
Tender For Csc Near St. Nicolas Curch Todey, gorubathan-West Bengal

Gorkhaland Territorial Administration has published Tender For Csc Near St. Nicolas Curch Todey. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-10-2024. Septic Tank Tenders in gorubathan West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Csc Near St. Nicolas Curch Todey
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Tender For Csc Near St. Nicolas Curch Todey; 1 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sandstone) including removing,spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75m.as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches, levelling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete. Depth of excavation not exceeding 1500 mm 2 Earthwork in filling in foundation trenches with goodearth in layers not exceeding 15cm. includingwatering and ramming layer by layer complete withearth obtained from excavation of foundation orfrom fresh excavation of land arranged byDepartment within a lead of 150 m. 3 Single brick flat soling picked jhama bricks including ramming and dressing bed to proper level and filling joints with powdered earth or local sand. 4 Cement concrete with 30mm down graded shingles excluding shuttering 1:3:6 proportion 5 Ordinary cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement, if any in ground floor as per relevent IS codes. (a) River bajree 6 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution of bar, stirups,binders etc. initial straightening and removing of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection complete as per drawing and direction.(a) For works in foundation, basement and upto roof of ground floor/ upto 4m 7 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary stagingupto 4 m using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approvedthickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams and columns,lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (upto roof of ground floor)25 mm to 30 mm shuttering without staging in foundation 8 125mm thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement morter (4:1) in groundfloor. 9 Flash pointing to brick work in cement mortar (1:4) including raking out joints. 10 Plaster (to wall,floor ,ceiling etc. with sand and cement mortar, including rounding off corners or chamfering corners as directed and taking out joints or roughening of concrete surface. ii) with (4:1) cement morter b) 20 mm Thk. Plaster 11 ii) with (4:1) cement morter a) 15 mm Thk. Plaster 12 ii) with (4:1) cement morter a) 15 mm Thk. Plaster 13 Artificial stone in floor, dado, staircase etc. with cement concrete(4:2:1) with stone chips laid in panels as directed, with topping made with ordinary or white cement (as necessary) and marble dust in proportion (2:1) including smooth finishing and rounding off corners and including application of cement slurry before flooring works using cement @1.75kg/sq.m all complete including all materials and labour. In ground floor. (ii) 25mm thk . In ground Floor3mm thk topping(High polishing grinding on this item is not permitted with ordinary cement. Using grey cement. (25mm thk) 14 Dressed wood work in post plate btterns etc. fitted and fixed complete Sal Local Doors 15 M.S. clamps for fitting doors & windows framesmade of flatbent bar, end bifurcated, fixedin cement concrete with stone chips (4:2:1) fitted & fixed complete as per direction.b) 40mmx6mm above 250 mm upto 350 mm length 16 Panel shutter of door and window as per design including fiittings & fixing the same in position but excluding the cost of hinges and other fittings. 17 Openable steel windows as per IS size with side hung shutter and horizontal glazing bars. 18 Supplying best Indian sheet panes set in putty and fitted and fixed with nails and putty complete. 19 Anodised aluminium butt hinge of approved manufactured from extruded section conforming to IS 205/66 fitted and fixed with cadmium plated screw. 20 Anodised aluminium D type handle of approved manufacture from extruded section conforming to IS 230/72 fitted and fixed complete. 21 Applying decorative cement based paint of approved quality after preparing the surface including scraping the same throughly (plastered or concrete surface) as per manufacturers specification. In ground floor. 22 Painting with any shade with ready mixed oil bound paint or super gloss synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand except red lead paint, aluminium paint and black japan) including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. 23 steel or other metal surface 24 Wash basin vitreous china of approved make (without fittings)supplied,fitted and fixed in position on 75mm X 75 mm X 75 mm wood blocks and C.I. brackets including two coats of painting of C.I. brackets. 25 Supplying, fitting and fixing Shallow water closet Indian pattern (I.P.W.C.) of approved make in white vitreous chinaware in position (excluding cost of concrete for fixing). 26 Supplying, fitting and fixing Flat back urinal (half stall urinal) in white vitreous chinaware of approved make in position with brass screws on 75 mm X 75 mm X 75 mm wooden blocks complete. 27 Supplying fitting fixing self closing C.P. water tap of approve make and brand. 28 Construction of septic tank of different capacities as per approved drawing with 1st class brickwork in cement mortar (1:4) including two 560 mm dia. R.C.C. manhole cover(heavy type)ofapproved make supplied, fitted and fixed in the 100mm thick R.C.C (1:1.5:3) top slab withnecessary fittings, 20mm thick cement plaster (4 : 1) with neat cement finish to the internalsurfaces and 15 mm thick cement plaster (4 : 1) to outside wall upto 200 mm below G.L floorfinished with 25 mm thick grey artificial stone over 100 mm thick R.C.C(1:1.5:3) bottom slabincluding supplying, fitting and fixing all necessry specials, fittings, S.W. tees, C.I. foot rest etc.including excavation earth in all sorts of soil, shoring, bailing out and pumping out water asnecessary, ramming, dressing the bed and fefilling the sides of the tanks with earth, removingspoils, filling up the chamber with clear water, removing foreign materials from the chamberand including constructing attached inspection pit as per approved drawing and connecting allnecessary pipes, joints etc. with internal plaster work and artificial stone flooring is to be donewith admixture of water proofing compound @ 0.5% by weight of cement with all costs oflabour and materials.(i) For 10 users 29 Construction of soak gallery (600 mm X 450 mm) with two layers of jhama metal/Brickbats (38 mm to 50 mm size) 150mm thick and 3 layers of dry brick flats in between thelayers of jhama metal leaving an opening of 100mm X 150 mm in section along the G.L.as per sketch including cutting trenches in required grade,back filling and compactingto its original G.L. etc. complete including costs of labour and materials.(This item is suitable for moorum and 30 Cast Iron fittings for soil pipe line conforming to I.S. 1729/1970 includingjointing and fitting and fixing in position and painting two coats to theexposed surface complete including cost of all materials &labour.(Payment of paiting will be paid seperatly.) 31 Supplying fitting fixing CPVC pipe of approved make conforming IS 15778 2007 with all necessary accessories special viz socket bend tee union cross elbow nipple longscrew reducing socket reducing tee short piece etc. 32 Supplying P.V.C. water storage tank of approved quality with closed topwith lid (Black) - Multilayer (a) 500 litre capacity 33 GST 18% of the building cost 34 Labour cess 1% of the building cost

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 750 /-
INR 6000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3 Lakhs /-
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