
Tender For Solid Waste And Liquid Waste Management @ Contracts - Abstract For Sjree Jee Bio-Stp Upto 100 House 2 Excavation For Foundation / Pipe Trenches In Earth, Soils Of All Types, Including Removing The Excavated Material Upto A Distance Of 50 Metr, Pune-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Tender For Solid Waste And Liquid Waste Management @ Contracts - Abstract For Sjree Jee Bio-Stp Upto 100 House 2 Excavation For Foundation / Pipe Trenches In Earth, Soils Of All Types, Including Removing The Excavated Material Upto A Distance Of 50 Metr. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-10-2024. Desilting Tenders in Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Solid Waste And Liquid Waste Management @ Contracts - Abstract For Sjree Jee Bio-Stp Upto 100 House 2 Excavation For Foundation / Pipe Trenches In Earth, Soils Of All Types, Including Removing The Excavated Material Upto A Distance Of 50 Metr
Open Tender

Tender Details

Solid waste and Liquid waste Management @ contracts - abstract for sjree jee bio-stp upto 100 House 2 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, manual dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 3 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in Hard Murrum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 4 Providing dry trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss, rubble stone soling in 15 cm to 20 cm thick layers including hand packing and compacting, etc. complete. 5 Providing and laying in situ 1:2:4 (M-150) Grade of c.c. of trap/ granite/quartzite/ gneiss/ metal for foundation and bedding including dewatering, formwork, compaction, and curing, finishing Etc. complete. With initial lead of 1.50 M below / above G.L.as per MJP/SSR/ 2023-24 / Section G Plain, reinforced and ready mix concrete 6 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in plinth as backing in composite masonry including bailing out water manually, striking joints, raking out joints and watering etc Complete. 7 Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 8 Providing and supplying in standard lengths ISI mark rigid unplasticised PVC pipes suitable for potable water with solvent cement joints including cost of couplers, as per IS specification no. 4985/1988 including all local and central taxes, transportation, freight charges, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental stores / site and stacking the same in closed shed duly protected from sun rays and rains including cost of jointing material i.e. solvemt cement, etc. complete (selffit type to be jointed with cement solvent). Working Pressure 6 Kg./Sq.cm 9 PVC TEEMARKET RATE 10 Providing and installing bio digester unit based on DRDO technology made of fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) having composition and following technical specifications and including necessary pipe and accessories up to 3 meter length, excluding the necessary excavation for installing the bio digester. Percentage of fibre glass (glass content in fibre glass should be minimum 30%): - 33.33% Percentage of polyester resin: - 66.67% Water absorption (as per ASTM):-0.30% Flammability as per ASTM Tensile strength:-115 MPA Specific Gravity at 25 degree centigrade 1.45 Izod impact strength:-65KJ/M2 Heat defection/distort temperature:-65deg C Corrosion resistance (Non Corrosive) fitted with Inlet pipe size rigid PVC: 100mm Outlet pipe size rigid PVC:- 80mm Gas outlet rigid PVC with Valve: 20mm Bacteria immobilization PVC mattes (on all partition) With DRDO TOT licensee and latest batch certificate (month & year of supply) and capacity as below h) Up to 150 user size (3.2mx2.0mx1.25m), Capacity of Biodigester:-8000 liters, Area oftop, bottom and side walls: - 25.80 sq.m, Area of partition walls: 10.00sq.m, Total weight of FRP: - 397.08 Kilogram, Bacteria inoculums quantity: - 3200 liters, Minimum thickness of side walls/ top and bottom: 7mm, One Number of inside partitions:4, Minimum thickness of partition wall: 4mmf) Up to 80 user size (2.7mx1.5mx1m), Capacity of Biodigester:-4000 liters, Area of top,bottom and side walls: -16.50 sq.m, Area of partition walls: 4.50sq.m, Total weight ofFRP:202.50 Kilogram, Bacteria inoculums quantity: 1400 liters,Minimum thickness of side walls / top and bottom: 6mm, OneNumber of inside partitions: - 4, Minimum 11 Providing and filling in sand boxing in pipeline or for foundation with sand of approved quality including watering and compaction, etc. complete. Filling the gap between Shree Jee FRP tank and brick wall

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 12917.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.91 Lakhs /-
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