
Tender For Establishment Of Health Kothi Under Circle Ii - Excavation For Foundation In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel Andsoft Murum, Including Removing The Excavated Material Up To A Distanceof 50 M. Beyond The Building Area And Stacking And Spre, Pune-Maharashtra

Local Bodies has published Tender For Establishment Of Health Kothi Under Circle Ii - Excavation For Foundation In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel Andsoft Murum, Including Removing The Excavated Material Up To A Distanceof 50 M. Beyond The Building Area And Stacking And Spre. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-10-2024. Footwears Tenders in Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Establishment Of Health Kothi Under Circle Ii - Excavation For Foundation In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel Andsoft Murum, Including Removing The Excavated Material Up To A Distanceof 50 M. Beyond The Building Area And Stacking And Spre
Open Tender

Tender Details

Establishment of Health Kothi under Circle II - Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel andsoft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distanceof 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading asdirected, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation andnecessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring andstrutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.50 m.) By Manual Means( SSR Item No : 21.01 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15201) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 3 Excavation for foundation in Soft rock and old cement or lime masonryfoundations including removing the excavated material upto a distanceof 50 metres beyond the building area and stacking as directed,including dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation andnecessary back filling with available earth /murum, ramming, wateringincluding shoring and strutting etc. complete (lift upto 1.5m) ByMechanical Means( SSR Item No : 21.14 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15211) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 4 Excavation for foundation in hard murum including removing theexcavated material upto distance of 50 metres beyond the buildingarea and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing thebed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, wateringincluding shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.50 m) ByManual Means( SSR Item No : 21.05 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15205) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 5 Providing dry/ trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss rubble stone soling 15 cmto 20 cm thick including hand packing and compacting etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 21.38 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15233) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 6 Filling in plinth and floors with contractors material/brought from outsideand approved by Engineer incharge in layers of 15 cm to 20 cmincluding watering and compaction etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 21.37 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15232) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 7 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ I.S.type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in foundations and plinth of innerwalls/ in plinth external walls including bailing out water manually ,striking joints on unexposed faces, raking out joints on exposed facesand watering etc. Complete.( SSR Item No : 27.01 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15370) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 8 Providing and fixing factory made panelled door shutter in single leaf35 mm thick style and rail without ventilator with CCTW panels 12 mmthick including wrought iron hold fast and stainless steel fixtures with oilpainting 3 coats etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 39.13 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15687) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 9 Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness andconfirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shadeand pattern for dado and skirting in required position fixed in 1:4cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing andclearing etc. complete( SSR Item No : 33.41 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15509) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 10 Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in single coat in cementmortar 1:3 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in allposition including scaffolding and curing etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 32.05 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15440) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 11 Providing rough cast cement plaster externally in two coats withcoloured cement finish to concrete/ brick/ stone masonry surfaces in allpositions with base coat 12 to 15 mm. thick in C.M. 1:4 using graycement and rough cast treatment 12 mm thick in proportion of 1:1 1/2:3using colour pigment including scaffolding and fourteen days curingetc. complete.( SSR Item No : 32.13 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15446) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 12 Providing and fixing Anglo Indian type white glazed earthenware watercloset pan with trap with UPVC seat and lid with chromium plated brasshinges and rubber buffers including UPVC and vent pipe up to theoutside face of wall with flushing cistern and necessary fittingsincluding cutting and making good to the walls and floors testing etc.complete.