Tender For Construction Of 30,000 Lit Capacity Oht And Epl At Velamapalayam Ad Colony H/O Velamapalayam ; 1 Construction of 30,000 lit CapacityOHT and EPLat Velamapalayam Ad colonyH/O Velamapalayam 2 Earthwork excavation and deposition on bank with an initial lead and lift in all classes of soil except hard rock not requiring blasting etc,. Complete as per standard specifications 3 First depth of 0 to 2 m 4 For SDR 5 Cementconcrete1:4:8 (one cement four sand and eight aggregates) using 40mm HBGS for levelling course for foundation including the cost of mixing concrete, ramming, curing etc., complete as directed by TWAD Board officers. 6 Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3 mix using 20mmISS metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for mixing, laying, and curing etc complete for 10 cum. 7 For items 1.5m to 4.5m below GL 8 For items 0 to 1.50m below GL 9 For items 0m to 4.5m above GL 10 For items 4.51 to 7.32m below GL 11 For items 7.32m to 10.98m above GL 12 Supplying and erecting centeringshuttering includingnecessary supportsforplane surface infoundationandbasementandinallfloorsforR C Ccolumn footing column plinth beam, beams, roof slabs, staircase steps, bed blocks, criticalpier etc using mild steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 guagestiffened, weldedwithmild steel angles ofsize25mmx25mmx3mmforboardinglaidoversilver oak(country wood) scantlings of size 10cm x 6.5cm spacedof about 90cm centretocentreand supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13cm dia spacedat 75cmcentretocentre complete complying with standardspecificationsandasdirectedbydepartmental officers including conveyance of all materials to site and proper centering etc complete. 13 For0.00 to 3.30 M (Plane Surface) 14 For 5.31 to 6.30m(Plane Surface) 15 For0.00 to 3.30 M (Curved Surface) 16 Square column0.00 to 3.30 M 17 Square column3.30 to 4.30 M 18 Square column4.30 to 5.30 M 19 Square column5.30 to 6.30 M 20 Square column6.30 to 7.30 M 21 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed plastic emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification. 22 Supplying and fabrication of steel including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for straightening, cutting to length, bending to shape and tying in position and forming grills for all R.C.C works 23 FabricatFabrication, supply, delivery and fixing of outside MS ladder of 45cm wide made out Fabrication, supply, delivery and fixing of outside MS ladder of 45cm wide made out of 50x50x6mm MS angle for sides and steps in 16mm MS plain rods fixed at 30cm centre to centre welded, jointed etc., providing with suitable side supports, clamps, and locking arrangements provided with one coat of red oxide paint for providing access to roof top of 30,000 lit. capacity OHT of suitable inclined length, including bottom anchorage and transportation and as directed by TWAD Board officers. 24 Providing and fixing of RCC inner access ladder in M30 (one cement, one and half sand and three aggregates) using 20mm HBG stone for OHT including cost of reinforcement, placing grill in position, centering shuttering charges, mixing concrete curing etc., to required height and clear width of 4Scm consisting of two Nos. of ve~ical post of 10cm x lScm and step slab of 2Smm x 25mm etc., complete and as directed by TWAD Board officers. Providing PVC ventilating arrangements mosquito proof nylon net with 1l0mm PVC pipes and cowl and as directed by TWAD Board officers. Providing cut stone slab in CM 1:3 and as directed by TWAD Board officers. 25 Providing cut stone slab in CM 1:3 and as directed by TWAD Board officers(.45x.45x.15) 26 Providing manhole cover of size 1x1 0.60 X 0.60M in RCC 1: 1.5:3 with suitable reinforcement and 5O x 5O x 6mm MS angle fixed along edges and as directed by TWAD Board officers. 27 Providing OHT pipe connection including cost of pipes and labour charges 28 65mm GI Pipe 29 65mm Falnge set 30 65mm Gate Valve 31 75mm PVC FTA 32 75mm PVC Pipe 33 50mm GI Pipe 34 50mm GI Elbow 35 50mm GI coupling 36 63mm PVC FTA 37 Provision for Name Board charges 38 Extension of Pipe Line 39 63mm 4 KSC pvc Pipe 40 Earth work excavation for Pipe line 41 Labour charges laying of PVC Pipe 42 Refilling the foundation with excavated earth including consolidation as directed by the TWAD Board officers. 43 Providing Fencing 44 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with in initial lead of 10 m and initial lift of 2m in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stony earth and earth mixed with small size boulders as per HGS SS. 20.B 45 Cut stone Piller of size 0.15X0.15X2.1mincluding cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc., complete 46 Cement concrete 1:3:6 mix using 40mm ISS metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for mixing, laying and curing etc., complete 47 Supply and fixing of Barbed wire fencing 12Kg, 2Ply including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc., complete 48 Supply and fixing of Chain link - 2 x 2 using 10 Gauge Galvanised Iron Wire fencing wire including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc., complete