Amp - Amba Canal under Amba Project from Km.0 to 4/200 m. Rehabilitation and repair of construction on the canal here, Roha, Distt. Raigad - MR 1:- Dismantling the Stone Masonry in cement mortar including stacking the material with all lifts etc.complete as directed. 2 EW 2:- Excavation in hard murum including boulders upto 0.6 m diameter ( 0.113 cum) for canal, seating of embankment, filter drains / catch water drains etc., and placing the excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of service road / embankment including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc., complete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts as directed. 3 EW 6:- Excavation in hard rock of all toughness by breaker including boulders above 0.6 m dia.(0.113Cum) minimising damage to side slopes of excavation and placing the excavated rock neatly in approved dump area including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, levelling bed etc., complete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts as directed . 4 TN 05 A:- Providing and fixing anchor bar of 25 mm diameter 3.375 m length with resin bond cement capsule anchorage through adit / itself including drilling holes, inserting grout capsule, driving anchor, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, ventilation, lighting, drainage and other ancillary operations etc complete with all lifts as Directed . 5 CC 2A:- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M-15 of trap / granite / gneiss / quartzite / graded metal for foundation and bedding with Batching Plant and Transit Mixer including placing, compacting, curing etc. complete with all lifts as directed. 6 CC 4A:- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M- 20 of trap / granite / gneiss / quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of gallery, sluice, spillway crest, spillway down stream face, energy dissipating structures, intake structures, training walls, piers, abutments, slab etc. with Batching Plant and Transit mixer including centering, shuttering ,scaffolding, compacting, curing etc. complete with all lifts etc. complete as directed. 7 CC 22:- Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels pardis, copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete as directed. 8 EW 14:- Providing casing embankment using selected pervious material from approved borrow areas (Government acquired land) in layers including cost of all materials, machinery,labour, all other operations such as collection of soil, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness, sorting out, breaking clods, levelling, sectioning edges / sides, watering, compacting each layer to density control of not less than 95 % of Proctor density using vibratory compactor including cost of water etc., complete with lead upto1 km and all lifts as directed. 9 Providing and laying weep holes of 100 mm diameter PVC pipes as per drawing for abutment returns, return walls etc. Complete.