
Tender For Provision Of Revenue, Lbw And Minor Works Under Age B&R-I And Age E&M-Iv Under Ge (South) Bathinda At Bathinda Military Station, bathinda-Punjab

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Revenue, Lbw And Minor Works Under Age B&R-I And Age E&M-Iv Under Ge (South) Bathinda At Bathinda Military Station. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-11-2024. Excavation Work Tenders in bathinda Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Revenue, Lbw And Minor Works Under Age B&R-I And Age E&M-Iv Under Ge (South) Bathinda At Bathinda Military Station
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Revenue, Lbw And Minor Works Under Age B&R-I And Age E&M-Iv Under Ge (South) Bathinda At Bathinda Military Station; 1 Excavation in trenches n.exc 1.5m wide & n.exc 1.5m deep for foundation, etc. or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, etc. not exc 10 Sqm on plan and not exc 1.5 m depth& getting cut in soft/loose soilcomplete all as specified. 2 Excavating in Post holes soft/loose soil (or simillar holes ) n exc 0.5 cum getting out returning filling in and reaming earth or broken rubble mixed with earth around , in layers n exc 25 cum watering and removing surplus soil to a distance n. exc. 50 m and making good surface 3 Removing excavated earth at a level n. exc 1.5m above the starting point to a distance n.exc 50m complete all as specified. 4 M&L PCC 1:4:8 type D-2 using 40mm graded crushed/stone agg for foundations, filling & mass concrete complete all as specified. 5 M&L for PCC (1:3:6) type C-2 ,using 40mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation filling& mass concrete all as specified 6 M & L 100mm thick PCC (1:4:8) type D-2, using 40mm graded stone aggregate as in sub base for flooringcomplete all as specified. 7 M & L for DPC (1:2:4) type B-0 to horizontal or vertical surfaces including necessary form work 40 mm thick 8 M & L 40 mm thick PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate surface finished even and smooth using extra cement as in flooring complete all as specified and as directed. 9 Returning filling in including spreading, levelling, watering & well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm thick all as specified. 10 Removal of excavated material to a distancenot. exceeding 50m & depositing where directed at level not exceeding 1.5m above the starting point. 11 M & L for RCC M-25 Design Mix using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in columns, pillars, piers,posts and strutscomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 12 M & L for RCC M-25 Design Mix using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in Foundations, including rafts, footings,foundation beams; plinth beams; bases for columns, etc.; basement slabs, under-reamed pilesand mass concreteconcrete complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 13 M & L for RCC M-25 Design Mix using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in Beams, cantilevers, bressummers, lintels , Chajjas over 1.5m spancomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 14 M & L for RCC M-25 Design Mix using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in slabs and roof beams supported on walls,beams and columns in floors,roofs, landings, balconies,canopies, deck slabs and inshelves and the likecomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 15 M & L for treating the backfill in contact with foundation at the rate of 7.5 litres of emulsion per square metre of vertical surface (Area of the sub structure in contact with backfill to be measured)complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 16 M & L for treating the top surface of filled earth at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 17 M & L for treating the soil under plinth protection at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface area complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 18 M & L for treating the soil along with external perimeter of building at the rate of 2.25 litre of emulsion per metre of the perimeter wall complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 19 Use and waste of form worktofaces of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams,sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or tobatter complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in charge. 20 Use and waste of form workto formwork to sides of pillars,posts, struts, piers, columns and stanchionscomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in charge. 21 Use and waste of formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work; not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in charge. 22 Use and waste of formwork to edges of concrete flats, treads, breaks in floors, window cills, concrete railings, openings in concrete walls, floor and roofs n exc 20 cm wide and sides of RCC/ PCC bands in walls, horizontal or sloping and similar work exc 10cm but n exc 20cm wide complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in charge. 23 M&L brick work with fly ashbricks straight or curved on plan exc 6.0m mean radius built in cement mortor 1:6 complete all as specified. 