Bids Are Invited For Cement , Coarse sand , Crushed stone aggregate , Structural steel , MS flat iron , Mild Steel Round Bars , Galvanised steel , Anodised aluminium window , Anodised aluminium door shutters , Modular Bricks , Sink stand , Mild steel , Anodised aluminium Partition , Concertina coil , Hrs Meter , AC Amp meter , AC Voltmeter , Phase Seclector Switch , Indicator Caps , Fuel pipe line , Battery lead , MCCB , Frequency meter , Armature connecting plate , DC Amp meter , Stop solonide , Fuel tank cap , Rubber hose pipe inlet , FIP Return pipe , Injector return pipe , Aircleaner rubber , Door glass , Nut and Bolt , Indicator bulb , Tapped cover gas kit , Canopy light , Canopy switch , Fan belt , Alternater belt , Oil presure gauge , Door hinges clamps , Stop solonide switch , Cannopy exhaust , Cannopy door glass , Pannel board meter , Oil cooling sump , Exhaust fan canopy , Silencer complete set , Toggel switch , Stop solonide switch complete , Air filter , Cable , Fuel tank inlet nozzel , Cannopy nut and bolt , EPW Indicator meter , AC Voltmeter 300V , AC Amp meter 50A , Hours run meter , Fuel gauge meter , Oil level meter , Oil presure gauge meter , MCCB 100A 4 Pole , Panel connecting plate , Fuel tank hose pipe inlet , oil cleaner mounting stand , Battery lead negative and positive with thimble , Piston head gas kit , Phase indicator bulb with cap , MCCB 63A , Coolant Can , Coolant can mounting , Panel board , Temprature meter , Battery terminal , Panel board digital display card Total Quantity : 2028