicine Inj. Moxel 3Gm , Inj. Dcr 2.5 Gm , Inj. Otc 30 Ml , Bolus. Bandikind , Inj.Dexa 30 Ml , Tab. Doxycyling 100 Mg , Inj. Ns 1 Ltr , Agrimin Forte 01Kg , Inj.Flunixin 30 Ml , Inj. Tonophosphan 30 Ml , Inj. Tribive, Reasi-Jammu And Kashmir

Indo Tibetan Border Police has published Bids Are Invited For Veterinary Medicine Inj. Moxel 3Gm , Inj. Dcr 2.5 Gm , Inj. Otc 30 Ml , Bolus. Bandikind , Inj.Dexa 30 Ml , Tab. Doxycyling 100 Mg , Inj. Ns 1 Ltr , Agrimin Forte 01Kg , Inj.Flunixin 30 Ml , Inj. Tonophosphan 30 Ml , Inj. Tribive. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-11-2024. Other Adhesives and Sealants Tenders in Reasi Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Veterinary Medicine Inj. Moxel 3Gm , Inj. Dcr 2.5 Gm , Inj. Otc 30 Ml , Bolus. Bandikind , Inj.Dexa 30 Ml , Tab. Doxycyling 100 Mg , Inj. Ns 1 Ltr , Agrimin Forte 01Kg , Inj.Flunixin 30 Ml , Inj. Tonophosphan 30 Ml , Inj. Tribive
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Veterinary Medicine Inj. Moxel 3Gm , Inj. Dcr 2.5 Gm , Inj. Otc 30 Ml , Bolus. Bandikind , Inj.Dexa 30 Ml , Tab. Doxycyling 100 Mg , Inj. Ns 1 Ltr , Agrimin Forte 01Kg , Inj.Flunixin 30 Ml , Inj. Tonophosphan 30 Ml , Inj. Tribivet 30 Ml , Inj. Ranietidine 2 Ml , Inj.Avil 33 Ml , Inj. Belamyl 100 Ml , Inj. Xylaxine 30 Ml , Pow. Himbatisa 200 Gm , Pow. Caflon 100 Gm , Pow Timpol 100Gm , Pow. Neblon 200Gm , Pow. Ruchamax 15Gm , Bolus Bioboost Bolus , Bolus Amoxycllin 1.5 Gm , Syrup. Multistar Pet. 200 Ml , Oral Paste Abaquntel 6.42 Gm , Arbc Pet , Inj. Rl 500 Ml , Oint. Povidone Iodine 250 Gm , Tab. Drontal Plus Xl , Inj. Prednisolone , Inj. Aciloc 02 Ml , Cream Lorexane 100 Gm , Inj. Lasix , Kennel Phenoyle , Horse Nubulizer , Spray Dermichlor , Tab.Canitone , Inj. Intacef , Spray Topicure , Inj. Mecovet Xl 4000 Mg , Tab Bravecto 1000 Mg , Horse Mouth Gas , Tick Coller , Inj. Doramactin , Liq. Blotosil , Inj. Mox Clave , Inj.Metro 100 Ml , Inj. Buscopan 2 Ml , Liq.Liv 52 , Liq.Ostvet 1Ltr 1 43 Total Quantity : 1708

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