
Tender For Repair/Maintenance Of Ht Distribution System, External Ltcable Works At Af Stn Palam Under Ge (Af) Gurgaon, Gurgaon-Haryana

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repair/Maintenance Of Ht Distribution System, External Ltcable Works At Af Stn Palam Under Ge (Af) Gurgaon. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-11-2024. Cleaning Consumables Tenders in Gurgaon Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Repair/Maintenance Of Ht Distribution System, External Ltcable Works At Af Stn Palam Under Ge (Af) Gurgaon
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repair/Maintenance Of Ht Distribution System, External Ltcable Works At Af Stn Palam Under Ge (Af) Gurgaon; 1 Disconnect HT & LT connections from any type of transformers indoor/outdoor, plinth/pole mounted in any location in the restricted areas of 27ED and 31MCU shifting to workshop for carry out any repair works, as directed install back in original location oftransformer for the following capacity :- 2 Upto 250 KVA 3 400 KVA 4 Note:- (i) Required tools & plant including lifting arrangement, transport etc shall be included in the rate quoted.(ii) Any damage occurred during lifting/ transporting, the firm will be responsible to rectify such defect free of cost. 5 Repair of transformer 11 / .433 KV indoor / outdoor type capacity upto 400KVA including the following:- 6 (a) Decanning oftransformer oil , opening top cover , disconnecting of all internal connections , lifting and taking out ofcore assembly , LT / HT bushing , Tapchanger etc ,cleaning and inspection of core and winding , segregation ofserviceable and unsv items , removing of sludge and cleaning tank and cooling pipes / fins /tankswith pressure water and drying the tank complete .(b) Replacement of unserviceable parts like LT bushing, HV bushing gaskets, transformer cover gasket, breathers, oil gauge, temperature gauge etc. 7 NOTE FOR ITEM NO 1 & 2 :-(i) Dehydration of oil and new Transformeroil shall be measured and paid seperately .(ii) Cost of parts like HT & LT Bushing, Tap Changer etc will bemeasured & Paid separataly.(iii) The rate ofcorck sheet & Packing Material of Transformer are included in quoted rate . 8 Material and labour for rewinding of HV side copper winding with super enameled copper wire of existing size , gauge and weight winding including wrapping of insulating tap and insulating material and heating the coil in the heat chamber to obtained desired result of insulating resistence complete all as specified and as directed. 9 Material and labour for rewindingof LV side copper winding with super enameled copper wireof existing size, gauge and weight including wrapping of insulating tap and insulating material and heating the coil in the heat chamber is obtained desired result of insulating insulating resistence complete all as specified and as directed. 10 NOTE FOR ITEM NO 3 & 4 : - (i) CWE(AF) Tughlakabad will be informed before rewinding of transformer. Rep of CWE will check before and after/rewinding of transformer.(ii) Actual weight of the new winding shall be measured and paid . 11 Supply and replace ofsilica gel complete all as specified and directed. 12 Supply and fixing in repalcement of heavy duty breather assembly with Silica gel for 11 KV indoor/outdoor transformer for the following capacity :- 13 Upto 250 KVA 14 400 KVA 15 Supply and fixing of new temprature guage ( 0 degree to 120 degree C ) range dial temprature 11 KV indoor/outdoor transformer for the following capacity :- 16 Upto 250 KVA 17 400 KVA 18 M & L fortransformer oil level indicator assembly complete with iron frame, glass, rubber packingsheet, nuts, bolts and washers etc.complete all as specified and as directed. 19 Supply and laying synthetic rubber insulated mats 2.5 mm thick for voltage 11 KV (size 2 x 1 m) for electrical purpose as per IS 15652-2006 (superseding IS 5424) suitable for electrical shock safety. 20 Supply only LT bushing assembly complete with porcelain insulator and brass spindle as per IS:7421 & IS:3347 along with brass washer, nuts & gaskets etc (any type) of LT side for 11 KV indoor/outdoor transformer for the following capacity :- 21 Upto 250 KVA 22 400 KVA 23 Supply only HT bushing assembly complete with porcelain insulator and brass spindle as per IS:7421 & IS:3347 along with brass washer, nuts & gaskets etc (any type) of HT side for 11 KV indoor/outdoor transformer for the following capacity :- 24 Upto 250 KVA 25 400 KVA 26 Dehydration of existing transformers 11 KVof oil minimum dielectric strength 60 KVin 2.5 mm gap for 5 sec electrode including toping up of oil if required at site .Note for item no - 12 (i) Dehydration of transformer oil shall be carried out at site and contractor shall be taken the testing result before and after dehydration of oil and shown to the EIC at site and maintain necessary documentsfor record .