Tender For Provision Of Sewage System Including Stp At Jabalpur Under Ge (West) Jabalpur; 2 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 01: Designing (Architecturally, Structurally & Aesthetically) and construction of block of operator room bldg (Plinth Area 34.00 Sqm) having operator room, store room, sanitary annexure (Arch drawing approved by CWE/GE) with permanent specification, RCC design mix M-25, RCC framed construction, anti termite treatment, mosquito proofing, Waterproofing treatment on roof, ceramic tile and AL door, windows and ventilators etc and as detailed in scope of work and other documents of the tender complete . 3 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 02: Designing (Architecturally, Structurally & Aesthetically) and construction of block of operator room bldg (Plinth Area 27.2.00 Sqm) having operator room, store room, sanitary annexure (Arch drawing approved by CWE/GE) with permanent specification, RCC design mix M-25, RCC framed construction, anti termite treatment, mosquito proofing, Waterproofing treatment on roof, ceramic tile and AL door, windows and ventilators etc and as detailed in scope of work and other documents of the tender complete . 4 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 03: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing RCC treated water collection tank of 10 kl capacity (Arch drawing approved by CWE/GE) using RCC design Mix M-30 including excavation in any types strata, foundation concrete, container walls, bottom slab and with plaster and stainless steel ladder, MS manhole cover including frame and waterproofing as per zonalspecification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 5 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 04: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing RCC treated water collection tank of 20 kl capacity (Arch drawing approved by CWE/GE) using RCC design Mix M-30 including excavation in any types strata, foundation concrete, container walls, bottom slab and with plaster and stainless steel ladder, MS manhole cover including frame and waterproofing as per zonalspecification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 6 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 05: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing RCC treated water collection tank of 40 kl capacity (Arch drawing approved by CWE/GE) using RCC design Mix M-30 including excavation in any types strata, foundation concrete, container walls, bottom slab and with plaster and stainless steel ladder, MS manhole cover including frame and waterproofing as per zonalspecification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 7 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 06: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing RCC treated water collection tank of 60 kl capacity (Arch drawing approved by CWE/GE) using RCC design Mix M-30 including excavation in any types strata, foundation concrete, container walls, bottom slab and with plaster and stainless steel ladder, MS manhole cover including frame and waterproofing as per zonalspecification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 8 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 07: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing sewage collection sump using RCC M-30 (design mix) of 10 kl capacity including excavation in all type strata, foundation concrete, container wall, bottom slab local sump and foundation of raw sewage pumps (03 nos), top RCC roof slab with CI manhole covers and with plaster and water proofing as per zonal specification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead including all piping connections, valves, internal electrification, MS ladder, ventilation shaft, BB chamber upto 5m of outer wall of tank complete including test for water tightness and hydraulic functioning. Top slab of sump shall be finished as per zonal specification and IL of incoming sewage is 3.0 to 4.0m deep from ground level and height of sump well is 0.9m above ground level etc all as per zonal specification and as detailed in scope of work and other documents of the tender complete. 9 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 08: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing sewage collection sump using RCC M-30 (design mix) of 20 kl capacity including excavation in all type strata, foundation concrete, container wall, bottom slab local sump and foundation of raw sewage pumps (03 nos), top RCC roof slab with CI manhole covers and with plaster and water proofing as per zonal specification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead including all piping connections, valves, internal electrification, MS ladder, ventilation shaft, BB chamber upto 5m of outer wall of tank complete including test for water tightness and hydraulic functioning. Top slab of sump shall be finished as per zonal specification and IL of incoming sewage is 3.0 to 4.0m deep from ground level and height of sump well is 0.9m above ground level etc all as per zonal specification and as detailed in scope of work and other documents of the tender complete. 