
Tender For Special Repair To Ug Node At Afssr Under Ge Af Gurgaon, gurgaon-Haryana

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repair To Ug Node At Afssr Under Ge Af Gurgaon. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-10-2024. Dismantling Work Tenders in gurgaon Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Special Repair To Ug Node At Afssr Under Ge Af Gurgaon
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Tender Details

Tender For Special Repair To Ug Node At Afssr Under Ge Af Gurgaon; 1 M&L forDismantling boarding, any description, fixed in any position with nails complete all as per specified and as directed. 2 M&L for demoltion of brickworkbuilt in cement mortar or cement lime mortar complete all as specified and as directed. 3 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises complete all as per specified and as directed. 4 Demolition of cementConcrete (unreinforced) in ground floors and pavings n exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) complete all as per specified and as directed. 5 Taking down complete removal of existing treatment, washing, rubbing down and stopping of distempred and painted surfaces on walls complete all as per specified and as directed. 6 Taking down Cement Plaster upto four storey including raking out Joints, hacking for Key, scrubbing down with Water and removing Debris, etc. to Outside MD/AF Land, complete all as per specified and as directed. 7 Dismantling damaged/unserviceable GI Snap Grid Ceiling Frame Work with Ceiling Boards of any description, complete all as per specified and as directed. 8 S&F GI Powder coated GI Snap Grid Frame Work of size 605x605mm as in False Ceiling with supported hanging of Mild Steel Rod ofJ Bolt, complete all as per specified and as directed. 9 S & F in repairs4 mm thick designer Fibre cement board ( E-board) Tile of size 595x595 mm of approved texture, blossom, fixture and primerfinished complete all as per specified and as directed. 10 M&L for Breaking the termite mounds, making holes with crow bars and pouring antitermite chemical emulsion at the rate of 4 litres per cubic metre of moundcomplete all as per specified and as directed. 11 S&F in repair Solid PVC Wall Lining consisting of 5mm thick Plain colour PVC sheet inclusive of solvent cement and fixing at site on PVC frame complete all as per specified and as directed. 12 S&F 5mm thick PVC sheet fillet of width 35mm for wall panelling inclusive of fixing on to wall to make PVC frame complete all as per specified and as directed. 13 M&L for Cement concrete (type B-0 1:2:4) of 25mm thickness in sub-floors, sub-bases, floors and pavings etc. complete all as per specified and as directed. 14 M&L for Screed bed or bedding layer of mortar of cement plaster (1:6) 15 mm thick for laying floor finishes complete all as per specified and as directed. 15 M&L for Non - skid colored Ceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectangular) area of eachtile exceeding 0.06 sqm but not exceeding 0.11 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match complete all as per specified and as directed. 16 S&F of Vitrified Ceramic tiles any shade 10 mm thick (square/ rectangular) polished, area of each tiles not exceeding 0.36 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match complete all as per specified and as directed. 17 M&L for Glazed ceramic colored tiles in vertical surface 450x350x7mm thick set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or colour cement to matchover 10mm screed bed of mortar of cement plaster (1:4) complete all as per specified and as directed. 18 M&L for Cutting grooves in brick wall, 50mm wide and 65mm deep and shaping horizontal face of groove with cement mortar 1:3 complete all as per specified and as directed. 19 M&L for Cement concrete (type C2 1:3:6) of 50mm thickness in sub-floors, sub-bases, floors and pavings or as in plinth protections etc. complete all as per specified and as directed. 20 M&L for Brickwork with subclass ‘B’ bricks in cement mortar 1:4, straight or curved on plan exc 6m meanradius built in complete all as per specified and as directed. 21 M&L for 15mm thick Rendering on fair faces of brick work or concrete sureces in Cement Moratar 1:6 finished surface even and smooth without using extra cement.Note the area includs in this up to 4th stories building complete all as per specified and as directed. 22 M&L for rendering 15mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 on fair faces of brick masonry or concrete surfaces of walls, chajja, fins facia etc upto 3 story height mixed with water proofing compound (ISI marked) @ 1% by weight of cement or as per manufacturer’s instructions, finished even & smooth without using extra cement complete all as per specified and as directed. Note: 1.Supply only water proofing compound shall be measured and paid for separately. 