
Tender For Electrification Of Main Guard House Extension Building, tarapur-Maharashtra

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre has published Tender For Electrification Of Main Guard House Extension Building. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-10-2024. Prime Mover Tenders in tarapur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Electrification Of Main Guard House Extension Building

Tender Details

Tender For Electrification Of Main Guard House Extension Building => Limited; 1 Supply and installation of LT Panel & DBs 1.1 415V, 3Ø, 50Hz, 250A, 70KA , tinned electrolytic grade Copper Bus-Bars, PCC panel having250A, 4P, 70kA MCCB as incomer and 7 outgoing feeders (63A 4P MCCB- 6nos +32A 4P MCCB - 06 Nos). 1.11 Supply of panel 1.12 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of panel 1.2 LDB, TPN, 6Way DB fitted with 1x 63A TPN + 3 x 300mA, 32A RCBO+18 x 16A SP, MCB+ 2 x cable termination box. 1.21 Supply of LDB 1.22 Installation of LDB 1.3 PDB&UPS DB, TPN, 6Way DB fitted with 1x 63A TPN + 3 x 300mA,32A RCBO+18 x 16A SP, MCB+ 2 x cable termination box. 1.31 Supply of PDB& UPS DB 1.32 Installation of PDB& UPS DB 2 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Indoor mounting Luminaries with all fixing accessories etc. as required. work includes: Installing fixture at required location after assembling all loose parts Connecting flexible cable from ceiling rose / junction box to light fitting Fixing lamp, checking connections and setting to work 2.1 24W LED Recessed mountable Down light fitting and its neccessory accessories. 2.11 Supply of 24W LED Recessed mountable Down light fitting 2.12 Installation of 24W LED Recessed mountable Down light fitting 2.2 15W LED Recessed mountable Down light fitting and its neccessory accesories to complete the job. 2.21 Supply of 15W LED Recessed mountable Down light fitting 2.22 Installation of 15W LED Recessed mountable Down light fitting 2.3 10W, EnduraLED bulkhead, cat. no: WT202W LED10S CW PSU S3 PC and its neccessory accesories to complete the job 2.31 Supply of EnduraLED bulkhead 2.32 Installation of EnduraLED bulkhead 3 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Fans of following types: work includes: assembling motor / blades/supplying and anchoring the hanging support / pipe and fixing on ceiling / wall / connecting to ceiling rose with flexible copper wire and setting to work. 3.1 1200mm sweep ceiling Fan with fan rod made out of 10 guage painted GI pipe with all required accessories for fan suspention. 3.11 Supply of 1200mm sweep ceiling Fan 3.12 Installation of 1200mm sweep ceiling Fan 3.2 150mm Exhaust Fan 3.21 Supply of 150mm Exhaust Fan 3.22 Installation of 150mm Exhaust Fan 4 Supply and Installation of switch boards with switches & power sockets 4.1 Flush mounting switch board containing 1 No. 16A Switch + 1No. 2 moudler flush mounted box + 1 No. single moudler plate with frame . 4.11 Supply of switch boards 4.12 Installation of switch boards 4.2 Flush mounting switch board containing 1 No. 16A Switch + 1No. Mylinc dimmer 400 W for light + 4 moudler flush mounted box + 1 No. 4 moudler plate with White surrounds 4.21 Supply of switch boards 4.22 Installation of switch boards 4.3 Flush mounting switch board containing 1 No. Modular SP MCB 16 A + Motor starter 16 A + 1Nos. 4 moudler flush mounted box + 1 Nos. two moudler plate with frame. 4.31 Supply of switch boards 4.32 Installation of switch boards 4.4 Surface mounting switch board containing 3 Nos. 16A switch + 3 Nos. 6/16A power socket + MS powder coated box+ 16A DP MCB + 20A,10 Way open type TB+ Line indicator red colour 4.41 Supply of switch boards 4.42 Installation of switch boards 5 Supply and installation of wire 5.1 Primary point without switch (from switch board to switch board looping- cost of switch & board NOT included)with 2 runs of 2.5 sq.mm and 1 run of 2 .5 sq.mm (earth wire) of 1 1 00 volts grade ZHFR PVC insulated multi stranded copper conductor flexible wires of 50 points. (Upto 15 Mtr- Red/Yellow/Blue/Black) 5.11 Supply of 2.5 sq.mm wire 5.12 Installation of wire 5.2 Secondary point with switch ( from switch board to first Light point - cost of switch & board included) with 2 runs of 1 .5 sq.mm and 1 run of 1 .5 sq.mm(earth wire) of 1 1 00 volts ZHFR PVC insulated multi stranded copper conductor flexible wires including the required junction box of 72 points. (Upto 15 Mtr- Red/Yellow/Blue/Black). 