
Tender For Addition Alteration Improvement To Smqs At Af Station Bamrauli., bamrauli-Uttar Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Addition Alteration Improvement To Smqs At Af Station Bamrauli.. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-10-2024. Footwears Tenders in bamrauli Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Addition Alteration Improvement To Smqs At Af Station Bamrauli.
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Addition Alteration Improvement To Smqs At Af Station Bamrauli.; 1 Demolition of PCC in ground floor n.exc 15cm thickness below or above ground levelcomplete all as specified and directed. 2 Demolition to reinforced cement concrete of roofs, floors ( other than ground floors )beams staircases, landing, chajjas and similar suspended workcomplete all as specified and directed. 3 Demolition of Mud/mud puska in roofs, any thickness, including plastering and leeping (whether full thickness removed or only a part thereof) complete all as specified and directed. 4 Demolition of brickwork or stone boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc., but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles complete all as specified and as directed. 5 Dismentling of floor, hearth or wall tilingincluding cement mortar bedding (but not backing)complete all as specified and directed. 6 Dismantling of stone slabs and tiles of any description or thickness in floors aprons etc including cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 7 Dismantling of brick tiles laid bedded and pointed in any morter or brick tiles on roof , floors, channels, kerbs, aprons etc,cement concrete of any description & in any position not otherwise specifically provided for complete all as specified and directed. 8 Dismantling of cast iron or renforced drain pipe 100mm/75mm dia of any description complete all as specified and directed. 9 Dismantlingtanks water tank exc 250 but n exc 500 ltr.complete all as specified and directed. 10 Taking down cement plaster on brick or stone walls, etc, incl raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water, etc & prepare to receive new plaster complete all as specified and directed 11 Taking down eaves gutters and rainwater pipes (any size or pattern), including all fittings, heads, shoes, bends, swan-necks, etc., including cleaning or refixing or removal to Store (measured overall as fixed along the centre line over fittings and accessories). 12 Taking down chowkhats with shutters not exceeding 1.5 Sqm each (without taking off shutters from the frames) complete all as specified and directed. 13 Taking down chowkhats or frames with shutters (without taking of shutters from the frames) exceeding 1.5 Sqm but not exceeding 4 Sqm each complete all as specified and directed. 14 Taking up or down steel tubing pipe with fittings connections 15mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 15 Taking up or down steel tubing pipe with fittings connections 20mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 16 M& L for cement concrete type E2 1:5:10 (40mm graded stone aggregate) as lean concrete in filling / Mass concrete complete all as specified and directed 17 M & L 75 mm thick type D-2 1:4:8 (using 20mm graded stone agg) as in sub base. complete all as specified and directed. 18 M & L for 75mm thick PCC 1:3:6type C-2 (using 40mm graded agg) for plinth protrction etc complete all as specified. 19 M&LPCC 1:3:6 type B-1(using 20mm graded stone aggregate) for providing cement concrete as levelling and roof kerbs or mud stops, including finishing the surface with grinder to receive the acrylic based water proofing material, rounded or chamfered on edges etc complete all as specified and directed. 20 M&L for PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 using 12.5 mm granted stone aggregate ashold fast/filling in pressed steel frame complete all as specified and directed 21 M & Lfor PCC (1:2:4) type B0 (using12.5 mm gradedstone aggregates) as in roof kerbs, Chajja of window/ventilator or mud stops, rounded or chamfered on top of chajja & side edges of surfaces upto the height of 7.00 mtr etc complete all as specified and directed. Note: { The rate is deemed to be inclusive of scaffolding/form work } 22 M & L PCC 1:2:4 Type B1 using 20mm graded aggregate as in kerb stone in sides of inerlocking tiles including slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating as complete all as specified and directed. 23 M & Lreinforced Cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1, ( 20 mm graded stone aggregate ) as in chajjas/roof projection/Rcc railingrepairs as in similar work complete all as specified and directed. 24 M & L formwork to soffits and suspended slabs such as roof slabs floor slabs landings and similar work not exceeding 200mm thick (horizontal or sloping ) complete all as specified and directed. 25 S & F Mild steel TMT bars 6mm to 8mm dia , cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed. 26 Brickwork with subclass B bricks, straight or curved on plan exceeding 6m mean radius built in cement mortar 1:6 of using class designation 100 of bricks in lieu of 75 complete all as specified and as directed. 