
Tender For Repairs To Chloronome Plants/Ro Plants At Various Location Under Ge (Af) Marathahalli Bangalore., marathahalli-Karnataka

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repairs To Chloronome Plants/Ro Plants At Various Location Under Ge (Af) Marathahalli Bangalore.. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-10-2024. Gear Product Tenders in marathahalli Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Repairs To Chloronome Plants/Ro Plants At Various Location Under Ge (Af) Marathahalli Bangalore.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repairs To Chloronome Plants/Ro Plants At Various Location Under Ge (Af) Marathahalli Bangalore.; 1 Servicing of water treatment plant (RO) filtersby checking all parts, cleaning and backwashing of filter media of all units/membrane, arressting of leakages and checking quality of water and keeping the plant in serviceable condition to provide the acceptable quality standrad parameters as required all as specified by manufactures and directed.NOTE :-(a) Servicing shall be carried out through authorised service personal/agency and necessary certificate to be submitted as proof of having carried out the services.(b)Carry out water analysis test regarding chemicals &biological test report from Karnatka Govt. agencies as directed and test report shall be submitted.(c) Un serviceable spares which are required to be replaced shall be carried out and paid separetly under relevant items.Make-Sathya Sai Aqua Pura Services (ASTE), M/S AQUIONICS ( SDI & IAM) 2 Taking downunserviceableROmembranefrom position, material and labour for fixing the new ROmembrane 40X40 in its position checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 3 Taking downunserviceableROmembrane Housingfrom position, material and labour for fixing the new ROmembrane Housing 40X40Single in its position checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 4 Taking downunserviceableROmembrane Housingfrom position, material and labour for fixing the new ROmembrane Housing 40X40double in its position checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 5 Taking downunserviceableROmembranefrom position, material and labour for fixing the new ROmembrane 80X40 in its position checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 6 Taking downunserviceableROmembrane housing from position, material and labour for fixing the new ROmembrane housing 80X40 in its position checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 7 Taking downunserviceable RODosing Pumpfrom position, material and labour with all fittings & fixtures, electrical connections for fixing the newDosing Pump checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- Edose 8 Taking downunserviceable RO UV Lamp from position, material and labour for fixing the newUV Lamp checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- Alpha 9 Taking downunserviceable RO Water Softner Vesselfrom position, material and labour, fixing the newWater Softner Vessel, checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 10 Taking downunserviceableRO Multi-Port Valve from position, material and labour, fixing the newMulti-Port Valve, checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 11 Taking downunserviceable Carbon sand from position, material and labour, fixing the newCarbon sand checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 12 Taking downunserviceablesalt softner from position, material and labour, fixing the new salt softner checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- ION Exchange/ AQUOINICS/ LEXPURE 13 Taking downunserviceable flow gaugefrom position, material and labour, fixing the new flow gauge checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH. 14 Taking downunserviceable pressure gauge from position, material and labour, fixing the new pressure gauge checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- Asta Rota Meter 15 Taking downunserviceable electonic float switchfrom position, material and labour, fixing the new electonic float switch checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH.Make- IONIX 16 Taking downunserviceabl low pressure/ High pressure switch from position, material and labour, fixing the newlow pressure/ High pressure switch checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity of 750/1000 LPH .Make-Fdit electric 17 Taking downunserviceable ROSpun from position, material and labour for fixing the new RO big Spun in its position checking for leakages, testing for ROFilter. 18 Supply and add PH correction liquid 5 ltrs to maintain correctionto maintain the plant. 19 Supply and add Anti scale liquid 5 ltrs to maintain correctionto maintain the plalnt.Make- Scale check 20 Taking down old u/s RO/ Chlorine Dosing supply hose pipesupply and fix new RO/Chlorine Dosing supply hoses with required fittings and fixtures all as specified and directed.Make- Aqua 21 Material and labour for Disconnecting themultistage pump 1 HP from position, strip opening the motor, taking out the burnt copper winding wire from slots, cleaning the slots, rewinding with super enamelled copper winding wire of existing gauge and weight including replacement of all insulation materialand other petty items required for making motor functional and checking the winding leak proof, refixing the pump set with proper alignment , connectingup the electric connections testing & commissioning complete.Note:-Rate deemed to be inclusive of replacement of worn out sleeves & bearings. 22 Material and labour for Disconnecting the Raw water pump 1 HP from position, strip opening the motor, taking out the burnt copper winding wire from slots, cleaning the slots, rewinding with super enamelled copper winding wire of existing gauge and weight including replacement of all insulation materialand other petty items required for making motor functional and checking the winding leak proof, refixing the pump set with proper alignment , connectingup the electric connections testing & commissioning complete.Note:-Rate deemed to be inclusive of replacement of worn out sleeves & bearings. 23 Taking downunserviceableDomestic RO membranefrom position, material and labour for fixing the new ROmembrane 25 LPH in its position checking for leakages, testing for RO plant capacity.Make- HJC / KENT/ AQUAGUARD 24 Taking downunserviceable RO In Line Filtersfrom position, material and labour for fixing the new ROIn Line Filtersin its position checking for leakages, testing for RO Filter capacity. Make- LEXPURE/ KENT/ AQUAGUARD 25 Taking downunserviceable RO Spun from position, material and labour for fixing the new ROSpun 25 lphin its position checking for leakages, testing for ROFilter 26 Taking downunserviceable ROmotor from position, material and labour for fixing the new motor 25 LPHin its position checking for leakages, testing for RO .Make- LEXPURE/ KENT/ AQUAGUARD 27 Taking downunserviceable RO UV lamp from position, material and labour for fixing the new UV lamp 25 LPHin its position checking for leakages, testing for ROFilter.Make- LEXPURE/ KENT/ AQUAGUARD 28 Taking downunserviceable ROCTO Filter from position, material and labour for fixing the newCTO Filter in its position checking for leakages, testing for RO.Make- LEXPURE/ KENT/ AQUAGUARD 29 Servicing of Chlorine dozer, typeautomatic chlorinefeed chlorinator ofchemical grade mounted on panel board size 4ft x 2ft consist of flow meter, pvc primary filter safety gauge, teflon pipe 5 RM,with glass NRV ,water chlorine mixing with Heavy duty0.50 HP,Heavy duty gear mptor 90 W 1400 RPM only for mixing the solution ,PVC dosing head assembly with suction and delivery adopter with NRV set with glass ball for suction and delivery ,chemical oil seal with Cap ,Dosing agiator gear box ,heavy duty SS agitating road to suit gear motor ,plunger assembly with PVC dosing headall items must me serviccedcomplete all specified and asdirected by Engineer in Charge,Note:Minor items like ,NRV,adopter,Oil seal,PPR pipe upto 6 mtr must me changed and itis inclusive part of thequoted rate . Make ;- Sathya Sai ® / Sathya Sai Aqua Pura Services 30 Servicing of control panel of aroh plant ,made of powder coated ,MS fabricated box consisting of LED indicator ,digital voltmeter,amp meter,single phase preventor ,high voltage ,low voltage ,protectionplus buzzerwill on when single phase or high voltage /low voltage complete all as specified and as directed. Note : All comntrol wiring ,indicationsand MCB SPN,SP, display unit need to bechanged inclusive part of above quoted rate .

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-10-2024 BOQ CORRIGENDUM BOQ 14-10-2024
2 14-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 21-10-2024
3 21-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 26-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 20000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-
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