Tender For Repair/Maintenance /Servicing Of E/M Items At Various Locations Under Hq 7 Sect Ar.-SCHEDULE A PART-I (CELING FAN)Winding Winding of fan including replacement of bearing capacitor 2 Servicing and repairing of ceiling fan 3 Reparing/ repalcenent of bearing and capacitor including servicing 4 M & L for rewinding of ceiling fans of 1200 mm sweep of any make with supper enamelled copper winding wire appropriate gauge replacement of bearing including varnishing testing complete all as specifie and directed. 5 All as per item No 02 above but exhaust fan of sweep 275-300 mm. 6 SCHEDULE A PART-II (Desert Cooler) for repair/ servicing of desert cooler up to 4000 CFM capacity including replacement of canvas grass wool pads checking/repairing internal pre-wiring to make functional including replacement of unserviceable / defective spare parts all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 7 M & L in replacement of new fan motor 1/6 HP , 230 Volt AC (ISI mark) of desert cooler of any caoacitt with new winding as per existing including replacement of supporting legs, nuts and bolts etc. 8 M & L in replacement of water lifting pump 1/70 HP capacity, operated on single phase 230 volts with all accessories and testing. 9 Replacement of fan blade with bush for desert cooler motor as per existing size and shape. 10 Replacement of selestor switch/rotory knob four way suitable for desert cooler as per existing size and make. 11 supply only electronic control circuit board (PCB) as per existing type for desert cooler. 12 SCHEDULE A PART-III (Refrigerator)M&L for complete servicing and repair of Refrigerator/Deep Freezer of any capacity, servicing and cleaning of all accessories, oiling of fan motor, checking of wiring connections, and re-fixing in the same in position testing complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Unsv accessories will be measured and paid seperately under respective items of Sch) 13 Supply only the following items required to incorporate in item No 7.00 above:- Hermatic sealed compressor unit with new factory made sealed compressor unit, single phase electrically operated on 240 V suitable for Refigerator 165 Ltrs capacity 14 Hermatic sealed compressor unit with new factory made sealed compressor unit, single phase electrically operated on 240 V suitable for Refigerator 286/310 Ltrs capacity 15 Auto cut thermostate switch for Refrigerator defrosts type 16 Overload protectors for Regrigerations upto 310 Ltrs capacity 17 Copper strainer filter for Reftrigerator 18 Relays suitable for Refrigerators upto 310 ltr capacity 19 Supply only door switch for refrigerator 20 Supply only door springfor refrigerator 21 Magnetised door lock rubber strip D type for regrigerator 286/310 Ltr cacpacity 22 Evaporator coil assembly 266/310 ltrs capacity regrigerator with copper pipe 23 Supply and filling gas charging required to the System of suitable type R-34/12/32 /R22 or as per existing at site 24 Supply and filling gas charging required to the System of suitable type134a or as per existing at site 25 SCHEDULE A PART-IV (Water Cooler) M&L for complete servicing and repair of Water Cooler any capacity, servicing and cleaning of all accessories, oiling of fan motor, checking of wiring connections and re-fixing in the same in position testing complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Unsv accessories will be measured and paid seperately under respective items of Sch) 26 Supply only the following items required to incorporate in item No 5 above:-Hermatic sealed compressor unit with new factory made sealed compressor unit, single phase electrically operated on 240 V suitable for Water cooler 40/80 Ltrs 27 Fan/blower electric motor single phase 230 V complet for water cooler 40/80 or 60/120 Ltrs capacity water cooler. 