2. Cost of scafolding upto 3 storied height of building for rendering is included in this item. 23 Supply only integral water proofing compound complete all as per specified and as directed. 24 M&L for rendering 5 mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 on concrete surfaces in ceiling, finished even & smooth without using extra cement complete all as per specified and as directed. 25 M&L for preparation of new plastered surfaces of walls and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over 1mm thickwall care putty complete all as per specified and as directed. 26 M&L for preparing new plastered surfaces of ceilings and applying three coat of white wash complete all as per specified and as directed. 27 M&L forold/new plastered surfaces of wall upto four storey by brooming down or steel wire brushing and scraping down and repair with white putty wherever required and applying two coat of acrylic weather coat exterior paint with aprroved tint over a coat of primer (as per manufacturers instruction), complete all as per specified and as directed. 28 M&L for preparing old plastered surfaces of ceilings and applying two coat of white wash complete all as per specified and as directed. 29 M&L for preparing old Distempered surfaces of Wall applying Two Coats of Distemper Oil Emulsion (as approved), complete all as per specified and as directed. 30 S&F factory made PVC shutter in required size at shape made out of 18mm thick PVC Celuka ply one side decorative lamination and other side coloured as approved by Engr-in-charge complete including required frame work. The panels shall be fabricated using adhesive, screws and solvent cement etc where ever required all the edges shall be covered with 2 mm thick edge bonding tape or 90 degree edge bent including taking off old shutters/ board complete all as per specified and as directed. 31 S&F Stainless Steel Silver chrome DoorHandle 100mm long, suitable for fixing of Brass screws inside of the board etc, complete all as per specified and as directed. 32 S&FStainless steel frog hinges suitable for kitchen cupboards 22 mm PVC Celuka Board etc for smooth movement, complete all as per specified and as directed. 33 Taking down Chowkhats or frames n. exc 1.5 sq. m but with shutters (without taking off shutters from the frame) and complete all as per specified and as directed. 34 Taking down Shutters of any description of size exceeding 1 sqm and not exceeding 2 sqm each complete all as per specified and as directed. 35 S&F Solid PVC Door Frame of size 50mm x 47mm made out of 5mm plain colour PVC printed sheet & edges will be painted to match with printed sheet ,reinforced with M.S. Square tube,in opening as per specification & drawing complete all as per specified and as directed. 36 S&F Factory made solid panel pvc doorshutter 30 mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall be covered with heat moulded plain colour PVC ‘C’ channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and Plain colour PVC sheet & 5mm thick x15mm wide PVC sheet beading used inside stiles and rails and decorative PVC beading of 10mm x 10mm (900) used instead of exposed portion of PVC sheet beading in the frame at site as per specification & drawing complete all as per specified and as directed. 37 S&F pressed steel frames 1.25mm thick for door size of frame105 X 60mm with single rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate and filling of chowkats with PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregates) and for filling of hold fast and tarring to inner surface (surface in contact with concrete/brick surface) of chowkats and hinges and two coats of synthetic enamel paint to outer surface with red oxide primer after prepration of surfacescomplete all as per specified and as directed. 38 S&F 35mm thick flush shutter solid core construction with block board core and ply wood face panels, commercial type on both sides complete all as per specified and as directed. 39 S&F 75 mm SS Butt hinges, Medium weight, cold rolled mild steel, and fixed complete all as per specified and as directed. 40 S&F 150 mm Aluminium handles, cast type, anodised complete all as per specified and as directed. 41 S&F 300 mm Aluminium alloy, anodised, sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast-aluminium alloy and fixed complete all as per specified and as directed. 42 S&F 150 mm Aluminium anodised, barrel tower bolts of extruded section and fixed complete all as per specified and as directed. 