10 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 09: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing sewage collection sump using RCC M-30 (design mix) of 40 kl capacity including excavation in all type strata, foundation concrete, container wall, bottom slab local sump and foundation of raw sewage pumps (03 nos), top RCC roof slab with CI manhole covers and with plaster and water proofing as per zonal specification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead including all piping connections, valves, internal electrification, MS ladder, ventilation shaft, BB chamber upto 5m of outer wall of tank complete including test for water tightness and hydraulic functioning. Top slab of sump shall be finished as per zonal specification and IL of incoming sewage is 3.0 to 4.0m deep from ground level and height of sump well is 0.9m above ground level etc all as per zonal specification and as detailed in scope of work and other documents of the tender complete. 11 SCHEDULE A PART-I A (Building Work)Item No 10: Designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically) and constructing sewage collection sump using RCC M-30 (design mix) of 10 kl capacity including excavation in all type strata, foundation concrete, container wall, bottom slab local sump and foundation of raw sewage pumps (03 nos), top RCC roof slab with CI manhole covers and with plaster and water proofing as per zonal specification including epoxy paint inside, refilling of earth and disposal of earth with 50m lead including all piping connections, valves, internal electrification, MS ladder, ventilation shaft, BB chamber upto 5m of outer wall of tank complete including test for water tightness and hydraulic functioning. Top slab of sump shall be finished as per zonal specification and IL of incoming sewage is 3.0 to 4.0m deep from ground level and height of sump well is 0.9m above ground level etc all as per zonal specification and as detailed in scope of work and other documents of the tender complete. 12 SCHEDULE A PART-I B (STP) 13 Item No 11: M&L for designing (Hydraulically, Structurally & Aesthetically), providing, constructing, hydraulic testing, commissioning of STPs alongwith provision of required capacity DG sets & required LT panel as per capacity of STP and Pumps based on latest CPCB norms & rating for STPs mentioned at item No 1(a) to 1(d) below complete all as detailed in scope of work and other documents of the tender.Note:(a) Sewage Quantity – 2/3RD of calculation based on Sewage calculation.(b) Influent (RAW) Sewage Parameter shall be assessed by contractor based on CPHEEO norms(c) Effluent (Treated) Sewage Parameters: (I)PH (6.5-8.3), (II) COD < 50 MG/L, (III)BOD < 10 MG/L, (IV)TSS < 10 MG/L, (V)Total Nitrogen <10 MG/L, (VI) Total Phosphorous 1 MG/L, (VII)Faecal collection NIL and No foul odour(d) End usage / reuse of treated wastewater – arboriculture.(e) NOC from municipal corporation for disposal of treated wastewater to be taken.(f) Consent to Establish and Operate from SPCB to be taken.(g) CPHEEO manual to be followed. 14 Item No 12: Capacity 60 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 15 Item No 13: Capacity 260 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 16 Item No 14: Capacity 280 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 17 Item No 15: Capacity 500 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 18 Item No 16: Capacity 630 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 19 Item No 17: Capacity 690 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 20 Item No 18: Capacity 800 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 21 Item No 19: Capacity 885 KLD.Note : Description of STP be referred from item No. 11 above. 22 Item No 20: Designing (Architecturally & Structurally) and construction of Flushing tank, size as per site requirement complete all as specified and directed. 