28 Running capacitor of suitable capacity 29 Stratring capacitor of suitable capacity 30 Auto cut ther mostate switch for water cooler 31 Fan blade of suitable size 32 S&F Ball valve PVC 15mm size for water cooler 40/80 ltr capacity 33 SCHEDULE A PART-V (Ac 1.5/2.0)M&L for complete servicing and repair of Split type AC 1.5/2 Ton capacity incl taking down of air conditioner, servicing and cleaning of all accessories, oiling of fan motor, checking of wiring connections and re-fixing in the same in position testing complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Unsv accessories will be measured and paid seperately under respective items of Sch) 34 Supply only the following items required to incorporate in item No 1.00 above:- Hermatic sealed compressor unit with new factory made sealed compressor unit, single phase electrically operated on 240 V suitable for Split AC 2.0 T capacity 35 Hermatic sealed compressor unit with new factory made sealed compressor unit, single phase electrically operated on 240 V suitable for Split AC 1.5 T capacity 36 Fan/blower electric motor single phase 230 V complete for inner unit 37 Fan/blower electric motor single phase 230 V complete for outerunit 38 Stratring capacitor of suitable capacity 39 Running capacitor of suitable capacity 40 Overload protection of suitable capacity 41 Drain pipe for Split unit PVC 20mm 42 Remote control kit complete for Split type AC 43 Condencing unit of Split type AC 1.5/2 Ton capacity with complete accessories (Outdoor type) make: Godrej / LG 44 Cooling unit complete suitable for 1.5/2 Ton Split type AC with complete accessories (Indoor type) make : Godrej /LG 45 M&L for complete servicing and repair of Window type AC 1.5/2 Ton capacity incl taking down of air conditioner, servicing andcleaning of all accessories, oiling of fan motor, checking of wiring connections etc and re-fixing in the same in position testing complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Unsv accessories will be measured and paid seperately under respective items of Sch) 46 Supply only the following items required to incorporate in item No 3.00 above:- Hermatic sealed compressor unit with new factory made sealed compressor unit, single phase electrically operated on 240 V suitable for Window AC 2.0 T capacity 47 Auto cut thermostate of suitable capacity for window AC 1.5/2 Ton 48 Fan blade of suitable size for window type AC unit 49 Fan/blower electric motor single phase 230 V complete 50 SCHEDULE A PART-VI (RO) M&L for complete servicing and repair of RO Plantof any capacity, servicing and cleaning of all accessories and re-fixing in the same in position, testing complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Unsv accessories will be measured and paid seperately under respective items of Sch). 51 Supply only micron cartridge filter sponge 4 x 20 of 4 micron suitable for existing RO plant complete all as specified and directed. 52 Supply only micron cartridge filter sponge 2 x 10 of 4 miron suitable for existing RO plant complete all as specified and directed. 53 Supply only RO Membrane conceal 75 GLD suitable for existing RO plant complete all as specified and directed. 54 Supply only RO Membrane conceal 400 GLD suitable for existing RO plant complete all as specified and directed. 55 SCHEDULE A PART-VII (Geyser)M&L for disconnecting elect & water connection to geyser of cap 25/50/35 ltr, taking down, from existing position, dismantling and inspecting all the parts, for its serviceability, cleaning of serviceable parts i.e. Heating elemet, base assy, connecting lead, thermostat, electrical contact, electric wiring, indicators, safety valves etc and refixing, replacement of unserviceable parts, re assembling, remounting, reconnecting with electrical & water connectionn and testing complete. Notes(i) The defective parts to be replaced shall be measured and paid separately under relevant item of Sch A as supply only.(ii)Cost of minor items i.e. Screws, nut & bolts etc shall be deemed to be included in the above item. 56 S&F of heating element 2.0 KW, ISI marked with gasket suitable for as existing size, type and make ofgeyser under repair. 57 All as per item No 7here-in-before butof cap 1.5 KW. 58 S&Fof thermostat ISI marked suitable for existing make of the geyser under repair of cap 50/25 /35 Ltrs. 59 S&F indicator lamp as per existing make and size. 60 S&F of geyser safety valve (pressure release valve) for the exsiting make & capacity of geyser. 61 S&F of geyser pipe connection heavy duty for inlet, outlet connection suitable to withstand the pressure and temperature for existing geyser complete. 