
Tender For Purchase Of Laboratory Reagents/Chemicals/Kits/Glass Ware/Plastic Ware From Nidan Fund -, Koraput-Odisha

Medical College Hospital has published Tender For Purchase Of Laboratory Reagents/Chemicals/Kits/Glass Ware/Plastic Ware From Nidan Fund -. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-10-2024. Indicators and Reagents Tenders in Koraput Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Purchase Of Laboratory Reagents/Chemicals/Kits/Glass Ware/Plastic Ware From Nidan Fund -
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Purchase Of Laboratory Reagents/Chemicals/Kits/Glass Ware/Plastic Ware From Nidan Fund - Acetic Acid Acetic Acid Glacial Acetone Acid Fuchsin Activity Activated Charcoal Powder Agar Powder Agarose Medium &ProteaseFree] (Nuclease Agarose Special Alberts Stain A Alberts Stain B Alcian blue Aluminium chloride Aluminium hydroxide Aluminiumpotasium Sulphate Aluminium Sulphate Amido Black Ammonia strong solution (25%) Ammonia Sulphate Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Amonium Ferric Sulphate Amonium oxalate Amonium Sulphate Amyl Alcohol Andrades Indicator Aniline Blue Barium Chloride Barium Chloride Dihydrate Basic Blue Basic Fuchsin Boric Acid Brain Heart infusion Broth-Dehydrated Brain Heart Infusion in Blood Culture Bottles- Adult-70-100 mL Brain Heart Infusion in Blood Culture Bottles Pediatric- 20-25mL Brilliant Green Bromocresol Purple Bromothymol Blue Calcium Chloride Calcium chloride dihydrate Calcium Hypochlorite Calcium sulphatedihydrate Toffees Cary- Blair Medium-Dehydrated Casein Celestine Blue Cetrimide Charcoal Activated Chloroform Chromic Acid Chromium trioxide Cinnamaldehyde Citric Acid CLED agar w/Bromothymol blue-Dehydrated Congo red Congo red-Practical grade Corn Meal Agar Cotton blue Creatine Cresol Red Crystal Violet Crystal Violet-Practical Grade CSF Diluting fluid D+Maltose d-sorbitol Powder D-Arabinose Decarboxy lase Broth Base Deoxycholate citrate Agar Dextrose Diaminobenzidine Diammonium oxalate Diethyle Ether Dimethyl Sulfoxide Dimethyle Amino Benzaldehyde Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate Dipotasssium Hydrogen Phosphate DiSodium hydrogen Phosphate Disodium hydrogen phosphate DL-Phenylalanine D-Mannitol DPX Mountant EDTA Powder Eosin Ethanol Ethilene Dioxy-Dimethanol + Glutyaldehyde Fast Green Ferric Aluminium Chloride Ferric Chloride Ferric Chloride Anhydrous Formaldehyde Fouchets Reagent Giemsa Powder Gimsa Stain Practical Grade Glacial Acetic Acid Glutyaldehyde Solution Glycerol Gold Chlorode Gram stain Kit (Crystal violate soln + Grams lodine + Acetone + Safranine) Hematoxylene Powder Standard Hemocore Hermocore-D Hexamine Horse serum Hychrome Agar(Candida Diffential Agar) Hydrochloric acid Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen Peroxide(50%) Imidazole Indian Ink lodine lodine Granules Iso-amyl Alcohol JSB Stain-1 JSB Stain-2 Kovacs Reagent solution L-Arginine monohydrochloride CAS 1119-34-2 L Cystine L-Cystine- Free Base Lactic Acid Lactophenol Cotton blue stain Lactose (Bacteriological Grade). Leishman