
Bids Are Invited For Chemicals For Agricultural Labs Total Quantity : 960, HAZARIBAGH-Jharkhand

Department of Agricultural Research and Education has published Bids Are Invited For Chemicals For Agricultural Labs Total Quantity : 960. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-09-2024. Fixatives Tenders in HAZARIBAGH Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Chemicals For Agricultural Labs Total Quantity : 960
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For chemicals for agricultural labs , Chloroform , Sodium polytungstate , Sulphuric acid , orthophosphoric acid , Nitric acid , Potassium Sulphate , Potassium Dichromate , FerrousAmmoniumSulphate , Ferrion indicator , Hydrochloric acid , phenolpthalein , Potasium chloride , MagnesiumOxidepowder , DevardasAlloy , Sulphamic Acid , Methyl red indiactor , Sodium bicarbonate , Charcoal Activated , Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate , L Ascorbic acid , Selenium Metal Powde , Boric acid , Salicylic acid , 135Triphenyltetrazolium Formazan , Ethyl Alcohol , Potassium permanganate , Sodium Carbonate , methyl red , Bromocresol Green , Ammonium Acetate , Ammonium Metavanadate , Ammonium Molbdate , Ammonium Oxalate Monohydrate , Acid Fuchsin , Acetone , Anisaldehyde , Acetic Acid , AgaroseI Mbgrade , Anthrone reagent , Fuchsin Basic , Borax Decahydrate , Bromocresol G Indicator , Benzoic acid , Barium Hydroxide , Butylated Hydroxytoluene , Calcium chloride Fused , CTAB , Citric Acid , Calcium carbonate , capsules stails kit , Copperiii Sulphate , Chromium III oxide , Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate , Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide , Carboxymethyl Cellulose Sodium , Casein Techanical , Casein Vitamin free , Cellulose powdered , Choline chloride , Dimethyl Sulphoxide , Silica gel powder , Silica gel beads , Acetocarmine , Sucrose , Fehling solution A , Fehlings solution B , Methylene Blue Aqu staining Sol , Potassium Ferrocyanide Purified 99 , Potassium Iodate pure 99 , Acetic Acid for HPLC , Sodium Thiosulphate , Starch Hydrolysed for biochemistry , Starch Potato insoluble , STARCH SOLUBLE POTATO AR , Hydrochloric Acid 10N Aq Solution , Hydrochloric Acid 1N AqSolution , Meta Phosphoric Acid , 26Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt , 22Diphenyl 1 Picrylhydrazyl , Trolox 90 , Neocuproine , 2 4 6 tris2pyridyl s triazine , Tris Buffer , Tris Hydrochloride , Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous , Hexane , Sodium chloride , 235Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride , Ammonium Chloride , Diethyl Ether , Hydrogen peroxide solution 30 , Acetonitrile , Benzene pure , Ethyl Acetate pure , Formaldehyde 37 41 solution , Glycerol Anhydrous , Toluene pure , Perchloric acid 70 , Agarose MB grade , LMethionine extrapure , Paclobutrazol pure , Indole 3 Butyric Acid , Potassium Iodide , Potassium Ferrocyanide Purified , RNA Grade nuclease free water , Phenol ChloroformIsoamyl Alcohol , trypsin standard Trysin EDTA solution , N a Benzoyl DL Arginine 4 NHC , 35 Dinitrosalicylic Acid , a Amylase ex Malt , Methanol HPLC Spectroscopy , Folin Ciocalteus Phenol , Gallic Acid , Chlorogenic Acid , Sodium Nitrate , Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure , Kuromanin chloride , HESPERIDINE , Catechin Hydrate , Vanillin AR , Ammonium Ferric Sulphate , Sodium Bisulphite , Sodium Phosphate , Sodium Hydroxide , Phenolphthalein Indiactor sol , Silver Nitrate , Silver Thiosulphate , Lead II Acetate , Potassium Oxalate Monohydrate , 2Thiobarbituric Acid TBA , Epibrassinolide , Ammonium dihydrogen , ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE , Bovine Serum Albumin , Calcium chloride dihydrate , Calcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate , Calcium Oxide Powder pure , Carbinol , Chitosan Oligosaccharide , Dichloromethane , Ethylene Glycol , FEHEDTA N2Hydroxyethyl ethylenediaminetriacetic acid , Glycine Betaine , Isopropanol , Kinetin Solution , Magnesium Nitrate hexahydrate , Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate , Maganese II chloride tertrahydrate , Methanol Gradient Grade , Ninhydrin , Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride , Potassium Chloride , Potassium Hydroxide , potassium phosphate monobasic , Pyroxasulfone , sodium molybdate dihydrate , sulphanilamide , Tembotrione , Titanium dioxide , Zinc sulphate , Diluent for nuceleic acid extraction , 5Bromochloro3indolyl , Methanol MB grade , Tris saturated phenol PH 8 , 10 efficiency taq buffer , Pcr grade extrapure Mgcl , G9 taq DNA Polymerase 10 X buffer with Mgcl , Tris Buffer AR ACS for MB 999 , PCR master mix , Diethyl Pyrocarbonate DEPC , potassium nitrate , 1Naphthylphosphoric Acid Disodium Salt Hydrate , Fast Blue B Salt , Ammonium fluriode , pNitrophenylphosphate Disodium Salt Hexahydrate , Dithiothreitol , ANZA 5 BAMHI , IPTG dioxane free , Ethanol 99 AR Grade , Sodium hydroxide pellets , Rat Serum , Gibberellic Acid GA3 90 Total Quantity : 960

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