62 S&F of aluminium/cromium type flexible connection heavy duty for inlet, outlet connection suitable to withstand the pressure and temperature for existing geyser complete 63 S&F only inner tank made out of steel sheet conform to IS suitable for 25 ltrs capacity of geyser of different makes vertical type all as specifie and directed. 64 All as per item No 14here-in-before but but for Geysers of capacity 35/50 ltrs. 65 S&F new base assembly with inlet and outlet pipe madeout of steel base plate with gasket and proper size of nuts, boltsand washer etc suitable for 25 ltrs capacity of geyser 66 M&L for taking down geyser of cap 25/50/35 ltr,from existing position,and fixing of new water heater of capand fix electric water heater, storage type steel body with copper inner tank Ltr,star rating with all accessories complete all as specifie and directed. 67 S & F steel water tubing galvanised ,medium grade with all fittings and fixed complete to walls ,orin floors,in old/new situationfor bore of pipefollowingsizes: - (a )20 mm dia 68 S & F steel water tubing galvanised ,medium grade with all fittings and fixed complete to walls ,orin floors,in old/new situationfor bore of pipefollowingsizes: - ( b ) 15 mm bore. 69 S & F in repair gate / globe valves cast copper alloy screwed down high pressure with crutch or butterfly handle screwed both ends for iron pipe or for union and fixed bore of following size: - ( a ) 20 mm bore. 70 S & F in repair gate / globe valves cast copper alloy screwed down high pressure with crutch or butterfly handle screwed both ends for iron pipe or for union and fixed bore of following size: -( a ) 15 mm bore. 71 SCHEDULE A PART-VIII (Solar water heater)M&L for complete servicing and repair of solar water heating system of any capacity, servicing and cleaning of all accessories and re-fixing in the same in position, testing complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Unsv accessories will be measured and paid seperately under respective items of Sch). 72 S&F solar collector glass suitable for existing solar water heating system complete all as specified and as directed. 73 Supply only Glycol for solar water heating system complete all as specified and as directed. 74 Repair to existing solar collector with copper brazing complete all as specified and as directed. 75 S&F heating element of capacity 3 KW, ISI marked suitable for existing solar water heating system complete all as specified and as directed. 76 S&F make up tank 5 Ltr capacity for existing solar water heating system complete all as specified and as directed. 77 S&F gasket and end joints suitable for existing solar water heating system complete all as specified and as directed. 78 SCHEDULE A PART-IX (Solar street light) Taking down old unsv solar street light fittings any type from pole and refixing, re-connecting the same in existing position after carrying out necessary repair / replacement of unsv accessories to make the fittings functional, complete all as speecified and directed.Note:- Accessories required to make the fittings functional shall be measured & paid seperately as supply only under relevent items. 79 Supply only LiFeP04 Battery, 12 Volt, 24/26 AH suitable for solar street light fitting complete all as specified and as directed. 80 Supply only Mono Crystalline SPV Panel suitable for solar street light fitting complete all as specified and as directed. 81 SCHEDULE A PART-X (Submersible Pump) M&L for Lifting /lowering unservicable submercible pump assembly completely any type/size up to 30HP along with coloum/delivery pipe of 50/80mm dia after disconnecting the electrical connection from the deep tube well/Dugwell of various depth, segregating components for carrying out repair work such as rewinding of burnt motor and serviceing of pump etc and reassemblying after repair, lowering in to the bore well, including aligning and commissioning complete all as specified and directed. Note (a) Unit rate quoted deemed to include only labour for taking up & lowering the submercible pump from bore well along with delivery pipe complete. (b) Repairs/rewinding of submercible pump shall be measured under relevant items.(c)Replacement of coloumn pipe will be measured and paid separately as in supply only under relevants items. 