
Tender For I And D Works In Npp Pilkhua District Hapur Interception And Diversion Works Of 03 Nos. Drains With Stp And Co-Treatment And Associated Works Scheme At Nagar Palika Parishad Pilkhuwa Distt. Hapur, Investigation And Survey (On Gis Basis) Of The , Hapur-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For I And D Works In Npp Pilkhua District Hapur Interception And Diversion Works Of 03 Nos. Drains With Stp And Co-Treatment And Associated Works Scheme At Nagar Palika Parishad Pilkhuwa Distt. Hapur, Investigation And Survey (On Gis Basis) Of The . Submission Date for this Tender is 12-11-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Hapur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For I And D Works In Npp Pilkhua District Hapur Interception And Diversion Works Of 03 Nos. Drains With Stp And Co-Treatment And Associated Works Scheme At Nagar Palika Parishad Pilkhuwa Distt. Hapur, Investigation And Survey (On Gis Basis) Of The
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for I And D Works In Npp Pilkhua District Hapur Interception And Diversion Works Of 03 Nos. Drains With Stp And Co-Treatment And Associated Works Scheme At Nagar Palika Parishad Pilkhuwa Distt. Hapur, Investigation and survey (on GIS basis) of the project area including soil investigation, Engineering Design (hydraulic and structural) as required, Procurement of all labour & material, T&P etc. and construction of various components complete for Interception and Diversion Works of 03 nos. drains & associated works scheme at Nagar Palika Parishad PilakhuwaDistt. Hapur U.P., India This work includes successful testing and commissioning of following components of aforesaid work: (a) Interception and Diversion Works of 03 nos. drains& all other associated works for fully tapping of drain as per design & drawing and direction E/I.(b) Construction of MPS and06 MLD capacity STP with 12 KLD (Co-treatment including staff quarter, HT/LT panel room, admin blower building, room, boundary wall and Internal and External approach road etc.) based on SBR or any other proven Technology to deliver desired effluent parameters as per detailed Scope of work, specification in tender document.(c) supply, laying & jointing, testing & commissioning of tapping sewer line by open cut and trenchless method as required with its appurtenant works such as conforming to relevant IS Codes Complete including shifting of all type of utility as per site in all respect as per detailed work of scope and specification, condition in tender document.(d) Commissioning and 3 months Trial & run (including fuel and lubricant charges) for all above executed works after successful testing of *Interception and Diversion Works& associated works scheme at NagarPalika Parishad, PilakhuwaDistt. Hapur, under SBM (U) 2.0 Programme in Hapur The scope of work also includes trial run of 3 months & defect liability period of 12 months for Civil works & 24 months for E/M works after completion of successful trial run. All completed and commissioned workunder this scheme shall be hand over to Nagar Palika Parishad, PilakhuwaDistt. Hapurafter 3 month successful trial & run period. Sl. No. Item Description 1 SCHEDULE(G-1) 2 Interception and Diversion (I&D) Sewer (200-1000 mm Dia RCC NP-3) 3 Excavation below G.L. upto depth as specified for laying sewer and manhole ordinary soil (earth, sand, loam and clay) including cutting of joints pits ramming dressing) leveling, refilling of trenches in 20 cm layer watering and ramming the same including (8% reduction due to excavation already taken in manhole and SCC) 4 (a)0.00 to 1.50 m 5 (b) 01.50 to 03.00 m 6 (c) 03.00 to 04.50 m 7 (d) 04.50 to 06.00 m 8 Provide and fix close timbering in trenches for the depth as specified below G.L. consisting of 40 mm thick approved country wood plank for polling board 125 x 75 mm eucalyptus-Safeda-Sal Wood wallers and 100 mm dia ballies for shuttering at 1.5 m C/C including all labour etc , complete 9 (a)0.00 to 3 m 10 (b) 03.00 to 06.00 m 11 Same as item No. 3 but for open timbering 12 (a) 0.00 to 03.00 m 13 Timbering left in trenches 14 Open Timbering left in trenches (used timbering) 0-3m depth 15 Closed Timbering left in trenches(used timbering)0-3m depth 16 Closed Timbering left in trenches(used timbering)3-6m depth 17 Supply of following sizes of RCC spigotted and socketed non pressure pipes( Dia. In mm ) with structural strength as per IS 458 : 2003 and its latest amendment(s). 