Bids Are Invited For Lp Veg Fresh Gopalpur 25 Oct 24 To 17 Nov 24 Beans , Brinjal , Pumpkin , Arvi , Plantain Green , Carrots , Cabbage , Tomato , Bitter Gd , Corrindergr , Ginger , Chillies Gr , Coconut W , Fresh Lime , Parwal , Raddish , Bottle Gd , Torijhinga , Beet Root Beans, Brinjal, Pumpkin, Arvi, Plantain Green, Carrots, Gemarpts Searched Cabbage, Tomato, Bitter Gd, Corrindergr, Ginger, Chillies Gr, Coconut W, Fresh Lime, Parwal, Raddish, Bottle Gd, Strings Used In Gemarpts Torijhinga, Beet Root Searched String: Beans Fpo - Soya Beans, Bean Bag Or Body Positioners For Occupational Therapy, Beans Dried (Rajmah) (V2) (Defence), Dried Cow Peas (Lobia) (V2) (Defence), Coffee As Per Is 3077, French Bean Seeds, Books, Canned Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce (V2) (Defence), Gaur (Cluster Bean) Seeds, Fpo - Rajma Searched String: Brinjal Brinjal (Eggplant) Seeds, Brinjal Seeds (V2), Books Searched String: Pumpkin Pumpkin Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds (V2), Bed Mattresses With Sandwiched Rubberized Coir Sheet As Inner Cushioning Material As Per Is 13489, Is 8391 (Part 3) Searched String: Arvi Category Not Available On Gem For The Text String Uploaded By The Buyer 1 17Searched String: Plantain Green Total Quantity : 12000