43 S&F in repairsSteel Window Box type using ERW ‘P’ Section comprising Double Frame for Gauged and Glazed Skeleton Shutter jointed internally with Flat Iron 40x3mm complete including Mild Steel Tower Bolts, Hinges, Handle, Stops, Lugs including GI Steel Wire Cloth, Glazing, etc. all as directed. Outer Section of Frame should be 50x25mm and Inner Section should be 40x20mm, includes taking down of the existing steel window complete all as per specified and as directed.NOTE :- (a)For the purpose of Measurement & Payment Double Shutter with Frame shall be considered as One Unit. (b)Cost of Iron Mongery as ordered/required at Site, GI Steel Wire Cloth will deem to be included in the Quoted Unit Rate. (c)Guard Bars are included in the Quoted Unit Rate. Spacing of 10mm Square Bar will be 10 Cm Centre to Centre. (d)Glazing shall be Measured and Paid separately under appropriate Item. 44 Hacking out old glass of any thicknes size or description from wooden or steel frame glazed with oil putty or fixed with wooden beads complete all as per specified and as directed. 45 S&F 4mm thickSheet glass, ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in square exc 0.5 sq. m in each pane of steel windows complete all as per specified and as directed. 46 S&F window/ventilator section of frame72x55 mmfixed to wall or concrete surface with rawl plugsmade, of galvanized steel powder coated and section of shutter 47x20 mm, mulion section 72x50 mm (Base steel as per IS 513 D quality galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 gms/sqm) glazed or gauged and wire gauge shutter prepare to receive wire mesh to the shutter (Double door shutter) with total coated thickness of 0.6 mm including grills/guard bars made of square bars powder coated fixed to windows frame with screws at 150mm c/c both ways, 4 to 5 mm thick plain/figured sheet glass , 0.36mm stainless steel wire cloth with 1.40mm aperture necessory fittings and all builders hardware such as handles, tower bolts & stays etc. complete all as per specified and as directed. 47 M&L for Painting steeel and iron Surfaces of any description , over 10cm in width or girth, not otherwise described and preparing of new or previously untreated surfaces ,priming with red oxide ,zinc chrome and using synthetic enamel (two coat) yellow in color, complete all as per specified and as directed. 48 Taking up or down steel tubing of bore dia 15mm and connections, including cleaning for refixing or removal to store complete all as per specified and as directed. 49 Taking up or down steel tubing of bore dia 20mm and connections, including cleaning for refixing or removal to store complete all as per specified and as directed. 50 S&F 15mm dia Tubes, medium grade galvanised, with all fitting and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in floors and complete all as per specified and as directed. 51 S&F 20mm dia Tubes, medium grade galvanised, with all fitting and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in floors and complete all as per specified and as directed. 52 S&F in repairs ofBrass CP mixer of bore dia of pipe 15mm for mixing hot & cold water screwed down for iron pipe and fixed complete all as per specified and as directed. 53 S&F in repairs Vitreous China urinals, bowl type or stall type, complete including providing and fixing plugs, bedding urinal against wall in cement mortar 1:2, securing urinal to plugs with and including 60mm long brass screws, pointing around urinal back in cement; grating and Union for discharge pipe and including fixing of urinal spreader with 15mm dia pipe and waste coupling suitable for given urinal and complete all as per specified and as directed. 54 S&F in repairs vitreous China squatting pan,‘Orissa’ pattern, size 580 x 440 mm white, with integral foot rests (excluding flushing cistern and flush pipe ) including fixing of cast iron traps P or S of bore of pipe 100mm and connection to trap, and to flushing pipe, anti-syphonage pipe, etc. complete including making good to floor including trap set in and including con crete and including Flush pipe of polyethylene of low or high density or PVC. 32 mm dia, for low level cistern complete all as per specified and as directed. 55 S&F in Repair white vitreous china Wash down water closet EWC type ( Pedestal pattern) white ,incl Pedestal pan and trap, connection to drain ( or outgoing pipe) and to flushing pipe , anti -syphonage pipe, etc., complete all as per specified and as directed. 56 S&F ofCP health faucet suitable for EWC complete all as per specified and as directed. 57 S&F 10 Ltrs PVC valveless, syphonic action type, flushing cistern, low level, white, with inlet, ball valve, float and handle including brackets and connections to pipes and fixing of chain and pull, or lever, if anyin repairs complete all as per specified and as directed. 