27 M & L for 60 mm thick machine pressed precast concrete interlocking tiles/ paver block of any size & shapewith grey cement and pigment to IS:15658-2006 ,compressive strength not less than 350 Kg/sq.cm (M-35) laying over and including 50 mm thick sand cushion(filling) and joints filled with sand complete all as specified and directed.NOTE: Manufacturer’s test certificate of Interlocking tiles shall be produced on each/every lots before making payment. 28 M & L for post construction Anti termite treatment along the external wall below concrete or masonry apron using chemical emulsion @ 2.25 litres per linear metre including drilling and plugging holes etc. in apron complete all as specified and directed. 29 M & L for post construction Anti Termite Treatment of soil under existing floors using emulsion @ one litre per litre per hole, 300mm apart including drilling and plugging 12mm dia holes with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement :2 coarse sand) to match the existing floors complete all as specified and directed. 30 M & L for 15mm thick rendering in CM 1:6 on fair faces of brick work, surfaces finished even and fair without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed 31 M & L for 15mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 on fair faces of brick work, with mixing WPC @ 3% by wt of cement surfaces finished even and fair without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed 32 M & L for rendering 5mm thick in CM 1:3 finished even and smooth with out using extra cement in ceilingcomplete all as specified and directed 33 Refixing old15 mm GI tubes medium grade with all fitting and fixed complete to walls, ceilings or laid infloorscomplete all as specified and directed. 34 Refixing old20 mm GI tubes medium grade with all fitting and fixed complete to walls, ceilings or laid infloorscomplete all as specified and directed. 35 S & F 15 mm GI tubes medium grade with all fitting and fixed complete to walls, ceilings or laid infloors including taking up or down old steel tube complete all as specified and directed. 36 S & F 20 mm GI tubes medium grade with all fitting and fixed complete to walls, ceilings or laid infloors including taking up or down old steel tube complete all as specified and directed. 37 S & F for Cast iron soil, waste and vent pipe100 mm dia in any length with or without ear, with cement joint, laid in trenches or in wall complete all as specified. 38 Fixing for Cast iron soil, waste and vent pipe100 mm dia in any length with or without ear, with cement joint, laid in trenches or in wall complete all as specified.Note : Old serviceable CI pipe to be used find dismantling respective items. 39 S & F 100 mm cast iron sanitary connection socket to fitwc out let complete all as specified and directed. 40 S & F 100 mm cast iron sanitary connection S branch with branch 370 to 450 mm long excluding jointcomplete all as specified and directed. 41 S & F of 110 mm dia(SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to walls complete all as specified and directed 42 S & F of 75 mm dia (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to walls complete all as specified and directed 43 S & FPVC SWR (110) bends any radius complete all as specified and directed. 44 S & F 75 mm PVC (SWR) junction single, (single T )(equal or unequal ), ordinary or inverted ( spigot or socket type ) or with parallel oval access doorsbranches complete all as specified and directed. 45 S & F 110 mm PVC (SWR)vent cowl Complete all as specified and directed. 46 M & L 75mm PVC (SWR)floor trap, plain with grating including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 47 M & L PVC(SWR) gully trap 125/110mm setting and jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified directed. 48 S & F stack clamps out of 50mm by 5 mm flat iron and 16 mm dia round iron stays including bolts and nuts and securing ends of stays to wall or roofs for bore of 100mm complet all as specified and directed. 49 S & F stack clamps out of 50mm by 5 mm flat iron and 16 mm dia round iron stays including bolts and nuts and securing ends of stays to wall or roofs for bore of 75 mm complete all as specified and directed. 50 M & L For cutting out cracks to v-section in existing roofs or terraciv cleaning grouting with cement and sand slurry 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 51 M & L For cutting grooves in brick wall 75mm wide and 65mm deep & shaping horizontal face of groove with cement complete all as specified and directed. 52 S & F for Pressed steel frames of size 125mm x 60mm for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate, etc complete all as specified and directed. 53 S&F for Pressed steel frames of size 105mm x 60mm for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate, etc complete all as specified and directed. 54 M & L for Solid PVCFrame for door,kitchen cabinet,cupboardof size 50mm x 47mm made out of 5mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with M.S Square tube, supplying & fixing in opening as per specification & drawingcomplete all as specified and directed. 