24 Ditto all as per item No 23 above but half brick wall built in CM 1:4all as specified 25 M & L rendering 15 mm thick on brick work or concrete surface in CM (1:4) with water proofing compound (WPC to be measured & paid separately) and finishing the surface even and smooth with using. extra cement. 26 M & L rendering 15 mm thick on brick work or concrete surface in CM (1:6) with water proofing compound (WPC to be measured & paid separately) and finishing the surface even and smooth with using. extra cement. 27 M&L for rendering 5mm thick in cement mortar in 1:3 on ceiling complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in charge. 28 M&L for Preparation of new plastered wall surfaces complete all as specified and applying the following: -(a) Applying wall care putty, in two coatson wall surfaces & smoothening the surfaces with sand papers/ mechanized sanding etc., (preparatory to paint as directed), complete all as specified.(b) Two coats of acrylic emulsion distemper by using airless spray/roller over and including a coat of acrylic emulsion internal primer, complete all as specified. 29 M&L for Preparation of new plastered wall surfaces complete all as specified and applying the following: -(a) Applying wall care putty, in two coatson wall surfaces & smoothening the surfaces with sand papers/ mechanized sanding etc., (preparatory to paint as directed), complete all as specified.(b) Two coats of exterior acrylic emulsion by using airless spray/roller over and including a coat of acrylic emulsion external primer, complete all as specified.NOTE FOR SERIAL ITEM 126 to 129 Contractor may use manual scrapping tools for complete removal and surface preparation with prior approval of EIC in case using of mechanical equipments are not possible. 30 Preparing of new plastered surface and applying three coat of white wash on wall. 31 Three coats of white washing on undecorated ceiling surfaces, including preparation of surfaces, complete all as specified. 32 S & F solid PVC door frame of size 50 mm X 47 mm made out of 5 mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with MS square tube and fixing in opening as per specification and drawing 33 S & F factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 28 to 30 mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of MS tubes for top and bottom rails.MS frame shall be covered with heat moulded plain colour PVC C channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20 mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail and bottom rail on either side and gap insert for top rail and bottom rail: Panelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be fitted in the MS frame welded / sealed to the stiles and rails with suitable PVC sheet beading and jointed together with solvent cement and fixing in the frame at site as per specification and drawing 34 S & F in stainless steel Butt Hinges, 100 mm size, medium weight, fixed with screws/welding to wooded/steel frames or chowkats, complete all as specified 35 S&F aluminium anodiesed barrel tower bolt of extruded section size 150 mm . 36 S&F aluminium handles cast type anodizedsize 125 mm long. 37 S&F repairs 300mm long aluminium alloy, anodised, sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast-aluminium alloy and fixedcomplete all as specified 38 S&F factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid door/ window/Ceosetory windows & other Frames/Chowkhat of size65 x 100 mm comprising of virgin PVC polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/ rice husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) fabricated with miter joints after applying PVC solvent cement and screwed with full body threaded star headed SS screws having minimum frame density of 750 kg/cum, screw withdrawal strength of 2200 N (Face) & 1100 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength of 58 N/mm2, modules of elasticity 900 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/ moisture proof and fire retardant and fixed in position with MS hold fast/ lugs/SS dash fasteners of required dia and length including necessary finishing of wall for fixing of frame complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 39 S&F factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid decorative type flush door shutter of size 30mm thick comprising of virgin polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/ rice husk/ wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) having minimum density of 650 kg/cum and screw withdrawal strength of 1800 N (Face) & 900 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength 50 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 850 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant. WPC to be laminated with PVC foil of minimum 14 microns thick of approved design pasted with hot melt adhesive on both faces of shutter and fixing with stainless steel butt hinges (04 Nos Minimum), Stainless steel fancy type door handle, 2 x tower bolt (200mm Long) and 1 x sliding bolt (300mm long) with nut & bolts as approved by GE with necessary fixing arrangement of required size all as per specified and as directed by Engineer In- Charge. 