
Tender For Supply Installation Testing Commissioning Of Sitc Of Various Electricals Items On Annual Rate Contract., Barmer-Rajasthan

Directorate of Local Bodies has published Tender For Supply Installation Testing Commissioning Of Sitc Of Various Electricals Items On Annual Rate Contract.. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-10-2024. Absorbents Tenders in Barmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Supply Installation Testing Commissioning Of Sitc Of Various Electricals Items On Annual Rate Contract.
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Tender Details

tender for supply installation testing commissioning Of Sitc Of Various Electricals Items On Annual Rate Contract. Supply of din rail mounting contactor and accessories confirming to IEC 61095 with following description and configuration in existing distribution board/sheet including making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submit NABL/CPRI/ERDA accrediated lab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of product/ work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR Modular contactor 40A-3NO 2 Supply of Wiring for sub mains ISI marked (IS:694) 1100 Volts grade PVC insulated flat twin core sheathed solid aluminium conductor as required. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 2.1 4.0 sq.mm 2.2 6.0 sq.mm 2.3 10.0 sq.mm 3 Supply of mechanical/digital time switch having following day/ week programme and minimum 100 hours reserve and AC1 rating of 16-20 mperes including making connection, programming conforming to IEC 0730-1 and 60730-2-7 etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer exure A attached with this BSR One day & week reserve (Analog type) Supply of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of 10 kA breaking capacity (B/C/D tripping characteristic as per type of load and site requirement) 4 KV impulse withstand voltage, ISI marked IS 8828(1996)/conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC 60947-2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum, energy limiting of class 3 as per IEC, minimum phase termination capacity of 35sq.mm., conductor line single pole mcb 311 of Single Stagt, water cooten, igh Spend 12 AP Marin Comfigel Opel Suhnersible pumps set pre od with comes water and fitted with mechanical seT/CV/C Thrust Bearing shall be of carbon 3.3. The state body of singe hase pump that the of 15 and rest of all shat be of cast ven. All Casting parts should be cathed mectro denshin ICE esoted and ther tonstruction material should be confirming to 1614220 2018 The overall performance of sump that corfum to BEE nergy efficiency level of a stan wand Bts certificans from OEM must be submitted for the same. Motor should be 2 dlass per EC 60030 2-1: 2007, IFC 60034-30 2008, 1512615-2011, including making connection ent as required complete an all respect. OEM hali have NABL/CPRIERGA accrediated lab type tost certificate Before exccution. At as per are approved by Engineer in charge For additional technical parameters of products work refor Annexure A attached with this 858 5 3.1 05 HP 1-0, (7-351 Mtr (230-72) PM 5.2 1.0, 1.(7-12) Mr, 1405-240) (PM Supply and fixing of Monoblock meter pump set 15 market (15.9075 2002) with TEFC motor, motor should be 112 siais as per IEC 60034-2 1:2007, IEC 60034-30: 2008, & 512615 2011. with Stainless steel impelior. Stainless steel shaft, Mechanical seal, Single/Three phase 240 440 V permanent split capacitor type (PSC), fitted with thermal overload protection, Incluting cost of hardware etc on existing platform complete. Pume shalt have following HP Rating phase, Head, minimum Oischarge respectively complete in all respect DEM shall have submit NABL/CPRI/ERDA accrediatod lab type test cortificate before execution. Al as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work refer Annexure A attached with this RSA 0.5 HP 1-0 (3-18) (100-26 LPM 1.0 HP, 1-8. (10-120M, (30-12) LPM 1.5 HP 1-0 (5-24/Mt, (400-80) LPM Supply of Contactor OEM Fabricated DOL Starter panel with switchgear selection as per Type-2 Cortfinatiom Chart and made out from 1.6 mm thick powder coated CRCA sheet, enclosure comprising of over load protection relay, short circuit &single phasing protection, huminated ON/OFF Bush buttons,ammeter, voltmeter, indicating lamps etc. suitable for following rating motors complete in all respect 0.5 hp to 1.5 hp Providing & Fixing of 240/415Vtmarked 13547 conforming to 110 10547-31 Providing & Fising of 240/415112947 conforming tot 508471,ACIJA category, 40/ imputs withstand wage tre Red catur dally/lever that have single coveringer adles for operation, tanpation in mounting, minimu chave termination capacity of and Sitted in existing connection, stinget approved by Eingineering o contact pro of protfuct/work cofer Annexure attached with Tour pole solütar 3 A Supply of Star rated cope wounded fouble bat trome capacitor start sumbun tody & Monata Hate ringto Conforming to of the performance euirements and down in 174:2019 lectuding all police & Carry 85 Sensing marting with down up toom with secondary support sality cable steel rope), comer pin with 315 mim pvc text copper conductor mating concoction testing etc required. All as per pro approved by Engineerin charge For additional technical parameters of products wort refer Annosum A attached with this 1200 mm unver BEE 3 Starve value 3.000 5.51 91 Providing of 18W/12W IP-20 LED Recessed/Surface Mounted, Round/Sqaure SMD Mid Power LED Downlight with power coated die-cast aluminum housing with UV Stabilized not yellowish off 11 with S compίκησε Sopply of 30W/40w & 1920, 2x2 LED Surface Recessed mounting Mid power SMD type LED Light future not less than 50mm sousing death made from CRCA sheet soul housing, high surity tranumavity UV stabdokowith diffuser for undir light stribution High efficienes with 4KV intermaalsge protection 88 certified solated driver having 85%, wit Short & Open sincut protection integral with light fixtures. System Jumen efficacy of a 120 in/Watt THD 10%, p.120.95,C60, 11 Providing of LAW/70W in 20 LED tube light with power cooted de cast aluminum nousing with UV Stabilized son yellowish Diffuser 12 with BIS complemus 13 