( prior approval of sample and brand by Ex. Engineer isnecessary before use)( SSR Item No : 43.23 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15963) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 13 Providing and applying pearl/ luster finish paint of approved colour andshade to the existing plaster surface including scaffolding, preparingthe surface, applying the acrylic wall putti etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 35.23 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15573) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 14 Providing and applying two coats of exterior acraylic emulsion paintconfirming to corresponding I.S. of approved manufacture and ofapproved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning ,preparingthe plaster surface, applying primer coat ,scaffolding if necessary , andwatering the surface for two days etc complete.( SSR Item No : 35.25 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15575) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 15 Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled sections likejoists, channels, angles, tees etc. as per detailed design and drawingsor as directed including cutting, fabricating, hoisting, erecting, fixing inposition making riveted / bolted /welded connections withoutconnecting plates, braces etc. and including one coat of anticorrosivepaint and over it two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shadeetc. complete.( SSR Item No : 23.01 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15297) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 16 Providing and fixing plain zinc sheeting of 0.80 mm thick (22 B.W.G.)over the ridge hip or valley to galvanized iron sheet roofing including allfastening and bolt galvanised iron screws and bolts, lead and bitumenwashers etc. complete.(Weight of 6.8 Kilogram/sq.m.).( SSR Item No : 38.5 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15626) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 17 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mixcement concrete M-25 oftrap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. chajja as per detaileddesign and drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks,laying/pumping, compacting and roughening the surface if specialfinish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcementand structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based PLCwith SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mixplant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sandVSI Grade)( SSR Item No : 26.07 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15338) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 18 Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement ofvarious diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs,beams columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels pardis,copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings andschedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding withwires or tack welding and supporting as required complete.( SSR Item No : 26.33 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15352) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 19 Providing and laying Antiskid Ceramic tiles of approved quality of size30 cm x 30 cm and confirming to IS 15622-2006 (Group-B IIA) forantiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortarincluding cement float, filling joint with cement slurry cleaning curingetc. complete.( SSR Item No : 33.67 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15532) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 20 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-30 oftrap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in foundations likeraft, strip foundations, grillage and footings of R.C.C. columns and steelstanchions etc. columns as per detailed designs and drawing or asdirected including Steel centering formwork, cover blockslaying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cementmortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and evensurface or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc.complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fullyautomatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversibleDrum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)( SSR Item No : 25.15 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15319) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 21 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix C.C. M-20 of trap metal forRCC rectangular grid beam with slab as per detailed design anddrawing, steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping,compacting, curing, finishing and roughening them to form surface withC.M. 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give smooth and evensurface or roughening them if special finish is to be provided and curingcomplete (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fullyautomatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversibleDrum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)( SSR Item No : 26.58 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15364) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 22 Providing ISI standard R.C.C. pipes in standard lengths of followingclass and diameter suitable for either collar joints or rubber ring joints,excluding GST lev-ied by GOI & GOM in all respect including inspection charges, transport to departmental stores, unloading and stackingetc. complete as per IS-458/1988. Note: Only 85% rate is payable tillsatisfactory hydraulic testing is given. The Bidder shall procure RCCpipes and chamber covers from following suppliers 1) M/S SnehPrecast 2) M/S Kalokhe pipes and precast industries 3) M/S PoonaConcrete Company If bidder wish to supply RCC pipes and chambercovers other than above suppliers, then it is mandatory to takeapproval of supplier from concern department. Third party inspection ofRCC pipes and chamber covers is mandatory and should be witnessedby EIL/IR CLASS/SGS. The cost of third party inspection should beborne by contractor. Class ‘NP-III 300 mm( SSR Item No : 50.b vii ) (PMC Drainage )Unique No (19080) Rate List Year (2024-2025 23 Lowering, laying and jointing in proper grade and alignment R.C.C.pipes in C.M.1:1 proportion jointing material or socketed R.C.C. pipeswith rubber joints (including cost of rubber ring ) including cost ofconveyance from stores to site of work, cost of jointing material, labour,etc. complete as directed by Engineerin- charge (For all classof pipes.) as per IS- 783-1985. 