82 M&L for transporting the unsv submercible pump set upto 30 HP capacity from site to nearest authorised work shop, dismantling the pump motor assembly and rewinding the burnt motor with same gauge of PVC insulated supper enamelled copper wire as per manufactures instruction including servicing/overhauling the pump, re-assemblying and brought back to site all as specified and and as directed. 83 Supply only following spare parts for submercible pump set vertical type up to 30 HP complete all as speified and directed. (a)SS impeller as per existing 84 b) Thrust bearingas per existing 85 (c)Thrust plate setas per existing 86 (d)Sand Guardas per existing 87 (e)Stainless steel bushas per existing 88 (f) Pump shaft as per existing 89 Supply only column pipe 50 mm dia galvanised iron medium grade, 3 meter in length & both ends flanged and duly welded complete all as specified and directed.. 90 M&L for taking out unserviceable submersible motor upto 30 HP from the existing place and transporting the same to outhorised workshop dismantling and rewinding the burnt motor with suitable gauge of PVC insulated supper enamelled copper wire including re-fixing at same location including aligning and testing, commissioning complete all as specified and directed. 91 M&L for dismantling and taking out the centrifugal pumping set with motor from the existing foundation for carring necessary repair/ servicing by replacing the unservicable parts including fixing of new coupling (CI/rubber) as per existing all as required at site of work of capacity upto 40HP, including re-fixing at same location including aligning and commissioning complete all as specified and directed.Note(a) Unit rate quoted deemed to include only labour for tpt and reapir. (b) Spares /rewinding of pump set shall be measured under relevant items. 92 Supply only following spare parts for centrifugal pump set up to 40 HP complete all as speified and directed:- (a) CI impellers 93 (b)Diffuser 94 (c) Neck ring 95 (d)Shaft bush 96 (e) Shaft 97 (f)Roller bearing. 98 (g) Stuffing box gland. 99 (h) Bearing6307/6309/ 6312/7307/7308Make SKF/SBC. 100 Centrifugal Pump M&L for taking out wornwinding of centrifugal pumpmotor of capacity upto 40 HPcarefully and rewinding the same with existingsize of super enamelled copper winding wire,including necessary varnishingand insulating material baking etc, transportation to workshop and back at site complete all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 101 Taking down/disconnecting the existing unserviceble Star Deltastarter of Centrifugal / submersible pump from motor control panels of various pump houses and replace with new Star delta starter of capacity 10 HP to 25 HP, three phase, including making electric connection, complete all as specified and directed. ( Make: C&S / BCH/ L &T) 102 M&L for repair of starter with disconnecting all electric connections, and replacment of unserviceable parts like contractor, relays, coil etc and connecting to the existing pump set of cap upto 60 HP, including testing complete all as specified and directed. 103 S&F Submersible cableflat Three core PVC insulated and PVC shedthed industrial copper cable of size 6 Sqmm1100 Volts for connection from starter to motor complete all as specified and directed. Make: Finolex/ CCI/ Havells. 104 Preparation of surface for Painting of pump/ motor of any type and any capaicty and Pipe of any dia for complete surfaces for paintingapplying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat ofred oxide primer as per colour code on pump sets includingSM/MES No of appropriate size of letters with white paint, complete all as specified anddirected by Engineer-in-Charge. 105 M&L for cleaning of under ground sump, semi under ground sumpof capacity10000 to50000gallons (Drinking water sump) after bailling out of water from tank& cleaning of all sides of wall , top, bottomwith fresh water, with the help of pressurejet pump ( Maxium pressure up to 120 bar ) and vacuumsuctioner pump, spray of chemical for anti fungal approved by WHO on all sides of walls after cleaning and applying two coats of white wash on external surfaces and writing date of cleaning on the tank complete all as directed by Engineer - in -charge . 