5.21 Supply of wire 5.22 Installation of wire 6 Supply, testing & installation of power cables : Supplying & laying of 1100 volt grade XLPE insulated PVC inner sheathed and FR PVC outer sheathed copper conductor armoured cables .Installation of cable on cable trays, ducts, inside earth trench, clamped to wall with suitable clamps including, saddles fixing bolts, connecting testing and commissioning, supply and installation of minimum required quantity of number 600 GI saddles and spacers ( not less than 3/meter run and number 200 GI sadles per each type of cable) for suitable size and type of cable 6.1 4C x 2.5 sq. mm, 2XWY 6.11 Supply of cable 6.12 Installation of cable 6.2 4C x 4 sq. mm, 2XWY 6.21 Supply of cable 6.22 Installation of cable 6.3 4C x 6 sq. mm, 2XWY 6.31 Supply of cable 6.32 Installation of cable 7 Cable end termination including supply of single compressure brass gland and copper lugs 7.1 4C x 2.5 sq. mm, 2XWY 7.11 Supply of glands & lugs 7.12 Installation of glands & lugs 7.2 4C x 4 sq. mm, 2XWY 7.21 Supply of glands & lugs 7.22 Installation of glands & lugs 7.3 4C x 6 sq. mm, 2XWY 7.31 Supply of glands & lugs 7.32 Installation of glands & lugs 7.4 3.5C x 400sq. mm, 2XWY 7.41 Supply of glands & lugs 7.42 Installation of glands & lugs 8 Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of cable trays 8.1 50mm perforated Cable tray 8.11 Supply of perforated Cable tray 8.12 Installation perforated Cable tray 8.2 75 mm perforated Cable tray 8.21 Supply perforated Cable tray 8.22 Installation perforated Cable tray 9 MS Conduit pipe 9.1 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 16SWG black enamaled heavy duty rigid mild steel (MS) ERW condute pipe of 25mm dia with all accessories , including making threads, removing burs, connection of accessories, drawing of fish wire, laying on RCC slab, beam and wall, cuting abd laying in brick wall etc. 9.11 Supply of MS Conduit pipe 9.12 Installation MS Conduit pipe 9.2 4-Way GI Round type Juction box suitable for 25mm conduit 9.21 Supply of JB 9.22 Installation of JB 9.3 4-Way GI Round type Juction box suitable for 40mm conduit 9.31 Supply of JB 9.32 Installation of JB 10 LIGHTINING & EARTHING PROTECTION 10.1 Supply,Installation & Commissioning of Pipe in pipe Maintenance free Chemical Earthing System 10.2 Supply & installation of Lightning Discharge Receiver: Vertical air termination made up of solid copper rod of Ø 25mm x 1000mm length , spikes 80mm x 4 Nos. ,mounting base plate of 150x150x10MM base with 4 nos of SS Anchor Bolt of 255 MM length and suitable SS nuts. 10.21 Supply of lighting arrestor 10.22 Installation of lighting arrestor 11 Earthing Conductor: Supplying, laying (on cable trays or through pipes provided by others or on walls/ columns or in dug up trench (to be made by contractor) to a depth of 300mm) and connecting the following continuous earth conductors. including supply and installation of minimum required quantity of number 900 saddles and spacers ( Not less than 3 meter per run) Note: Any joint in the copper earth conductor shall be made by the process of brazing: 11.1 25 X 3 mm Cu. Strip 11.11 Supply of Earth Cu. Strip 11.12 Installation of Earth Cu. Strip 11.2 10SWG. Bare cu. Conductor 11.21 Supply of Cu. Conductor 11.22 Installation of Cu. Conductor 11.3 14 SWG. Bare cu. Conductor 11.31 Supply of Cu. Conductor 11.32 Installation of Cu. Conductor 12 3.5C x 400mm2 ,Al. conductor Type:A2XWY , power cable 1.1 kV grade, Multi-stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded FRLS PVC inner sheathed, GI wire armoured, extruded FRLS PVC ST2 outer sheathed, conforming to IS: 7098 (Part-I), 1988 . Note: Cable is not in the scope of supplier. 12.1 Installation of cable in excavated trench 13 Excavation in all types of soil shall be carried out manually, with use of JCB or any other machinary prohibited. however, breaking PCC and road surfaces, drilling hammer may be used. The will have a width of 500 mm and a depth of 1000 mm below ground level for LT cable, including supply & provision of sand bedding, laying of baked bricks on side and top, back filling, dewatering, consolidation shoring, disposal of excess earth. Item includes Supply of river sand and class - 1 bricks. 14 300mm RCC hume pipe NP2 class( light duty ) including road cutting of suitable width and depth 1000 mm complete with RCC collars, jointing with cement mortar 1:2( 1 cement: 2 fine sand ), 100mm thick encasing the pipe with concrete of 1:2:4 grade, backfilling and concreting (1:2:4 ) with M30 grade 14.1 Supply of RCC hume pipe 14.2 Installation of RCC hume pipe 15 Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement concrete (RCC) of Grade M-30 using 20mm maximum size aggregates and river sand of approved quality. 16 Supply , fabrication & installation of miscellaneous Items 16.1 Supply, Fabrication and installation of 50X50X5 mm MS Angle 16.2 Concrete anchor fastener- M12 Effective anchorage depth : 100mm, HSA stud anchor. 16.3 Concrete anchor fastener- M12 Effective anchorage depth : 150mm, HSA stud anchor. 16.4 J hook with nut M10 , length 150mm, inside depth 25mm. 16.5 U hook welded on 200mm x 150mm x 2mm thickness plate 16.6 100mm x 100mm x 2mm thick powder coated MS plate to cover existing concealed JB. 16.7 Blanking Plate 0.8 mm, Cat. No: 6763 49 16.8 Supply and installation of 3 point ceiling rose

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 21-10-2024 Date corrigendum Date 24-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 96000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48 Lakhs /-
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