Stain powder Leishman Stain Practical Grade Leishmans Powder Light Green Liquicelin E Liquid Paraffin Lithium carbonate L-Lysine monohydrochloride Loeffler medium base Loefflermethyleneblue L-Ornithine Hydrochloride Mac Conkey Broth -Double strength- Dehydrated MacConkey Broth-Dehydrated Malachite Green. Mannitol Salt Agar -May Grunwalds Stain McFarland Standard Set McConkey Agar-Dehydrated Meat Extract Mercuric Chloride Mercuric Oxide Methanamine. Methanamine Mendalate Methanol Methyl Red-Pract Grade Methyle Violet Methylene Blue Methylene blue Trihydrate- pract grade Muller-Hinton Agar-Dehydrated Muller-Hinton Agar with Methylene blue Muller-Hinton Broth-Cation adjusted N-Acetyl L-Cysteine Neutral Red Neutral red Indicator Nigrosine Stain (10%) Nitric Acid Nuclear fast Red Nutrient Agar-Dehydrated Nutrient Broth AND 6 Powder Dil of Olive OMearaReagent ONPG Orcein Oxalic Acid Paraffin liquid Paraffin wax p-Dimethyl Aminobenzyldehyde Periodic Acid Phenol Phenol crystals LR Phenol Red Phenol Red Indicator Phosphomolybdic Acid Phosphotungstic Acid Pizric Add Poly venyl alcohol PoncasuFuchsin Potassium Acetate Potassium Aluminiumsulphate Potassium Carbonate Potassium Chloride potassium Dichromate Potassium Dichromate Potassium dihydragen o-Phosphate Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Potassium ferrocyanide Potassium Hexacyano Ferrate Potassium Hydroxide Potassium hydroxide Fotassium Nitrate Potassium Nitrate AR-ars Potassium Permanganate Potassium tellurite powder PPA(Phenyl Pyruvic Acid Medium Deltydrated Propanol Propanol 2 Proteose Peptone PYR reagent Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Robertsons Cocked meat medium-Dehydrated Sabouraud Cyclobeximide Chloramphenicol agar Sabourauds Dextrose agar Safranine Safranine-Pract Grade Sheep Blood Agar Silica Gel Silver Nitrate Simmons Citrate Medium-Dehydrated sodium acetate sodium Benzoite Sodium Bicarbonate Pract Grade Sodium bisulphite Sodium Chloride Sodium Chloride Lab Reagent Sodium Citrate Sodium desoxycholate Sodium dihydrogen phosphate Sodium diHydrozenSulphate Sodium disulfite Sodium dodecyl sulphate powder Sodium Glycocholate Sodium hydrogen Phosphate Sodium Hydroxide Flakes Sodium hydroxide flakes Sodium Hypochloride Solution sodium hypochlorite sollution Sodium Metabisulfite Sodium Nitrate Sodium Nitroprusside Sodium Taurocholate Sodium Thinglycolate Sodium Thiosulphate Starsh Strong Ammoni Sucrose Lab reagent Sulfanilic acid sulfuric acid Sulphur Powder TCBS agar 100gm-Dehydrated Thymol Tolodine blue D Toludoine Blue trichloro scetic acid Tris buffer Tris Hydroxymethya Amino Methane Tris Hydroxmethenyel amino methanebenanie trisodium citrate Trypan blue Practical Grade 751 Order Two 20 Tween 80 Uniplestin Urea Urea Agar Base with Ures 40% supplement Urea powder-Lab react Wrights strain powder Xylene Yeast Extract Yeast Nitrogen base Zinc Chloride Z-N stain Kit (Strong Carbolfuchsin+20% H2504+ Methylene blue snin) -Naphthol -Naphthylamine 2. Antil Amikacin Ampicillin Sinxacillin 10g Ampicilin+Sulbactam Ampicilin-10µε Azithromycin-15 Aztreonam-30 