300 mm( SSR Item No : 51.vii ) (PMC Drainage )Unique No (19124) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 24 Providing and fixing P.V.C. Rain water pipes of 110mm outer diameterand having wall thickness of 2.2 to 2.7 mm confirming to I.S.13592-1992 including proper rainwater receiving recess with P.V.C.plug, bend, necessary fittings, such as, offsets, shoes, inluding fixingthe pipe on wall using approved wooden cleats projecting 25mm to40mm from face of wall a fixing with clips of approved quality andnumber ,filing the joint using rubber gasket with solvent cement andproperly resting the shoe of pipes on C.C. or masonry blocks, includingnecessary scaffolding and maintenance for 3 yrs for any leakages ordislocations of pipes. All the P.V.C. fittings and additional 2 piecesocket clips shall be got approved from engineer in charge etc.complete.( SSR Item No : 42.87 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15939) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 25 Providing and fixing intercepting sewer trap including concrete bedding,etc. complete. 150 x 100 mm( SSR Item No : 62.i ) (PMC Drainage )Unique No (19243) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 26 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 oftrap/ granite / quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. slabs and landings asper detailed designs and drawings including steel centering, formwork,cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaceswith cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give asmooth and even surface or roughening if special finish is to beprovided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding reinforcement andstructural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC withSCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant(Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSIGrade)( SSR Item No : 25.70 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15332) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 27 Providing waterproof plaster in W.C. and bath 20 mm thick for dado incement mortar 1:3 with neat finishing, floating using waterproofingcompound at the rate of 1 Kilogram. per bag of cement of approvedmake and manufacturer and curing (and filling joints of Nahani trap andany outlet by properly) etc. complete( SSR Item No : 31.07 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15424) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 28 Flat back urinal-providing and fixing flat back urinal without flushingtank but including bracket for fixing urinals,inlet pipe,32mm dia pvcflush pipe and stop tap ,filling the gaps with white cement etc complete( SSR Item No : 61.04 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (16484) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 29 Puf insulated LLDPE water tank : Providing and fixing puf insulatedLLDPE water tank on any floor level ,tripple layer L.L.D.P.E. baseresine , two layer puf insulated anti temprature water tank (15 yearsGuaranty) Company( SSR Item No : 61.01 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (16481) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 30 Building (Bd-V : Water supply and sanitory fittings)cPVC pipe 25mmdia.( SSR Item No : 49.V-248 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (17919) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 31 Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware Wash Hand Basin of55cm. x 40 cm. size including cold water pillar tap/cold and hot waterpillar tap brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap andnecessary pipe connections including P.V.C. waste pipe and trap up tothe outside face of the wall. Making good the damaged surface, testingetc. complete.( SSR Item No : 41.63 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15838) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 32 Providing and fixing 450mm x 550mm size superior type Belgiummirror with 16mm dia. nickel plated towel rod etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 42.20 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15872) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 33 Providing and fixing 15cm x 10cm salt glazed stoneware gully trap incement concrete 1:4:8 outside the building including cast iron grating inthe sink, connecting glazed stoneware pipe, brick masonry chamberwith cast iron lid and cast iron grating for the gully trap.