40 S & Fvitreous china wash basin, white, flat back, size 550 x 400mm excluding taps, wastes but including brackets complete all as specified 41 S & F Jet spray, CP,brass body with wall hook and 1 mtr SS pipe complete all as specified 42 S & Fhealth faucetbrass body with wall hook and 1 mtr SS pipe complete all as specified 43 S&Fvitreous china wash down water closet pan (pedestal pattern), white, including connection to drain (or outgoing pipe) and to flushing pipe, ant-syphonage pipe, etc. complete all as specified 44 S & F in repairs 110 mm bore of 6 kg/CM Squarepressure fixed to walls with MS clamps of 25 x 3 mm flat iron and fixed with 75 mm long screw with PVC gutties n.exc .1.80 mtr centre to centredistance all as specied and directed. 45 S & F 10 litre capacity PVC valve less syphonic action type flushing cistern low level, white, with inlet, ball valve, float and handle including brackets complete 46 S & F tubes medium grade galvanised with all fittings 15 mm bore and fixed complete to walls and ceiling or laid in floor etc. 47 Dittoall as per item 46 abovebut 20mm bore. 48 S&F1000 litre capacity rotational moulded polyethylenewater storage, tanks (Cylindrical, vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in position including all fittings all as directed 49 S & F cast copper alloy, chromium plated bib tap for 15 mm bore of pipe screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass furrel and fixed. 50 S & F cast copper alloy, Chromium plated angular stop valves for 15 mm bore of pipe screwed down, high pressure with crutch or butterfly handle screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed. 51 S & F 15mm bore, chromium plated stop valves, cast copper alloy,screwed down,high pressure, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 52 S & F Ball brass valves high pressure with polythene float and fly nut complete, screwed for iron pipe or brass ferrule and fixed for 20 mm dia bore of pipe. 53 S&F in repairs PVC waste pipe with socket suitable for connection to Waste fittings of 32/40mm dia, and of length minimum 75 cm all as specified 54 S&F cast iron sand cast 100mm size soil waste or vent pipe without ears with cement joint laid in wall/floors/trenches. 55 S&F Cl bend 100 mm bore with heal rest complete all as specified. 56 S&F 100 mm bore, CI branch pieces single (equal or unequal), ordinary or inverted (spigot or socket type) or with parallel branches 57 S&F Cl cowl 100 mm bore complete all as specified. 58 M & F salt-glazed stoneware gully trap square mounted etc S type 150 x 150 mm size. 59 Supply and fixing in repair PVC (SWR) floor trap any type (Q, S, P), 110/75mm dia with grating including jointing to waste pipe fixed in cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1 using 20mm graded stone aggregateincluding CP grating of suitable sizecomplete all as specified and directed. 60 M&L for non skid ceramic coloured tiles jointfree, in floors etc., 7 to 8 mm thick set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed to match including 15 mm thick screed (1:4) as in floor etc, area exc 0.11 sqm but n.exc 0.18 sqm complete all as specified and directed. 61 M&L for ceramic glazed coloured tiles joint free 450x350x7 mm thick in skirting/dado etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed to match the surfaces etc, over and including10mm thick plaster in CM 1:4, complete all as specified. 62 S&F CP grating 150 mm size square fixed on gully trap etc complete. 63 Supply and laying salt glazed stone ware drain pipes 150 mm bore trenches and jointed with cement all as specified. 64 M&L for PCC (1:3:6) type C2 Concrete bed to drain pipes including packing under, and haunching against the sides of pipes after they are laid and tested;of 150 mm dia pipes all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 65 S&F 100 mm dia cast iron floor trap with grating including jointing to waste pipe in run lead complete all as specified and as directed. 66 S & F GI tubing medium grade with all fittings and fixed to walls & ceilings or laid in floors, bore of pipe 15 mmcomplete all as specified and directed. 67 S & F 15mm borechromium plated quarter turn pillar taps screwed down high pressure with or without lettered Hot or Cold with ling screwed shanks/flunuts screwed for iron pipe . 68 S&F 32 mm bore of pipe low density (LDPE) of pressure rating 6 kg/ sqcm fixed to wall or floor etc including fittings complete all as specified and as directed. 69 S&Fbrass chromium plated tubular towel rail 20 mm dia D type, 60 cm long between flanges complete all as specified and as directed. 