
Tender For Purchasing Machines, Equipment And Materials For Egg Edible Plantation/Insect Rearing/Seed Storage Year - 2024-25, 1. Eri Seed 2. Vermi-Compost For Eri Rearing Equipment 1. Rearing Platform 2. Plastic Rearing Tray 3. Shaded Net 4. Plastic, vaishali-Bihar

Handlooms Textiles And Handicrafts Department has published Tender For Purchasing Machines, Equipment And Materials For Egg Edible Plantation/Insect Rearing/Seed Storage Year - 2024-25, 1. Eri Seed 2. Vermi-Compost For Eri Rearing Equipment 1. Rearing Platform 2. Plastic Rearing Tray 3. Shaded Net 4. Plastic. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-09-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in vaishali Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Purchasing Machines, Equipment And Materials For Egg Edible Plantation/Insect Rearing/Seed Storage Year - 2024-25, 1. Eri Seed 2. Vermi-Compost For Eri Rearing Equipment 1. Rearing Platform 2. Plastic Rearing Tray 3. Shaded Net 4. Plastic
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Purchasing Machines, Equipment And Materials For Egg Edible Plantation/Insect Rearing/Seed Storage Year - 2024-25, 1. Eri Seed 2. Vermi-Compost For Eri Rearing Equipment 1. Rearing Platform 2. Plastic Rearing Tray 3. Shaded Net 4. Plastic Mountage 5. Leaf Preservation Chamber 6. Plastic Basket 7. Knapsack Sprayer 8. Bleaching Powder 9. Hook 10. G.I. Wire, 9. Hook 10. G.I. Wire For private ERIGraineur 1. ERI Grainage stand 2 Microscope with light arrangement. 3. Egg laying boxes/Nylon net/Kharikas 4. Bamboo cages (Coupling) 5. Wooden Mouth Testing Table 6. Wooden stools 7. Plastic drum 8. Plastic bucket 9. Plastic tub 10. Plastic tub 11.Plastic mug 12.Morter & Pestle 13. Measuring cylinder 14. Weighing balance - 15.Disinfection Mask 16.GI Wire 17. Wet & Dry Thermometer 18.Max.-Min Thermometer 19. Gator Sprayer 20.Formalin 21.KOH 22. Bleaching Powder 23.Bloting paper 24. Muslin Cloth 25.Scissors 26.Slides and cover Slip 27. Lime For ERI Disinfectants 5. 1. Asthra 2. Sanitech 3. Rakshak 4. Roger

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