( SSR Item No : 42.02 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15854) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 34 Providing and fixing in position (as per 1868 / 1982) Aluminium slidingwindow of three tracks with rectangular pipe 95 x 38.10 x 0.90 mm atweight 0.637 Kilogram/Running metre. with window frame bottom tracksection 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 1.070 Kilogram/Runningmetre.. Top and side track section 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight0.933 Kilogram/Running metre. The shutter should be of bearingbottom 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/Running metre.Inter locking section 40 x 18 x 1.10 mm at weight 0.469Kilogram/Running metre. and handle and top section 40 x 18 x 1.25mm at weight o.417 Kilogram/Running metre. As per detailed drawingsand as directed by Engineerincharge with all necessary Aluminiumsections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon castingand self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mmthick plain glass and aluminium mosquito net shutter with stainlesssteel jail with all required screws and nuts etc, complete. With colourAnodising without box( SSR Item No : 39.42 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15716) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 35 Providing and fixing in position factory made box type fully glazed window consisting of cold rolled section of 105mm x 60mm x 1.25mm thick frame section filled with cement concrete (1:2:4) and steel section F4B as per detailed drawing and design including mild steel 12mm square bars at 10cm center to center, required F7B section, section T6, section for shutter frame (Louvered clips in case of Louvered window portion) and 3mm thick glass of approved quality of necessaryfixtures and fastening, finishing with one coat of anticorrosive paint etc. complete . ( SSR Item No : 39.23 ) (PMC Bhavan ) Unique No (15697) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 36 Inspection chamber with precast steel fibre reinforced concrete frameand covers (S.F.R.C. frame and covers) Providing and constructingB.B. masonry in 230 X 100 X 75 mm brick inspection chamber with100mmthick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation, B.B.masonry in CM 1:5 proportion half round RCC pipe of required dia,precast S.F.R.C. frame and cover heavy duty 275 kg., plastering bothinside and outside in CM 1:3 with cement finish,, 100 mm thick PCC1:2:4 coping on B.B. masonry etc. complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. Note : i) Wall thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.0 M and 0.35 Mfor balance depth exceeding 1.0 M. ii) The rate of this item is inclusiveof hydraulic testing of chamber.As above of 60 x 45 cm internal sizeand depth upto 0.9 M with S.F.R.C. frame and cover.( SSR Item No : 55.i ) (PMC Drainage )Unique No (19192) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 37 Inspection chamber with precast steel fibre reinforced concrete frameand covers (S.F.R.C. frame and covers) Providing and constructingB.B. masonry in 230 X 100 X 75 mm brick inspection chamber with100mmthick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation, B.B.masonry in CM 1:5 proportion half round RCC pipe of required dia,precast S.F.R.C. frame and cover heavy duty 275 kg., plastering bothinside and outside in CM 1:3 with cement finish,, 100 mm thick PCC1:2:4 coping on B.B. masonry etc. complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. Note : i) Wall thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.0 M and 0.35 Mfor balance depth exceeding 1.0 M. ii) The rate of this item is inclusiveof hydraulic testing of chamber. As above of 90 x 45 cm internal sizeand depth upto 1.0 M with S.F.R.C. frame and cover.( SSR Item No : 55.v ) (PMC Drainage )Unique No (19196) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 38 Providing and constructing on sewer line, B. B. masonry circularmanhole with concentric cone 1.2 M dia. at bottom and 0.5 M dia. attop and upto a depth of 1.50 M with 23 cm. thick and 35cm thickbrickwork for balanced depth in 230 X 100 X 75 mm brick masonry inCM 1:5 proportion plastering both inside and outside in CM 1:3 withcement finish, half round RCC pipe of required dia excludingexcavation including PCC1:3:6 in bed 100 mm thick , haunches andchannels in 1:2:4 proportion concrete, finishing channels in smoothrendering, providing 100 mm thick 1:2:4 coping on the top of themasonry & below frame including providing and fixing approved makeand quality S.F.R.C. frame and cover of 56 cm dia. heavy duty 275 kg.etc. complete as directed by Engineerin- charge. Note : The rate of thisitem isinclusive of hydraulic testing of chamber. Providing andconstructing on sewer, B. B. masonry circular manhole with concentriccone (as per attached drawing no.1)( SSR Item No : 56 ) (PMC Drainage )Unique No (19206) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 39 Providing neeru finish to plastered surfaces in all positions includingscaffolding and curing etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 32.15 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15447) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 40 Providing and laying ceramic tiles having size 30 cm. x 45 cm.confirming to corresponding I.S. for dado and skirting in requiredposition with readymade adhesive mortar of approved quality onplaster of 1:2 cement mortar including joint filling with white/ colourcement slurry cleaning curing etc. complete.( SSR Item No : 33.26 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15494) Rate List Year (2024-2025) 41 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in M15 oftrap/ granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for steps including steel centering,formwork, laying/pumping, compacting, roughening them if specialfinish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honeycombed surfaceand curing etc. complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is consideredfor rendering uneven and honeycombed surface, only. Newly laidconcrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc.(Wooden centering will not be allowed.),with fully automatic microprocessor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Typemixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fineaggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)( SSR Item No : 24.04 ) (PMC Bhavan )Unique No (15309) Rate List Year (2024-2025)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1359 /-
INR 24557.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 24.55 Lakhs /-
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