(ii) Dehydration Machine with all T&P & Transformeroiltesting machinefor dehydration of Transformer oil and necessary transportation for the machines is arrange by contractor.(iii) Oil required for topping up the transformer / voltage stabilizer will be measured & paid separatly. 27 Supply and topping up of new low viscosity transformer oil from sealed drums confirming to IS 335-1993 Part-II after testing thedielectric strength60 KV at 2.5 mm gap duly de-hydrated complete all as specified and directed. 28 Supply only off load Tap changerof Transformer complete all as specified for the following capacity :- 29 Upto 250 KVA 30 400 KVA 31 M&L for preparation of old painted surfaces steel by brushing/cleaning stain, greasy spots with thinner and apply one coat of spray painting with super enameled smoke grey colour paint of approvedby Dept.and writing the MES / SM No with white paint asdirected to transformer indoor/outdoor installed at various different locations for the following capacity :- 32 Upto 250 KVA 33 400 KVA 34 Supply and fix in repair gang operated air break switches, triple pole,12 insulators manually operated, mounted on insulators and steel frame, with operating mechanism worked from ground levelvertical type for rating upto 200 Amps, 11000 volts complete with 40mm GI light grade operating pipe including taking down unserviceable one complete all as specified and as directed.. 35 Supply and fix Expulsion fuse single pole capacity of Voltage11KV and current25 Amp complete all as specified and as directed. 36 M & L for complete repairing / Serviceing of HT 11 KV Vaccum circuit breaker (VCB) after disconnecting of all incoming and outgoing connection, checking/finding ofdefective parts, removing of all moisture content with suitable grade chemical, replacement of rusted nuts,bolts and washer, replacement of all post insulator and repair of all busbar joints and cover with HT insulation tape, painting of all internal surfaceandexternal surface, replacement of all defective internal AC/DC circuit wiring, repair/servicing of breaker trolly including motorized operating mechanism, CT/PT, power pack and calibration of triping relays system and tripping mechanism for regulating the fault flow (Over Current, Earth Fault, Differential) for accuracy andeffective functioning of VCB complete all as specified and as directed.Note :(i) Nuts , bolts, washer, painting, cleaning material, insulation tape, copper wire for circuit wiring and defectiveHT 11 KV 2 Amp fuse , carrier oiling greasing to charging spring ,replacement of HRC fuse 110/220 volt 5 Amps complete for repair of breaker shall be deemed in qouated rate.(ii) Replacement ofunserviceable spares/accessories shall be measured & paid separately under relevant items of this Schedule ‘A(iii) During repair work/servicing work carried out in VCB feeder to be conducted to other VCB during above work to maintain electric supply. 37 Supplyonly shunt trip coil assembly suitable for HT VCB , operating on 30 volt DCand testing complete all as specified and directed . 38 Supplyonly closing coil operated on 110 volt AC system suitable for working of relay for HT VCB complete all as specified and directed . 39 Supply and testing Epoxy resin cost totaly enclosed dual core type Current transfomer (CT) for protection and measuring of system having ratio of 100/50 : 5 / (5+1) A ,Accuracy 5SP10, Burden-10VA, class-I, insulation level 12/28/75 KV, STC- 18.4 KA for 1 secas per ISS-2705 and IEC-60044 including dismantling of old one complete all as specified and directed 40 Supply and testing voltage transformer indoor type of ratio 11000V/110V AC class 1.0 burden 200 VA STC 25 KA, 3 phase for 1 sec in resin type including copper extention strips of required size and rating complete all as specified and directed 41 Supply only spring charging motor of capacity 80watt, input voltage 110v andspeed >10 RPS utilised for automatically charges the spring mechanism for closing the circuit breaker and also recharges the spring mechanism when the circuit breakerin the ON positionin 11 KV indoor type VCB panelcomplete all as specified and directed . 42 Supply only moving contacts of VCB made of copper and suitable for 11 KV VCB Trolley complete all as specified and directed . 43 Supply only lead acid battery 12 volts , 7 AH, 1.4 Amps for battery bank installed at power housecomplete with termination clips complete all as specified and directed . 44 Supply only battery charger suitable for charging to battery bank 12 volts 7 AH (02 Nos) complete all as specified and directed . 45 Supply only Strip Heater 230 volts AC 60 watt for 11 KVHT VCB panel complete all as specifed and as directed. 