Supply of self adhesive put electrical insulation tape Supply of sw energy efficient onergy saving IP 20 LED drost retrofit Bulb in extiting holder or fature as required with system Lumen efficacy 2100 lm/Wan output.pf0.95,000 14 15 Supply of A/10A modular one wes switch 16 supply of ding dong/musical chine bel 12 Saly of 3/8 socket extension cord 54 μί metal lat/tutbral plug top & sant with and love type contact on ebakire te Recosedurface mounting heavy duty Dncitoum made out from Galvanized stre/DRCA sheets then 1.2 mm thick 18ming to 5-8621-1 & 3/C 61439 181 powder with MC nding making connections, svingetcas mquired For additional technical parameters of product/work refer Annexure Wattached with the Boa 1 21 18.5:20 am, 2 pnsoring farth, 1 Supply, Installatin, ngan comisioong of conting copper refrigerant plaing of DHE Grade C12200 ASTM 868, 875 chemical composition of copper % 99.0 Min and Phosphorus 0.025 to 0.040 For Armeuled copper tube Tonle strength 210 Mpe with elongation-40 Mini Mark Brend vinting on Hand Tubes should be present duly insulated with tubuler elastomeric rubber PM approved with high water vapor diffusion noistance and low thermal conductivity should be cortified Class in Fire Propagation as par 85 476 Part 6 incharting chase cutting andling with mortar, Slotted channel supports mounted on 10 mm 1 shreaded roll at suitate specing the exposed piping shall be wrapped with less woven cloth and lag couting for vapour fortse and weather protection. Joints shall be covered with nibile rubber tape of 3 mm thick complete as required of following situs. At a per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products work, refer Annexure A attached with the RSA 12.7mm D.D, wall thankness 2 0.8mm Onsulation-13mm thach 1 1 19:1 Providing & Fixing of 5: 4985-2000 Class 4 (30 Kg/Sqon) UPVC drain water piping with Retings (15.7834 & 10kg/gom) ke elbow socket, Tee, solvent cement pinting, support with Mel hanger oi rolling or recessed in wall with chasing & plastering with 6 mm thick cued to slastomeric nitrile rubber inulstion including loukage testing ets, as required of following Nominal slam. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For addicional technical parametrs of products work, refer Annexure A attacked with 20.120 mm Supply, Tieng and testing of following capacity 150 certified company made wall mounted stabilizer having output voltage variation from 200 V to 250 V+/-5%) with input voltage variation from 170V to 260 V, time delay facility from 2 to 4 minute and high cutoff at 270 V with providing of 16 Amp 20 Amp Industrial plug top making connection etc complate in all respect. At as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge For additional technical parameters of products work, refer Annexure A attached with thes S Rewinding of unde phaw moon f 1400 RPM necessary material and of the same characters wit required size of super named winmater 2ndtere tcred glem of maternal comparents shall be vse as per ges of OEM of eng profuct. All the scra mat should be retained by the 1 22.10 25 HP 10030HP 22.20 75 HP. 10MP 12320HP Rewinding of three phase quere can induction motor of 3400 2800 Muding all necessary maternal and of the same characterstics sangat with required size of per name whe mutation material and testing on a required Replacement of maternal or components shat be use as por guitolines of OEM of ongal product. Al the material shoutt bemained by the contractor 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 23130 HP Replacement of colective compressor the company reseirest compressor as per OEM recommendations of following pagt nduding teding eτε οι πονίντ Replacement of memerl components shak be use as per guidelines of DEM of engina product. Al the serap material should be retained by the contractor. 24 24.1/3.5 TRAC 24.250/220 Ltr. Water coor Topplying and thanging of fresh refigerant and testing of performance of air conditierter/ fidge/ water cooler of following 25 capacity including capillary and strainer/hor 25.1/1.5 TR Window/Salt AC 252/90/170 r. Water cooler Replacement of tondensing/ cooling call of copper fins for following capacity AC/ Water cooler Fridge as red Replacement of mater or components shall be use as per guidelines of OEM of original product. All the scrap material should 26e retained by the contractor. 25.115 TR Window/Solit AC 26.2 60/120 Ltr. Water cooler 1 Replacement of startong relay of AC/water cooler/hidge compresor as required. Replacement of material or components that be un as per OEM of original product. All the 1 scrap material should be retained by the suntractor 28 Providing and fleng Chorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Dors having thermal stabilty for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass theeaded fittings (/c fring the pipe with clampi at 1.00 in spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one 1 top CPVC solvent coment and testing of jounts complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge Intemal work Exposed on wat 38.3/25 mm nominal from Fipos High Intensity retro reflective Type IV sign plate made out of 2.00 mm thick aluminium sheet face to be fully covered with blue/green high intensity grade retro reflective sheet and logo/matters, boarder made of with similar type of white sheeting after etching treatment of aluminium sheet, the black side is to be painted with epoxy grey paint, the plate is to be fixed on 40x40x5 mm angle iron frame with help of aluminium rivets. 29 29.1 C.P. Brass bibcock 15 mm Supply & Fixing of phenolic laminated board of 6.4 mm thick for fresh air fan/exhaust fan up to size of 300 mm on existing window frame including cost of board, cutting of hole, Nut bolts etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR. 1 30 Providing & Fixing of Heavy duty capacitor start, copper wound Double ball bearing 900/1400 RPM single phase Exhaust fan conforming to 15:2312 ISI marked in existing opening including making connections testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 300 mm sweep(900/1400 RPM) 31 1

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INR 15 Lakhs /-
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