58 S&F Vitreous china wash basin, white, flat back, size 550 X 400 mm including fixing with brackets exclusive of fixing of supply and waste pipe and 32 mm chromium plate waste fitting with long screwed shanks and fly-nuts complete all as per specified and as directed. 59 S&F PVC connections 15 mm size with PTMT nuts of length 600 mm in repairscomplete all as per specified and as directed. 60 S&F in repairs fancy typePillar taps, cast copper alloy, with capstan heads, chromium plated, screwed down high pressure, with or without lettered Hot or Cold with long screwed shanks and fly-nuts, screwed for iron pipe of bore dia 15mm complete all as per specified and as directed. 61 S&F in repairs fancy typeBib taps, cast copper alloy with crutch orbutterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed in repairs complete all as per specified and as directed. 62 S&Fin repairs 15mm dia Stop valves, cast copper alloy, screweddown, highpressure, withcrutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends foriron pipe orfor unions and fixed in repairs complete all as per specified and as directed. 63 S&F CP grating 100mm dia complete all as per specified and as directed. 64 S&F 600 mm X 450 mm bevelled edge mirror of selected quality glass, mounted on 6 mm thick AC building board or commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with chromium plated brass screw and cup washers complete all as per specified and as directed. 65 S&FSheet glass shelf assembly consisting of 5.5mm thick sheet glass shelf 12cm wide with chromium plated bracket guard and railing 60cm longcomplete all as per specified and as directed. 66 M&L forRendering 20mm thick on concrete surfaces of cement plaster(1:4) as on roof surface complete all as per specified and as directed. 67 M&L for applying evenly 3 coat of elastomeric liquid applied membrane of Home Shield PU roofcoat of Berger or equalvent by cleaning with wire brush and washing complete as approved by Engrineer-In-Charge as in Roof portion where leakage and seepage are noticed complete all as per specified and as directed by approved applicater. Note :- Authorised applicater is approved by GE. 68 Desilting/ Taking out brick bats, pebbles, silts, muds, clay etc. from bottom of drains including cleaning grasses, vegetations, etc. depth upto 3.00 metre including removing excavated materials from the sides of drain including removing RCC drain cover and refixing after cleaning of drain and removing debris to outside MD/AF land where directed , complete all as specified and as directed. 69 Excavation in trenches n.exc 1.50 m wide and n.exc 1.50 m in depth for foundation or shafts,wells,cesspits,manholes,pier holes,cable laying,sewage/water lines etc complete and getting outin soft/loose soil complete all as specified and as directed. 70 Dismantling of cast iron or reinforced concrete drain pipesof dia 100mm or above, jointed in cement mortarandtakingout of trenches, if required complete all as specified and as directed. 71 M&L for Reinforced concrete pipes of dia 300mm,class NP3, laid and jointed with collars complete all as specified and as directed. 72 M&L for cement Concrete 1:3:6 type C-2 bed to drain pipes including packing under, and haunching againstthe sides of pipes after they are laid and tested; complete all as specified and as directed. 73 Returning filling in including spreading leveling watering and well ramming in layer not exc 25cm thick complete all as specified and as directed. 74 Removal of surplus soil to a distance n.exc 50 mtr and depositing where directed at a level n.exc 1.50 mtr above the starting point complete all as specified and as directed. 75 M&L for Cement concrete (type D2 1:4:8) of 75mm thickness in sub-floors, sub-bases, floors and pavings etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 76 M&Lfor Sand filling under floors or in foundations including watering and consolidation complete all as specified and as directed. 77 M&L for Machine pressed precast concrete interlocking paver block any shape and size with grey cement and no pigments confirming to IS 15658-2006 of 80 mm thickness M-40 Grade complete all as specified and as directed. 78 Taking down carefully copper/aluminium point wiring light ,fan, socket or power complete,such as switches, ceiling roses,pendents, regulators, sockets etc.removing materials to store for keeping in safe costudy or for taking credit (credit for above items should be made as per conditioned separately) and making good disturbed surface of walls, floors etc.complete all as specified and as directed. 79 Taking down old unserviceable main switch/DBs/mcb DBs with MCB including making good the disturbed surface complete all as specified and as directed. 