46 Supply only Neon indicator lamp LED type with high intensity40-240 volts AC and 40-220 volts DC with holder complete all as specified and as directed. 47 Supply only limit switch 110 volts operated suitable for HT 11 KV VCB charging motor circuit complete all as specified and as directed. 48 Supply only vacuum interputer for HT11 KV VCBs, 630/800 Amps, breaking capacity 13.1 KA suitable for Alstom make VCB complete all as specified and as directed. 49 M&L for servicing of ACB with Microprocessor, Range (630 - 1250Amps) 415V, 50Hz,50 KA, after taking shut down and properly replacing flash out bus bars, settings relays and their mechanism, repairing charging mechanism & handle, testing and commissioning, complete all as specified and directed. 50 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, laid in trenches, through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors including jointingwith suitable size aluminium lugs complete of size 10 Sqmm nominal cross section x 4core.complete all as specified and as directed. 51 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, laid in trenches, through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors including jointingwith suitable size aluminium lugs complete of size 16 Sqmm nominal cross section x 4core complete all as specified and as directed.. 52 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, laid in trenches, through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors including jointingwith suitable size aluminium lugs complete of size 25 Sqmm nominal cross section x 4core complete all as specified and as directed.. 53 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, laid in trenches, through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors including jointingwith suitable size aluminium lugs complete of size 95 Sqmm nominal cross section x 3.5core. 54 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, laid in trenches, through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors including jointingwith suitable size aluminium lugs complete of size 120 Sqmm nominal cross section x 3.5core complete all as specified and as directed. 55 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, laid in trenches, through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors including jointingwith suitable size aluminium lugs complete of size 240 Sqmm nominal cross section x 3.5core. 56 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric power cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 11 KV (Earthed) grade, laid in trenches, sleeving through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors complete of size 120 Sqmm nominal cross section x 3core complete all as specified and as directed. 57 Excavation of soft/loose soil in trenches not exc 1.5 meter wide & not exc 1.5 mtr in depth: for foundationetc or for manholes, laying of pipe in any type of soil and getting out complete all as specified 58 Returning, filling in excavated approved soil, including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm each complete. 59 Removing excavated soil not exceeding 50m and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5m above the starting point complete. 60 M & Lfor dry sand cushioning to underground cables with 8cm thick before laying of cables and 15cm thick after laying and stretching of cable all as specified and directed . 61 M & L for Old size sub class ‘B’ bricks, laid in trenches as cable covers complete all as specified and as directed. . 62 M&L for boring/auguring (upto 6mtr span) suitable hole and insertion of 40/80 mm dia GI pipe not less than 600mm below existing PCC/Road/hard standing complete all as specified and as directed.Note: GI pipe will be paid in saperate item complete all as specified and as directed. 63 Supply and fixingof GI tubing, light grade, 40 mm bore with all fitting lais in trenches / pole / wall for protection of cables in repairs complete. 64 Supply and fixingof GI tubing, light grade, 80 mm bore with all fitting lais in trenches / pole / wall for protection of cables in repairs complete. 65 M&L for defect rectification HT 11 KV cable laid in trenches by locating fault with the help of electronic fault locating machine comprising of surge generator pulse, ECHO fault locator with high frequency distance calculator etc. in normal alluvial strata required forexposing the cable fault ; removal of deteriorated portion of cable treating of cable and keeping the same ready for jointing work for cable of any size . The fault locating equipments will be brought to site within the 2 hours complete all as specified and as directed byEIC.Note- Excavation and earth work measured and paid seperately. 