106 Supply only chlorination chemical highly efficient (high strength) calciumhypochloride 65% to 70 % chlorine contentbased granular disinfectant more stable in sealed container, no Sodium/iron/ Mercury/Heavy metal contaminations. Make:PURI CHLOR or equivalentNote:- (i) The contractor shall produce manufacturer’s test certificate and purchase vouchers of calcium based granular disinfectant.(ii) The calcium based granular disinfectant shall be brought at site in sealed plastic container .(iii)Qty shown at Col 6 will not accepted at one time as the material having lesser expiry period. 107 M&L in repair to replacement of shaft with impellar of dosing pump suitable for existing at site and all as specified and as directed. 108 M&L in repair to replacement of coil 250V, 50 Hz, suitable for dosing pump suitable for existing at site and all as specified and as directed. 109 M&L in repair to replacement of pump tube suitable for dosing pump suitable for existing at site and all as specified and as directed. 110 M&L in repair to replacement of white suction/discharge tube of size 3/8suitable for dosing pump suitable for existing at site and all as specified and as directed. 111 M&L in repair to replacement of furrule of size 1/4suitable for dosing pump suitable for existing at site and all as specified and as directed. 112 M&L in repair to replacement of connecting nut with adapter of size 3/8suitable for dosing pump suitable for existing at site and all as specified and as directed. 113 Transformers Repair/Maint of Transformers of various capacity including painting and disconnecting from LT/HT line and reconnecting properly through Lugs and top up of transformer oiland other defects to be rectify as per direction of EIC 114 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm / 600 mm / 6 mm thick including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/coke and salt complete all as specified. 115 Repair Winding /rewindingwith copper coil of transformers, replacement of all meterof various capacityas per directions of EIC 116 DG Set Draining out the old engine oil from DG set, cleaning of deposits and rectifing the leakages if any by means ofwelding, brazing and cleaning of oil tank and filling of new Engine oil complete all as specified and directed by Engr in Charge. Note :- The engine oil shall be measured seprately. 117 M & L for Taking downradiator fromDG Set of any type /makeand capcity 20 to 45 KVA from base mounting , cleaning /descaling by using of air compressor and cleaning with suitable strain removal detergent along with chemical etc and rectifing water leakage by means of welding / brazing, after cleaning , descaling and rectifing of leakageetc. including replacement of all connecting parts i,e radiatorhose pipe with clump , bolt nut washer , rubber bush packing materal etc and re-assembling the radiator fitting with DG set properly in original position checking the alignment making proper hose connecting testing for smooth operation complete all asdirected .Note:- 1. The cost of replaced spares /parts is deemed to be included in quoted rates and no extra cost shall be paid to the contractor in this effect.2.Themake the own arrangement oftransportation for all kind of necessary equipment /T & P shall be arranged /brought by contractor to complete the job at site or at E/M yard and no extra cost shall be paid to the contractor in this effect. 118 M & Lfor taking out of injector of DG Set of any type/make and capacity 20 KVA to100KVA disconnection and openingof fuel injector assembly , carrying complete overhauling / servicingfuel injector system , including repalcementof injector repairkit calibrationof injector , checking of pressure complete for each injector and re-assembling the samein original positon making proper fuel connnection and testing for smooth operation complete all asdirected . 119 Opening /taking out of fuel injection pump (FIP) of DG Set of any type/make and capacity 20 KVA to50 KVAdisconnection of fuel injector line carrying complete overhauling /servicing of injecor pump, calibrationof fuel pump as per manufacturer instruction , assembling of the same with DG Set properly in original position , checking the allignment , making proper fuel connection including renewal of unserviceable/defective minor parts like seal,O ring, gaskit fuel pumpl, gear technometer, bushing technometer cover fuel pump gear housing fuel pump gear etcand testing for smooth operationcomplete all as directed , after replacement of followingmajor parts if found defected/unserviceable :- NoteFollowing items measured & Paid seperately. 