Bids Are Invited For REPAIR OF MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - Fan motor , Fan barring , Fan motor binding , Fan motor sapot brass , Exost fan 18 inch barring 6202 , Service charge , Capacitor , Fan Blade , Top , Overload , Compresser and Gas Refilling , Gas , Service Charge , Motor , Water Pump , Grass , Regulator , Pipe , wire , three pin top , water distributor , fan blade , motor leg , Service Labour Charge , Choras Tawa Coating , Jalebi Heater , Teflon Wire , Barring VCP 206 , CS Belt 5 by 25 , Tawa Reel Welding , Wheel Nut Vessel , Chair shocker , Chair plate , Chair base , Chair wheel , A161M50600 photo interrupter , A161M50501 photo interrupter , Labour charge , Compressor , Grill , Fridge Gas , Display Repair , Labour charges , Replace of Copper Binding , Coil , Fuel nozzle , NRV , Diaphragm , Battery , Charger , Charging Jack , Portal Wall , Compressor Carbon , Labour Charge , TYRE , BARRING , NUT BOLT , SERVICE CHARGE , Controller , Charging socket , Wire , Switch set , Excel , Bearing , Switch Set , Motor cover , Motor repair , Bearing warnis , GAS REFILL , CAPICATOR , RELAY OVER LOAD , Motor binding , Motor brake , Barring , Sapat sheet brass , Cover selive , Burner pipe 1.5 feet , Chapati bhatti regulator , Shaft nozel , Washing Machine Motor , Gear Box , Belt , Motor Pulley Total Quantity : 411