
Tender For Providing & Laying Pipeline & Solar Pane; @ Chedechandgaon Procuring Materials For Doing The Said Work. - Item No. 1 Excavation For Foundation/Pipe Trenches In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel And Soft Murum Including Removing The Excavat, Ahmednagar-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Tender For Providing & Laying Pipeline & Solar Pane; @ Chedechandgaon Procuring Materials For Doing The Said Work. - Item No. 1 Excavation For Foundation/Pipe Trenches In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel And Soft Murum Including Removing The Excavat. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-10-2024. Couplers Tenders in Ahmednagar Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Providing & Laying Pipeline & Solar Pane; @ Chedechandgaon Procuring Materials For Doing The Said Work. - Item No. 1 Excavation For Foundation/Pipe Trenches In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel And Soft Murum Including Removing The Excavat
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Providing & Laying Pipeline & Solar Pane; @ Chedechandgaon Procuring materials for doing the said work. - Item No. 1 Excavation for foundation/pipe trenches in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum including removing the excavated material with all lead and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling etc. complete. 2 Item No. 2Excavation for foundation/pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material with all lead and lifts, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering,preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling etc. complete. 3 Item No 3 Excavation for foundation/pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation, asphalt road including removing the excavated material with all lead and lifts, stacking and spreading as directed by engineer in charge, normal dewatering,preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling etc. complete. 4 Item No. 4 Filling in plinth and floors murum bedding in trenches with approved murum from excavated materials from foundation 15cm to 20cm layers including watering and compaction complete. 5 Item No. 5 Providing and supplying in standard lengths Polyethelene Pipes, confirming to IS 4984 /14151 / 12786 /13488 (Latest version) with nesessary jointing material like mechanical connector i. e.thread / insert joint / quick release coupler joint / compression fitting joint or flanged joint excluding coupler/specials, including ransportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading / unloading charges, conveyance to the epartmental stores & stacking the same in closed shade duly protecting from sunrays & rains, excluding GST levied by GI & GOM in all respect etc. complete. PE-100 90 mm 6 Kg/ Cm 2 6 Item No. 6 Lowering, Laying and Jointing H. D. P. E./M. D.P. E. pipes in proper position including all specials by compression fitting/electrofusion and butt fusion jointing procedure as per relevent IS Code complete with all materials for jointing procedure like Electrofusion machine, Electric heater/butt fusion welding machine with hydraulic jack, top loading clamp etc. and all labours as directed by engineer in charge as per IS-7634 Part II PE-10090 mm 6Kg/ Cm 2 7 Item No. 7Hydraulic testing of H. D. P. E./ M. D. P. E. pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for specified length including cutting, placing end cap making arrangement for filling safe water using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipments, labour, operation charges, etc. required for testing. The rate under this item shall also include cost of retesting, if necessary and reinstating to original position.. 90mm 6Kg/ Cm 2 8 Item No. 8 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeline and then hard material in 15 cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc. complete. 9 Item No. 9 Providing and supplying double flange sluice valves confirming for IS 2906/14846 including warn gear arrangement as per test pressure stainless steel spindle caps including all taxes transportation upto department store unloading stacking excluding GST levied by GOT & GOM in all respect etc complete.Sluice Valve 80 mm dia. 10 SluiceValve 100 mm dia 11 Item No.10 Lowering, laying, jointing in positionfollowing CIDF Reflux, butterfly valves and sluice valves including cost of all labors jointing material including nutbolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc complete Sluice & Non Return Valve 80 mm dia 12 Sluice & Non Return Valve 100 mm dia 13 Item No.12 Providing and constructing B.B. masonry valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation, B.B. masonry in C.M. 1:5 Proportion precast RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.As Above 90 x 60 cm internal size and depth upto 1.2 m 14 Item No.13 Providing erecting and giving test of 150mm dia submersible pumpset conferming to I.S. 8034 and motar conferming to I.S. 9283 pump shall be sutaible for various delivery head and discharge with stainless steel pump shaft and bronze impeller. 2 set 15 Item No.14 Lprovding Stand Alone Solar Panel with USPS system for Pumping Machinery 7.5 HP 16 a) PVC Submersible cable 3 core 6mm 2 17 Providing and fixing M. S. Chequerred plate flooring of following thickness supported on M.S. Angles (25 x 25x 5M) 18 Providing and fixing G.I. Pipe railing having 1.0 M height consisting 50 x 50x 6 mm thick M.s Angles as verticals 19 Providing structural steel work inj single stanchions composed of RSJ channel etc. With caps, bases mild steel plates

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