µg Carboncillin Cefaloridine 10µg Cefepime Cefipime Tazobactam-30/10g Cefixime-30µg Cefutasime Cefoxitin-30µg Ceftazidime Avibactam Ceftazidime-30µg Ceftriaxone-30µg Cefuroxime Ceoperazone/ Sulbactam Chloramphenicol-30µg Ciprofloxacin-5µg Clarithromycin Clindamycin-2g Colistin Co-trimoxazole-25 µg Erythromycin-15 µg Fosfamycin Gentamicin-10 µg Gentamicin 30 me Imipenem/Cilastatin Imipenem-10µg Lavafluxacin-Wait Linezolide-30µg Meropenem Moxiflaxacin Nalidixic acid-30ug Nettimycin-300g Nitrofurantoin-300μg Norfloxacin-10µg Office Oxacillin Penicillin-100 Piperacillin Tassbectam Teicoplanin-30µg Tetracycline 30μ Tigecycline Tobramycin 10ug Vancomycin-30pg Salmonella Gr 02 Salmonella Gr 04 Salmon Gro Salmonella H- Salmonella Polyvalent A-G Shigellabeydi Polyvalent C Shigeledesenteriae Pulyvalent A Shigellaßexnert Polyvalent B Shigellasonner Polyvalent D Vibrio cholerae 01 Vibrio cholerae 01-seruvar Inaba Vibrio cholerae 01-serovar Ogawa Vibrio 0139 Bengal 4. ATCC strains of CLSI Disk Diffusion QC Set cutaining E. coli ATCC 25922 & 35218 Pseudomonsaeruginosa ATCC 27853, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Corynebacteriumdiphtheriae ATCC 13812 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 Klebsiellapneumonise ATCC 13882 Streptococcus Pneumonise ATCC 10015 Streptococcus Pyngenes ATCC 19615 5. Kits ABO Blood Grouping Kit ASO our test ASO Turbidometry test kits CRP test Kits CRP Turbidometry test Kits Disposal cotton Swab Kit HBSAG test kit HCV test Kit HIV ranid test kit 167 Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Turbidometrytest kits RPR kits Sicklevue Kit Stool Occult Blood Kit Kit Shop Pregnancy Test [Urine) Kit VDRL Kit Widal Kits Bacitracin Bile lisculin Disk Hippurate Novoblocin-5µg ONPG Disc Optochin Disc-5μg Oncidase Disc Spore Sitip (Bacillus Stearothermophilus). Vibrio 0129 7.4 Trucks Vial 3.2% Sodium Citrate Lots 3.8% Sodium Citrate Visi Ciot Activetar Vial (Plain Vial) Culture Vial Heparin Vial K2 ETDA Vial 43 EDTA Vial Sodium Citrate Vial Sodium Fluoride Vial Urine container vial 8. Glasswar Beaker Beaker Conical flasks with autoclavable screw caps Petridish Test Tube Stand Test Tube Basket Microscopic Cover Glass Durbem tubes Slide Box Cuncavity Slides Centrifuge tubes (Graduated) Metal Loop Holder (Brass) without loop where any size of nichrom wire can be inserted Test Tube Holder Sterile Viscose Swab with tube Sterile Cotton Swab FlexiLoop Sterile Glass Slide white colour frosted pH Paper PH Paper PH. Paper Aassorted Nichrome Loops Indicator tape for steam autoclave High Temperature indicator tape for dry oven Scalpel Blade number 10 Scalpel Blade number 20 Scalpei Holder number 3 Scalpel Holder number 4 Microoven Gloves Universal Sterile Container for collection of Urine and body fluids Disposable ESR Pipette Bone Marrow Biopsy Niddle Core Niddle Neddießiospy Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle Disposable Embedding Cassete Microtome Blade High profile Cover Slip 18x18 Cover Silp 22x22 Cover Slip 22x30 Cover Slip 22x40 Cover Slip 22x50 Class Slide Plain Glass