
Tender For Municipal Councils Various Vehicles Maintenance And Various Vehicle Related Works For Annual Year 2024-2025 - 1 Repairing Fire Engine With Material And Labour 2 Fitting Of New Joint Cross 3 Installation Of New Garden Shop 4 Fitting The New Cros, Dhule-Maharashtra

Directorate Of Municipal Administration has published Tender For Municipal Councils Various Vehicles Maintenance And Various Vehicle Related Works For Annual Year 2024-2025 - 1 Repairing Fire Engine With Material And Labour 2 Fitting Of New Joint Cross 3 Installation Of New Garden Shop 4 Fitting The New Cros. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-10-2024. Vehicle Maintenance Service Tenders in Dhule Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Municipal Councils Various Vehicles Maintenance And Various Vehicle Related Works For Annual Year 2024-2025 - 1 Repairing Fire Engine With Material And Labour 2 Fitting Of New Joint Cross 3 Installation Of New Garden Shop 4 Fitting The New Cros
Open Tender

Tender Details

Municipal councils various vehicles maintenance and various vehicle related works For annual year 2024-2025 - 1 Repairing fire engine with material and labour2 Fitting of new joint cross3 Installation of new garden shop4 Fitting the new cross holder5 Fit new joint bolts6 Installing a new diesel filter7 Installing a new oil filter8 Changing the new engine oil9 Inserting a new air pressure kit10 Fitting a new radiator hose pipe11 GREASING A NEW WHEEL12 FITTING NEW FRONT SMALL WHEEL BEARING13 FITTING A NEW FRONT BIG WHEEL BEARING14 FITTING NEW REAR SMALL WHEEL BEARING15 FITTING NEW REAR BIG WHEEL BEARING16 Fitting a new front oil seal17 Fitting a new rear oil seal18 Installing new brake liners19 Installing new wheel bolts20 Fitting of new clutch plate21 Fitting the new pressure plate22 FITTING NEW CLAW FINGER23 Fitting the new front panels24 Installation of new front main board25 Fitting the new front cover plate26 Installation of new front luxury seats27 Installation of new front luxury seats28 Fitting the new rear main board29 Installing the new rear cover plate30 Installation of new rear luxury seats31 Fitting the new rear luxury seats32 Fitting the new rear damping bracket33 FITTING NEW REAR DUMPING BEARING34 Fitting the new front damping bracket35 FITTING NEW FRONT DUMPING BEARING36 Installing the new grooved bolt37 Installing a new damping pin38 Fitting a new damping bush39 Installation of new further U claims40 Installation of new rear U claim41 INSTALLING NEW ENGINE FOUNDATION42 Fitting a new crown depression43 Fitting the new crown pinion44 FITTING A NEW BABY WHEEL KIT45 Fitting a new pinion bearing46 Fitting a new pinion washer47 Fitting a new axle kinpin kit48 Fitting a new headlight49 Installing new wiring cent50 Installation of new horn51 Installing a new indicator52 Installation of new beam light53 Installing a new dipper light54 Installing a new starter55 Fitting the new dynamo56 Installing the new center bearing57 FITTING NEW CENTER BEARING BRACKET58 Installing New Fan Bolts59 Installing a new water pump kit60 Installation of new water pump fan61 Installation of new large battery 120 Amp62 Repairing a Tire Puncture63 Installing new mattress cushioning64 FITTING NEW MAIN GLASS (FRONT GLASS) WITH RUBBER FITTINGS65 FITTING NEW SIDE GLASS66 Fitting a new steering cross67 Installing a New Steering Bushing68 Fitting a new clutch kit69 Installing a new master cylinder kit70 Installation of new diesel hose71 Installation of new pressure pipeSupplying 72 new spanner sets (1 to 20).73 Providing new shaft chillam74 Providing new sill beams75 Providing new water monitors76 Provision of new fire sirens77 Fitting a new brake booster78 Fitting a new silencer housing79 Fitting a new brake cam80 Providing new brake ratchets81 Repairing the entire cabin of fire fighting vehicle.82 REPAIRING FIRE VEHICLE ROTARY DIESEL PUMP .83 REPAIRING DIESEL NOZZLE OF FIRE VEHICLE.84 REPAIRING MYCO DIESEL PUMP OF FIRE VEHICLE.85 Fitting of fire engine tires with tubes 10.00-20 (per no.)86 FIRE VEHICLE TIRE FITTING 295/90 R20 WITH TUBE (PER NOS)Installation of new front bumpers of 87 fire engines88 FITTING NEW STEERING BOX89 Installing a New Steering Track Rod90 Installing the new steering arm91 Installing a New Steering Cross92 Installing a new king pin93 Installing a New Brake Foot Control Wall94 FITTING NEW CLUTCH FRY WHEEL95 FITTING NEW CLUTCH BEARING96 Fitting a new turbo charger97 Installing a New Silencer Bend98 Installing a new front engine foundation99 FITTING NEW REAR ENGINE FOUNDATION100 