Providing Supplying And Erecting Various Material Machinery And Labour Services As Mentioned In Boq For Improvement Of Crematorium At Gp Khanapur Haweli(Jansuvidha Vishesh Anudan) , Providing And Supplying Material And Machinery And Labour Services , 40/60 Mm Metal , 53Grade Cement , 20Mm Metal , Crush Sand , Hard Mrum , Soft Mrum , Pcc M-10 , Concrete M-20 , Bricks , Plain Zinc Sheet , Plain Zinc Sheet 0.50 Mm Thick , Ms Steel , Mild Steel , Water Proof Compound I.S , Neeru / Sanala , White Putty (Cement) , Texture Material , Cement Paint , White Cement , G.I. Sheet (Plain) 22 Bwg , G.I. Sheet (Plain) 24 Bwg , G.I.Washers , G.I.Screw 50Mm , G.I.Screw 25Mm , G.I. Nut Bolt , G.I. Pipe 50Mm Dia. Medium Type , G.I.Clamps 12Mm To 32Mm , G.I.Clamps 40Mm To 80Mm , Exterior Primer , Tanker For Water , Jcb , Crane , Road Roller , Concrete Mixer , Breaker , Dumper , Tractor , Tractor Breaker , Inforamtion Board , Tractor Breaker , Labour Services Skilled Labour , Labour Services Unskilled Labour , Black Smith With Tools - Ii Class , Stone Cutter With Tools - Semi Skilled , Mason I Class Skilled , Mason Ii Class Skilled , Mechanic , Lorry Driver / Mixer Operator , Welder / Driller - Skilled , Maistry Skilled / Supervisor / Mate , Vibrator Operator - Skilled , Skilled Labour , Boreman Skilled , Asphalt Sprayer Skilled , Minor Or Blaster Semi Skilled , Quarry Man - Semi Skilled , Labour For Excavation In Hard Rock (Un Blast) , Bhisti (Mixing / Curing) - Semi Skilled , Mukadam - Semi Skilled , Tar Handler - Semi Skilled , Helper Un Skilled , Mazdoor - Unskilled Heavy Male , Mazdoor - Unskilled Heavy Female , Below Boy , Laboratory Assistant , Labour For Tile Turning , Excavator - Unskilled Heavy , Breaker - Semi Skilled , Chiseler Semi Skilled , Foreman Skilled , Jack Hammer Operator , Labour For Traffic Regulation , Watchman , Compressor Operator / Driver , Supervisor / Mate , Mali , Medical Officer , Operator (Grouting) , Junior Engineer , Surveyor , Autocad Operator , Attendent , Computer Typist , Tracer , Total Station Operator , Senior Engineer , Assistant , Operator / Fitter , Mazdoor Unskilled Light Male , Computer Operator , Survey Helper , Technician , Skilled Assistants-On The Site , Supervisor , Valuation Expert , Office Support Staff , Co-Ordinator , Senior Surveyor , Revenue Expert