18 NP3 19 200mm 20 250mm 21 300mm 22 450mm 23 500mm 24 600mm 25 700mm 26 1000mm 27 Carting following sizes of R.C.C. Hume pipe NP3 Class Socket / spigot rubber ring jointing and specials from store to the work lowering and laying the same in to the trenches upto depth as specified below G.L. true to alignment 28 200 mm dia pipe 29 00.00 - 0 1.50 m 30 250 mm dia pipe 31 00.00 - 0 1.50 m 32 01.50 - 0 3.00 m 33 300 mm dia pipe 34 03.00 - 04.50 m 35 450 mm dia pipe 36 00.00 - 0 1.50 m 37 04.50 - 06.00 m 38 500 mm dia pipe 39 04.50 - 06.00 m 40 600 mm dia pipe 41 04.50 - 06.00 m 42 700 mm dia pipe 43 04.50 - 06.00 m 44 1000 mm dia pipe 45 04.50 - 06.00 m 46 Cement concrete work in bedding below G.L. at specified depth with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast (1:2:4) including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the proper completion of work. (As per statement attached 47 (c) 03.00 to 04.50 m 48 (d) 04.50 to 06.00 m 49 Filling granular material (well graded crushed rock or gravel maximum size 20mm) into the trenches for class B bedding (granular bedding) including watering compaction, labour T&P etc. for completion of work. 50 (a) 00.00 to 01.50 m 51 (b) 01.50 to 03.00 m 52 Supply (excluding cartage) of granular material (well graded crushed rock or gravel of maximum size 20mm)for class B bedding (granular bedding) 53 Construction of circular type brick masonry HD (HD20) manhole (with Extra Heavy Duty type manhole cover) with top slab made of cement concrete 1:1.5:3 with graded granite stone aggregate (12 mm nominal size), wall made of brick masonry using 1st class bricks having crushing strength between 100 to 149 kg/cm² in cement mortar 1:4 inside plastering 12 mm thick 1:4 finished smooth with neat cement, pinning, outside plaster 1:4 and making channels with cement concrete 1:2:4 graded granite stone aggregate (12 mm nominal size) complete as per specifications. 54 900mm internal dia., 1.65m deep 55 1200mm internal dia., 2.30m deep 56 1500mm internal dia., 4.95m deep 57 1800mm internal dia., 9.0 m deep 58 Extra for every additional depth of 1 m or part there of in following size of circular manholes. 59 900mm internal dia., 1.65m deep 60 1200mm internal dia., 2.30m deep 61 1500mm internal dia., 4.95m deep 62 1800mm internal dia., 9.0 m deep 63 Dismantling/Cutting of the following type of road for laying sewers, manholes, sewer connection chambers etc.including shorting out and stacking serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50 m. 64 Bituminous road 65 Concrete road 66 Interlocking tile road 67 B.O.E road 68 Reinstatement of the following type of road for laying sewers, manholes, sewer connection chambers etc.including shorting out and stacking serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50 m. 69 Bituminous road 70 Concrete road 71 Interlocking tile road 72 B.O.E road 73 Providing and erecting temporary barricading at site as per drawing/ direction of Engineer-in-Charge which includes hiring of Ballies and arrangement for traffic diversion such as traffic signals during construction at site as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The barricading provided shall be retained in position at site continuously i/c shifting of barricading from one location to another location as many times as required during the execution of the entire work till its completion. Rate include its maintenance for damages, painting, all incidentals, labour materials, equipments and works required to execute the job. The barricading shall not be removed without prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge. (Note :- One time payment shall be made for providing barricading from start of work till completion of work i/c shifting. The barricading provided shall remain to be the property of the contractor on completion of the work). The rate is for unit length of pipe laying. 74 Tapping Arragement 75 Outfall structure with 1 gate (Size 1.0m x 1.06m) across the Drain and1 gate at the diversion pipe inlet) including excavation , providing laying PCC, Ist Class Brick Work, 12 mm thick Plaster, RCC work in 1:1.5:3 proportion , Mild Steel Iron Work, Nala Diversion, Providing & Fixing Precast RCC manhole cover and Frame , Hand operated cast iron single phases Weir Gate , manual coarse bar screenetc. and alsoincluding supply of all materials , labour, T&P etc. required for the proper completion of work. 76 SCHEDULE(G-2) 77 STPcum Co-Treatment Facilities including MPS (6 MLD STP with 12 KLD Co-Treatment ) 78 Design, Drawing and Construction with Supply of all materials, Erection and Commissioning of co treatment facilities (6 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant cum 12 KLD Co-Treatment) with all the civil, electrical , mechanical, instrumentation and scada system, LT/HT panel, sub station building, DG set foundation, admin buidling, laboratories, meter room etc. all complete for co-treatment facilities and MPS. Effluent quality shall be as per CPHEEO manual for the agricultural uses. The cost is inclusive of internal road development, water supply, drainage and compound development etc. all complete). The cost is inclusive of MPS (average flow 7.5mld), boundary wall, MS gate of width 3.6m etc. all complete). The quality of treated effluent shall be as per CPHEEO Manual/NGT Norms for agricultural uses, which is: PH-5.5 TO 9.0, TSS-20 mg/l, BOD-10mg/1, COD-50 mg/l, Residual chlorine-nil , Total phosphorus-1 mg/l, Total Nitrogen -10 mg/l, F.C.