tender for Construction of New HT/LT Line and 11/0.4 LT Sub Station for releasing new connection/ Load Extension to Consumer under the deposit scheme in the area of EUDD Residency, LESA, Central Zone, Lucknow” Sl. No. Item Description 1 Construction of new Electrical infrastructure for Release of Sanctioned load to the consumer’s premises against deposit works.Safe carriage, loading-unloading with proper stacking of following material from ESC-Daliganjto J.E Dump Store/Site. 2 11KV3X70/120/185 SQ MM XLPE CABLE 3 11 KV ST/TH C/J KIT3X70/120/185 SQ MM 4 11KVEND TERMINATION O/DOOR & I/DOOR 3X70/120/185 SQ MM 5 ST POLE 9/11 MT LONG 6 M S EARTHING ROD 20X2500 MM 7 TOPCHANEL 125X65MM 8 TOPCHANEL 125X65MM 9 ABC 3X120+1X95+1X16 10 ABC 3X95+1X70+1X16 11 ABC SINGLE PHASE (1X16+1X25) 12 3.5X240/400/70 SQ MM PVC/XLPE CABLE 13 11/0.4 KV 250/400 KVA T/F 14 11/0.4 KV 100 KVA T/F 15 11/0.4 KV 63 KVA T/F 16 11/0.4 KV 25 KVA T/F 17 GI WIRE 8 SWG 18 TOP CHANEL 100X50MM 19 11KV PININSULATOR 20 11KVPINWITH NUT 21 STAY SET 16X1800 MM 22 STAY WIRE 23 M.S. ANGLE IRON 65X65X6MM 24 11 KV RMU 25 11 KV meter Cubicle 26 11 KV CT & PT Unit 27 Fabrication & erection of 11 KV cable exposure type double pole with the provision ofcable with fixing of necessary clamps and other accessories like danger board, number plate, barbed wire,2 no. channels 100x50mm (1600mm each),1 no.MS channel 100x50mm(3200mm in length) for supporting the hoisting of cable & poles. Its jumpering by single core PVC aluminium cable with proper size Al. lug after making three phase busbar with help of 11 KV pin,pin insulator and PVC cable. (all material arranged by contractor except steel, pole, PVC aluminium cable & insulator).as per RESPO norms. 28 Fabrication & erection of S/S type double pole for 11KV line on 11 M long ST pole with fixing of necessary clamps & other accessories like 1 no. top channel 100×50 mm,2 no.MS angle 65x65x6mm,danger board. 29 11 KV Double circuit cable laying in normal soil by digging of trench 1050 mm deep, 750 mm wide including supply of required material as fine sand, 1st class bricks, stone slab. Inter axial spacing between the two cable should be in between 0.25 m to 0.40m. the two cables should be separated by a partition of single bricks (All thematerial required for laying will be supplied by thecontractor except 11 KV XLPE cable) 30 11 KV S/C Cable laying in normal soil by digging of trench 900 mm deep, 500 mm wide including supply of required material as fine sand, 1st class bricks, stone slab. (All thematerial required for laying will be supplied by thecontractor except 11 KV XLPE cable) 31 Cable layingBy drill methodSingle circuit 32 Laying in RCC hume pipe with collar NP-4 200 mm diasingle circuit. 33 In MS pipe 4 dia single circuit. 34 In HDPE pipe 160 mm dia 35 Laying of 11 KVXLPECable in HDPE pipe 160 mm dia by horizontal deep drilling method 36 Hoisting of 11KVXLPE cable 3x70/120/185 sq mm on double pole with MS pipe 2 M long including its jumpering complete with clamps, nuts and bolts (all material arranged by contractor). 37 Digging of pit of size 3x2x1 mtr. for making straight through joint 11 KV size 3x/70185/120 sq mmwork included boxing of pit by the help of sand, bricks and stone slab filling of soil leveling and ramming of the same .(S/Th Provided by department) 38 High Pressure testing of 11 KV XLPE cable. Testing equipment will be arranged by the contractor. 39 Chemical Earthing system with outer pipe diameter 50mm, inner Strip 40x6, length 3000 mm. galvanization up to 200 micro, earthing pipe with crystalline conductive mixture filled inside the pipe with anti-corrosion & high conductive along with 50 Kg (As per required) of BFC which should be capable to reducing the soil resistively with good moisture retaining capacity.(Specification of chemical earthing and drawing is hereby enclosed). All material shall by supply by the contractor. 40 Laying of LT PVC/XLPE Cable 3.5x240/3.5x400/3.5x70 sq mm double circuit in 900 mm deep, 500 mm wide including supply of required material as fine sand, 1st class bricks, stone slab (Except LT PVC cable) 41 LT Cable Laying in RCC hume pipe with collar NP-4 200 mm diasingle circuit. 42 In MS pipe 4 dia single circuit. 