55 S & F Second class hardwood glazed and skeleton door shutters 35mm thick, open rebated and prepared to receive glass, gauze, etc (without sash bars), edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded, fitted with cut and mitred beads for securing glass, etc complete all as specified and directed. 56 S & F Second class hardwood Flush shutters 35mm thick, solid core construction, with block board core & plywood face panels, commercial type on both sides complete all as specified and directed. 57 S & F Factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 30 mm thick (style)both side prelam pvc sheet of decortive choice consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall be covered with heat mouldedPVC ‘C’ channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail; Panelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with suitable PVC sheet beading, and joined together with solvent cement, suppling & fixing in the frame at site asperspecification &drawing complete all as specified and directed. 58 S & F Aluminium anodised powder coated frame (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron and colour as approved by GE for frame)for doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebate including jointing cleat for fixing etc. complete all as specified and directed. 59 S & F Anodised aluminium powder coated (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron and colour as approved by GE for frame) as in window and ventilator shutters, sliding type, aluminium section weighing not less than 0.55 kg/m including necessary jointing cleats, fixing of glass panes, glazing clips, rubber neoprene packing, pwder coated aluminium snap beading screws and locking arrangement etc complete all as specified and directed. Note: Glass pane shall be measured and paid separately as supply & Fixing in respective item. 60 S & F Mild steel powder coated 1 mm thick framed shutter built in cupboard as approved colour, cupboard frame should be 150x20 mm size domestic type and fixed with (i) Hold fast as per requirement of frame (ii) 1 No handle in each shutter (iii) 1 No Mortice lock in each cupboard (iv) Peg set of three pegs fixed with each shutter complete including taking down of old unserviceable wooden or steel built-in-cupboards incl frame and remove from site complete all as specified and directed. 61 S & F auto closing hinges 35 mm of 0 crank (KH-001) or 8 crank (KH-002) openable at 110 degree for kitchen cabinet shutters complete in all respect and fixed in position all as specified. Make: KAFF/Hettich or equivalent as approved by GE. 62 S & F D-type cabinet handles premium quality, stainless steel 304 glossy chrome SN finished 150 mm long matt finished fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. Make: Harrison (Jasmine) or equivalent modal as approved by GE as per appendix B 63 S & F health faucet (ABS Body) with 1.25 metre long flexible tube and ABS wall hook including making connections and fixed in position in all respect complete all as specified and directed. 64 S & F brass CP wall mixer (hot & cold) non telephonic fixed in position to wall for bathroom/ kitchen complete all as specified and as directed. 65 S & FStainless steel wire cloth, 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staplesetc complete all as specified and directed. 66 S & F4mm thick Sheet glass, ordinary qualityin square in notexc 0.5 sq.m in each pane complete all as specified and directed. 67 S & F 4mm thick Figured glass, pin head typein squares in n exc 0.5 sq.m in each pane complete all as specified and directed. 68 S & F 1.25 mm thick Mild steel plain black sheet in steel gates and similar work, cut to size, holes punched, including round headed screws and fixed to wood or steel framing with plain 40mm lap joints with riveted or welded as requiredcomplete all as specified and directed. 69 M & L for Framed work such as grills, gratings, etc., with ends of bars shouldered and/or riveted, or forged into spikes; framed guard bars; barred iron doors; ladders; framed balusters; walk ways; railings; framework of water tanksand similar work conforming to Fe 410-0 or Fe 310-0. complete all as specified and directed . 70 S & F 100mm Butt hinges, extruded aluminium alloy with galvanised mild steel hinge pin,anodised and fixed, typeB-21 complete all as specified and directed . 71 S&F 300 mm long Aluminium alloy with dia 16mm, anodised sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded section and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast Aluminium alloy complete all as specified and directed . 72 S & F 200mm longAluminium anodised barrel tower bolts of extruded section complete all as specified and directed . 73 S & F 125 mm long Extruded Aluminium alloy handles, fabricated type, anodised.complete all as specified and directed . 74 S & F 125 mm longAluminium anodised barrel tower bolts of extruded section.complete all as specified and directed . 75 S&F in repair for 300mm, ordinary rat tail rod pattern springs including roller and roller plate complete all as specified and directed . 76 S&F for 150mm Floor door stopper of aluminium alloy body and tongue, anodised, with hard drawn steel spring, fixed in floor complete all as specified and directed . 