-100 MPN/100 ml. The rate is based on SBR technology. The STP shall be able to treat the sewage and co-treatment of raw sewage having concentration level as per the CPHEEO Manual Complete in all respect and as per instructions given by Engineer Incharge. 79 For All Civil Works 80 SCHEDULE(G-3) 81 Sewage Pumping Station -IPS(Average flow-5.42 mld ) 82 Design, Drawing and Construction of IPS including Excavation ,Providing laying PCC (1:3:6), Ist Class Brick Work, 12 mm thick Plaster, RCC work in 1:1.5:3 proportion , Steel (Reinforcement), Rolling Shuters , Gates, Doors, Windows, Flooring, Wall Painting with plastic emulsion paint, Structural Steel Work,Orange Colour safety footrest in mainholes, CI gates, CI cover 560 mm dia (Heavy Duty) Rain water Pipes etc. complete as per approved drawing by compitent authorityincluding supply of all materials , labour, T&P etc. required for the proper completion of work in respect with IS code and specifications and instructionsgiven by Enginer Incharge. 83 SCHEDULE(G-4) 84 Rising Main 85 Excavating trenches for pipes including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc., and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 86 0.0 to 1.5 mtr. Depth 87 do - in all kindes of soil - 100% 88 Supply of 350mm dia. DI K9 pipe and special for the pumping mains including all complete 89 Pipes conforming to IS : 8329- 350 mm 90 Providing and fixing C.I. sluice valves (with cap) complete with bolts, 91 nuts, rubber insertions etc. (the tail pieces if required will be paid 92 Providing and fixing C.I. double acting air valve of approved quality 93 with bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. complete 94 150 mm 95 Carting of 350mm dia DI K9 pipe and specials from store to the work lowering the same in to the trenches upto depth as specified below G.L. inclduing testing of pipes etc. 96 Providing & Constructing masonry Chamber 1.5x1.5x1.5 m inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) for valve, withcast insitu RCCslab with necessary reinforcment.The valve chamber shall be plastered with CM 1:4, A levelling coars of M10shall be provided.The cost is inclusive of excavation , disposal and construction of valve chamber with moduar bricks plasting with cement mortar with all lead and lift etc., as per specification & drawing. (Refer 10.4 for Unit Cost Estimate) 97 Sluice valve, Air valve chambers 98 Dismantling/cutting of the following type of road for laying sewers, manholes, sewer connection chambers etc.including shorting out and stacking serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50 m. 99 B.O.E road 100 Reinstatement of the following type of road for laying sewers, manholes, sewer connection chambers etc.including shorting out and stacking serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50 m. 101 B.O.E road 102 E&M works 103 STPcum Co-Treatment Facilities including MPS (6 MLD STP with 12 KLD Co-Treatment) 104 Design, Supply of all materials, Erection and Commissioning of co treatment facilities (6 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant cum 12 KLD Co-Treatment) with all theelectrical , mechanical, instrumentation and scada system, LT/HT panel, sub station , DG setetc. all complete for co-treatment facilities and MPS. Effluent quality shall be as per CPHEEO manual for the agricultural uses. The cost is inclusive of SCADA work at IPS, MPS, STP and MCS internal & External electrifications etc. all complete. The quality of treated effluent shall be as per CPHEEO Manual/NGT Norms for agricultural uses, which is: PH-6.5 TO 8.3, SS-30 mg/l, Oil&Grease-10 mg/l, BOD-20mg/1 (preferably 10 mg/l) , COD-30 mg/l , Residual chlorine-nil , TKN-10mg/l, Nitrate N-10 mg/l, F.C.-230 MPN/100 ml, Dissolved P-5 mg/l (preferable 2 mg/l). The rate is based on SBR technology. The STP shall be able to treat the sewage and co-treatment of raw sewage having concentration level as per the CPHEEO Manual. 105 For All E&M Works at STP including SCADA work for IPS, MPS & STP and MCS 106 E&M Works at IPS 107 PumpSet: 108 Supply of submersible sewage bottom suction non clog Pumpsets having Speed 960 RPM & compatible for handling raw sewage of Sp. Gr. 1.05 with Pumpset accessories such as duck foot bend,pedestal auto coupling with guide pipe only (SS) for pump set.and Material of Construction shall be-:Casing- 2% Ni-CI with hardnessranges 220- 275 BHN approx, Impeller - Super duplex steel , Hardness 220-260 BHN.,Shaft- SS 410 with ceremic coating, hardness 700 BHN at the minimum.,Bearing- anti frictional L-10 with 60000 hours life.Operational Voltage 380±10% 3 phase AC Supply. The duties of pumpsets as follows -: (NOTE- Pump Discharge, Head & motor HP are tentative and may vary as per actual site condition at the time of execution.) 