Slide Fosted Changed Slide Micro Pipette (Fixed) Micro Pipette (variable) Universal Micro Tip Box Universal Micro Tip Box (20-200μ) Universel Micro Tip Box (20-1000μ) Screew caped Reagents Bottels Coplins Jar Urine Container Uristrips Wash Bottel 500ml Dropping Bottle 120ml Glass test tube Micro Tips (100-1000μ) Micro Tips (10-100μί) Micro Tips (20-200μl) Micro Tips Stand (100-1000μί) Micro Tips Stand (20-200µl) Micropipette (100-1000μ Micropipette (10-100) Micropipette(20-200μ) Sample Cup Micro pipette stand Tube holder stand Glass Container Glass Container Vial Stand Conical bottom ED sterile Centrifuge tube Universal Micro Tip Box (20-200μ) Universal Micro Tip box(100µl-1000µl) 9. Blood Bag Single 100ml Blood Bag Single 350ml Blood Bag Triple 350ml Blood Bag Triple 450ml HBV ELISA HCV ELISA HIV ELISA Malaria Rapid Kit VORL Rapid Kit Anti A 10ml Vial Anti Al 5ml Vial Anti Al B 10ml Vial Anti B 10ml Vial Anti D 10ml Vial Anti H 5ml Vial Anti Human Globulin (5 ml Vial) 22% BOVINE ALBUMIN (10ML) Blood Transfusion set (BT Set) Copper Sulphate powder (Cuso4) 4% sodium hypochlorite sollution Tissue Paper roll Thermal paper roll SDP Kit with Anti coagulant Citrate bottle 500ml Dextrose solution (ACD solution) ERBA PROTIME LS ERBA ACTIME GRASS CA CL 2 SRC CUVUTTE CONTROL (N) CONTROL(P) CYTOSPIN THERMO SCINTIFIC) WHITE FILTER CARDS CYTO CLIPS STAINLESS STELL SINGLE WHITE FONNEL SCIENTIFIC CRYOSTATITHERMO OCT COMPUNG SANOSIL OIL. MICROTOME BLADE HING PROFILE IHC Calcitonin Maintenance Kit Serum cup FREE TS REAGENT FREE 13 CALIBRATOR FREE T4 REAGENT FREE T4 CALIBRATOR FREE THYROID CONTROL ESTRADIOL REAGENT ESTRADIOL CALIBRATOR PROGESTERONE REAGENT PROGESTERONE CALIBRATOR CORTISOL REAGENT CORTISOL CALIBRATOR INSULIN REAISENT INSULIN CALIBRATOR CA15.3 REAGENT CA15.3 CALIBRATOR Omni Immune MAS LI Kit Omni Immune MAS 12 Kit Omni Immune MAS 13 Procalcitonin Controls HS Troponin IL Control HI SAMPLE DILUENT B Lab Reagents, Chemical Laboratory Plastic Ware, Filter Paper Laboratory Glass Ware Laboratory Glass Ware like Slide & cover slip Microbiology All range Product Dehydrated Culture Madia Ready to use Water Testing Kit Ready prepare Media, Sterile Test Media Microbial Limit Test Sterile Medium Sterile Petri Plates Haematology and Cytology stains Hemoglobino Meter & Test Strips Broth Culture All range of Serology, Rapid Kits, Elisa Kits Serology, Rapid Kits for malaria, HIV, HBV (HBSAg),HCV, Dengue Serology, Rapid Kits Typhoid (RPR) WIDAL, Toxogen, RA, ASO, CRP Serology. Rapid Kits for Grouping AB.D Blood Collection Vials, Non-Vacuum && Vacuum, Clot Activator, EDTA, Fluoride and All range Tourniquet All range of Syringe, Needles Blood Collection Tubes Vacuum, Vacationer Needle, Holder All Range of Disposable Lob Plastic Ware Immunohisto Chemistry Kits Blood Glucose Meter and Strips Urinalysie Reagent Strips Blood Bag Blood Transfusion Kit Set All Range of ECG Paper, ECG Jelly, USG Jelly, Thermal Paper for semi auto, CBC & others All type of Disinfectants, phanyl, Glutaraldeltyde solution

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