77 Supply and fixing of rubber beading door seal 40x 5mm stripin bottom of door complete all as specified and directed. 78 S & F in repair 18mm thick celuka PVC sheet minimum 600 Kg/Cum density grade 1 quality one side pre-laminated and other side plain white colour to make kitchen cabinet/drawer shutters fixed with screws, solvent cement/adhesive and parliyament hinge as required as per manufacturer instructions complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Note:-(i) Cup board accessories i.e. fittings as required will be measured and paid under this schedule.(ii) Quoted rates deem to be include fixing of cabinet on wall with appropriate rawl plug/ dash through fastener (hammer type).(iii) Fabrication and installation of cabinet to be carried out by authorised vendor of manufacturer only. 79 S&F in repair 18mm thick celuka PVC sheet minimum 600 Kg/Cum density grade 1 quality of both side plain white colour rigidlam glossy finish fixed with screws, solvent cement /adhesive as per manufacturer instructions to make kitchen cabinet sides top and bottom and shelves inside the cabinet completeas per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.Note:- (i) Cup board accessories i.e. fittings as required will be measured and paid under this schedule.(ii) Quoted rates deem to be include fixing of cabinet on wall with appropriate rawl plug/ dash through fastener (hammer type).(iii) Fabrication and installation of cabinet to be carried out by authorised vendor of manufacturer only. 80 S & F in repair fancy type decorated Stainless Steel curtain hanging rods 20 mm dia,and fixed to stainless steel bracket for hanging curtain complete all as specified and directed. 81 S & F Stainless Steelbrackets having screw for tighting of curtain rod of 20mm dia for fixing of curtain rod, complete all as specified and directed. 82 S & F Stainless Steelbright color decorative corner/end cap for Curtain rod complete all as secified and directed. 83 S & F stainless steel peg set of six with base plate and fixed to wall/door with rawal pugs/ s/s screw all as specified and directed. 84 S & F shelf of PTMT fixed with and including chromium plated brass screws and wooden/plastic cleats (minimum weight 300gms) complete all as specified and directed . 85 S & F in repair CP vitreous china soap dish fancy type complete all as specifed and directed. 86 S & F 600 mm X 450 mm bevelled edge mirror of selected quality glass, mounted on 6 mm thick AC buildg board or commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with CPbrass screws and cup washers complete all as specified and directed. 87 S & F in repairBrass chromium plated, tubular towel rails 20 mm dia, D- type, 60 cm long between flanges, completed all as specified and directed. 88 S & F in repair brass chromium plated shower roses with swivel joints, 125 mm sizein square with CP long shank arm including fixing to steel pipe or union, complete all as specified and as directed. 89 S & F in repair sink with drainage board made of stainless steel 1mm thick kitchen or laboratory with plugs, washers and waste; including pvcwaste pipe, CP waste coupling,bedding in cement mortar to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets and connecting union to pipe overall size 915mm x 460mm bowl size 410mm x 330mm x 160mm complete all as specified anddirected. 90 S & F in repair 1mm thick stainless steel kitchen plate rack of size 750x 900mm best quality assembled with brass washer and nut and bolts including hooks (spoon/cup holders) complete all as specified and as approved by GE. 91 S & F in repair vitreous china wash down water closet pan (pedestal pattern) white (excluding flushing cistern and including flush pipe seat cover ) and including fixing of the following components viz pedestal pan with P or S trap, seat and cover for pedestal pan flushing cistern , brackets, chain and pull or lever handle, flushing pipe including jointing to socket of flushing rim and connecting pipe to union of flushing cistern, inlet and overflow pipe antisyphonage pipe or stopper fixed complete all as specified and directed.Note: Flushing cistern and flush pipe as required shall be measured and paid separatey under supply only. 92 S & F in repairs PVC flushing cistern 10 ltr capacity valve less syphonic action type low level with and including dual flushball valve float & handle, waste pipe & brackets complete set complete all as specified and directed. 93 S & F in repairVitreous China wash basin, flat back, size 450x300mm white, excluding taps, waste, chain and plug and porcelain stopper but including brackets complete all as specifed and directed 94 S & F in repair Waste coupling of PTMT (half or full threaded) . (Minimum weight2mm 45gms/ 40mm 60 gms waste pipe of 40mm dia suitable for WHB, kitchen sink complete all as specifed and directed 95 S & F in repair angle cock fancy type CP with long shank cast copper alloy screwed down high pressure with crutch or butterfly handle screwed both ends of size 15mm bore. complete all as specified and directed. 96 S & F in repairs bib tap, cast copper alloy with capstan head, CP fancy type with long body shank, screwed down with high pressure screwed for iron pipe & fixed 15mm bore, complete all as specified and directed. 