109 1 DWF Pumpset-: Discharge- 49 LPS, Head- 14 mwc and electric motor of 20 HP or suitable rating 110 2 DWF Pumpset-: Discharge- 99 LPS, Head- 21 mwc and electric motor of 50 HP or suitable rating 111 3 DWF Pumpset-: Discharge- 148 LPS, Head- 29 mwc and electric motor of 100 HP or suitable rating 112 VFD Starter Control Panel with push button suitable for operation on 415V ±6% ,3 phase, 50 Hz,AC supply with all necessary switchgears, controlgears and protections along with automatic power factor correction feature and suitable to followings motor. 113 for 20 HP 114 for 50 HP 115 for 100 HP 116 Sluice valve 117 Manually Operated CIDF Rising spindle type Sluice valve with integral starter & gearbox PN 1.0 having body door, dome gland in graded cast iron, four faces and spindle nut of Bronze LTB 2 Spindle of St. Steel 410 and specifications should be as per relevant I.S. of following sizes. 118 200 mm dia 119 250 mm dia 120 300 mm dia 121 300 mm dia for common header 122 Cast iron pipes & specials. 123 Supply ofgalvanized nut- Bolt SS-304 and rubber packing material for erection. 124 Reflex Valve 125 CIDF double flanged single/multi door swing check valves PN 1.0having body comprising inlet & outlet sheets in gradeed cast iron diaphragm fitted woth st. steel, faces,diaphragm plate and door , sub pins and specifications should be as per relevant I.S.&shall be of following sizes: 126 200 mm dia 127 250 mm dia 128 300 mm dia 129 300 mm dia for common header 130 CI Dismantling joints 131 200 mm dia 132 250 mm dia 133 300 mm dia 134 300 mm dia for common header 135 C.I. SLUICE GATES: 136 Manually operated Open Channel sluice Gate in CI with gearbox, single facesrising spindle type generally conforrming to releavant IS , havingframe & door fitted with St. Steel faces M.S extension rod with coupling andGuide brackets suitable to a required distance size suitable for 600x600 mm. cutout size at the inlet & outlet of screen chamberas per site requirement. (Note : Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions.) 137 Manually operated Thimble Mounted CI Sluice Gates of rising spindle type with gearbox,suitable for 600mm. dia incoming seweras per site requirement.(Note : Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions.) 138 COARSE SCREEN 139 ManualS.S.316 bar coarse screen 1.00 x 0.6 meter size having spacing 20 mm , thickness 10 mm as per site requirement.(Note : Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions.) 140 Electrically operated Monorail Travelling Trolley with spur gear and 3.0 tonne capacity chain pulley block with 16 m lift. 141 Pressure Guage 142 150 mm dia 0-6 Kg/ sq cm. digital pressure guage with S.S. tubing stop cock and necessary fittings. 143 L.T. Panel BoardConforming to IEC-60439 144 L.T. Panel Board suitable for operation on 400 V, 3 Phase 50 Hz. A.C. supply in sheet steel enclosure in cubical pattern floor mounting with following fitted on the phase of the panel with bus incomer bar of 300 amps. or suitable Capacity. Bus Bar size of 40x10 mm. or suitable bar size and neutral of half the capacity and neutral of half the capacity sectionalized through a bus section. The panel shall comprise of the following. 145 03 No. incoming feeder from two Nos. Transformers & One No. from D.G. Sync. Panel with following details:- 146 02 nos. ACB of 630 amps,50KA Micro processor type motorised drawout typefor Two seperate Transformers incomer preferably schneider/ABB with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator. 147 01 no. ACB of 630 amps,50KA Micro processor type motorised drawout type for one D.G. Sync. Panel incomer which Synchronised the 02 nos. D.G. sets. 148 One set of current transformer of ratio 300/5A 149 One No. CT operated ammeter 0-300A with ammeter 150 One No. Voltmeter 0-500 V with voltmeter 151 One No power factor meter 0.5 lag/ 1-0.5 lead 152 One No Surge arrestor Relay & One no. UV/OV Relay 153 One No frequency meter. 154 Total Outgoing feeder as follows- 155 03 nos. MCCB of (01 nos.63A,01 nos.150A& 01 No.200 amps) having suitable KA capacity with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator for pumps. 156 Ammeter with selector switch. 157 Single phasing preventer. 158 Sets of timer and relays for overload and underload. 159 03 Nos. level indicators with control cable from L.T. Panel to pumping plant for automatic level operation of pumping plants including moisture sensor and other protection for 03 Nospumping plants. 160 One Nos. 63 Amps. MCCB for lighting. 161 One Nos. 63 Amps. MCCB asMisc. load 162 02 Nos. 32 Amps. MCCB for spare. 163 02Nos. 32 Amps. MCCB for auto operation and A.D.B 164 Electromagnetic type Full-Bore Flowmeter 300 mm dia (SBEM /Endress Hauser/ABBmake) shall be suitable for bi directional flow measurement.This shall be having protection category of the sensor shall be IP68 and protection category for the transmitter shall be IP- 65. Accuracy shall beof +/- 5% of measured value without being affected by variation in the line pressure. Equipment should be complete with converter, transmitting device and should be fully programmable with digital flow indicator & integrator etc. The sensor housing and junction box should be of SS 316. complete with control cable and display with application in Sewage . 