70 S&F soap dish, chromium plasted fancy type, fixed to plugs with chromium plated brass screws 71 S & F PVC connections 15 mm dia with PTMT Nuts of length for 450 mm Long. 72 S&F stainless steel plate racks of size 900 x 600mm x 250mm of 1 mm thick, fixed to wall etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. Make : Nirali, Parryware, Prayag as approved by GE. 73 S & F sinks with drainage board made of stainless steel 1 mm thick kitchen or laboratory with plugs, washers and wastes; including bedding in cement mortar to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets and connecting union to pipe overall size 915mm x460mm bowl size 410mm x330mm x160mm including waste fitttings and LDPE pipes complete all as specified 74 S & F in repairs 32/40mm waste fittings for stainless steel sink(sink coupling), brass chromium plated for glazed ware sinks, basins, etc. with long screwed shanks and flynuts, flange end bedded in red lead cement complete all as specified 75 Cutting holes in brick walls built in cement mortar including making good dismantled portion in CM (1:3) or cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1 exceeding half brick but not exceeding one brick complete all as specified and directed 76 S&F looking mirror of selected qulity glass, mounted on 6mm thick PVC sheet wooden fillets (Cross sectional area exc 6 Sqcm & n. exc 13 Sqcm) on top side around edges including necessary screws, washers and fixing to walls with suitable hanging/fixing arrangements of any size each exceeding 0.50 sqm each all as specified and directed. 77 S&F powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions (Fixed portions) with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket.NOTE:- Glass panes & wire mesh shall be measured and paid for separately under respective item of BoQ. 78 S & F 4.0mm thick figuered glass, pin head type and glazing with oil putty in squares n. exc 0.50 Sqm in each pane all as specified 79 S & F powder coated Anodised aluminium frame for doors,windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including joining cleat for fixing etc. complete all as specified 80 S & Fpowder coated Anodised aluminium door shutters,aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg/ including necessary joining cleats,glazing clips, ruber neopren packing,handles 2 Nos in each door, hinges,anodised aluminum snap beadingscrews etc. complete all as specified. 81 S & F Door closer hydraulically regulated,designation No. 3, universal type, suitable for door shutters of 851 to 1000 mm in width and of weight between61 to 80 kg and fixed compelete all as specified 82 S & F 200 mm aluminium anodised, barrel tower bolts of extruded section compelete all as specified 83 S & F powder costed Anodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters, side hung type without sash bars, aluminium sections weighing 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips,rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws, anodisedaluminium fittings such as peg stays150mm long (1 no.). hinges type B-21 100mm long (2 no.) suitable handle (1no.) complete all as specified 84 Surface excavation not exc 30cm deep and averaging 15cm deep and getting out of soft soil complete all as spefcified 85 M&L for 60mm thick machine pressed precast concrete interlocking tiles any shape, size, colour/pattern (as approved) conforming to IS-15658-2006 of M-35 grade and of ISI marked complete all as specified 86 M&L forsand filling under floors or in foundation including watering and consolidating complete all as spefcified 87 M&L filling 100mm Hard core, broken to gauge n exc 63mm complete all as spefcified 88 M&L Hardcore (Brick bats) of gauge n exc 63mm complete all as spefcified 89 M&L cement concrete type B1, 1:2:4 mix (20 mm stone aggregate) as in bedding, benching, of manhole, coping etc complete all as specified. 90 S & F Pre-painted galvalume alumunium zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of an green colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering / cladding to wall ,fixed with self tapping screws as specified 91 M& L Steel work in tubular trusses including special shaped washer etc complete using ERW or including butt welded tubes conforming to I.S-4923-1979 grade St -2240 including rolled mild steel as in joist channel, angle, or tee ssections fixed independently , without connecting plates , etc (cut to ordinary legth ie within 20mm of tile length indicated of gde Fe 410 -S ,complete all as specified amd directed 92 Mild steel screw bolts (machine made ) with hexagonal or square heads at one end and screwed the other or screwed both ends ,each screwed end to be fiitted with washer and one hexagonal or square nut length of bolt exc 5 cm but n exc 10cm long . 93 M&L preparing steel surfaces over 10cm width or girth and applying two coat synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified all as specified and as directed . 94 M & L for providing and fixing stainless steel (Grade 304) railing made of hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (where ever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, including fixing the railing, posts,purlin, rafters with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners, stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement. complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 95 S &F stainless steel chrominium plated 4 seated full back with 2 handles of double pipe at both ends, one handle with two pipe & second handle as per photograph two pipe, 2 legs length 24’’, bottom pipe made out of 2” dia x 16 SWG. CRCA pipe, with bottom support middle pipe, 2” x 2” square pipe x 16 SWG. CRCA pipe, perforated seat made from frame made out of ¾” x 16 SWG. CRCA pipe, seat back support handles and frame should be silver powder coated. With 7 tank processes as per instruction of engineer in charge. Weight of each bench must be 46 to 47 kg. All as per direction of user department and Engineer-in-charge. 