97 S & F in repair wash basin mixer fancy type chromium plated, garnet quarter turn fittings central hose basin mixer (chrome finish) mounting type wall mount finish type chrome material brass colour chrome number of handles 2 included componenets 1 quarter turn fittings central hose basin mixer chrome finish special feature built in water filter handle type joystick with long screwed shanks and fly nuts screwed for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and directed.Make: cera modal No F2002461 or equivalent modal and make as per appendix B 98 S & F in repairPVC connections 15mm size with PTMT nuts of length 600 mm, complete all as specified and as directed. 99 S & Frotational moulded polythene water storage tank of capacity 500 ltrs three layer (Cylindrical/vertical with closed top), triple layer construction, ISI marked, hoisted & fixed in position including over flow 450mm, waste pipe 600mm long with fitting etc. of 20 mm dia directed complete all as specified and as directed. 100 S & F ball/ float valves high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium rod & high density plastic ball screwed for iron pipe and fixed 20mm bore minimum weight 210 gms complete all as specified and as directed. 101 S & F Stop valves/Gate valves 25 mm dia cast copper alloy,screwed down, high pressure with crutch or butterfly handel, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed.complete all as specified and directed. 102 M & L for preparation of new surface andapplying a coat of hot blown bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to IS 702 over primed surface of roof slab @ 1.20 Kg/Sqm complete all as specified and directed. 103 M & L for APP basedpolymeric water proofing membrane minimum weight 3 Kg/ Sqm and minimum 3mm thick reinforced with polyster non wove fabrick (Weight not less than 150gms/Sqm or as per IS),laid over hot bitumen surface by torched application with the strict supervision of manufacturers technical supervisor. Membrane shall be laid with 100mm side/end lap on prepared surface as per manufacturer instruction work shall be carried out strictly with the technical tradesmen and supervision of technical staff of manufacturer complete all as specified and directed. 104 M & L for rendering or bedding layer15mm thick in cement mortar (1:3) cover concrete surfaces of roof, mixed with linesed oil @ 3% wt of cementinclduing finishing surfaces even and fair without using extra cement inclusive linesed oil complete all as specified and directed. 105 Supply and fixing Heat Resistant Terrace Tiles (300 mm x 300 mm x 20 mm) with SRI (solar refractive index) > 78, solar reflection > 0.70 and initial emittance > 0.75 on waterproof and sloped surface of terrace, laid on 20 mm thick cement sand mortar in the ratio of 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and grouting the joints with mix of white cement & marble powder in ratio of 1:1, including rubbing and polishing of the surface upto 3 cuts complete, including providing skirting upto 150 mm height along the parapet walls in the same manner complete all as specified and directed. 106 Struking of existing PCC floor surface 5 to 10 mm deep picking,sweeping, clean and washing down with water to remove dust to receive cement mortar for tiling, complete all as specified and directed. 107 M & L for machine cut Kotastoneslab 18 to 20mmmm thick in treads, landings of stair caseover cement screed bed laid and jointedwilth grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab lincluding & grinding polishing over and including screedbed 20mm thick in cm 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 108 M & L for machine cut Kota stone slab asin skirting, risers 16 to 18 mm thick, laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing with mirror polish granite finish including backing coat 10 mm thick in cm 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 109 M & L for18-20mm thick granite work table rubbed and polished for wall lining /kitchen platform over 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 thick and pointing with white cement(1:2) using marble dustwith admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite complete all as specified and directed. 110 M & L for 18- 20mm thick granite Granite (of any type) work (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window-cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in whiteement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite complete all as specified and directed. 111 M & L forfull body double charged glazed vitrified tile light coloured tile 8 to 9 mm thick joint free (square / rectangle) area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exceeding 0.38 sqm in floors etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tile and laid over and including 15 mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 112 M & L forNon Skid ceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8 mm thickjoint free (square/ rectagular) area of each tile exceeding 0.06 sq m but not exceeding 0.11 sqm ,in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to matchthe shade of tile and laid over and inclduing 15mm thick screed bed layer in CM (1:6) complete all as specified and directed. 