
Tender For Calibration Of Medical Equipment At Aiims Bhopal, bhopal-Madhya Pradesh

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences has published Tender For Calibration Of Medical Equipment At Aiims Bhopal. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-11-2024. Medical Equipment Tenders in bhopal Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Calibration Of Medical Equipment At Aiims Bhopal
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Calibration Of Medical Equipment At Aiims Bhopal; 1 Automated Nucleic Acid extraction Machine 2 Ergo Meter (Leg Muscles) 3 2D Gel Electrophoresis (IEF) 4 ACT Machine 5 Advance AFT 6 Aerobic Cycle 7 Agrose Gel Electriphorasis Unit 8 Air patient warming system 9 Air/Oxygen blender 10 ALL GLASS DOUBLE DISTILLATION 11 Alloy Melater 12 Anaesthesia Machine (Boyels machine) 13 Anaesthesia Workstation 14 Analytical High Precision Balance 15 Apherssis Machine 16 Arthroscopy system 17 Aspiration Systems (for mechenical thrombectomy in acute ischmic stroke 18 Aspirator suction machine 19 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) 20 Audiometer 21 Auto refractrometer 22 Autoclave (Horizontal) 23 Autoclave (Vertical) 24 Automated Bacterial Identification & AST System (VITEK 2 Compact) 25 Automated ESR analyzer 26 Automatic tissue processor 27 Autopsy Table 28 Autoref- KERATOMETER 29 BACTACAutomated System 30 Bacteria Alert 31 BD LSR Fortessa (Flowcytometer Analyser System) 32 Binocular Microscope 33 Biomedical waste processing unit (optimaser) 34 Biosafety Cabinet 35 Biosealer 36 Bipap 37 BIPOLAR COAGULATOR 38 Bladder Scanner 39 Blood & Fluid Warming Device 40 Blood Bank Cryo bath 41 Blood bank platelet agitator cum incubator 42 Blood Bank Refrigerator 43 Blood Donor Couch 44 Body Box Plethysmograph 45 Bone cutter withhood protector and suction fixed type 46 Brachytherapy Machine 47 Bronchoscopy set 48 Bubble CPAP 49 Cardiotocography Machine (CTG) 50 C-Arm 51 Cathlab Machine 52 Cautery machine 53 CB nat machine 54 Ceiling Mounted Double dome OT light- LED Light Source 55 Cell Counter (3 Part Diff-) 56 Cell saver 57 Centrifugal casting machine 58 Centrifuge machine 59 Change station 60 chemic doc imaging system 61 Coagulation analyzer,automated 62 Colorimeter 63 Compressor 64 Computer based physiology teaching system (Lab Tutor) 65 Computerized Lensmeter 66 Cone Beam Computed Tomography Machine (CBCT) 67 Constellation MACHINE 68 Cooling Plate 69 Cordless Endo Motor with Built in Apex Locator 70 Cordless Warm VerticalObturation Device 71 Cryo Super delux 72 Cryo Surgical System 73 Cryostat 74 CT SIMULATOR 75 CUSA (CAVITRON ULTRASONIC SURGICAL ASPIRATOR) 76 Deep Freezer(-20℃) 77 Deep Freezer(-80℃) 78 DEEP FREEZER (-40℃) 79 Defibrillator 80 Delivery bed 81 Dental Chair 82 Dermatology Procedure chair 83 Digital Anatomy 3D printer 84 Digital electro convulsiometer 85 DIGITAL PH METER 86 Digital pH meter 87 Digital Retinal Camera or Digital fundus camera 88 Digital RVG Networking Dental X Ray 89 Digital tissue homogenizer 90 Dissecting bench 91 Dissecting Instrument 92 Distill water mini plant 93 DOSIMETRY PTW 94 DOUBLE PAN BALANCE 95 Dry Heating block for PCR 96 DRYING CABINET 97 DSA Machine 98 DVT Pump 99 EBUS videoscope 100 ECG Machine 101 Echocardiography machine 102 ECT Machine 103 EEG Machine (32 channel) 104 Elastography machine (Vibration controlled) 105 electric drill system 106 Electric Jig Saw 107 Electric Saw Autopsy 108 Electron cutter 109 electrophoresis power pac 110 Electrophorosis blotting 111 Electrophorosis Machine 112 Elisa Reader washer & shaker 113 Embalming machine 114 EMG Machine (NCV) 115 Endo Washer 116 ENDOSCOPY SYSTEM CRANIAL AND SPINAL 117 Endovascular Simulator Lab 118 EPI center 119 Esophagoscopy 120 ETO Machine 121 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) 122 Flash Autoclave 123 Flexible Denture Machine 124 Flow Cytometer 125 Fluorescent Microscope 126 Fluorimeter 127 FOGGING MACHINE 128 Forced Expiratory NO System (feno) 129 Fractional Co2 Laser 130 Fully Automated Vascular Doppler 131 Fume hood 132 Gamma Camera 133 Gamma zone monitor 134 Gauze cutting machine 135 Gel Document System 136 Gel Electrophoresis unit & power supply 137 Genome Sequencer 138 Grossing station 139 OT Table 140 haematology machine 141 Hand Held Vascular doppler 142 Harmonic Scalpel 143 Heart Lung Machine 144 Heat Gun 145 HEAT SEALING MACHINE 146 Heater Cooler Unit 147 Hemodialysis Machine 148 Hemodialysis Machine (CRRT) 149 HFNC 150 Hip, knee, ankle CPM 151 Hot Air Oven 152 HOT PLATE ANAGESIA 153 HPLC System 154 Human milk pasteuriser 155 Hydrollic Bench Press 156 IABP 157 Ice Flaking Machine 158 ICU Bed 159 ILR 160 