
Tender For Classroom Construction At Nuagarh Middle, paradeep-Odisha

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Classroom Construction At Nuagarh Middle. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-10-2024. Crushers Breakers and Grinders Tenders in paradeep Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Classroom Construction At Nuagarh Middle
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Classroom Construction At Nuagarh Middle 2000158598 10 10 40 PROVIDING & LAYING PCC M10 5 M3 110 PROVIDING & APPLY PLASTER OF PARIS PUTTY 350 M2 10 Earth Work Excavation 120 M3 120 P & A TWO COAT OF WEATHER COAT 250 M2 20 BACK FILLING 100 M3 150 SANITARY FITTINGS INCLUDING PIPING 1 LO 90 Plaster 480 M2 60 STEEL FABRICATION 5,800 KG 50 PROVIDING & LAYING RCC M25 40 M3 80 CSR_BRICK WORK 65 M3 30 Sand Filling 60 M3 70 Shuttering 360 M2 130 P & FIXING CERAMIC/VITRIFIED TILES 170 M2 140 ELECTRIFICATION INCL CONCEALED WIRING 1 LO 100 SUPPLY,FABRN & ERE N OF WINDOW GRILLS 400 KG Email : debasis.swain@amns.in Contact : Name : Debasis Swain Item Details : S.L. No. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES UNIT TOTAL QUANTITY 10 Earth work in ordinary soil within 50m, initial lead and 1.5m, initial lift including rought dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. M3 120.00 20 Back filling in foundation and plinth.(Excavated material) M3 100.00 30 Sand filling M3 60.00 40 P<(>&<)>L Cement concrete M-10 with 12mm size hard broken granite chips. M3 5.00 50 P<(>&<)>L RCC work of M-25 grade with 20mm <(>&<)> down grade black hard granite (crusher broken) stone chips including hosting and laying M3 40.00 60 Fitting and placing uncoated HYSD bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specification. (Steel will be from vendor scope) kg 5800.00 70 P<(>&<)>F Rigid and smooth centering <(>&<)> shuttering for RCC works including false works,scaffolding and dismantling them after casting including cost of materials complete in ground floor . M2 360.00 80 P<(>&<)>L Brick work with fly ash 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance +-2 percent in cement mortar (1:6) in foundation and plinth. M3 65.00 90 P<(>&<)>A 12mm thick cement plaster (1:6) on brick work . Ground floor (up to 5mtr) M2 480.00 100 P<(>&<)>F of MS grill in winndows KG 400.00 110 Finishing wall surface of walls with Acrylic wall putty (Water based) of approved make and finished smooth and even surface to receive painting including cost of scaffolding staging charges with cost of all materials taxes, labour T <(>&<)> P etc complete. M2 350.00 120 Finishing walls with Weather coat of approved shade on new work two coats to give an even shade upto 5 mtr M2 250.00 130 P <(>&<)> FIXING CERAMIC/VITRIFIED TILES M2 170.00 140 ELECTRIFICATION INCL CONCEALED WIRING LOT 1 ( 4 Nos. Fans, Tube lights 10 No.s, Suceket 6A 10 Nos. with all sets MCB) 150 SANITARY FITTINGS INCLUDING PIPING LOT 1 ( For 1 Unit of Toilet <(>&<)> Urinal.) Item Note :

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