113 M & L forceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8 mm thickjoint free (square/ rectagular) area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sq m but not exceeding 0.38 sqm ,in skirting etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to matchthe shade of tile and laid over and inclduing 15mm thick screed bed layer in CM (1:6) complete all as specified and directed. 114 M & L for Glazed ceramic tiles in vertical surface 450x 300x7 mmthick joint lesstiles set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to matchthe shade tile over and inclduing 10mm thick rendering in CM (1:4) complete etc. (1st quality/Premium Quality) complete all as specified and directed. 115 Supply only liquidintegral water proofing compund. Make Dr Fixit/ Pidipoorf/ LW+.complete all as specified and directed. 116 M & L for sunkan portion incl demolation of existing PCC,WC,P/S Trap and removing the material out side MD land with (a)preparation of RCC surface of sunken slab (floor) by brushing and cleaning throughly with water (b) application of two coats of poly urethane based chemical treatment (as per manufracture instruction DR FIXIT/FOSROC/CICO /STP) (c) 15 mm thick (1:4) plaster over chemical coating incl finished even & smooth without using extra cement all as directed. NOTE:- 1. continuty with cementitious water treatment beyond sunken portion in toilet shall be maintaned complete all as specified and directed. 117 M&L for taking down cement plaster incl tile etc and removing the material out side MD land &(a)preparation of RCC surface of sunken slab (side) by brushing and cleaning throughly with water (b) application of two coats of poly urethane based chemical treatment (as per manufracture instruction DR FIXIT/FOSROC/CICO/STP) (c) 15 mm thick (1:4) plaster over chemical coating incl finished even & smooth without using extra cement all as directed. NOTE:- 1. continuty with cementitious water treatment beyond sunken portion in toilet shall be maintaned 118 M & L for water treatment (floor/wall ) incl demolation of existing PCC / taking down cement plaster incl tile etc and removing the material out side MD land.& Cleaning with the wire brush to dry and apply one coat of URP and cement in ratio 1:1 @ 1.0 liter per Sqm. After the drying of this process two coat of pidifin2K @ 01 liter on each coat min 4 hour gap is required and 15 mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 complete incl finished even & smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed.Note: MakeDR FIXIT/FOSROC/CICO/STP 119 M & L for preparing new plaster surfaces of ceiling and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over and including 1.5mm wall care putty finished even and smooth complete all as specified and directed. 120 M & L for preparation of new plaster surfaces of walls and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over and including 1.5mm wall care putty finished even and smooth complete all as specified and directed by Engg-in-Charge. 121 M & L forapplying two coats of 100% premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/ liter and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, alkali and fungal resistance dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (company depot tinted) with silicon additive @ 1.43 ltr/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 ltr/ 10 sqm over new plaster surface of walls including prepare of surface complete all as specified and directed. 122 M & L for complete removal of existing treatment on ceiling surface and applying two coat of oil bound distemper over and including 1.5mm wall care putty finished even and smooth complete all as specified and directed. 123 M & L for complete removing existing treatment on wall surface and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over and including 1.5mm wall care putty finished even and smooth complete all as specified and directed. 124 M & L for complete removal of existing treatmenton Walls surface and applying two coats of 100% premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/ liter and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, alkali and fungal resistance dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (company depot tinted) with silicon additive @ 1.43 ltr/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 ltr/ 10 sqm over oldplaster surfaces of walls complete all as specified and directed. 125 M & L for preparation of old woodenSurfaces of any description, over 10cm in width or girth, not otherwise described and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and directed. 126 M & L for preparing new or previously untreated surfaces of wood or wood based materials of any descriptionexc 10 cm width or girth and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and directed. 