96 M&L 75 mm thick cement concrete in foundation type D-2 1:4:8 (40 mm graded aggregate ) and mass concrete. 97 M&L for providing factory made precast cement concrete (1:2:4) type B1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate)as in kerb stone, quoin blocks, apex stones etc., set in cement mortar (1:4) including formwork weatherings, slighted rounded or chamfered angles throating etc. including necessary earth work complete all as specified and directed. 98 M&L for preparation of old/new decorated plastered or concrete surfces of any description not othrwise described over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coat of pavement / kerb marking paint as per IS: 164 in different tint complete all as specified and directed. 99 M&L PCC (1:2:4) type B-1, 25mm thick as in floors finished even and fair complete. 100 S &F Dark/light shade virified ceramictiles 10 mm thick (square/ rectangular) polished, area of each tiles not exceeding 0.36 sqm in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match including 15mm thick screed in CM (1:6) set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed with white or coloured cement to match. 101 S &F virified ceramictiles 10 mm thick (square/ rectangular) polished, area of each tiles not exceeding 0.36 sqm in vertical surface etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match over cement screed bed laid over 10mm screed base in CM 1:4 and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the walls. 102 M & L glazed ceramic coloured tiles 7mm thick 350mmx 250mm/450mmx300 mmsize in vertical surface set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white cement paste pigmented to the shade etc complete all as specifiedincluding 10mm thick plasterin CM 1:4 including dismantling of old tiles of any description etc complete all as specified and directed. 103 M & L granite (of any type) work (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window-cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granitecomplete all as spefcified. 104 M&L in repairs marble work (Udaipur green slabs) not less than 18 mm to 20mmthick (table rubbed and polished) as in cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) in pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with marble shade all as specified including rounding the edges over & including 15mm thick screed in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed 105 M & L 75 mm thick,cement concrete 1:3:6, type C1 (20mm graded aggregate) as in floors, plinth protection, paths, etc and finishing top surfaces even and smooth (without using extra cement) incld joints filled with sealing compound all as specified . 106 M & L Continuous brick edging 75mm wide with brick laid on end vertically with sub class B brick all as specified 107 Rendering15 mm thick (Average thickness) rendering on roof surface including flashings and junction of parapets etc., finished even and fairin cement mortar (1:3), using water proofing compound as per recommended ratio, after brushing cement slurry @ 1.20 kg/Sq. m, complete all as specified. NOTE: Supply only WPC will be measured and paid for separately under respective item. 108 APP based polymeric membrane minimum weight not less than 3 kg/ Sq. m and minimum 3 mm thick reinfoced with polyester non-woven fabric (weight not less than 150 gm/Sq. m), laid on primed roofs & flashing by forced application using Butane torch, and sealing all jointsafter applying bitumenous primer @ 0.40 litre per square metre over clean RCC/plastered roof surfaces & flashings complete all as specified. 109 S&F 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to wall complete all as specified. 110 S&F 110 mm bore PVCbend etc with rubber ring joints fixed to wall complete all as specified. 111 Factory made 250 mm x 250 mm size and 20-25 mm thick, PCC tiles with grey cement & no pigment, bedded over 15 mm thick cement mortar (1:4),and joints grouted flush in cement mortar (1:3) mixed with 5% of crude oil by weight of cement on lime concretre complete all as specified. 112 S&F re-inforced Mild steel bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not lessthan 0.9mm dia or securing with clips all as specified 113 Ditto all as per item No. 112 above but 5mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia in stirrups, spacers and binders complete all as specified. 114 S & F 12mm thick EVAfoam rubber mat interlocking tile pattern (600x600mm) protective for workshop flooring as per manufacturing instruction and directed by Engr- in- charge. 115 M&L for providing and fixing 12mm thick Perforated particle board/ tiles for insula-tion and accoustic purposes, 60x60 cm in size,on ceiling fixed with screw to timber framework or with staples on snap gridcomplete all as specified. 