Installation of new radiator water tank101 Installing a new next lesson102 Installing the New Stepney Bracket103 Installing a New Rear Axle104 Fitting a new rear wheel depression bushing105 Installation of new red light (Lumax) on fire fighting vehicles106 Installing the New Sight Glass Bracket107 Installing a new air tank108 FITTING NEW WHEEL HALF109 FITTING NEW BODY U CLAM110 New P.T.O. Fitting the gear lever111 New P.T.O. Installation of cross and holder112 New P.T.O. Installation of cross fruits113 Installing New Head Light Wiring114 Fitting a new headlight relay115 Fitting a new fog lamp 12 V116 Fitting a new fog lamp 24 V117 Installation of new alarm system set118 Providing a new set of service lights119 Installing a New Radiator120 Changing new gear oil121 Replacing the new depression oil122 Replacing the new steering oil123 Self-correction124 Installing a new head gasket125 Repairing a new head126 Installing a new eigen creme127 Installing New Eigen Pistons128 Installing a new head wall set129 Fitting Power Set to Simple Steering (Tata 709)130 Supplying new brake oil131 Installing a new Eigenbolk132 New Pump Housing133 New Oil Pipe134 New Thread Insert135 New Cover Plate136 New Cup Spring137 New Screw138 New Governor139 New Seal washer140 New Ball bearing141 New Upper cylinder washer142 New Spring pin143 New Rotor144 New Vane145 New Spaver ring146 New lower cylinder washer147 New Seal washer148 New Washer149 New Handle150 New Intake Filter151 New Plug152 New Packing153 New Bottom154 New Screw155 New Claw coupling156 New Gasket157 New Data plate158 New Product Label159 New Hose Coupling160 New Hose Clamp161 New Nipple162 New Fire Hose Pipe163 New Fire Valve164 New Fire Man Gloves165 New Fire Man Helmet 166 New Fire Man Boot167 New Gun Metal (LTB-2) Nozzle168 New Gun Metal Hose Delivery Coupling169 New G.M.Dividing Breeching170 New Fire Fighting Hose171 New Landing Valve Single172 New Double Outlet Type Landing Valve Type B173 Adding new oil to the fire pump174 Installing a new air cleaner175 Greasing the Kamani patyana176 Front Tire Tube Replacement (Per No)177 Rear Tire Tube Replacement (Per No)178 Engine Oil Tank179 Repairing tractors and tankers with material and labour.Installation of 180 new seats and mattress cushions181 Installing a new hood182 New Complete Engine Overhaul183 Adding New Engine Oil184 Installing the New Large Wheel Disc185 Installation of new scaffolding186 FITTING NEW ENGINE CRANE BLOCK PISTON AND HEAD187 Wiring a New Head Light188 Installing a new radiator hose pipe189 Inserting a New Diesel Filter190 Inserting a new oil filter191 Installing a New Radiator192 FITTING NEW CLUTCH PLATE193 Installation of new axles194 Installing a New Finger Plate195 Installing a New Fawn Belt196 Installing a New Starter197 Installing a New Dynamo198 FITTING NEW FOUR WHEEL ARCH PATES AND PINION BUSHINGS199 FITTING NEW STEERING BOX200 Installation of new engine pipe head vane block piston201 Installing a New Steering Rod202 Installing a New Sight Glass203 Installing a new horn204 Installing a new brake light bulb205 Installing a new indicator light bulb206 Installing New Wheel Bolts207 Installing a New Axle208 FITTING OF NEW BIG GEAR PART TOP SHOP MAIN SHOP209 FITTING NEW REVERSE GEAR210 Installing new brake liners211 Fitting a new brake pipe212 Tractor Tire Puncture Removal – Front Wheel B235213 Tractor Tire Puncture Removal – Rear Wheel214 Installation of new 4 inch cocks of large tankers215 Welding work of small tankers New fitting and repairing of hulls216 Installation of wheel halves of tankers217 Tanker trolley setting, pan, bushing fitting218 Refitting of Tanker Halves and Bearings219 Refitting of Tanker Small Bearings220 Refitting of Tankers Big Bearings221 Water Tanker Decks- 16 New installation222 Tractor Front Tires – 6.00-16” New Fitting223 REFITTING TRACTOR SWITCH224 NEW INSTALLATION OF WATER TANKER VALVES 4”.225 NEW INSTALLATION OF 3” WATER TANKER VALVES226 NEW INSTALLATION OF WATER TANKER VALVE 2.5”227 NEW INSTALLATION OF WATER TANKER VALVE 1.5”228 NEW INSTALLATION OF WATER TANKER VALVE1”.229 Repairing Diesel Pumps of Tractors230 NEW FITTING OF DIESEL NOZZLE OF TRACTOR231 New installation of diesel pipe of tractor232 Diesel Front Bonnet Refitting of Tractor233 Tractor Diesel Tank234 Construction of new three thousand liter capacity tanker with chassis and tyres235 Steering Nuts Butch New Installation236 Refitting the Battery Bracket237 Adding new gear oil238 Refitting Front Tire Dex 6-00-16239 Replacement of Front Tire Tubes of Tanker (per no.)240 Tanker Rear Tire