
Bids Are Invited For Glucose Estimation Kit , Ca2 Estimation Kit , T4 Estimation Kit , Tsh Estimation Kit , Na Electrolyte Kit , K Electrolyte Kit , Estrogen Estimation Kit , Sephades G50 25G , Deae Sephadex Specpure 25G , Tlc Strips , 3 4 Dichlorophen, New Delhi-Delhi

Department of Higher Education has published Bids Are Invited For Glucose Estimation Kit , Ca2 Estimation Kit , T4 Estimation Kit , Tsh Estimation Kit , Na Electrolyte Kit , K Electrolyte Kit , Estrogen Estimation Kit , Sephades G50 25G , Deae Sephadex Specpure 25G , Tlc Strips , 3 4 Dichlorophen. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-10-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in New Delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Glucose Estimation Kit , Ca2 Estimation Kit , T4 Estimation Kit , Tsh Estimation Kit , Na Electrolyte Kit , K Electrolyte Kit , Estrogen Estimation Kit , Sephades G50 25G , Deae Sephadex Specpure 25G , Tlc Strips , 3 4 Dichlorophen
Open Tender
New Delhi

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Glucose Estimation Kit , Ca2 Estimation Kit , T4 Estimation Kit , TSH Estimation Kit , Na Electrolyte Kit , K Electrolyte Kit , Estrogen Estimation Kit , Sephades G50 25G , DEAE Sephadex specpure 25G , TLC Strips , 3 4 dichlorophenyl , Acetone 2.5Ltr , Tris Base 500G , NaK Estimation Kit , Bathophenanthrolene 100mg , Ca Estimation Kit , Ketone Body estimation , BOH butyrate Kit , HDL Cholesterol , Triglyceride Kit , PNP palmitate , PAN DYE 100mg , Colchicine 100mg , Phenylthiocarbamide 50mg , 3355 tetramethyl benzidine Hemastix Kit , Dissopropylbenzene dihydroperoxide , Luminol , Phadebas anylase test Kit , Prostate spe Atg Kit , Ficoll 100ml , O NPG 10mg , Caffeine , DMSO , MTT , dNTP mix 1g , Taq DNA polymerse , MGCL2 100G , Acid Phenol 100ml , Acetic Acid 2.5ltr , Aagrose 100g , Ammonium Sulphate 500g , Albumin Bovine BSA 25g , Buffer Tablet 4 , Buffer Tablet 7 , Buffer Tablet 9 , Chloroform 2.5ltr , Cytosine 10G , Cobalt Chloride 500G , Methanol 2.5ltr , DNA 10G , EDTA 500G , Folins Reagent 500ml , HCL 2.5ltr , PNPP 10G , Ninyhdrine 10G , A Napthol 250G , Phenol Saturated pH-8 60ml , Potassium Acetate 500G , RNA 25G , Disodiumhydrogen orthophosphate 500G , Thymine 10G , Guanine 10G , LSerine 10G , L leucine 10G , DAM 250G , Ampicillin 10G , Fical Himedia 100ml , Nitrocellulosepaper , ANSA 50G , DANSA 100G , TEMED 100ml , N Butanol 2.5LTr , Tris Staurated pH8 100ml , PBS with Trypsin 2EDTa 500ml , Tips 1ml , Tips 10 200 , Tips 10 100 , 1ml Auto pipette , 1 10 Auto pipette , 2 20 Auto pipette , 10 100 Auto pipette , 20 200 Auto pipette , Potassium Hydroxide 500G , Sodium Hydroxide 500G , LB Agar Himedia 500G , Ammonium Reineckate 50G , Petriplates 500Pcs , Magnetic Beed small size , Gloves Large Size , PH meter electrodes , Centrifuge Tube 15ml , Centrifuge Tube 2ml , Boiling tubes , Test Tubes , Spatula Small , Spatula Medium , Spatula Large , Laminar Flow Loops , Glass Rod , Spreader for Laminarflow , Counter Current Immino Electrophoris , Cholesterol kit , LB media 500G , Glass Pipettes 1ml , Glass Pipettes 2ml , Glass Pipettes 5ml , Glass Pipettes 10ml , Thiourea 500G , Ampicillin 5G , RNase A Solution 5ml , Potassium Hydroxide Pallet 500G , Sephadex G50 50G , Sephadex G200 50G , DEAE Sephadex A50 50G , BAPNA Substrate for trypsin assay 100mg , Dialysis Tube 10m , Folins Regent 250ml , Soyabean Trypsin Inhibitor SBTI 25mg , Deoxyribonucleic Acid 5G , Lysozyme 1G , Labolene 5Ltr Total Quantity : 1045

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 5 Lakhs /-
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