116 S&F anodised aluminium snap grid frame work for false ceiling all as specified 117 Supplying, laying, jointing and ntesting of GI steel water tubing 25mm bore ISI marked medium grade galvanisedincluding tube fittings Viz Tees, Socket bends elbows, union nipple etc screwed and socketed joint laid trenches/under road complete all as specified. 118 All as per serial item No. 117Above but for GI pipe of 20mm bore. Note for Serial item No. (i) Excavation and Earth work shall be measured and paid seperately under respective item of schedule of work)(ii) The cost of GI fitting are included in the quoted rate of this item and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. 119 Suplying and fixing in repair Gun metal globe or gate valve for 25mm bore iron pipe with iron wheel head, screwed both ends conforming to IS-778 - 1984 complete all as specified. 120 Suplying and fixing in repair Gun metal globe or gate valve for 20mm bore iron pipe with iron wheel head, screwed both ends conforming to IS-778 - 1984 complete all as specified. 121 Supply and laying un-reinforced precast concrete cable cover, class LV, Type1, flat size 250mm x 150mm x 40mm complete all as specified. 122 M & L forPoint wiring with multi-stranded copper conductor, single core, PVC insulated and unsheathed cable, including PVC insulated unsheathed multistranded copper conductor single core cable as earth continuity conductor to common earth and connected to earth dolly, GI terminal boxes, modular frame & cover plate (suitable for modular switch/sockets) comprising the following: - 123 One light point controlled by one switch or one fan point controlled by one switch & fan regulator etc. with 1.5 Sq. mm (nominal area) cable & 1.5 Sq. mm (nominal area) cable as earth continuity conductor, in existing concealed conduit complete all as specified and as directed. 124 One Socket outlet three pin, 5/15 Amp, independent, with 2.5 Sq. mm (nominal area) cable & 2.5 Sq. mm (nominal area) cable as earth continuity conductor,in existing concealed conduit complete all as specified and as directed. 125 Note for serial item No 122 to 124:1. Switch(es) & socket(s) shall be measured & paid for separately under respective item of BOQ 2. GI boxes shall be fixed flush in position with cement mortar (1:4) complete all as directed. 126 M&L for wiring with 1.5 sqmm size starnded FRLSH copper conductor cable single core multi starnded copper in and including PVC conduit medium grade and MS termunal boxes suitable for housing modular switches , sockets and regulators with all fittings and fixing materials including modular inner plate and cover plates of suitable modules and multistarnded FRLSH copper earth continuty conductor 127 One light/fan/bell point controlled by one 5 Amps one way switch. 128 One socket outlet point 6A on same board 129 All as per item No 126 here in before but with cable 2.5 sqmm for one 5 pin 15 Amps socket outlet on independent board incl multistarnded insulated copper earth continuty conductor of size 2.5 sqmm and fixing materials green colour and connecting to common earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. 130 S&F Switch modular type single pole, one way, 6 Amp, one module, etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 131 S&F Switch modular type single pole one way, 16 Amp,one module, complete all as specified and as directed. 132 S & F Socket modular 2/3 pin 6A 2 module 133 S & F Socket modular 2/3 pin 16A 2 module 134 S & F Fan regulator mudular type 2 module 135 S&F Socket outlet modular type, multipurpose, 2/3 pin, single pole one way, 6/16 Amp,two module, etc, complete all as specified and as directed. 136 S&F Ceiling rose, 3 terminal PVC/polycarbonate, suitable for 230 V, AC, 50 Hz supply.etc, complete all as specified and directed. 137 S&F in replacement sheet metal encloser double door 8 way SPN 240V ISI marked complete with neutral and earth link and bus bar complete made out of CRCA steel sheet Factory made including blanking plate for unused module complete all as specified and as directed. 138 S&F in replacement sheet metal encloser double door 4 way TPN 240V ISI marked complete with neutral and earth link and bus bar complete made out of CRCA steel sheet Factory made including blanking plate for unused module complete all as specified and as directed. 139 S&F in repair MCB 6-32 Amp 240V SP 10 KA ‘C’ series etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 140 S&F in repair MCB 6-32 Amp 240V SPN 10 KA ‘C’ series etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 141 S&F in repair MCB 40-100 Amp TPN 10 KA ‘C’ series etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 142 S&F in repair RCCB EARTH LEAKAGE PROTECTION 230V 25A AC type Double pole 30mA ISI marked complete all as specified and as directed. 143 S & F wall mounted LED batten fitting complete with one LD tubelight 1x20 watt, 6000K, 4ft complete with decorative LED lighting fixture with extruded polycarbonate enviroment friendly, energy efficient complete with all light fittings connection complete all as specified and as directed. 144 S & F angle lamp holder polycarbonate type with back plate 145 S & F LED 7w lamp base B-22 complete all as specified and as directed. 