Tube Replacement (per no.)241 Front and rear wheel of tanker242 Removing front tire of tractor243 Removing the rear tires of tractors244 Replacement of front tire tube of tractor (per no.)245 Rear Tire Tube Replacement of Tractor (per no.)246 Tractors (front wheel), tankers, fire engines and 407 gators247 Tractor Rear Wheel Gator Insertion248 407 Repairing vehicle with material and labour.249 Installing new seat and mattress cushions250 NEW COMPLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL251 Adding new engine oil B293252 Installation of new sheds253 Installation of new engine crane block piston and head254 Wiring a New Head Light255 Installing a new radiator hose pipe256 Inserting a new diesel filter257 Inserting a New Oil Filter258 Installing a new radiator259 Fitting a New Clue Plate260 Installation of new axles261 Installing a New Finger Plate262 Installing a New Fawn Belt263 Installing a New Starter264 FITTING A NEW DYNAMO265 FITTING NEW FOUR WHEEL ARCH PATES AND PINA BUSHINGS266 FITTING NEW STEERING BOX267 Installing New Engine Pipe Head Vane Block Piston268 Installing a New Steering Rod269 ​​Installing a New Sight Glass270 Fitting a new horn271 Installing a new brake light bulb272 Installing a new indicator light bulb273 Installing New Wheel Bolts274 Installing a New Axle275 Installation of new big gear part top shop main shop276 Fitting a new reverse gear277 Installing New Brake Liners278 Fitting a new brake pipe279 Trolley welding work New installation and repair of mands280 Repairing trolley welding work281 Diesel Pump Repair282 DIESEL NOZZLE REFITTING283 Diesel Pipe Refitting284 Diesel Front Bonnet Refitting285 Diesel Tank Repair286 Steering Nuts Buch Refitting287 Refitting the Battery Bracket288 Adding new gear oil289 Refitting Front Tire Dex 6-00-16290 Front Tire Tube Replacement (Per No)291 Rear Tire Tube Replacement (Per No)292 Front and rear tire tread293 J.C.B. Repair JCB Super 3 Dx294 Replacement with front tire tube (per no) 12.5/80-18295 Replacement with Rear Tire Tube (per no) 16.9-28R4296 Front and rear wheel alignment297 front tire puncture removal298 Rear Tire Puncture Removal299 Inserting Round Gator of Front Tire300 Inserting the round gaiter of the rear tire301 J.C.B.Sir Whispering is just a wage302 Engine Oil Change303 Changing Axle Oil304 Changing the Oil Filter305 Replacing the Diesel Filter306 Air Filter Replacement307 JCB Pad Replacement308 Gear Oil Change309 Hydraloc Oil Change310 Vacuum Empire Repair311 Installing new seat and mattress cushions312 New Complete Engine Overhaul313 Adding new engine oil B293314 Installation of new sheds315 Installing new engine crane block piston and head316 Wiring a New Head Light317 Installing a new radiator hose pipe318 Inserting a New Diesel Filter319 Inserting a New Oil Filter320 Fitting a new radiator321 Fitting a New Clue Plate322 Installation of New Body Kin Pein323 Installing a New Finger Plate324 Installing a New Fawn Belt325 Installing a new starter326 Fitting a new dynamo327 FITTING NEW FOUR WHEEL ARCH PATES AND PINION BUSHINGS328 FITTING NEW STEERING BOX329 Installing New Engine Pipe Head Vane Block Piston330 Fitting a new steering rod331 Installing New Sight Glass332 Fitting a new horn333 Installing a new brake light bulb334 Installing a new indicator light bulb335 Installing New Wheel Bolts336 Installing a New Axle337 FITTING NEW BIG GEAR PART TOP SHOP MAIN SHOP338 Fitting a new reverse gear339 Installing New Brake Liners340 Fitting a new brake pipe341 Trolley welding work New installation and repair of mands342 Repairing trolley welding work343 Diesel Pump Repair344 DIESEL NOZZLE REFITTING345 Diesel Pipe Refitting346 diesel front bonnet refitting347 Repairing Diesel Tank348 Steering Nuts Butch New Installation349 Refitting the Battery Bracket350 Adding new gear oil351 Refitting Front Tire Dex 6-00-16352 Replacement with front tire tube (per no) 7.50-16353 REPLACEMENT WITH REAR TIRE TUBE (PER NOS) 7.50-16354 tire pressure front and rear wheel355 Repairing the PTO356 PTO Replacement B296357 Changing Brake Oil358 Wiper Blade Replacement359 Water Pump Belt Replacement360 Power Steering Belt Replacement361 Vacuum Pump Repair362 DEF Fuel Urea363 DEF Fuel364 Refitting the battery box365 Ambulance, Tata 710 Water Tanker Puncture Removal Front Wheel366 Ambulance, Tata 710 Water Tanker Puncture Removal Rear Wheel367 mobile hospital tires 215/75 R10 LT368 GHANA GADHI SMALL TIRE 135 R15 LT369 Bells Big Tire 195 R15 LT370 Cardiac Ambulance Tire 215-75 R15

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