23 Item No 21: Sch A Part-II(External Electrific Supply)Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for External Electrific Supply as listed in Schedule A Part-II against the lump sum price inserted by the MES. 24 Item No 22: Sch A Part-III (Utilization of treated water)Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Utilization of treated water as listed in Schedule A Part-III against the lump sum price inserted by the MES. 25 Item No 23: Sch A Part-IV(Road, Path and Hard standing)Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Road Path and Hard standing as listed in Schedule A Part-IV against the lump sum price inserted by the MES. 26 Item No 24: Sch A Part-V(Sewarage Network)Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Sewarage Network as listed in Schedule A Part-V against the lump sum price inserted by the MES. 27 Item No 25: Sch A Part-VI(Fencing and Gate)Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Fencing and Gate as listed in Schedule A Part-VI against the lump sum price inserted by the MES. 28 Item No 26: Sch A Part-VII(Gen Shed 3x3 mtr (08 Nos))Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Gen Shed 3x3 mtr (08 Nos) as listed in Schedule A Part-VII against the lump sum priceinserted by the MES. 29 Item No 27: Sch A Part-VIII(Sump Cum Pump House)Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for Sump Cum Pump House as listed in Schedule A Part-VIII against the lump sum priceinserted by the MES. 30 Note for Srl No 3 to 27The percentage above / below the SSR -2020 (part-II) rates shall be derived from the amount quoted by the contractor against Srl No. 3 to 27by comparing it with the amount inserted / pre- priced by the department and the same shall be applicable for the items of respective schedule 31 Schedule A Part-XI (Miscellaneous items of works) 32 Utilization of treated water 33 Item No 28 : Supply, installing, testing and commissioning of centrifugal pumping set mounted on common base plate foundation with discharge of pumping set of capacity 5HP, 900 LPM at 20 mtr head directly coupled with electric motor of suitable capacity for above pumping set complete with all accessories : - (i) Delivery pipe 100 mm dia MS pipe heavy grade from pump set to existing delivery pipe flanged type complete with all fitting suitable for flanged pipe and necessary nut, bolts, washers and rubber gasket etc including fixing of sluice valves and non return valve all as required.(ii) PCC platform in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate 30cm above ground level including necessary eye bolts etc as per manufacturer recommendation.(iii) Necessary cable connection of suitable size copper conductor laid from starter to motor terminalsin and including metalic conduit of suitable size. 34 Item No 29 : M & L for earthing complete with galvanized earth plate electrode 600mmx 600mm x 6mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5mtr below normal ground level connected to galvenised earth lead strip of size 32x6 mm by means of nuts, bolts,check nuts and washar of galvanized iron steel including necessary excavation, earthwork, PCC Chamber etc all as shown in electrical plate No 3 of SSR -2009 PART-I and Connected to earthing test point all as specified including CI Cover, funnel with GI watering pipe of 20mm bore medium grade and GI protection pipe of 40mm bore medium grade including testing etc complete all as specified and as directed( Lenght of earth lead strip and protection pipe shall be upto 7.5 mtr). 35 Item No 30: M and L Earthing complete with copper plate plate 600 mm×600 mm ×6 mm thick electrode and 20x 3 mm copper strip as earthing lead buried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 Mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 Mtr below normal ground level connected by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers etc made of GI and connected to earthing test point all as shown in electrical plateNo. 3 of SSR Part I of 2009 & as specified or indicated and testing on completion including excation/earth work in any type of SOIL,PCC ( 1:3:6 ) type C1 earthing chamber, pre concrete slab 50 mm thick in cement concrete ( 1: 2 : 4 ) type B 1 ( reinforced with welded steel wire fabric (XPM) weight not less than 4 Kg / Sqm), cast iron frame, funnel with wire mesh,GIwatering pipe of 20 mm bore medium grade and lugs, with and including 20mm x 3mm copperstrip with GI protection pipe of 40 mm medium grade 7.5 meter long, etc complete all as specified. 36 Item No 31: M and L Earthing complete with copper plate plate 600 mm×600 mm ×3.15 mm thick electrode and 20x 3 mm copper strip as earthing lead buried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 Mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 Mtr below normal ground level connected by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers etc made of GI and connected to earthing test point all as shown in electrical plateNo. 3 of SSR Part I of 2009 & as specified or indicated and testing on completion including excation/earth work in any type of SOIL,PCC ( 1:3:6 ) type C1 earthing chamber, pre concrete slab 50 mm thick in cement concrete ( 1: 2 : 4 ) type B 1 ( reinforced with welded steel wire fabric (XPM) weight not less than 4 Kg / Sqm), cast iron frame, funnel with wire mesh,GIwatering pipe of 20 mm bore medium grade and lugs, with and including 20mm x 3mm copperstrip with GI protection pipe of 40 mm medium grade 7.5 meter long, etc complete all as specified. 