80 M&L for point wiring with two runs of FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed, 1100 V grade cable multi stranded copper conductor of size 1.5 sqmm drawn through in and includingPVC conduit size of not less than 20mm concecled in wall / surface including provn of pressed steel terminal box of suitable size with 3mm thick plastic laminated sheet cover for mounting switch, socket and regulator along with earth wire of PVC insulated, unseathed,1100 V grade cable multi stranded copper conductor of size 1.5 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed for the following:- 81 (a) One light point controlled by one switch one way. 82 (b) One celling/exhaust fan point controlled by one switch one way. 83 (c) One socket out let 5 Amps 5 pin on independent board. 84 (d) One socket outlet 5 Amps 5 Pin on same board with other switches. 85 (e)One bell/buzzer point controlled by one bell push on independent board. 86 All as per item No 80 here in before but with cable size 2.5 Sq mm for one 3/5 pin 15 Amps socket out let on independent board and multistrand insulated copper earth continuity conductor of size 2.5 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed. 87 All as per item No 80 here in before but with cable size 4 Sq mm for one 3/5 pin 15 Amps socket out let on independent board and multistrand insulated copper earth continuity conductor of size 4 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed. 88 S&F in replacement of switch piano, flush type, 5 amps, single pole, one way complete all as specified and as directed. 89 S&F in replacement of socket outlet 2in1, 3 pin 5 Amps flush type complete all as specified and as directed. 90 S&F in replacement ofsocket outlet 2in1, 6 pin 15/5 Amps flush type complete all as specified and as directed. 91 S&F in replacement of switch piano, flush type, 15 amps, single pole, one way complete all as specified and as directed. 92 S&F in replacement of ceiling rose surface bakelite two to three terminals complete all as specified and as directed. 93 S&F in replacement ofbell push , 5 amps, single pole, one way complete all as specified and as directed. 94 S&Fin replacement of ceiling fan regulator steppedelectronic type 300 watt ratingcomplete all as specified and as directed. 95 S&F inreplacement of sheet metal enclosure with socket plug top and MCB single pole and neutralwith two pin and earth plug with one SP MCB 20 Amp 240 volt complete all as specified and as directed. 96 S&F in replacement of enviroment friendly indoor decorative 16 Watt LED polycarbonate Batten with opal diffuser including all accessaries all as specified and directed. Make:- Crompton/Bajaj/Wipro 97 S&F in replacement enviroment friendly recess type LED flat panel 2x2 fabricated CRCA sheet steel housing cool white with high efficient LEDs & glare free opal diffuser (35/36 W) PF>0.95 driver life >25000 Hours, operating range 140v to 280 V includingall accessaries all as specified and as directed. Wipro/Crompton/Bajaj 98 Taking down ceiling fans of any make and any size from site, cleaning its dust properly, oiling and hanging the same back to its original position including connectiing the wire to ceiling rose etccomplete all as specified and as directed. 99 Supply and fixing LED building light fitting 35 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminum hosing and heat resistant complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistant including thermal management in multiple optics complete with IP 65/66 protection complete all as specified and as directed. 100 Supply and fixing street light brackets made out of GI tubing light grade, 40 mm bore 1200 mm long bent to sahpe at 120 degree, fixed on pole by providing MS clamp made up to flat iron 50 x 6 mm including nuts and washer of suitable size, fixed in repairs complete all as specified and as directed. 101 S&F in replaceent of MCCB DB sheet enclosure load line Vertical Triplepole and neutral 415V with 200 Amp suitable SI-ze plate and common neutral link all enclosed in standard steel sheet flush mounting type factory fabricatedAcrylic double door complete confirming to IP 43with enclosure blank plates for unusedway suitable for 8 way complete all as specified and directed : 102 S & F MCCB 160 Amps capacity, 4 pole, 36 KA, fixed thermal and magnetic release complete with extended terminals to be fixed in 8 way TPN DB complete all as specified and as directed. 103 S&F in repair ofMCB single pole 6 to 32 Amps 240 V, C-curve, AC, 10KA, complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 104 S&F in repair ofMCB single pole and neutral40/63 Amps 240 V, AC, C-curve, 10KA, complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 11-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 18-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 97000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48.50 Lakhs /-
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