
Bids Are Invited For Deep Freeze-80 Degree C , Incubator-28 Inchss Digital , Serum Inspissator , Electronic Digital Balance , Thermometer-Assorted- 110Degree 360 C Degree , V.D.R.L. Shaker , Laminar Air Flow With Uv Light-4X2x2 , Autoclave Large Size-, SILVASSA-Dadra And Nagar Haveli

Department Of Health And Family Welfare has published Bids Are Invited For Deep Freeze-80 Degree C , Incubator-28 Inchss Digital , Serum Inspissator , Electronic Digital Balance , Thermometer-Assorted- 110Degree 360 C Degree , V.D.R.L. Shaker , Laminar Air Flow With Uv Light-4X2x2 , Autoclave Large Size-. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-10-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in SILVASSA Dadra And Nagar Haveli. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Deep Freeze-80 Degree C , Incubator-28 Inchss Digital , Serum Inspissator , Electronic Digital Balance , Thermometer-Assorted- 110Degree 360 C Degree , V.D.R.L. Shaker , Laminar Air Flow With Uv Light-4X2x2 , Autoclave Large Size-
Open Tender
Dadra And Nagar Haveli

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Deep freeze-80 degree c , Incubator-28 inchSS digital , Serum Inspissator , Electronic digital balance , Thermometer-Assorted- 110degree 360 C degree , V.D.R.L. Shaker , Laminar Air flow with UV light-4X2X2 , Autoclave large size-1000 ltr , Hot air oven-1600 C-45 ltr , BOD incubator-with all optional accessories- 70 x 70 x 95 Cm-450 ltr , Incubators electrical large-37 degree Celsius-28 inchSS digital , Arnolds sterilser , Lovibond comparators , Anaerobic apparatus-McIntosh-Fi ldes Jar , Serological Water Bath-25 To 70 C , Elisa Reader With Kits - HIV HCV Torch DengueFully automated , Elisa Washer-Fully automated , Fluroscence Microscope , Bacteriological loop-Nichrome4mm dia.- LA 019-10X10no , Bacteriological loop-Nichrome2mm dia.- LA 012-1X8 no , Loop Holder-SS rod with heat resistant handle , Straight wire , Racks for loops and wire , Bunsen burner , Spirit lamp , Gas lighter , Cover slips22mmX22mm , Test tubes-150 mm x 18 mm , Test tubes100 mm x 12 mm , Test tubes-75 mm x 12 mm , Reagent bottles with stopper-500cc , Reagent bottles with stopper250cc , Reagent bottles with stopper-100cc , Reagent bottles with stopper-50cc , Reagent bottles-250ml , Diamond pencil , Slide tray , Slide box for 100 slides , Depression slide , Pasteur pipette-1ml 2ml 5ml 10ml , Sterilized cotton swab wooden sticks individual packing , Sterilized cotton swab sticks with tubes , 30 percentage Hydrogen peroxide-500ml , Sodium hypochlorite-5 ltr , India ink-23 ml , Gram stain kit-100 ml , Zn stain kit-500 ml , Albert kit 125 ml , Carbolic acid-1 ltr , Formalin-500ml , Liquid paraffin-100 ml , Nitrate reagent , Zinc oxide-100gm , Isopropyl alcohol-5ltr , Kovacs reagent-100ml , Sodium deoxycholate 100ml , Ethanol-99 percentage 500ml , Ferricchloride-500g , Test tube stand-aluminium- 150 mm x 18 mm , Test tube stand aluminium- 100 mm x 12 mm , Test tube stand aluminium-75 mm x 12 mm , Hand lens75mmX19mm 3X and 8X , Lens paper 1x100 , Gauze piece , Petri dish case stainless steel-LA276-1NO , Surgical blade 15G , Colony counter-Electronic pen , Spore strips-B Stearothermophilus-LA922-1X25 NO , Blotting papers , DPX Mount , Containers for discarding for slides , Stool containers , VDRL slides 1 Pkt GW096 , McIntosh fildes jarLE002 , Spatula , Gas-Pak LE002A , Candle jar , Sterilised disposable urine culture container , Macfarland standard , pH paper , Forcep blunt-Small Medium and Large-05 each , Forcep sharp-Small Medium and Large-05 each , Blood culture bottles 50ml-adult-1 box , Blood culture bottles 25ml-pediatric , Glass rod stirrer , Blood agar Base 500g , McConkeys agar 500g , Nutrient agar 500g , CLED agar 500g , Mueller-Hinton agar 500g , Peptone water 500g , Thioglycollate broth base-500g , Triple sugar Iron 500g , Urease agar 500g , 40 percentage Urea solution-5 vials , Glucose phosphate for MR and VP-500g , Mannitol salt agar500g , MIO agar for motility 500g , DCA agar 500g , Wilson and Blair Agar 500g , XLD 500g , TCBS agar 500g , SeleniteF broth-500g , Bile esculin agar 500g , Simmons citrate agar 500g , PPA agar 500g , Robertsons cooked meat media 500g , Lysine Decarboxylase 500g , Orthinine Decarboxylase 100g , Glucose Broth-500g , Arginine Decarboxylase 500g , Lactose-500g , Maltose 500g , Sucrose 500g , Arabinose 500g , Dulcitol 100g , Fructose 500g , Sabourauds Dextrose Agar-with Chloramphenicol-And Cycloheximide 500g , Sabourauds Dextrose Agar-with Chloramphenicol-And Cycloheximide-100g , Corn Meal Agar 500g , Methyl red reagent-250ml , Alpha napthol powder100g , KOH pellets-500gm , McCartney bottles , Bijou bottles-100ml , Analytical balance-minimum 0.001 gm , Sterile disposable container to collect sample-40ml wide mouthed , Slides-1 inchx3 inch , Bunsen burner and Gas Cylinder , Stand for staining slides , Staining bottle-250-500 ml , Beaker-250 ml500ml and 1000 ml , Conical flasks-250 ml500ml and 1000 ml , Graduated measuring cylinders-1- 100ml 100- 500 ml and 500-1000 ml , Metal-rod-30 cm long , Immersion oil-100ml , Test tubes Test tubers hard glass150 mm x 18 mm , Test tubes Test tubers hard glass-100 mm x 12 mm , MGIT with test reagent , Test tubes Test tubers hard glass-75 mm x 12 mm , Petri dish-PW1132- 90mm , Antifungals-Disc For Mycology Fluconazole Voriconazole NystatinMiconazole , Lactophenol Cotton Blue stain-100 ml , Teasing Needle , Scalpel No.10 -1x100 , Test tube stand-100 ml , Glass Slides , Cover Slips-22 inch X22 inch , Lugols Iodine-125ml , Leishman stain 1 and 2-250 ml , Centrifuge-R8C-16 tubes , Dark Colour reagent Bottle-250ml Microbiology Equipments Total Quantity : 4648

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