66 M&L for defect rectification LT 1.1 KV cable laid in trenches by locating fault with the help of electronic fault locating machine comprising of surge generator pulse, ECHO fault locator with high frequency distance calculator etc. in normal alluvial strata required forexposing the cable fault ; removal of deteriorated portion of cable treating of cable and keeping the same ready for jointing work for cable of any size . The fault locating equipments will be brought to site within the 2 hours complete all as specified and as directed byEIC.Note- Excavation and earth work measured and paid seperately. 67 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for outdoor end termination cold shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed. 68 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for outdoor end termination cold shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed. 69 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for indoor termination cold shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed. 70 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for indoor termination cold shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed. 71 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for straight through cold shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm, complete all as specified. 72 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for straight through cold shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm, complete all as specified. 73 Supply & jointing Heat shrinkable straight through joint suitable for LT 1100 Volt grade XLPE cable of size240-300 Sq mm 3.5 core complete all as specified and as directed. 74 Supply & jointing Heat shrinkable straight through joint suitable for LT 1100 Volt grade XLPE cable of size150-185 Sq mm 3.5 core complete all as specified and as directed. 75 Supply & jointing Heat shrinkable straight through joint suitable for LT 1100 Volt grade XLPE cable of size70-120 Sq mm 3.5 core complete all as specified and as directed. 76 Supply & Fixing MCCB 32 Amps4 Pole, 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting electromechanical type with Ics=75 % of Icu , with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 77 Supply & Fixing MCCB 63 Amps4 Pole, 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting electromechanical type with Ics=75 % of Icu , with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 78 Supply & Fixing MCCB 100 Amps4 Pole, 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting electromechanical type with Ics=75 % of Icu , with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 79 Supply & Fixing MCCB 125 Amps4 Pole, 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting electromechanical type with Ics=75 % of Icu , with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 80 Supply & Fixing MCCB 25 to 100 Amps, 3 Pole 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 81 Supply & Fixing MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V,160 Amps current rating, and Ics=100% of Icu with adjustable thermal (80%-100%) and adjustable magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 36 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 82 Supply & Fixing MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V,200 Amps current rating, and Ics=100% of Icu with adjustable thermal (80%-100%) and adjustable magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 36 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 83 Supply & Fixing MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V,250 Amps current rating, and Ics=100% of Icu with adjustable thermal (80%-100%) and adjustable magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 36 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 84 Supply & Fixing MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V,400 Amps current rating, and Ics=100% of Icu with adjustable thermal (80%-100%) and adjustable magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 36 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete all as specified and as directed. 85 Supply only Aluminium lugs of any type complete all as per of sample of following sizes :- 86 10 sq mm 87 16 Sqmm 88 25 Sqmm 89 50 Sqmm 90 70 Sqmm 91 95 Sqmm 92 120Sqmm 93 150 Sqmm 94 240 Sqmm 95 Supply, install, PCC foundation, connection, testing and commission factory made cubicle type dust and vermin proof LT Feeder Pillar of suitble sizeoutdoor type, made out of 3.15 mm thick CRCA sheet and 50x50x6 mm (ISA- 5050) MS angle frame with hinged cubicle doors with locking arrangement and back side opening, duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red-oxide primer. It should be outdoor type and approved through CPRI. Thefoundation is to be made with PCC 1:2:4 concrete 40 mm grade including excavation and earth work including taking down of old panel. LT Feeder Pillar comprising of the following accessories :- 96 INCOMING(I) MCCB, AC 415 volts,4- Pole, 400 Amps current rating, and Ics=100% of Icu with adjustable thermal (80%-100%) and adjustable magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 36 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete with connections to the bus-bars.