CONSTRUCTION OF NEW /ADDITIONAL 1 CLASS ROOM BUILDING@ KARNAVUR P U P SCHOOL IN MANNUKKUMUNDAN PANCHAYATCFSIDS - 2024-25Kottur Block - Tiruvarur Dist, Package no : 1; 1.CONSTRUCTION OF NEW /ADDITIONAL 1 CLASS ROOM BUILDING@ KARNAVUR P U P SCHOOL IN MANNUKKUMUNDAN PANCHAYAT 2 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with in initial lead of 10m and lift of 2m in hard gravelly soil as per SS 20 B for foundation 3 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with in initial lead of 10m and lift of 2m in hard gravelly soil as per SS 20 B for foundation 4 Supply Filling in foundation and basementwith crushed stone sand including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc complete 5 ReFilling in Basement with excavated Earth in layers of not more than 15cm. Thick well rammed, watered and consolidated complying with standard specifications etc., complete. 6 Cement concrete 1:4:8 mix using 40mm ISS metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for mixing, laying and curing etc complete for foundationetc complete 7 Brick work in cement mortar 1:5 mix using country bricks including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc complete. 8 Supplying and errection of centering for sides and soffits with M.S.sheet and country wood props including hire charges for materials and all labour charges etc completeFor ss in ground floor coloum,sunshade etc complete.,- Footing 9 Supplying and errection of centering for sides and soffits with M.S.sheet and country wood props including hire charges for materials and all labour charges etc completeFor ss in ground floor( Superstructure)coloum,sunshade etc complete., 10 Cement concrete 1:1.5:3 using 20mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of Rein forcement and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor or roof slabs 11 Supplying and Fabricating and placing in position MS steel or Ribbed Tor Steel for all Reinforced Cement Concrete works as per the design given including cost of steel and binding wire in all floors etc,Complete complying with stanard specification. 12 Finishing the exposed surface of RCC item of work such as slabs beams, sunshade, facia, canopy slab, staircase waist slab etc., with CM 1:3, 10mm thick. etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. 13 Plastering with CM 1:5, 12mm all floors including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. 14 Weathering course with broken brick jeely for 20 mm size mixed with pure slacked lime no sand to be used) in proposation of 32:12.5 cft to proper gradient,well beation with wooden beaters etc 15 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 20 x 20 x 2cm of approved quality laid in CM 1:3, 12mm thick. With water proofing compound confirming to IS by 2% by weight of cement used & the joint pointed neatly to full depth 16 Paving the floor with kota stone slab of size 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm (un-polished) in all floors laid in of cement mortor 1:3 (one cement three M.Sand), 20mm thick and pointed with colour cement neatly including polishing with polishing stone and oxalic acid etc., so as to perfectly smooth and glossy and including hire charges for polishing machine and power consumption charges etc. The kota stone slabs and other materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete as per standard speicification. 17 White washingtwo coats using best shell lime New plastered Surface including costand conveyance of materials and labour charges etc complete 18 White washingtwo coats using best shell lime New plastered Surface including costand conveyance of materials and labour charges etc complete 19 Supplying and applying of two coats of putty of 3mm thick over the exposed RCC surface of ceiling including finishing the joints smoothy with grinding machine and the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned out of dust and scrubbing.The Surface shall then be allowed to dry for atleast 48 hours.It shall then be sand papered (waterproof abrasive sheet) to give a smooth and even surface.Any unevenness shall be made good by applying 1st coat of putty mixed with water on the entire surface including filling up the undulations and applying 2nd coat of putty after 6 hours of 1st coat of putty and then sand papering (waterproof abrasive sheet) the same after it is dry and finishing the surface smoothly, etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the Departmental Officers. [ The rates are inclusive of hire charges for grinding machine with wheel, cost of sand paper (waterproof abrasive sheet), cost of putty blade, labour charges for grinding the joints and sand papering, two coat of putty, scrapping the putty area to level the surface smooth, etc., complete].The Putty shoule be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work. 20 Distembering two coats using best approved Interiar oil destember with one coat primer overNew plastered Surface including costand conveyance of materials and labour charges etc complete 21 Painting Two Coats Approved Plastic Emultion Paint with one coat primer over New Cement Plastered surface including cost and conveyance of materials and labour chargesetc complete.Schedule ItemNo.359 – B) 22 Black Board Paint Two Coats with Approved Cement Paint over Cement Plastered surface including cost and conveyance of materials and labour chargesetc complete. 23 Painting two Coats over New iron Works using best quality of enamel paint including cost and conveyance of materials and labour chargesetc complete. 24 Supply and Cost of Steel door , Window, Ventilator 25 Door D (1.20x 2.40m) 26 Windows (1.20 x 1.50m) 27 Provision for Electrification arrangements 28 Light & Fan Point 29 Supply and fixing of4-18WLED tube with fitting inclusive of all charges 30 Supply & Fixing of Fan 31 Power Plug Point 32 Service Connection 33 Supplying and fixingP.V.C rainwater down fall pipe of 100mm diawith necessary shoes, bends,& clamps etc., 34 Provision for RWHincluding pipes & specials etc., all complete 35 Providing Chappal Rack Arrangements @PUE School Class Room - Sub Estimate 36 Brikc work in CM 1:5 mix usihg country bricks of size 8¾x4¼x2¼ including cost and conveyance and all other labour charges etc., completed 37 Supplying and fixing following thickness of cuddapah slab for cupboard 38 Platering with CM 1:5 mix, 12mm thick including cost and conveynace and all laour charges etc., completed 39 Distembertwo coats with best approvdeincluding cost of materils and all labour charges etc., completed 40 Providing bala painting 41 Provision towards Name Board & Logo Board 42 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for overall quoted amountabove this row in column BB for all works in this package} (Refer Clause 13.2 & 13.3 of Section 2 of Instruction to Bidders (ITB) of SBD)