
Services, Surveys, Survey Works, bhopal-Madhya Pradesh

Water Resources Department has published Services, Surveys, Survey Works. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-05-2013. Survey Works Tenders in bhopal Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Services, Surveys, Survey Works
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Name of Work The work of “Detailed Survey and Investigation for additional Command Area of 10000 ha by Extension from Left Bank Main Canal of “Barna Major Project ” of District- Raisen, Madhya Pradesh. The work includes “Detailed Survey and Investigation for additional Command Area of 10000 ha by Extension from Left Bank Main Canal of “BARNA MAJOR PROJECT ” of District- Raisen, Madhya Pradesh. This includes obtaining site permission from appropriate authority for Survey & Investigation, required data collection and necessary studies of Command Area. The proposed work includes survey and planning of alignment of canals with probable locations of Canal structures, including the planning of alignment of canals with probable locations of Canal structures, including approval of the same from the competent authority , including preparation of Land Acquisition Cases as per the approved pattern of Revenue Department and all the process of Land Acquisition upto passing of awards, excluding the payments of Land Acquisition. The proposed work also includes Complete planning ,design, preparation of D.P.R. and Design-Drawing, with Estimation of the Complete project Covering different components of canals for all structures including all hydraulic structures, road structures and Earth Work and C.C. Lining of all canals Main, Branch, Distributory canals , minor canals and sub minor canals, including all structures as per necessity, and as per norms and requirements, including Colabas for providing irrigation in the area down upto 40 Ha. chak of Irrigation etc complete., with completion of required work for constitution of Water Users Association as per M.P. Water Resources Department guide lines including preparation of village area statistics, chak statement and registers. The scope under the work also include the preparation and submission of final report of detail Survey & Investigation and Detailed Project Report and designs, drawings and estimates for Complete project Covering different components of canals for gravity flow and structures like all hydraulic structures, road structures and Earth Work and C.C. Lining of above Extension Branch canal & minor canals and sub minor canal, and structures as and where necessary, such as head regulators, VRBs, DRB’s and other crossings as per norms and requirements, cross drainage works, aqueducts, falls as required, outlets, cross regulators cum head regulators, Escapes, Nalla diversion if required and fixing of collaba for area down upto 40 Ha. chak of Irrigation etc Creating Additional 10000 Ha. as per the requirement of M.P. Water Resources Department and Central Water Commission New Delhi from the Competent Authority and approval of the same from the Competent Authority.

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 10000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 7.30 Lakhs /-
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