165 Power and control cables 166 1100 V grade, 3.5 core 16mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x1x50 mtr.) 167 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x16 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to motor. (2x1x25 mtr.) 168 1100 V grade, 3.5 core 35mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x1x50 mtr.) 169 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x35 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to motor. (2x1x25 mtr.) 170 1100 V grade, 3.5 core 70mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x1x50 mtr.) 171 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x70 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to motor. (2x1x25 mtr.) 172 Control cable 1*10C, 1.5 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathedcopper conductor cable for moisture sensor, level sensor, Reverse protection thermistor relay etc.(100m. For each) X 3 Nos.pumps 173 Al.junction box in SS304, IP65 with instruments for pumps with Busbar. 174 EARTHING 175 Complete earthing of all the equipments as detailed above shall be done as per IS/IER/PWD specification with G.I Plates, watering pipe and loop earthing with adequate size of G.I/ Al. strip etc. (PS-702) 10 pits for Pumps &. LT Panel. Size of earthing plate 600mm x 600mm x6 mmwith salt and coal. 176 Lighting system: 177 Supply & erection of M.S. Tubular Poles SP-36, 9.5 M height. 178 S/F of 72 watt LED with lumen reflector. 179 Feeder pillar for lighting 180 Supply and laying of 4x16mm2 Al. armoured cable. 181 Supply and fixing of 280x170x130 mm.size sintex junction boxes on poles. 182 Supply and laying of unarmoured cable 6 mm2 core Flat PVC insulated for connection of LED to junction boxes. 183 Internal electrification with fixtures. 184 S/F 1200 mm ceilingFan for LT Room 185 S/F of exhaust Fan for LT Room.& Other rooms. 186 Earthing of street light pole (SOR-41) 187 Painting of street light (P5-634) 188 Supply and installation of DCP type of 5 Kg. Fire existinguisher(PS-1132) 189 12 mm thick rubber mating for safe working on. 190 Tools 191 Hydrulic crimping tools-Crimping range: 16-300 sq.mm.,Weight: 6 Kg. ,Length: 500mm,Make/ Model:YQK300 192 Mannual crimping tools-Crimping range: 400 sq.mm.,Make/ Model: Crimp well 193 Tong tester (AC/DC-1000A, make-Rishabh)Multimeter (AC/DC-1000A,make-Meco)Megger (AC/DC-500V make-Rishabh)Screwdriver (6x 12, make- Taparia)Plier (250mm, make-Taparia) 194 Chain wrench (12x18, make Taparia) Pipe wrench (1200mm, make Taparia) 195 Installation of above equipments with all required materials & fittings with labour. 196 Testing of all above E/M Items at O.E.M. Place. 197 Commissioning of all above E/M Items 198 Chequered plate of required size so as to cover all trenches. 199 DG SET 200 Supply of 82.5 KVA silent type DG set rated capacity at 415 V +/- 6% 50 Hz A.C. Supply of 0.8 P.F lag. Self exciting alternator coupled with 1500 RPM diesel engine of suitable BHP and AC brushless SPDP alternator mounted on a common base frame and coupled through flexible coupling or closed coupled. Alternator shall be self regulated with over voltage, over speed and under voltage standard protection. Engines shall have silencer upto 10 mtr. exhaust piping, electronic/mechanical governor, manual and electric start, batteries, fueled tank with stand and piping, control panel (16G) wirh MCCB (4P, 25 KA) Ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter, energy meter, hour meter, engine instrument panel, AVM pads and with wheather proof, powder coated Accoustic Enclosure for DG set for sound attenuation febricated from 2.0mm CRCA sheet steel structure with side wall febricated from 2.0mm CRCA sheet and filled with 100mm thick glass wool as per IS the doors of 100mm thick and febricated from 1.6mm CRCA sheet, Floor ofMS chequrred Plate 5.0mm thick, canopy fixed with axial flow fan of alstom, CG, Almonard make. The enclosure has protection and Tripping of DG set against temprature of more than 50 degree centigrade. All controls for operation of DG set are from outside the enclosure with DG control panel mounted inside enclosure. The enclosure should be suitable for over mentioned capacity of DG set and Alternator.Method of cooling- water,Method of Aspirartion- Turbo Charged 201 Supply of D.G.Auto Synchronization Panel comprising of 02 nos. DG Incomers with suitable rating of DG Sync Relay,Control Relay,MCCB,Breaker, Power Contactor, Single Phase Preventor,CT, Push Buttons and other required switchgear materials or equipments fabricated from CRCA sheet steel 2mm thick powder coated finished complete in all respect suitable for above DG sets. 202 Supply and laying of 1100 voltage grade,1x3.5Cx70 mm2 Al conductor, XLPE armoured cable from DG terminal to DG.Panel & from DG Panel toLT Panel for both DG Sets. 203 Installation with Stacking hieght, Double Earthing Al. strip size 25X6mm , testing and Commissioning of D.G. Set& Panel complete as per IS & IER. 204 Power Distribution Transformer : 205 Supply of Oil immersedOutdoor type Power distribution transformer 11/0.433 KV rating 150 KVA double wound with copperwinding, Level-1, vector group dyn 11, ONAN with manually operated ± 5.0 % off load tap changer in step of 2.5% and complete with standard fitting & accessories incorporated with Marshall box for OTI,WTI & Buchholz relay etc. 206 Supply and laying of 1100 voltage grade ,1x3.5Cx120 mm2 Al conductor, XLPE armoured cable from Transformers to LT Panel. 