120 (a) Fuel gear pump 121 (b) Shaft with fuel drive 122 All as per item No5 here in before but62.5 KVAto 100 KVA 123 (a) Fuel gear pump 124 (b) Shaft with fuel drive 125 Removal of self starter motor from the DG Set of capacity20KVA to 45 KVA of existing make , strip opening the starter for therenewalof minor parts like bush gear, o ring assy, bush set, sealing kit, brush set including assembling and re fixing at site complete all as specified and directed.after replacement of followingmajor parts if found defected/unserviceable :- NoteFollowing items measured & Paid seperately. 126 (a) Armature 127 (b) Solenoied switch 128 (c)Field Coil 129 All as per item No14 here in before but62.5KVAto100 KVA 130 (a) Armature 131 (b) Solenoied switch 132 (c)Field Coil 133 Removal & Renewal of old unserviceable feed pump for fuel injection pump complete assy for various capacity of DG Sets. 134 S & F in Renewalof fuel shut down solenoied valve kit including taking outold valve assy and making all connectiontesting for smooth operationin any type DG Setcomplete all as specifiedand directed by Engr-in-Charge. 135 M & L for B check kit of DG set 20 KVA to 50KVA 136 All as per item No 21 here in before but62.5 KVAto 100KVA 137 S & Fin Renewal, Radiator cap suitable for DG set of any type /make and capacity complete all as directed. 138 S & Fin Renewal, Vbelt of DG Set 20 KVA to 50of as per existing make and capacity complete all asdirected. 139 All as per item No24. here in before but 62.5KVAto100KVA KVA 140 M & L for top up of coolent in concentrate form rediator of DG Set of any type/Makeand capacity , complete all asdirected. Make :-Bosch, feelit guard & equalientNote: Measurement shall be done only in concentrate form of coolant. 141 S & F in Renewalof Fulehose flexible with matalic typefrom fuel tank to filter, filter to FIP including allied nut bolt washer and coupling for DG set20 KVA to 50 KVA with and including taking out old hose and making all connection testing for smooth operation all as directd. 142 All as per item No27 here in before but 62.5 KVAto100 KVA 143 S & F in Renewalof radiator hosepipe suitable both inlet and outlet of 62.5 KVA to 100 KVA DG Set with including taking out old hose and making all connection , testing for smooth operation complete all as directed . 144 S & F in Renewal of 12 V 180 AH BatterytublerMake :Exide Express/Amoron 145 S & F in Renewalof 12 V 150 AH Battery Make :Exide Express/Amoron 146 S & F in Renewalof 12 V 100 AH Battery Make :Exide Express/Amoron 147 S & f in Renewalof battery terminals made of brass , suitable for battery of any type /make and capacity , complete all as directd. 148 S & F in Renewal of PVC insulated multi stranded copper single core unsheathed cable ofsize 70 sqmm , 1100 volts grade for battery leadRed sndBlack colour andall as directed. 149 S & F Renewalof burnt /UNSV thermostat with new thermostat alongwith complete assy for DG set connection complete all as specified and directed. 150 Removal & Renewalof old u/s RPM CABLE of any type/make of DG set complete all as specified and directed by Engr -in- Charge . 151 Removal & Renewalof old U/S WATER TEMP METERof any type and all as specified and directed by Engr -in- Charge . 152 Removal & Renewalof old U/S OIL PRESSURE METERof any type and all as specified and directed by Engr -in- Charge . 153 Removal & Renewal t of old U/S OIL TEMP METER of any type and all as specified and directed by Engr -in- Charge . 154 Removal & Renewal of old U/S HCTSwitch of any type and size of DG Set and all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 155 Removal & Renewal of old U/S LLOPSwitch of any type and size of DG Set and all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 156 M & L for taking down of existing fuel from fuel tank by means of removing of sludge and sediments deposited inside the fuel tank by repeatedly washing by useing of chemical & detergent with air compressor including rectifing ofleakage if found. and refixing the same position as per direction of engineer in charge by testing all as specified and directed. cap20 KVAto 100KVADG Sets. 157 Opening and taking out of cylinder head 20 KVA to 180 KVA capcity DG Set Renewalof inlet and exhaust valve , valve guide seats and lapping of valve machining job pressure testingi/c replacement of u/s parts reassembling with complete testing as requd . 