
Tender For V.V.I.P. Visits Of Divisional Area In Distt. Barabanki, barabanki-Uttar Pradesh

Public Works Department has published Tender For V.V.I.P. Visits Of Divisional Area In Distt. Barabanki. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-10-2024. Absorbents Tenders in barabanki Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For V.V.I.P. Visits Of Divisional Area In Distt. Barabanki
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For V.V.I.P. Visits Of Divisional Area In Distt. Barabanki; 1 Excavation for road way in soil by mechanical means Including cutting and pushing the earth to site of embankment upto a distance of 100 metres (average lead 50 metres), Including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections (SOR No.-253) 2 Making of Ramp with carted earth lead up to 1.00 km. 3 Sand filling in foundation trenches abutment wall etc,in layers including watering ,compacting including all lead & lift and also all materials ,labour,T&P etc. required for proper completion of work (SI NO. 255)) 4 Supply and Laying of brick soiling layer on prepared sub grade with brick on edging as per drawing, filling the jlints with sand, as per S.O.R. Chapter-25 (Item No.-20 all required for completion of work as per direction by I/E 5 H marks on Helipad site.Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade. New work (Two or more coats applied @1.43 Itr/10sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10sqm) (apex Ultima, Weather coat All quard) asian, berger (DSR NO. 13.47.1) 6 Providing & fixing of Barrier with Barricading ballis in different areas of the town for controlling the crowd & traffic for security of the Parking road, Approcha road and contengency road 7 Higher Charges of Water tanker with 6KL Capacity with 50 HP Tractor 8 Mojo barricadingfor D Area and other security as per direction of engineer in charge. 9 Swis cottage for crusie members, Pilot, Multi-agency 10 P.M.O. with AC, Cooling, Matting, Furniture etc 11 Main Stage of 60x30 Ft. with structural frame, clamping with Nut Bolt, Clamp, and binding wire complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 12 S.F. of L- Shape Stairs hight 8 Feet along with SS Hand Rail side of stair on both side stage. 13 Barricading of three rows with ballis of wood with height of 5 to 6 feets above the ground level& diameter to 10 to 15 cm which is embedded 45cm below the ground level. (Kachha) 14 Providing & fixing of Security Wire Mesti one inch square wire on a iron angle frames designed in a way such that they can be joined together to provide security for the VVIP area on Rental/Hire basis as per direction of Engineer in Charege 15 Providing & fixing of pagoda tent made of toughened aluminium alloy casted into sections joint together to form a Structure with specially designed 3 layered weather/waterproof PVC Fabric of white color which are fire retared on rental/hire bases. 16 Applying/Spraying of fire redardent solution for the whole program as and wherever required including material, labour etc. all complete. 17 Supply of Center table (deluxe) including cartage and removal after program as per direction of Engineer in Charge 18 Providing & fixing of Executive office Chairs with cushioned Back & Base and towels for VVIP(s) on Rental/Hire Basis. 19 Providing and fixing of gloss SS railing on 3 sides of VVIP stage with 2.5 (feet) height at front and 4 (feet) height at sides on rental/hire basis. 20 Providing and fixing of stage furniture with VVIP sofa, VVIP office chairs, kaleen, VVIP center table(s) Executive chairs, towel(s) and hand towel(s), arrangement of cotton batti, ghee and lighting candle etc.required for Lighting of Lamp by WIP(s) 21 SITC of Tower A.C. 2 Ton/ 3 Ton 22 SITC of Fan Farata 23 SITC of Generator (silent) 62 KVA including changeover

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 944 /-
INR 300000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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