207 Double Earthing of Transformers consisting of 04 nos. Earthing Pit (two for each neutral and body) with Al/GI. strip size 25X6mm, the minimum distance between to earthing pits, Double Earthing works and all electrical equipments shall be as per IS and IER. 208 Installation , testing and Commissioning of Transformer complete. 209 H.T. Switch Gear Panel : 210 Supply of 12 KV,H.T. V.C.B. Panel with one incoming & two out going , 800 Amp. (25 KA) Rating have followings- 211 Incommer Feeder- 01 No. 212 3 O/C + 1 EF IDMT Characteristics Relays based Incommer control panel equiped with over current & earth fault relay with core balance C.T., master trip relay, instantaneous under voltage realy & Auxilliary realy etc.C.T.ratio 30-20/5A Dual core, Class-1 for measurement core & 5P10 for protection core & PT 11KV/110 VAC. KWH meter, power factor meter, frequency meter. Amp. meter 0-30& volt meter 0 to12 KV. All relays required separately conventioal type 24 to 30 VDC, 110 VAC. 213 Outgoing Feeder- 02 Nos. 214 Outgoing feeder control panel equiped withtriple pole 3 O/C + 1 E/F relay with IDMT & intantaneous characterisstics, mater trip relay & Auxilliary relay for Buchhloz alarm / trip, OTI alram / trip & WTI alram/trip, etc.C.T.ratio 30/5A, Class-1 for measurement core & 5P10 for protection core. 215 DC Supply 216 SICT battery bank, exide make, consisting of 16 cells, 2 volt each for supply VDC 24 to 30 Volt with battery charger of approved make with suitable M.S. Stand / Trolley, equipment fittings with accessories etc. 217 Supply and laying of 1x3Cx70 mm 2 ,11 KV HT Al. Cable XLPE insulationfrom metering panel to H.T. Panel and from H.T. Panel to both transformers. 218 S/F of XLPE cable End termination box of 120mm2 : 219 Indoor end termination box. 220 Earthing ofH.T Panel as per IS & IER. 221 Installation of HT Panel. 222 Testing & Commissioning of HT Panel etc. 223 S.I.T.C. of 11 KV, T.P.M.O manually operated in double pole Structure with G.O. Switch, Double Pole Isolator(D.P.I), A.B. Switch along with all required necessary material & fittings at the outside of entry of Plant in case of isolating the Grid supply at the event of fault occurs in Substation. 224 Erection of All sub staion equipments and fencing with iron mesh etc. complete in all respect. 225 Commissioning of All sub station equipments etc. complete in all respect. 226 E&M Works at MPS 227 PumpSet: 228 Supply of submersible sewage bottom suction non clog Pumpsets having Speed 960 RPM & compatible for handling raw sewage of Sp. Gr. 1.05 with Pumpset accessories such as duck foot bend,pedestal auto coupling with guide pipe only (SS) for pump set.and Material of Construction shall be-:Casing- 2% Ni-CI with hardnessranges 220- 275 BHN approx, Impeller - Super duplex steel , Hardness 220-260 BHN.,Shaft- SS 410 with ceremic coating, hardness 700 BHN at the minimum.,Bearing- anti frictional L-10 with 60000 hours life.Operational Voltage 380±10% 3 phase AC Supply. The duties of pumpsets as follows -: (NOTE- Pump Discharge, Head & motor HP are tentative and may vary as per actual site condition at the time of execution.) 229 1 DWF Pumpset-: Discharge- 55 LPS, Head- 16 mwc and electric motor of 20 HP or suitable rating 230 2 DWF Pumpset-: Discharge- 109 LPS, Head- 16 mwc and electric motor of 40 HP or suitable rating 231 3 DWF Pumpset-: Discharge- 164 LPS, Head- 16 mwc and electric motor of 60 HP or suitable rating 232 VFD Starter Control Panel with push button suitable for operation on 415V ±6% ,3 phase, 50 Hz,AC supply with all necessary switchgears, controlgears and protections along with automatic power factor correction feature and suitable to followings motor. 233 for 20 HP 234 for 40 HP 235 for 60 HP 236 Sluice valve 237 Manually Operated CIDF Rising spindle type Sluice valve with integral starter & gearbox PN 1.0 having body door, dome gland in graded cast iron, four faces and spindle nut of Bronze LTB 2 Spindle of St. Steel 410 and specifications should be as per relevant I.S. of following sizes. 238 200 mm dia 239 250 mm dia 240 300 mm dia 241 300 mm dia for common header 242 Cast iron pipes & specials. 243 Supply ofgalvanized nut- Bolt SS-304 and rubber packing material for erection. 