37 Item No 32 : Supply and fix cast iron foot valve conforming to IS 4038, 100mm dia bore complete all as specified and directed. 38 Item No 33 : Boring of holes under road, pavement, hard standing by trenchless technology using ultra sounding technique and necessary machine including HDPE pipe of 150 mm dia suitable for 0.4 Mpa working pressure complete all as specified and directed. 39 Item No 34: Supply & lay under ground HDPE pipe of size 150mm dia, working pressure 10KG/Sqcm. 40 Item No 35 : Supply & lay under ground HDPE pipe of size 100mm dia, working pressure 10KG/Sqcm. 41 Item No 36 : Supply & fixing Air release valve double (isolated type) with flanged ends suitable for 150 mm bore tube ISI (IS 14846) marked complete all as specified and directed. 42 Item No 37 : Supply & fixing Air release valve double (isolated type) with flanged ends suitable for 100 mm bore tube ISI (IS 14846) marked complete all as specified and directed. 43 Item No 38 : Construction of valve chamber of internal size 750 x 750 x 750 mmsuitable for 80 mm dia sluice valve including necessary earth work excavation PCC 1:4:8 in foundation typeD2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate, brick wall in CM 1:4, PCC 1:2:4 type B1 for coping, 15 mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 including provision of MS sheet cover 3.0mm thick with MS angle frame 25 x 25 x 3mm all round and at diagonals of size 40 x 40 x 6mm and also MS plate welded to MS angle as shown in drawing, embedded in concrete with suitable hinges and locking arrangements, including two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer necessary excavation earth work etc, complete all as specified and directed. 44 External Electric Supply 45 Item No 39 : Outdoor type compact sub station (CSS) having 11 KV, 630 A VCB, 100 KVA copper wound off-circuit ONAN tansformer and outdoor type compact sub-station (CSS) including plinth as per manufactureres requirement with following descriptions :- 46 HT Section 11kV, 630A, Horizontal Draw Out VCB withManual/230V AC Motor Operated Spring Charging Mechanism with24V DC Closing /Opening Shunt trip coils, Aux. Switch, MechanicalOn/Off Push Button, mechanical Operating Counter with metering with cubical, Auxiliary Relay andBattery Power Pack with 7AH Battery & in built charger for 24V Circuit.Transformer Section100 KVA, 11/0.433KV, BIS Marked Copper Wound oil cooled ONAN type, Step down transformer having 7 position off-circuit tap changer tapping range +7.5% in steps including OTI, WTI & Marshalling Box (as per IS-1180:2014 EEL- 2 with amendment No 1, 2, 3 & 4) Formerly EEL-3 (till 30.3.2022)Losses @ 50% Load-435WLosses@ 100% Load - 1500W 47 LT Section(i) Incomer- 200 Amp 4 pole 25 KA MCCB with thermal magnetic based release with O/L & S/C protection - 01 no.(ii) Outgoing MCCB 4 Pole 16 KA 125A - 02 No. And MCB 4 Pole TPN 63A - 02 No(iii) VAF Meter(iv) 200A/5A LTCT CI:1.0-03 Nos(v) Space Heater with ON/OFF switch and thermostat, Singlr phase switch with socket, LT Cubical illumination lamp with door limit switch and MCBs for AC/DC Control(vi) MS stell sheet enclosure suitable for outdoor installation with MS base channel -01 Set(vii) Provision for recieving incoming cables through bottom entry and out going through Bus Bar to trf panel, excluding termination kit & glands -01 Set(viii) Bus Bar -Aluminium(ix) Earth Bus - Aluminium 01 set(x) Paint Shade: Siemens grey (RAL 7032) 48 APFC PanelAPFC panel of 60 KVAr capacity inculding the following:-(A) Incoming:(i) MCCB, 415 volts, 4 pole, 160 Amps, 36 kA with rotary handle mechanism, ROHM and emergency stop - 01 No(ii) Digital Ammeter with built-in-selector switch Aux Supply 230volts, AC- 01 No(iii) Digital Voltmeter with built-in-selector switch Aux Supply 230volts, AC- 01 No(iv) LED indication lamp 230 volts, AC 22.5mm dia RYB - 03 Nos(v) MCB 2 Amp, Single Pole - 03 Nos(vi) 300 KVAr microprocessor APFC relay with single CT sensing 16 stage auxillary supply 230volts, AC - 01 No(vii) Aluminium bus bar 25 x x10mm, TPN -01 Set(viii) Auto/Manual switch- 01 no 49 (B) Outgoing:(i) Capacitor 2.5 KVAr ultra heavy duty 440V cylindrical - 02 Nos(ii) Capacitor 5 KVAr ultra heavy duty 440V cylindrical - 02 Nos(iii) Capacitor 10 KVAr ultra heavy duty 440V cylindrical - 02 Nos(iv) Capacitor 25 KVAr ultra heavy duty 440V cylindrical - 01 Nos(viii) MCB Triple pole 63 Amps, 10kA, C series - 03 Nos(ix) MCB Triple pole 32 Amps, 10 kA, C series - 02 Nos(x) MCB Triple pole 25 Amps, 10 kA, C series - 02 Nos(xi) MCB Triple pole 16 Amps, 10 kA, C series - 02 Nos(xii) MCB Triple pole 10 Amps, 10 kA, C series - 03 Nos(xiii) Capacitor duty contactor 3 pole 25 KVAr - 03 Nos(xiv) Capacitor duty contactor 3 pole 10 KVAr - 02 Nos(xv) Capacitor duty contactor 3 pole 05 KVAr - 02 Nos 50 (xvi) Capacitor duty contactor 3 pole 2.5 KVAr - 02 Nos(xvii) 22.5mm dia push button ON/OFF - 09 set(xviii) 22.5mm dia LED Red - 09 set(xix) 22.5mm dia LED Green - 09 set(xx) Armoured 02 core copper cable 1.5sqmm shall be provided for sensing CT(xxi) Sensing CT as per site load condition shall be provided along with APFC Panel(xxii) All power connection shall be done with 1100 volts FRLS copper flexible wire with copper termination of proper size and proper type. 51 Item No 40 : M and L for cutting of roads /trenchless technology method all as per required and directed by Engr In charge. 