Bids Are Invited For PURCHASE OF CHEMICAL AND GLASSWARE ETC Mannitol , Calcium chloride dehydrate , Iodoacetamide , polyethyelne Glycol , Cellulase Onozuka R-10 , Lysing enzymes from Trichoderma harizianum , Driselase , Lyticase , Pectinase , Maleic anhydride , Potassium Chloride , Magnesium Sulfate , Sorbitol , Lytic enzyme , Sucrose , Macerozyme , Tris Base , Hydrochloride acid HCL , Guanidine HCL , Triton X , Poilyvinyl pyrrolidone k30 , Tween 80 , Phenol Chloroform Isoamly alcohol , Proteinase k , Malt extract , Agar Agar type 1 , Test Tube without rim , Labdet 05 phosphate free , solvent Resistant Pens , Fine Tip Marker , Dimlin , Melathon , Kavach , Formaline , Sodium Hydroxide pellets , Nuclear free water 50ml each , Pipette tips , PCR strips , Taq DNA polymerase , DNTP set , First strand cDNA synthesis kit , Ethidium bromide , Diethyl procabonate , Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate , Filter paper grade , Beakers , Hyrogen peroxide 500 ml each , Syringe filter , Hexane , Acetone , Labdet 05 natural phosphate free , Sterile Petri plates PURCHASE OF CHEMICAL AND GLASWARE Category not available on GeM for the text string uploaded by the buyer ETC Motorized Pipette Controller AGAR AGAR Bacteriological Powder Yeast Extract Total Quantity : 15116