
Bids Are Invited For 315 Kva, 11Kv415v Compact Substation Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & Commissioning Of 315Kva, 11Kv/415 Volts Compact Substation As Detailed Below. Intent This Specification Is Intended To Cover The Design, Manufacture, Assemb, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI-Tamil Nadu

Department Of Heavy Industry has published Bids Are Invited For 315 Kva, 11Kv415v Compact Substation Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & Commissioning Of 315Kva, 11Kv/415 Volts Compact Substation As Detailed Below. Intent This Specification Is Intended To Cover The Design, Manufacture, Assemb. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-10-2024. Electrification Work Tenders in TIRUCHIRAPPALLI Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For 315 Kva, 11Kv415v Compact Substation Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & Commissioning Of 315Kva, 11Kv/415 Volts Compact Substation As Detailed Below. Intent This Specification Is Intended To Cover The Design, Manufacture, Assemb
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For 315 Kva, 11Kv415v Compact Substation Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of 315KVA, 11KV/415 Volts Compact Substation as detailed below. INTENT This specification is intended to cover the design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturers works, supply & delivery, properly packed for transport of the 315KVA Compact Substation(CSS), 11kV Ring Main Unit (RMU) and supervision of erection & commissioning as specified herein under, complete with all accessories, fittings and auxiliary equipment as required for efficient & trouble-free operation HT Switchgear: Three way 11kV, 630Amps Non-Extensible Ring Main Unit Compact switchgear consisting two nos. of 630A Load breaking switches and one number of Foxed manual/ Auto Vacuum circuit breaker with self-powered relay having over current and earth fault protection Interconnection between HT switchgear and transformer shall be using suitable (min 120 Sqmm) size aluminum/copper un-armored XLPE Cable Qty: 1 set Make, model, type number and technical details of the load break switches VCB circuit breaker, protection relay. TRANSFORMER: 315 KVA, 11KV/415V, DYntt, Air Natural cooling Cast Resin Dry Type Transformer with off circuit tap links + 5% to -5% 2.5% on HT side. Class of Insulation: H, Temperature rise limits of 115 deg C over ambient of 50 degrees and Impedance of 5% with WTI Scanner with Alarm and tip contact Qty: 1 no Make, model, type number and technical details of the transformer Impedance, no-load load losses, efficiency, temperature rise above ambient of winding of the transformer. MV SWITCHGEAR PANEL: 415V indoor MV panel with 800 Amps Aluminum Bus bars (100% for Phase & 50% for Neutral, Current Density Amp/Sq mm) 2mm /1.5mm CRCA sheet steel), Ingress protection IP4X, complete with intermal wiring consisting of following. Incomer: 800 A, 415+-20V, 3P, 50Hz, fixed manual/auto type Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) with Microprocessor based release for over current and Earth fault protection - Qty: 1 set Make and type number of the LT ACB Inter-Connections. Qty-1Set Interconnection between HT switchgear & Transformer using HT XLPE cables of suitable ratings and between Transformer & LT switchgear using suitable size Cu/Aluminum bus ban cables. Internal earthing connections by using 50 x 6mm Galvanised bon strips including Transformer neutral. ENCLOSURE: Qty: 1 set Outdoor type enclosure having modular construction of Galvanized Sheet Steel The degree of protection for HT & LT switchgear compartment & transformer compartment of the enclosure shall be mesimum IP23. The enclosure exterior shall be painted with polyurethane paint/ powder coated and tropicalized to Indian weather conditions. Each compartment will be provided with the door and pad locking arrangement (with lock and key arrangement) The Compartment illumination lamp with door-operated switch shall be provided for each compartment Degree of protection IP54 for HT and LT switch gear and IP 23 for transformer compartment, as per IEC 61330-1995 &/IEC 62271-202 The HT and LT cable entry shall be of Bottom entry of CSS enclosure. Necessary hole arrangements with glands to be provided. Note: Separate Bus section arrangement to be made for tapping out the 415 V LT Supply using 7 runs of 3.5Cx 18684 MM Armoured Alu, XLPE cables Dimension of the compact substation (approx) Routine best to be conducted and original test certificate to be submitted The firm should be a manufacturer of VCB HV switchgear (OEM) and tested for internal Arc. Pre-fabricated SS shall be type tested for internal arc, temperature rise test. Degree of protection (P54 for HT and LT swoch gear and IP 23 for transformer compartment. as per IEC 61330-1995 / IEC 62271-202 GENERAL POINTS: 1. Compact Sub-Station shall be outdoor plinth mounted type. 2. Compact sub-station will be complete with the internal interconnections & earthing (GI) and extending of earth bar of Neutral and body terminals to the frame of the CSS for connecting to the earth pits. 3. Required technical data sheet of the transformer, HV/ MV switchgear, relay etc. should be fumished with the offer. 