158 S & F in replacement of anti viberation mounting pad B series complete all as directed . 159 S & F distilled water in sealed packing for DG 12 volts battery. 160 S & F in Renewalof battery charging sets automatic type , fixed in DG set /panel with transformer and rectifire etc including rewiring of faulty control complte all as specifiedand directed by Engr-in-Charge. 161 All as per item No. 46.a but 12 V DC charging set 162 All as per item No. 46.a but 24Vcharging set 163 S & F in Renewal of by reconditioning of DG set panel board by means of painting by power coated with proper fixing of nut, bolts, hinges, welding and fixing of necessary door lock set of DG sets of any capacity with handle including double key complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 164 S & F in Renewalof Automatic voltage Regulator (AVR) suitable for DG Set of40 KVA to 125 KVAcapacity with and including taking out old AVR and making all connectiontesting for smooth operation complete all as specifiedand directed .Make : Tavr-20(k) , Stemford. 165 S & F in Renewalof Rotating diods suitable for DG set of Cap 40 KVA to 500 KVAwith and including taking out old diods and makingall connectiontesting for smooth operation complete all as specifiedand directed . 166 M & L for opening /taking out of turbo charger of DG Set of 40 KVA to 200 KVA capacity , disconnection of air supply connection pipe etc complete overhauling serviceing of turbo charger replacement ofturbocharger repair kit including calibration /testing of turbo charger system complete and re assembling the same fitted with DG set properly in original position checking the alignmentmaking proper all connectiontesting for smoothoperation complete all as directed. 167 S & Fin replacement of Exhaust Muffler of DG Set anytype any cap and all as specifiedand directed by Engr-in-charge. 168 S & Fin replacement of Expension bellowfor exhaustof DG Set anytype any cap and all as specifiedand directed by Engr-in-charge. 169 M & L for carrying out complete overhauling /servicing of DG Set panel /AMF Panel /control panelincluding checking andrewiringfaultyelectrical circuitusing 1.5 sq mmFRLS copper conductor making all concections , CTs, push button,digital volt meter,digital amp meterand replace LED indicatorand testingfor smooth operation of anycapand all as directed. 170 S & F of MCCB, 200 Amp, 4 Pole , 415 Volts, 25 KA breaking capacity, adjustable thermal and magnetic setting complete all as specified and directed. 171 Renewalof MCCB, 100 Amp,4 Pole , 415 Volts, 25 KA breaking capacity, fixed thermal and magnetic setting complete all as specified and directed. 172 Renewal of MCCB, 63 Amp,4 Pole , 415 Volts, 25 KA breaking capacity, fixed thermal and magnetic setting complete all as specified and directed. 173 S & FRenewal of on line change over switch 200 Amp, 4 pole, front operated complete all as specified and directed. 174 S & F Renewal ofon line change over switch 100 Amp, 4 pole, front operated complete all as specified and directed. 175 S & F Renewal of off loadchange over switch 63 Amp, 4 pole, side operated complete all as specified and directed. 176 S & FRenewal ofoff loadchange over switch 100Amp, 4 pole, side operated complete all as specified and directed. 177 S & F Renewal ofoff loadchange over switch 200 Amp, 4 pole, side operated complete all as specified and directed. 178 M&L Renewal ofearthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 60cm x 60 cm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground earth pit not less than 4.50 mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 3.75 mtr below ground level connected to galvanized earth strip 32 x 6 mm by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of GI or steel surrounded with adequate quality of charcoal dust mixed with salt on all side of earth plate including complete earthwork PCC 1:2:4 chamber and RCC 1:2:4 cover all as shown in electrical plate No 5 and all as specified and directed by EIC 179 S & F Renewalof asbestos rope of 19 mm dia around of the exhaust pipe of diesel engine any cap complete all as specified and directedby Engr-in-Charge. 