-01 No. (ii) Aluminium Bus-Bar strip used for 3 nos phase bus bar his rated capacity of 500 Amps and one neutral bus bar his capacity 250 Ampwith coloured PVC insulating sleeves, mounted on post insulator, 1100 volt grade.(iii) Voltmeter 0 - 500 volts digital type, flush mounting with Selector Switch.-01 Set(iv) Ammeter 0 - 600 Amps digital type, flush mounted, with CTs and Selector Switch.-01 Set(v) Phase Indicator Lamps, LED type.-01 Set(vi) Panel instrument fuses - 01 SetOUTGOINGS(i)MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V,160 Amps current rating, and Ics=100% of Icu with adjustable thermal (80%-100%) and adjustable magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 36 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete with connections to the bus-bars.-02 Nos .(II) MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting type with Ics=100% of Icu , 100 Amps with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete with connections to the bus-bars.-03 Nos . 97 Supply, install, PCC foundation, connection, testing and commission factory made cubicle type dust and vermin proof LT Feeder Pillar of suitble sizeoutdoor type, made out of 3.15 mm thick CRCA sheet and 50x50x6 mm (ISA- 5050) MS angle frame with hinged cubicle doors with locking arrangement and back side opening, duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red-oxide primer. It should be outdoor type and approved through CPRI. Thefoundation is to be made with PCC 1:2:4 concrete 40 mm grade including excavation and earth work including taking down of old panel. LT Feeder Pillar comprising of the following accessories :- 98 INCOMING(I) MCCB, AC 415 volts,4- Pole, 250 Amps current rating, and Ics=100% of Icu with adjustable thermal (80%-100%) and adjustable magnetic setting electromechanical type, with breaking capacity 36 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete with connections to the bus-bars.-01 No. (ii) Aluminium Bus-Bar strip used for 3 nos phase bus bar his rated capacity of 320 Amps and one neutral bus bar his capacity 160 Ampwith coloured PVC insulating sleeves, mounted on post insulator, 1100 volt grade(iii) Voltmeter 0 - 500 volts digital type, flush mounting with Selector Switch.-01 Set(iv) Ammeter 0 - 600 Amps digital type, flush mounted, with CTs and Selector Switch.-01 Set(v) Phase Indicator Lamps, LED type.-01 Set(vi) Panel instrument fuses - 01 SetOUTGOINGS(i)MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting type with Ics=100% of Icu , 100 Amps with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete with connections to the bus-bars -01 Nos .(II) MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V, fixed thermal & fixed magnetic setting type with Ics=100% of Icu , 63 Amps with breaking capacity 16 KA conforming to IS: 13947-II complete with connections to the bus-bars -04 Nos . 99 M&L for Taking out the unserviceable LT distributor Feeder Pillar outdoor typeincluding all connection and supply,installation, commissioning and testing with CPRI Approvedbase frame mounted dust proof with bus bar chamber to accommodate 3 phase, 415Volt with suitable aluminium busbar designed as per relevant IS connectedto busbar by aluminium strip of suitable Size, fabricated out of 3.15 mm thick CRCA sheet for outer chamber and 1.6 mm thick for partition and doors and painting with seven tank process with twin shutter closing & locking arrangements complete and fixed in PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation 40 cm above ground levelincludingfixing of MCCB 200A 4Pole -1 Nos (Incomer), Ammeter,Voltmer,Indication Lamps and outgoing bus bar of suitable rating with provision of fixing 4 Nos outgoing cable of upto 95 Sqmm size with mean of nut bolt & washers complete with control wiring for the above accessoriesall as specified and as directed. 100 M&L for painting of LT panel/ Feeder pillar and preparation of old painted surfaces steel by brushing/changing stain, greasy spots with thinner and apply one coats of spray painting with super enameled smoke grey colour paint of approvedby Dept.and writing the location of each outgoing MCCBwith white paint asdirected to existing LT panel installed at various different locationscomplete all as specified and directed. 