4. Colour of paint to be mentioned in the offer and to be decided mutually 5. The equipments should be SCADA compatible Following Metering on HVILV side required and details to be furnished Multifunction digital meters to indicate voltage, current, %THD and frequency that REST side Digital energy meter with RS485 communication port at the LT side. 7. Provision of RYB led indication lamp at HV/LV side and electrical interlock provision between Transformer primary & secondary should be made as to auto switch off at primary side of HT breaker when secondary side is made offt All doors should be earthed with suitable braided copper DOCUMENTS/DETAILS FOR APPROVAL: Drawings/Documents to be submitted with the Offer: a Electrical single line diagram showing ratings of all equipment. b Layout drawings showing arrangement of the CSS c Type lest certificates on similar equipment The following documents and details are to be submitted for BHEL Approval, prior to taking up the manufacture of the CSS a GA Drawing of CSS b. Electrical Schematic drawings detaling ratings of all the equipments & components c. Bill of materials along with supporting technical catalogue/ data sheets. d. Civil foundation drawing (with foundation plan and loading detail PRE-DESPATCH INSPECTION: Final inspection to be offered at vendors works before dispatch ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING: 1. Civil work for package substation is in the scope of BHEL. However, the bidder shall fumish the foundation detalls clearly. All necessary foundation bolts and accessories are in the scope of Bidder. 2. HT & LT side cable end connections are BHEL Scope 3. Laying of earth flat between CSS and Earth pits are BHEL scope. 4. Mobile crane, required lifting tackles and tools at erection site will be supplied by BHEL 5. Installation & Commissioning of CSS at BHEL Trichy are Vendors scope. 6 Vendor shall assemble the Compact substation at site if the same is dispatched in disassembled condition. 7. Final painting works (if required) to be completed by the vendor Commissioning Spares & Tool and Tackles: The following additional commissioning spares are to be supplied: 1. Digital Multifunction Meter 1 No 2. PT fuse 4 Nos 3. MCB (each type & rating)- 2 Nos 4. Control fuses (each type & rating)-2 Nos 5. Spring Charging handles -2. Nos 6. Panel Keys-2 Nos TRAINING: The supplier shall arrange training for BHEL persons at BHEL Trichy works free of cost on operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of the offered CSS O&M MANUALS: The below listed drawings & documents to be submitted in hard copy-3set and soft copy -1set 1 CSS O&M Manual, as built GA & Electrical wiring drawings, Civil Foundation drawing 2. Technical data sheet catalogue of all the BO 3. Test certificates (Routine and Type lests) PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE: The performance of the complete CSS and/or the Components/Sub-Assemblies/ Bought-Out-Items shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of 12 months from the date of performance acceptance at BHEL Works or 18 months from the date of supply whichever is earlier. CODES & STANDARDS: The Compact Sub-station offered shall in general comply with the latest issues including amendments of the below mentioned IEC standards or its equivalent international standards: a. High Voltage Low Voltage Pre-Fabricated Substation IEC 61330 . High Voltage Switches - IEC 60265 b c. Metal Enclosed High Voltage Switchgear IEC 60298 d. High Voltage Switchgear IEC 60094 e. Low Voltage Switchgear and Control gear-IEC 60439 f. Power Transformers Service Conditions: The Compact subistation shall be suitable for continuous operation under the basic service conditions indicated below Ambient Temperature 40 Deg C Relative Humidity upto 96% Altitude of Installation upto 1000m - IEC 60076 Total Quantity : 1

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