146 S&F in repair LED street light fitting 35 Watt 230V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminium hosing and heat resistant complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrossion resistant complete with IP 65/66 protection including fixing with GI/MS bracket made out of suitable size of light grade tube upto 1.2 mtr length bent to shape with 02 sets of MS clamps made out of minimum 3 mm MS flat iron with suitable bolt and nuts complete with making connection complete allas specified and directed 147 M & L for earthing with galvanized steel plate electrode 600 x 600 mm x 6 mm size directly burriedin ground vertically to earth pit not less than 2.25 meter deep below normal ground level with top edge of the earth plate not less than 1.5 m below normal ground level surrounded with coal dust and common salt filling in alternative layers of 15 cm thick eachconnected to and including GI earth wire 4 mm dia by means of nuts, bolts, check nuts & washers etc connecting to earthing test point, main switch board and including 15 mm dia GI pipe light grade for protection of earth lead from earth plate to distribution board and 20 mm dia GI pipe medium grade connected with funnel having wire mess for watering purpose including necessary excavation and earth work, PCC (1:2:4) type B-1 (using stone aggregates)for earthing pit, 10mm thick cast iron cover with angle iron frame all as specified and shown in electrical plate No 3 of SSR Part-I andtesting on completion including replacement of old unserviceable.Note:- It is mandatory to paint a sqaure shape notice board of yellow color with legible black color letters of earthing mentioned details as below; Cost incurred deemed to be inlcuded in quoted rate:- (i) CA No. (ii)Date of installation after initial testing & Value of earth resistance in Ohm(iii) Date of last testing (iv) Value of earth resistance in Ohm in last test 148 S & F LED light fitting 1x16 watt, 230 V, AC decorative box type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rosecomplete all as specified and directed. 149 S & F ceiling fans 1200mm sweep complete with blades, down rods, electronic regulator and accessories, 230V, Min air delivery 210 CFM with service value 6.00 BEE five star rated with brushless direct current motor (BLDC) complete all as specified and directed 150 S&F in repair LED street light fitting 25 Watt 230V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminium hosing and heat resistant complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrossion resistant complete with IP 65/66 protection including fixing with GI/MS bracket made out of suitable size of light grade tube upto 1.2 mtr length bent to shape with 02 sets of MS clamps made out of minimum 3 mm MS flat iron with suitable bolt and nuts complete with making connection complete all as specified and directed 151 S&F Heavy duty plastic body ventilation fan of 250mm sweep, 240 Volt, having RPM not less than 1200, complete with louvers and shutter and mounted in suitable opening arrangement in wall and connecting up including 3 core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper conductor flexible cable 24/0.2mm from ceiling rose to fan complete including grouting of bolts and making good to distubed walletc complete all as specified and as directed. 152 M&L in replacement Sub main wiring (with approved colour coding as per IS) with single core FRLSH PVC insulated flexible stranded copper conductor 1.1 KV grade 2 number of runs 4sqmm (main cable: number of runs as indicated below along with single core FRLSH PVC insulated flexible stranded copper conductor 1.1 KV grade for earthing including concelaed suitable size PVC conduits medium grade and accessories, complete all as specified 153 M&L in replacement Sub main wiring (with approved colour coding as per IS) with single core FRLSH PVC insulated flexible stranded copper conductor 1.1 KV grade 2 number of runs 6sqmm (main cable: number of runs as indicated below along with single core FRLSH PVC insulated flexible stranded copper conductor 1.1 KV grade for earthing including concelaed suitable size PVC conduits medium grade and accessories, complete all as specified 154 S & F sheet metal enclosers with socket plug top and MCBs, single pole and nuetral enclosure with a two pin and earth plug and socket complete with one single pole MCB 20Amp complete all as specified 155 Supply, install commisioning and testing of commerical air curtain of size 40 x 78 unit for prevention of dust and condtional air loses, single phase 220V 50Hz made out of MS/CRCA sheet of minium thickness 18 gauge finished with two coats of red oxide primer and final coats of synthetic enamel paint (over baked) with MS CRC 18 gauge sq performed suction grills, aluminiumalloy fans and single phase electric motor, nozzles etc complete with accessories so as to produce 1-1.5 m/sec air velocityat floor level for door opening as specified. 156 Supply and filling Local sand cushioning (river sand), with dry and clean sand, over and under the under ground cables in trenches, ducts for cable protection including consolidation, 8cm thick to the authorized width as per SSR–Part-I before laying of cable and 15cm thick after laying andcomplete all as specified and as directed. 