244 Reflex Valve 245 CIDF double flanged single/multi door swing check valves PN 1.0having body comprising inlet & outlet sheets in gradeed cast iron diaphragm fitted woth st. steel, faces,diaphragm plate and door , sub pins and specifications should be as per relevant I.S.&shall be of following sizes: 246 200 mm dia 247 250 mm dia 248 300 mm dia 249 300 mm dia for common header 250 CI Dismantling joints 251 200 mm dia 252 250 mm dia 253 300 mm dia 254 300 mm dia for common header 255 C.I. SLUICE GATES: 256 Manually operated Open Channel sluice Gate in CI with gearbox, single facesrising spindle type generally conforrming to releavant IS , havingframe & door fitted with St. Steel faces M.S extension rod with coupling andGuide brackets suitable to a required distance size suitable for 600x600 mm. cutout size at the inlet & outlet of screen chamberas per site requirement. (Note : Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions.) 257 Manually operated Thimble Mounted CI Sluice Gates of rising spindle type with gearbox,suitable for 600mm. dia incoming seweras per site requirement.(Note : Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions.) 258 COARSE SCREEN 259 ManualS.S.316 bar coarse screen 1.00 x 0.6 meter size having spacing 20 mm , thickness 10 mm as per site requirement.(Note : Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions.) 260 Electrically operated Monorail Travelling Trolley with spur gear and 3.0 tonne capacity chain pulley block with 16 m lift. 261 Pressure Guage 262 150 mm dia 0-6 Kg/ sq cm. digital pressure guage with S.S. tubing stop cock and necessary fittings. 263 L.T. Panel BoardConforming to IEC-60439 264 L.T. Panel Board suitable for operation on 400 V, 3 Phase 50 Hz. A.C. supply in sheet steel enclosure in cubical pattern floor mounting with following fitted on the phase of the panel with bus incomer bar of 800 amps. or suitable Capacity. Bus Bar size of 50x20 mm. Aluminium or suitable rating and neutral of half the capacity and neutral of half the capacity sectionalized through a bus section. The panel shall comprise of the following. 265 02 No. incoming feeder from 01 Nos. from LT Power Supply & 01 No. from D.G. Set with following details:- 266 01 nos. ACB of 630 amps,50 KA Micro processor type motorised drawout typefor LT incomer coming from Common LT Distribution panel for STP +MPS with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator. 267 01 nos.Micro processor based 250A ampsor suitable rating,25 KA M.C.C.B.for D.G.Set incomer with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator. 268 One set of current transformer of suitable ratio 269 One No. CT operated ammeter suitable ampere rating with ammeter 270 One No. Voltmeter 0-500 V with voltmeter 271 One No. power factor meter 0.5 lag/ 1-0.5 lead 272 One No. Surge arrestor Relay & One no. UV/OV Relay 273 One No. frequency meter. 274 Total outgoing feeder as follows- 275 03 nos. MCCB of (01 nos.63A,01 nos.100A& 01 No.150 amps) having suitable KA capacity with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator for pumps. 276 Ammeter with selector switch. 277 Single phasing preventer. 278 Sets of timer and relays for overload and underload. 279 03 Nos. level indicators with control cable from L.T. Panel to pumping plant for automatic level operation of pumping plants including moisture sensor and other protection for 03 Nospumping plants. 280 One Nos. 63 Amps. MCCB for lighting. 281 One Nos. 63 Amps. MCCB asMisc. load 282 02 Nos. 32 Amps. MCCB for spare. 283 OneNos. 32 Amps. MCCB with auto operation. 284 Electromagnetic type Full-Bore Flowmeter 300 mm dia (SBEM /Endress Hauser/ABBmake) shall be suitable for bi directional flow measurement.This shall be having protection category of the sensor shall be IP68 and protection category for the transmitter shall be IP- 65. Accuracy shall beof +/- 5% of measured value without being affected by variation in the line pressure. Equipment should be complete with converter, transmitting device and should be fully programmable with digital flow indicator & integrator etc. The sensor housing and junction box should be of SS 316. complete with control cable and display with application in Sewage . 285 Power and control cables 286 1100 V grade, 3.5 core 16mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x1x50 mtr.) 287 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x16 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to motor. (2x1x25 mtr.) 288 1100 V grade, 3.5 core 25mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x1x50 mtr.) 289 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x25 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to motor. (2x1x25 mtr.) 290 1100 V grade, 3.5 core 35mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x1x50 mtr.) 291 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x35 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to motor. (2x1x25 mtr.) 292 Control cable 1*10C, 1.5 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathedcopper conductor cable for moisture sensor, level sensor, Reverse protection thermistor relay etc.