52 Item No 41 : S & F Junction Box for Street Lights of size 300 x 250 x 150 mm made out of CRCA sheet 2 mm thick totally enclosed, dust and vermin proof, rain protected slanted roof top, door pasted with rubber gasket, water tight IP 42 protection single leaf shutter in front having propEr locking arrangements, and painted with powder coating paint and suitable size of connectwell stud teriminal (provision for socket bolting)- 05 Nos suitable for 415 volts, 50 Hz, 3 phase 4 wire internal wiring system including MCB SP 06 amps- 01 No and mounted on security light pole with suitable bracket nuts, bolts complete all as specified and directed. 53 Item No 42 : S & F Cable route indicator / Marker made up of PCC Block in cement mortar 1:3:6 ( 20 mm graded aggregrate ) of size 900 x 300x 100 mm thick with DANGER / 11 KV CABLE /MES embossing on cable route Indicator / Marker including painting as per approved colour and buried in ground 45 Cms including necessary earth work ( as required / ordered at site) complete all as specified and as directed. 54 Item No 43 : S & F Cable route indicator / Marker made up of PCC Block in cement mortar 1:3:6 ( 20 mm graded aggregrate ) of size 900 x 300x 100 mm thick with DANGER / 440 VOLTS, LT CABLE /MES embossing on cable route Indicator / Marker including painting as per approved colour and buried in ground 45 Cms including necessary earth work ( as required / ordered at site) complete all as specified and as directed. 55 Item No 44 : Supply & fix in replacement ofLED Security Light Luminaire 35 watt, IP-666000K with .high power LED cool white,CRI 75,+/- 5% supply voltage 220/240/50 Hz, light engine driver base.pole adapter,powder coated pressure die cast aluminium with heat resistant toughened glass with lens type,GI pipe 40 mm dia medium Grade not less than with 1.2 m.long in any shape with 2 nos ofpole fitting clamps made out of MS flat , nutsand boltsand painting with aluminium paint. complete all as specified and as directed. 56 Item No 45: M and L Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate 60×60cm ×6 mm thick electrode earthing lead buried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 Mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 Mtr below normal ground level connected to and including galvanised iron strip 32×6mm by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts & washers etc made of GI and connected to earthing test point all as shown in electrical plateNo. 5 of SSR Part I of 2009 & as specified or indicated and testing on completion including excation/earth work in any type of strata PCC ( 1:3:6 ) type C1 earthing chamber, pre cast slab 50 mm thick in cement concrete ( 1: 2 : 4 ) type B 1 ( reinforced with welded steel wire fabric (XPM) weight not less than 4 Kg / Sqm), cast iron frame, funnel with wire mesh,GIwatering pipe of 20 mm bore medium grade and lugs, with and including galvanised iron strip 32×6mm with GI protection pipe of 40 mm medium grade 7.5 meter long, etc complete all as specified. 57 Item No 46: Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60×60cm.× 6mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not lessthan 1.5 metres below normal ground level, connected to galvanised earth lead wire 4.0mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No. 5 connected to earthing test point all as specified or indicated including testing on completion Note No.1: The unit rate shall also include for earth work in hard/dense soil, PCC (1:3:6) type C1 chamber, RCC M-25 (design mix) cover 50 mm thick reinforced with 8 mm dia CTD bars @ 150 mm c/c both ways, funnel with watering pipe 20 mm dia medium grade, GI protection pipe medium grade 40 mm dia and wire mesh complete in addition to item No. 1(a) to (e) of preamble (notes) under sub-heading earthing, specified on Sl. page No.347 of SSR Part-II. Note No.2: Earthing lead beyond 7.5 m will be measured and paid separately. 