immunoessay 161 In Vitro Fertilization Training Lab 162 In vivo imaging system 163 Incubator 164 infant warmer 165 Interferential current therapy 166 Intra operating Neuro Monitoring system 167 Intra oral scanner 168 Inverted Microscope with PC 169 ivc system for rat 170 Jet Ventilator 171 KERATOMETER 172 Kymograph 173 Lab Hot Plate with Magnetic Stirrer 174 Lab Refrigerator 175 Laminar Air Flow 176 Laparoscopy System (3D HD Endovision System For Laparoscopy And Endoscopy wth Accessories) 177 LASER (Leonardo Bonsai 15W) 178 lASER (YAG with accessories) 179 Laser Therapy unit 180 Leakage Tester 181 leep evacuator 182 Liapolizer 183 Light Source 184 Liquid based Cytology (LBC) 185 Low dose calibratior 186 Lumbar and cervical Traction 187 Lyophilizer 188 Maestrogen UV transilluminator 189 Magnetic Stirrer 190 Magnifier lamp 191 MALDI 192 Microplate Multimode Reader 193 MICROPLATE SPECTROPHOTOMETER 194 Microwave Diathermy 195 Mini see saw rocker 196 Mobile intubation Scope 197 Monitor & recording system 198 Mortuary Cooler/ Refrigerator 199 MRBP SYSTEM 200 Muscle Stimulator fully Computerized 201 Nadi tarangini 202 Nano Drop 203 Neo laser 204 Nephelometer 205 Nerve Stimulator (Peripheral, PNS) 206 Non contact TONOMETER 207 O A E Screening 208 O2 concentrator 209 Operating Microscope 210 Opthalmic green laser system 211 Opthalmic ultrasound A-SCAN BIOMETER 212 OPTHALMIC YAG LASER SYSTEM 213 Optical BIOMETER 214 Optical coherence tomography 215 Orbital Shaker (Refrigerated Shaker) 216 Organ Bath 217 OT Integration 218 OT Light (Portable) 219 Otoacoustic emissions (OAE-DP & TE) screening 220 Paraffin wax bath 221 Patient Body Air Warmer 222 Patient monitor (multipara) 223 PCA-Pump 224 PCNL Instrument (Nephroscope) 225 PCR 226 Pediatric cystoscope and resectoscope set 227 Pediatric rigid Esophagoscope 228 Penta Head Microscope 229 Peristaltic Pump 230 PFT 231 PHACO MACHINE 232 PHADIA 100 Immunoessay Analyser 233 Phototherapy 234 Physiodispensor 235 Physiology Accessory Kit for Power lab 236 Physiology Bioelectric recording system 237 Plasma Sterilizer 238 Pneumatic Lithotripter 239 Polysomnography (PSG) machine 240 Portable compact mobile Lab 241 Portable NCV 242 Power Assisted Liposuction 243 Pressure Injector 244 Pulse Oximeter 245 Pulse tonometer 246 Quantum Inflation device 247 Qubit 4 fluorometer 248 Radiant Warmer (Neonatal open care system) 249 Radiation field Analyser 250 Radio Frequency Unit 251 Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) 252 Rigid thorachoscope 253 RO System 254 Semi auto rotatory microtome 255 Semiauto analyzer 256 Shaver System cum Micro Drill 257 Short wave diathermy 258 Shoulder CPM 259 Sirius topography 260 SLIT LAMP 261 SO2 Analyser 262 Sonicator 263 Soring machine 264 Spectrophotometer (USA Double Beam UV-VISIBLE ) 265 Specular Microscope 266 Spinix orbital shaker 267 Spirometer (PFT) 268 Steam Cleaner 269 Steam sterilizer 150Lts OR more with min 4 stu with accessorie 270 Steam sterilizer 500Lts OR more with min 8 stu with accessories 271 student organ bath 272 Suction Machine 273 Survey Meter 274 Synoptophore 275 Syringe Infusion Pump 276 TENS machine 277 Thoracic drainage machine (topaz) 278 Tilt Table 279 Tissue Embeddingsystem 280 TMT 281 Tourniquet Machine 282 Traction unit 283 Transilluminator system with DNA electrophorosis 284 Transport incubator 285 Treatment Tables with postural drainage 286 Triostate frozen 287 Truenat Extractor 288 tube sealer 289 Turp, Cystoscope & Optical Urethroscope 290 Tympanometer 291 Ultra wide field imaging device with FFA ICG 292 Ultrapure Water Purification System 293 Ultrasoni probe sonicator 294 Ultrasonic Cleaner 295 Ultrasonography Machine 296 ULTRASOUND BIOMICROSCOPE FOR OPTHALMOLOGY 297 Uroflowmetery System 298 U-V- Chamber 299 UV transilluminator 300 UV Visible Spectrophotometer 301 Vaccum assisted tissue processor 302 Vacuum Assisted Delivery System 303 Vein viewing system 304 Ventilator (High end) 305 VERSA HD LINEAR ACCELERATOR 306 Vertical gel electrophorosis 307 Video choledochoscope 308 video colposcope system 309 Video layringoscope 310 Video urodynamic study system 311 Visual Field Analyser 312 Volumetric Pump 313 Vortex Mixer 314 Vortex shaker 315 Walk-in-cooler 4?C(9x8x7 ft) 316 Washer Disinfector (300-350L) 317 wastern blotting sds page 318 Water bath 319 Weighing Machine 320 X-ray (Digital)

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 07-11-2024 Pre-Bid Clarification Corrigendum and Bid Submission Date Date 14-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 27000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 9 Lakhs /-
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