43 Construction of T/F plinth of size 2x2x1.5 m on a padding 0.25M deep in ground 1:5:10 cement sand and brick ballast on the top of padding brick work Ist class brick of 0.95 mtr height & 0.35 mtr wall will be constructed. Rest wall should be 0.23 mtr thick brick work in ratio 1:4 cement & cores Sand in the hollow portion the sand should be filled from the ground level up to 15 centimeter below from the top of wall, Cement, sand & brick Ballasts should be filled up to 15 centimeter. Two no. of channel 100x50 in length 1500mm will be grouded.0.35 CM.RCC will be done with cores sand, cement and stone ballast in the ratio of 1:2:4.The t/fs plinth should be plastered on all sides 12mm thick in ratio 1:6 by cement and cores sand. (All the material will be arranged by the contractor.) 44 Placement of 11/0.4 KV T/Fs from dump place to newly constructed T/Fs plinth & installation, commissioning of 400/250/100/63/25 KVA T/Fs of T/FPlinth and including jumpering with the system ( Alltherequiredmaterial for abovejob shall be provided by contractor except T/Fs) 45 Construction of retaining wall, fabrication & erection of Wire mesh fencing around Transformer and Distribution Pillar Box with retaining wall & 1 no. gate with locking arrangement made of MS Angle iron of size 50x50x6 mm jointed with nuts and bolts. The panel must be supported with MS Flat of size 50x6 mm.Wiremesh of size 10 SWG rectangle type, its painting as per norms of RESSPO.(All the material will be arranged by the contractor at his own cost). 46 Construction of missionary type Distribution Pillar box with first class brick ballast cement, coarse sand, local sand, brick ballast and MS Round bar of 10 mm dia including Straight MS Angle 50X50X6X750 mm- (All the material will be arranged by the contractor). 47 Supply & fixing of henless fuse unit 500 amp 650 volts 48 Hoisting, winding and jumpering of LT cable size 3.5x240 sq mmbetween LT distribution box/fuse unit & constructed overhead line with proper lugging and clamping 49 Providing earthing strip size 50x6mm and connecting from earthing pipe/m.s. earting rod to fuse unit/transformer body/neutral earthing (Earthing rod & earthing strip arranged by contractor). 50 Opening of consumer connection from existing line again reconnection with newly erected L.T. distribution box/pillar box. 51 3 Phase (cable provided by contractor) 52 Single Phase (cable provided by contractor) 53 Fabrication & erection of single pole for LT line on 09 M long ST pole with fixing of necessary clamps & other accessories like clamp hook, dead/suspension clamp, neutral clamp, ABC pressure clamp (if required) and danger board with clamp.(all material arranged by contractor except steel & pole if required). 54 Supply and fixing of LT distribution box 3 phase 4 wire on existing wall/ Pole support with proper clamping of flexible pipe for casing of cable at suitable place for giving supply. 55 Nozeling, winding& grouting of stay set. (All the civil material & stay set will be arranged by the contractor except stay wire). 56 Fixing of earth rod (2500x20mm) as per norms. For earthing support of old existing poles of LT lines including 6 SWG GI/Earth wire . (All Materials provided by contractor) 57 Digging of Pit in kachcha/Pakka land in depth upto 1/6 length of Pole, Dragging of STP from nearby place/Dump, Erection of Single pole along with stone pad in bottom with proper alignment of line for 11 KV line on 11 M long ST Pole and refilling with ramming of earth. 58 Grouting of pole in depth of 1/6 the length of pole in ratio 1:4:8 in cement sand and brick balast as per RESPO norms. 59 Construction of pole plinth 300mm x 450 mm above ground level in 1:2:4 in cement, coarse sand and stone gritt as per RESPO norms. 60 Painting of new erected ST pole with two coat of red oxide paint, PO red paint at top of pole 2 M& balance by twocoats ofbest quality aluminium paint ISI of Burger/Nerolac/Asian mark as pernorms. 61 Installation and commissioning of CT/PT Metering unit including its connection in between TVM Meter and CT/PT Unit with required size of copper cable. Cable will be arranged by the contractor as his own cost. 62 Fixing of metering cubicle. 63 Installation of RMU including grouting & plinthing 64 Supply & Fixing of CU L-Piece 65 Supply of copper stripe of size 50x50x6 mm 66 Supply & fixing of 11 KV TPMO 67 Grouting of pole in depth of 1/6 the length of pole in ratio 1:4:8 in cement sand and brick balast as per RESPO norms.