58 SEWAGE NETWORK 59 Item No 47 : S&F factory made SFRC MH cover with frame confirming to IS 12592:2002 HD 20 grade, of size 750 mm circular or 750 mm x 750 mm rectangular sorrounded with steel strip 70 x 1.5 mm reinforced shall be as per relevant IS andlaid over man hole brick work or concrete in CM 1:4, including reinforcement, complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Notes: - (i) Make of SFRC Manhole/drain cover and frame : (a) M/s PS Concrete.(b) M/s KK Manhole. Or equivalent as approved by GE. (ii) Contractor shall provide PV alongwith manufacturer test certificate of SFRC cover. (iii) Reinforcement shall not be measured and paid seperately 60 Item No 48 : All as per item above but HD 20 grade manhole cover with frame of inner size 900 mm x 750 mm, confirming to IS 12592:2002 complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Notes: - (i) Make of SFRC Manhole/drain cover and frame : (a) M/s PS Concrete.(b) M/s KK Manhole. Or equivalent as approved by GE. (ii) Contractor shall provide PV alongwith manufacturer test certificate of SFRC cover. (iii) Reinforcement shall not be measured and paid seperately 61 Item No 49 : Supply, laying and testing of 150 mm inner diameter of double wall corrugated (DWC) high density polethelene pipes(HDPE) and stiffness class-8 (SN-8) with ISI marked (with CML No) with and including all fittings & jointing materials for sewage line and laid in trenches as specified in IS-16098(Part-2):2013 and as per manufacturers instruction complete all as specified and as directed. Note:- Bedding of pipe shall not be provided in normal condition and construction methods shall be strictly compiled as per clause No. A-4 Annex A of IS 16098(Part-2):2013 62 Item No 50 : Supply, laying and testing of 200 mm inner diameter of double wall corrugated (DWC) high density polethelene pipes(HDPE) and stiffness class-8 (SN-8) with ISI marked (with CML No) with and including all fittings & jointing materials for sewage line and laid in trenches as specified in IS-16098(Part-2):2013 and as per manufacturers instruction complete all as specified and as directed. Note:- Bedding of pipe shall not be provided in normal condition and construction methods shall be strictly compiled as per clause No. A-4 Annex A of IS 16098(Part-2):2014 63 Item No 51 : Supply, laying and testing of 250 mm inner diameter of double wall corrugated (DWC) high density polethelene pipes(HDPE) and stiffness class-8 (SN-8) with ISI marked (with CML No) with and including all fittings & jointing materials for sewage line and laid in trenches as specified in IS-16098(Part-2):2013 and as per manufacturers instruction complete all as specified and as directed. Note:- Bedding of pipe shall not be provided in normal condition and construction methods shall be strictly compiled as per clause No. A-4 Annex A of IS 16098(Part-2):2015 64 Item No 52 : Supply, laying and testing of 300 mm inner diameter of double wall corrugated (DWC) high density polethelene pipes(HDPE) and stiffness class-8 (SN-8) with ISI marked (with CML No) with and including all fittings & jointing materials for sewage line and laid in trenches as specified in IS-16098(Part-2):2013 and as per manufacturers instruction complete all as specified and as directed. Note:- Bedding of pipe shall not be provided in normal condition and construction methods shall be strictly compiled as per clause No. A-4 Annex A of IS 16098(Part-2):2016 65 Sump Cum Pump House 66 Item No. 53: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning non clog submersible sewage pump with chrome steel impeller and cutter, non-clog to pass 40mm size particles of discharge capacity 1000LPM at 15 mtr head, minimum 5HP motor, 415 volts for IPS including suitable size of cable for connection from LT panel to Pump (5HP) . complete as specified and as directed. 67 Item No. 54 :Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of regulating motor actuated(a) Valve size: 100 mm dia.(b) Designed line pressure: 10 Kg/sq cm.(c) Operating angle: 90 degree.(d) Disc material: C.I. with nylon coating.(e) Limit switches: 2 Nos for open and close.(f) Type: Direct/ extended shaft mounted 68 Item No 55 : Supply and lay pipe, ductile Iron, S/S incl special class K-9100mm dia complete all as specified and as directed. 69 Item No. 56 :Supplying and fixing 4 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated and PVC sheathed armoured copper cable complete all as specified and directed. 70 Item No. 57 :Supplying and fixing 6 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated and PVC sheathed armoured copper cable complete all as specified and directed. 