180 M & L for Renewal by removaltaking outold burnt winding from exhaust fan and winding suitable size of copper wire of exhaust fan, ball bearing motor of any type and size and refixing the sameincluding dismantlingand all as specified and directed by Engr-in- charge. 181 Dismantling alternator assembly of the following capacities incl taking out of worn out windings of Rotor and stator incl rewinding the coils with suitable guage of copper wire, replacement of insulation materials, heat varnishing, replacacement of connecting leads and terminal plates all as required to make serviceable of the DG and including reassembling the same after necessary testing all as directed. The item rate includes shifting of altternatos from location to workshop and back to the installation complete all as directed Note : Copper wire shall be measured & paid separately under relevant item of the schedule. 182 M&L for copper winding for item No-87 above as per existing guage complete all as specified and directed 183 M&L and Renewal ofRadiator water pump assy 320 kvat to 500 kva capacity complete all as specified and directed 184 S & F fuel cap suitable lock & key type of 62 to 500 KVA DG sets all as specified. 185 S & FRenewal offuel shut down brass solionid valve make : cummines 186 S & F Renewal ofelectronic controller circuit board for engine governorr suitable for 400 kva DG Set 187 S & F Renewal offan with moter size 600mm sweep suitable for 62.5kva air coolded DG set. All as specified and directed by engineer in charge.Note :-1. The contractorwillattend any breakdown of stand by supply in any location whenever required, rectify the faultand restore the stand by supply with in two days after receipt of complaint.3.The costof transportation (to and from) for all kind of necessary eqpt /T&P shall be arranged /brought by contractor to complete the job at site and no extracostshall be paidto the contractorto this effect. 188 SCHEDULE OF CREDITOld u/s heating element of any size 189 Old u/s water tubing, 20/15 mm dia incl fittings 190 Old u/sgate valves cast copper alloy of size 20/15mm 191 Ols US thermostate of any type 192 Old US geyser pipe any type 193 Old US inner tank any size and type 194 Old US battery any type 195 Old US Mono Crystalline SPV Panel any type 196 Old unsv bearing/ bushes/ capacitor/ brass bracket assy any type any size 197 Old unsv capacitor 198 Old unsv copper scrap 199 Old u/s compressor unit any type any size 200 Old u/s fan/blower motor any type any size 201 Old u/s capacitor /relay/thermostate switch any type any size 202 Old u/s cooling unit any type any size 203 Old u/s condensing unit any type any size 204 Old u/s remote control kit any type 205 Old u/s strainer filter any type 206 Old u/s capallery tube any type 207 Old U/S RO Membrane of any type. 208 Old u/s spares obtained from repair of submersible pump set complete 209 Old u/s spares obtained from repair of centrifugal pump set complete 210 Old u/s copper wire obtained form winding of pump set any type any size 211 Old u/s starter any type any capacity 212 Old unsv earthing material 213 Old u/s GI coloum pipe 50/80mm dia any type 214 Old u/s submersible cable any type any size 215 Old U/S engine oil 216 Old U/S fuel gear pump,shaft fuel drive of any size and capacity 217 Old U/S Armature, solenoied sweitch, field coil of any size and capacity of selfstarter 218 Old U/S fuel feeding pump, shut down valve kit 219 Old u/s B Check kit 220 Old U/S radiator cap of any size 221 Old U/S v belt of any size & capacity 222 Old U/S fuel hose pipe flexible type of any size 223 Old U/S radiator hose pipe of any size 224 Old U/S battery of any size 225 Old U/S battery terminals 226 Old U/S 70 sqmm copper cable single core 227 Old U/S thermostate, RPM cable,water temp gauge, oil pressure gauge, oil temp meter, HCT Switch, LLOP Switch of any type 228 Old U/S battery charging set of any size 229 Old U/S AVR of any size 230 Old U/S MCCB of any size 231 old U/S fan with motor