157 Supply and laying Best quality, locally available, sub class ‘B’ bricks (Old Size) for cable protection cover, laid flat and dry in trenches over the cable , perpendicular to the direction of cable complete allas specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 158 Supply and fixing in repairGI tubing, light grade, 40 mm bore for cable protectionlaid in trenches/fixed to poles/along wall/under road/across the drain complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 159 M&L for making the hole under road standing suitable for laying and inserting pipe upto 100mm dia any lenth by mechanical drill system or auger system and making the surface good as existing complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 160 Supply and laying or fixing or laid in trenches/ dusts/through pipes/ in floors/ under roads/ hard standing/along poles and testing LT cable XLPE, PVC insulated screened, bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armourd cable (heavy duty) 1100 volt grade with aluminium, conductor having cross sectional area 16Sqmm 4core conforming to IS-7098 (PArt-I - 1988) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 161 Supply, installing, commissioning and testing hi,wall split unit indoor/outdoor, dehumidifier, air filter and dust filter for better indoor air quality with minium BEE approved, minium 3 star rating with hot and cold provision and EER 3.2 electric driven single phase 220 volts, AC 50Hz, R-410A, refrigerant of capacity 2 ton, noise level should be less than 45DB, including copper piping of adequate size and required length as directed duty insulated with suitable insulating material e.g. glass wool, playwood. moulded thermo coal etc including antibacterial coating complete nwith steel bracket for condensing unit and all other minor fixing accessories required for make it functional. 162 Supply, installing, commissioning and testing hi,wall split unit indoor/outdoor, dehumidifier, air filter and dust filter for better indoor air quality with minium BEE approved, minium 3 star rating with hot and cold provision and EER 3.2 electric driven single phase 220 volts, AC 50Hz, R-410A, refrigerant of capacity 1.5 ton, noise level should be less than 45DB, including copper piping of adequate size and required length as directed duty insulated with suitable insulating material e.g. glass wool, playwood. moulded thermo coal etc including antibacterial coating complete nwith steel bracket for condensing unit and all other minor fixing accessories required for make it functional. Note for Ser No.:- (i) Suitable piping should be provided of adequate length of size 5/8 for draining of condensate water from indoor unit. Cost of same shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. (ii)Suitable copper tubing in addition if required extra as per site requirement from indoor unit to outdoor unit shgall be provided and cost of same deemed to be including in the quoted rate. (iii)Cost for matallic bracket and nut bolt for fixing indoor and outdoor unit including necessary cutting / grouthing in well by cutter and making good the surface in CM 1:3 and to the orignal finishes (white wash/colour wash/ Distemper) shell deemed to be included in quoted rate. (iv) Controctor shall submit original purchase voucher and warranty card. Minimum warranty should be 1 year for complete product, 5 year for compressor, condenser and PCB card after installation and commissioning of complete unit. 163 Supply, fixing and testing of 5.00 KVA capacity voltage stablizer for automatic operation single phase naturally air cooler indoor, copper wound, indoor type & designed for input variqation between 170V - 270V with output voltage stabilized at 230v with accuracy of + 2.5% complete all as pewr manufacturers instructions and directed. 164 Supply and fix sheet metal encloser with a two pin and earth plug and socket complete with one single pole MCB up to 32 Amps, 240volt capacity and tested on completion complete all as specified and as directed 165 M & L for sub main wiring with 2 runs of 6.0 sqmm, single core, PVC insulated & unsheathed cable conforming to IS-694, 1100 volts with conductor multi stranded drawn in and including 20mm dia non metallic PVC grey conduit with all accessories such as Tees, Elbows, junction box, reducers etc as requied alongwith one run of 6.0sqmm single core PVC insulated & unsheathed copper conductor as continuos earth wire dolly and connection to existing main switch board / distribution board of each building/ qtr as ordered and testing on complete all as specified and dricted. (Note : 3 runs of 6 sqmm cable, single core copper cable and 1 run of non metallic PVC conduit shall be measured as siungle run) 166 Note:- Net contract sum shall be calculated after deduction of Sch of credit.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 25-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 01-11-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 99900.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 49.93 Lakhs /-
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