71 Item No 58 : M & L for earthing complete with galvanized earth plate electrode 600mmx 600mm x 6mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5mtr below ground level connected to galvenised earth lead wire of 4 mm dia by means of nuts, bolts, washes of galvanized iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No 3 and testing on completion including adequate charcoal dust comman salt necessary excavation & earth work PCC(1:3:6) type C-1 pit with precast RCC Cover slab 40 mm thick in PCC(1:2:4) type B-1 reinforced with 6 mm dia MS bars @ 100 mm c/c both ways with funnel wire mesh and 20 mm dia GI pipe medium grade as watering pipe and 15 mm dia GI pipe for protection of GI wire up to 7.5 mtr connected to earthing point complete all as specified and as directed. 72 Manning & Operation for 02 Years During Defect Liability Period: 73 Item No 59 :Manning & Operation for 1st 11 months during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 74 Item No 60 :Manning & Operation for 12th to 22nd months during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 75 Item No 61 :Manning & Operation for 23rd & 24thmonth during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 76 Manning & Operation for 08 Years after Defect Liability Period: 77 Item No 62 :Manning & Operation for 25th to 33rd month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 78 Item No 63 :Manning & Operation for 34th to 44th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 79 Item No 64 :Manning & Operation for 45th to 55th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 80 Item No 65 :Manning & Operation for 56th to 66th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 81 Item No 66 :Manning & Operation for 67th to 77th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 82 Item No 67 :Manning & Operation for 78th to 88th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 83 Item No 68 :Manning & Operation for 89th to 99th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 84 Item No 69 :Manning & Operation for 100th to 110th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 85 Item No 70 :Manning & Operation for 111th to 120th month during DLP: Daily Maintenance, Manning & Operation of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending minor fault of STP, maintenance of chlorine PPM, TDS testing of treated waterall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to operate the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. All documents related to the equipments such as log sheet, record ofMSEB power supplyare to be maintained as per prescribed format approved by Engr-in-Chargeand of treated water supply distributions system during supply Hrs with ONE OPERATOR Skilled (FGM) for eash STP (Total 08 Nos) daily in three Shifts per day(Morning, Evening& Night ) (8 Hour Per Shift) including Sundays and Holidays, complete all as specified and as directedby Engineer-in-Charge. 86 Comprehensive Maintenance for 08 Years after Defect Liability Period: 87 Item No 71 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 25th to 33rd month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 88 Item No 72 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 34th to 44th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 89 Item No 73 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 45th to 55th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 90 Item No 74 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 56th to 66th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 91 Item No 75 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 67th to 77th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 92 Item No 76 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 78th to 88th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 93 Item No 77 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 89th to 99th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 94 Item No 78 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 100th to 110th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year. 95 Item No 79 : Comprehensive Maintenance for 111th to 120th month after completion of main project:Comprehensive maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant Installation (capacity- 60KLD, 260KLD, 280KLD, 500KLD, 630 KLD, 690 KLD, 800 KLD, 885 KLD - Total 08)including various electrical and mechanical equipments and attending fault of STPin reliable safe and efficient operating condition by regularly examining, lubricting and adjusting the equipments and carry out planned maintenance (Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly and yearly) in systematic and controlled manner using techniques and expertise and replacement of all unservicable components as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge . Thetrades menwill be in possession of required working/ safety tools to maintained the plant /DGset/ controlpanels. The person shall carrying out the periodical maintenance of plant and keeping the installation neat and clean. Internal & External finishes shall be carried out every 2nd year.