
Tender For Ktw Cum Gated Bandhara Hatnur 03 Tq.Kannad Dist.Chhsambhajinagar - Excavation In All Kinds Of Soil Including Boulders Upto 0.60 M. Diameter (0.113 Cum.) For Canal, Seating Of Embankment, Filter Drains/ Catch Water Drains Etc. And Placing Excava, Aurangabad-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Tender For Ktw Cum Gated Bandhara Hatnur 03 Tq.Kannad Dist.Chhsambhajinagar - Excavation In All Kinds Of Soil Including Boulders Upto 0.60 M. Diameter (0.113 Cum.) For Canal, Seating Of Embankment, Filter Drains/ Catch Water Drains Etc. And Placing Excava. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-10-2024. Heavy Equipment Component Tenders in Aurangabad Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Ktw Cum Gated Bandhara Hatnur 03 Tq.Kannad Dist.Chhsambhajinagar - Excavation In All Kinds Of Soil Including Boulders Upto 0.60 M. Diameter (0.113 Cum.) For Canal, Seating Of Embankment, Filter Drains/ Catch Water Drains Etc. And Placing Excava
Open Tender

Tender Details

Ktw Cum Gated Bandhara Hatnur 03 Tq.Kannad Dist.Chhsambhajinagar - Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.60 m. diameter (0.113 cum.) for canal, seating of embankment, filter drains/ catch water drains etc. and placing excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of service road / embenkment as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc. with 1 km. lead and 6 m. lift. 2 Excavation in hard murum including boulders upto 0.60 m. diameter (0.113 cum.) for canal, seating of embankment, filter drains/ catch water drains etc. and placing excavated stuff neatly in dump area or formation of service road as directed including cost of all machinery. labour, dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc. with 1 km. lead and 6 m. lift. 3 Excavation in soft rock without blasting including boulders upto 0.60 m. diameter (0.113 cum.) for canal, seating of embankment, filter drains/ catch water drains etc. and placing excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of service road as directed including cost of all machinery, labour, dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc. with 1 km. lead and 6 m. lift. 4 Excavation in hard rock of all toughness by blasting including boulders above 0.60 m. diameter (0.113 cum.) minimising damage to sides slope of excavation in water prism area by adopting any one or combination of line drilling/pre-spliting / smooth blasting techniques and placing the excavated rock neatly in approved dump area as directed including cost of all machinery, labour, levelling bed etc. with lead upto 15 m and lift 6 m. 5 Providing laying rubble soling below foundation in layers including filling with rubble chips, murum etc. complete as directed. 6 Providing and fixing including Cutting, bending hooking, laying in position and tying M. S./HYSD/TMT bars for reinforcement of R. C. C. works as per detailed drawing etc. completed 7 Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M 150 (40 MSA) of trap/granite/gneiss/quartzite graded metal for PCC with Of without surface reainforcement/ RCC concreting requiring heavy of special type of shuttering for works of gallery, sluice, spillway crest, spillway down stream face energy dissipating structurs, intake structurs training wallis piers, abutment etc. with batching plants and Transit mixer with shuttering and scaffolding curing etc completed with an initial lead 50 m.and lift 1.50 m 8 Providing and fixng sill beams RSJ 150 x 100 mm sizeas per detailed design and drawing including one coat of anticorrosive paint with two coats of oil paints etc. completed with all leads and lifts as directed and as per specification 9 Providing and fixing M. S channels 150 x 100 mm size fabricated from 8 mm plate including fabrication with 12 mm dia hooks of 50 cm in length including one coat of anticorrosive paint with two coats of oil paints etc. Complete with all leads and lifts as directed and as per specification 10 Providing and fixing in position M.S Needles 2. 12 x 0.50 mm size as per detailed design and drawing including two coat of anticorrosive paint with two coats of oil paints etc complete with all leads and lifts as directed and as per specification 11 Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M-20 of trap/granite/gneiss /quartzite graded metal for RCC works of gallery, sluice, spillway crest, spillway downstream face energy dissipating structures intake structures, training walls piers abutments, slab etc with Concrete Mixer including shuttering and scaffolding placing compacting curing with an initial lead of 1 km and all lifts etc complete as A) M 20 (20 MSA) (Cement 6.60 bags/Cum) directed 12 Back filling upto ground level behind the ground level behind the canal structures etc. completed (without royalty) with suitable material of approved quality in layers not exceeding 20 cm without disturbing the structeur etc. completed 13 Providing casing embankment using selected impervious material available directly from excavation in layers including cost of materials, machinery, labour, all other operations such as collection of material, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness, sorting out breaking clods. levelling, sectioning edges/ sides, watering compacting each layer to density control of not less then 95 percent or as stipulated using vibratory compactor etc. completed with lead upto 1 km for watering and 6m lift. 14 Providing and constructing 230 mm thick dry rubble stone pitching with pin headers at 2 per sqm using stones and stone chips from approved sources including cost of all material labour hand packing/wedging stone chips, finishing etc completed with lead upto 50 m and lifts as directed 15 Providing and and fixing canal information bord of 1.2 x 0.75 m prepared on 16 gauge M. S. Sheet with angle iron frame of size 35 x35x3 mm with cross bracing of size 25 x 25 x3 mm including painting with one coat of zinc chromate storing primer and two coats each of green / white back ground and back side grey store enameld bonded with red retro reflective sheets Engineering grade, border / letters / numeral / arrows coated non peal able crystal clear protective transparant coat retaining 100% reflection including two angle ron post of size 50 x50x 5 mm of 3.65 m long inflated at bottom drilled on top and painted with black bonds of 30 cm with four numbers high strength of G. I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. 20 mm long sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints including all taxes, conveying, fixing, in ground with cement concrete in M-15 block of size 60 x60x 75 cm as directed by Engineer - in - charge

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-10-2024 date change Date 12-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2360 /-
INR 38743.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 38.74 Lakhs /-
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