(100m. For each) X 3 Nos.pumps 293 Al.junction box in SS304, IP65 with instruments for pumps with Busbar. 294 EARTHING 295 Complete earthing of all the equipments as detailed above shall be done as per IS/IER/PWD specification with G.I Plates, watering pipe and loop earthing with adequate size of G.I/ Al. strip etc. (PS-702) 10 pits for Pumps &. LT Panel. Size of earthing plate 600mm x 600mm x6 mmwith salt and coal. 296 Lighting system: 297 Supply & erection of M.S. Tubular Poles SP-36, 9.5 M height. 298 S/F of 72 watt LED with lumen reflector. 299 Feeder pillar for lighting 300 Supply and laying of 4x16mm2 Al. armoured cable. 301 Supply and fixing of 280x170x130 mm.size sintex junction boxes on poles. 302 Supply and laying of unarmoured cable 6 mm2 core Flat PVC insulated for connection of LED to junction boxes. 303 Internal electrification with fixtures. 304 S/F 1200 mm ceilingFan for LT Room 305 S/F of exhaust Fan for LT Room.& Other rooms. 306 Earthing of street light pole (SOR-41) 307 Painting of street light (P5-634) 308 Supply and installation of DCP type of 5 Kg. Fire existinguisher(PS-1132) 309 12 mm thick rubber mating for safe working on. 310 Tools 311 Hydrulic crimping tools-Crimping range: 16-300 sq.mm.,Weight: 6 Kg. ,Length: 500mm,Make/ Model:YQK300 312 Mannual crimping tools-Crimping range: 400 sq.mm.,Make/ Model: Crimp well 313 Tong tester (AC/DC-1000A, make-Rishabh)Multimeter (AC/DC-1000A,make-Meco)Megger (AC/DC-500V make-Rishabh)Screwdriver (6x 12, make- Taparia)Plier (250mm, make-Taparia) 314 Chain wrench (12x18, make Taparia) Pipe wrench (1200mm, make Taparia) 315 Installation of above equipments with all required materials & fittings with labour. 316 Testing of all above E/M Items at O.E.M. Place. 317 Commissioning of all above E/M Items 318 Chequered plate of required size so as to cover all trenches. 319 D.G. Set 320 Supply of 82.5 KVA silent type DG set rated capacity at 415 V +/- 6% 50 Hz A.C. Supply of 0.8 P.F lag. Self exciting alternator coupled with 1500 RPM diesel engine of suitable BHP and AC brushless SPDP alternator mounted on a common base frame and coupled through flexible coupling or closed coupled. Alternator shall be self regulated with over voltage, over speed and under voltage standard protection. Engines shall have silencer upto 10 mtr. exhaust piping, electronic/mechanical governor, manual and electric start, batteries, fueled tank with stand and piping, control panel (16G) wirh MCCB (4P, 25 KA) Ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter, energy meter, hour meter, engine instrument panel, AVM pads and with wheather proof, powder coated Accoustic Enclosure for DG set for sound attenuation febricated from 2.0mm CRCA sheet steel structure with side wall febricated from 2.0mm CRCA sheet and filled with 100mm thick glass wool as per IS the doors of 100mm thick and febricated from 1.6mm CRCA sheet, Floor ofMS chequrred Plate 5.0mm thick, canopy fixed with axial flow fan of alstom, CG, Almonard make. The enclosure has protection and Tripping of DG set against temprature of more than 50 degree centigrade. All controls for operation of DG set are from outside the enclosure with DG control panel mounted inside enclosure. The enclosure should be suitable for over mentioned capacity of DG set and Alternator.Method of cooling- water,Method of Aspirartion- Turbo Charged 321 Supply of Auto Mains Failure Panel (AMF) fabricated from CRCA sheet steel 2mm thick power coated finished, start and stop commands, control relays, selectors switch for ammeter and voltmeter, timers, hooter, visual and alarm indication for faults, UPS, operator inter face panel complete in all respect suitable for above DG sets. 322 Supply and laying of 1100 voltage grade,1x3.5Cx70 mm2 Al conductor, XLPE armoured cable from DG terminal to DG.Panel & from DG Panel toLT Panel. 323 Installation with Stacking hieght, Double Earthing Al. strip size 25X6mm , testing and Commissioning of D.G. Set& AMF Panel complete as per IS & IER. 324 Erection of All above equipments and fencing with iron mesh (if required)etc. complete in all respect. 325 Commissioning of All above equipments etc. complete in all respect. 326 Trail and run of 03 Months for IPS, MPS, STP and MCS including deployment of following staffFitter/Mechanic-I Class - 1 NoElectrician-I Class - 1 NoElectrician-II Class - 1 NoTypist - 1 NoChemist - 1 NoPeon - 1 NoLab. Assistant - 1 NoSweeper - 8 NoOperaters - 2 Noskilled operator for scada - 4 No 327 Diesel & Lubricants for Trail and run of 03 Months for IPS, MPS, STP which rembersment as per acutal consumption verified by engineer incharge

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1 28-10-2024 Amendment in Date of Bid Submission and Bid Opening Date 12-11-2024

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