101 Material and labour for Chemicalearthing complete with copper earth plate electrode 900mm X 600mm X 6mm buried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 5.0 meter below normal ground level (with top edge of earth plate not less than 3.2 meter below ground level) connected to copperearth lead 50X6 mm dia, (main earthing lead ) by means of copper bolts, nuts and washerswith connected to earth test point & to main switch board with & including alternate layer of charcoal dust, MgSO 4and common salt from 30cm bottom to 40 cm above and around the earth plate & 80 mm dia GI pipe light grade for earth lead protection pipe for suitable length and GI pipe 25 mm dia light grade for watering pipe with funnel & wire meshincluding necessary earth work and PCC (1: 3 : 6) type C-1 for earth pit and 40 mm thick precast RCC cover in 1 : 2 : 4 type B1 with 3 Nos 6 mm dia MS bars both ways completeall as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 102 M&L of Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60×60cm× 6mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 metres below normal ground level, connected to galvanised iron strip 25×4mm with protection pipe 32mm GI light grade pipe by means ofbolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No. 3 includingearth work funnel with watering arrangement, wire mesh, GI pipe 25 mm internal dia light grade buried directly vertical and adjacent to the electrode for watering, PCC pit 1:3:6 type C1 and RCC chamber cover in 1:2:4 type B1 of size 550x550mm with 8mm dia TMT bar of 100mm C/C both ways with MS Hooks of 10mm MS Bar including of returning, filling and removal of surplus soil to a distance not exc 50m as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge including testing on completion.Note- The strip 25x4mm upto 7.5mtr included in the quoted rate. 103 Supply and fixing name plate of earthing in MS round plate 0.25m dia, thickness not less than 3.15mm with20x20x3 mm MS angle0.50 m height near to earthing pit and size of letter 75mm with white paintat various different locations. Thefoundation is to be made with PCC 1:2:4 concrete 40 mm grade including excavation and earth work complete all as specified and as directed. 104 Supply and laying granite, trap or basalt or material of similar hardness of round stone boulders to 63 mm gauge compete all as specifed and as dircted. 105 S&FDanger notice plateof 1.6mm thick mild steel sheet vitreous enameled white with letter figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour and fix with MS clamp for HT size 25 X 20 Cm and taking out of us onecomplete all as specified. 106 Supply and fix ON load four pole changeover switch with front handle operated of 4 pole 415 volt 50 Hz 200 ampsinmetal enclosureto be fixed on wallwith suitable size nut/bolts and complete all as directed. 107 Supply , laying & testing in repair forXLPEinsulated, armoured, heavy duty electric cable with stranded aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, laid in trenches, sleeving through pipes or fixed on poles & walls or laid under floors including jointingwith suitable size aluminium lugs complete of size 10 Sqmm nominal cross section x 2core. 108 Supply & Fix shock treatment chart standard size with diagrams and illustrations dully framed properly laminated including hooks for fixing/ fastening. The detail illustrations shall be in Hindi & English all as directed and as specified. 109 Maintenance ofAPFC panels, 3 phase AC 415 V, by skilled technicianand replacement of unserviceable spares as specified below for capacities 130 KVAR including replacement of old PVC copper conductor cables with appropriate gauge PVC insulated stranded copper conductor cables and cleaning of all moving contacts of relay contactors, tightening of all terminals and testing after repairs to ensure serviceability and corrected output at specified powerfactor all as specified and directed at site. Note- Parts to be replaced will be measured and paid seperately. 110 Supply, test and commissionning in repair of existing panel APFC Relay, 8 Stages digital type suitable for 415V, 3phase, AC supplyand all specified and directed. 111 Taking down of old unserviceable capacitor and replaced Supply and install MPP(Metalised polypropylene) capacitors cylindrical type standard dutyfor 3 phase ,440 V, 50 Hz in existing capacitor bank 130KVAr complete all as specified and as directed.. 112 20 KVAr 113 12.5 KVAr 114 5 KVAr 115 Supply and fix heavy duty Contactor in APFC panel conforms to IS/IEC 60947-4-1 & IEC 60947-4-1 including necessary connections all as directed for the following capacity 116 3 pole power contactor AC3 rating 25 A and AC1 rating 45A . 117 3 pole power contactor AC3 rating 18 A and AC1 rating 30 A. 118 3 pole power contactor AC3 rating 9A and AC1 rating 25A 119 Schedule of Credit

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 26-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 02-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 60000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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