127 M & L for preparation andwriting letters or figures (block, Roman, Italic or Indian) n.exc 30 CM heinght on plaster/concrete wall/path over coat of ACE as matching with existing pattern complete all as specified and directed 128 M & L Preparation of old painted steel surfaces of any description,over 10 cm width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint (ordinary tint), complete all as specified and directed. 129 M & L for preparing new or previously untreated steel surfaces of any description not otherwise describedover 10cm width or girth and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 130 Taking down copper/aluminium point wiring (light, fan, socket or power) complete, including fixture and fittings such as switches, ceiling roses, pendants, regulators, sockets, light fitting etc. removing materials to store for keeping in safe custody or for taking credit (credit for above items should be made as per conditions separately) and making good disturbed surfaces of walls, floors, etc complete all as specified and directed. 131 Taking down old and u/s light fittings conventional type from wall surface / ceiling or any position and making good the disturbed surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 132 Taking down carefully unserviceable DB any type/ size disconnecting and making good disturbed surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 133 Taking down carefully unserviceable MCB SP/SPN/Isolator of any rating/size complete all as specified and directed. 134 Taking down old and u/s sub main wiring of 2/3 runs of any sizes from any position including, making good disturbed surface of wall ceiling etc complete all as specified and directed. 135 M&L for concealed point wiring on wall and surface wiring on ceiling/roof with necessary arrangements with 1.5 Sqmm single core 1100 Volts grade FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed multistranded copper conductor with andincluding PVC concealed conduit of medium grade with all fittingsincluding Modular metal flush box minimum 1.6 mm thick, Modular white cover plate with frame, of required module at site, fixed with chromium plated screws and washers for switches and sockets, including 1.5 Sqmm single core 1100 Volts grade FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed multistranded copper conductor as earth continuity conductor connected to common earth dollyand including cutting chases in walls / floors for concealed conduitandmaking good disturbed surfaces area by cement mortar (1:3) and to match with the existing surface/colour by using existing oil bound distemper/white wash complete all as specified and directed for the following:-Note: - Cutting chase in wall wherever required shall be included in the rate quoted for point wiring work. 136 One light, fan, bell point controlled by one switch. 137 One 3 pin switch socket outlet point 5 Amps on same board with other switch. 138 One light point controlled by two Nos two way switch. 139 Ditto al as above as per Sl item No. 135 above but with 2.5 sqmm PVC FRLSH copper conductor cable for One 5 Amps socket outlet on independent board. 140 Ditto al as above as per Sl item No. 136 above but with 2.5 sqmm PVC FRLSH copper conductor cable for one 3 pin socket outlet, 15 amp independent 141 M&L for Modular switch 1 way 6A, 1 module, flush button single pole, one way, complete as specified and directed by Engineer in charge. 142 M&L for Modular switch, 6 Amps, one module, two way complete all as specified and directed. 143 Supply and fixing Modular socket outlet 2 in 1, 5 pin, 6 Amps flush type white finish complete all as specifiedand as directed. 144 M&L for Modular socket outlet 2 in 1, 6 pins 6A and 16A, combined 2 module, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in charge. 145 M&L for Modular switch 1 way 16A, 1 module, flush button single pole, one way, complete as specified and directed by Engineer in charge. 146 S & F ceiling rose surface backlite 65x50mm 3 terminals complete all as specified and directed. 147 Supply and fixing lamp holder PVC body with back plate complete all as specified and directed. 148 S&F Modular Fan step regulator, 120W - 2 module complete all as specified and directed. 149 M&L forModular bell push 5 Amps 230 V, AC circuit complete all as specified and directed. 150 M&L for call bell ding dong 230 V AC circuit complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 151 Supply and fixing 4 Module Gang box including Modular socket outlet 16 Ampsfor AC, 240 Volts flush type white finish including plug top 20 Amps with modulartype switch 20 Amps and LED indicator (RED) incl concealed point wiring on wall and surface wiring on ceiling/roof with necessary arrangements with 4 Sqmm single core 1100 Volts grade FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed multistranded copper conductor with andincluding PVC concealed conduit of medium grade with all fittings and Modular white cover plate with frame 4 module to accommodate all theaccessories complete with internal connections, fixed with chromium plated screws and washers for switches and sockets, including 4 Sqmm single core 1100 Volts grade FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed multistranded copper conductor as earth continuity conductor connected to common earth dollyand including cutting chases in walls / floors for concealed conduitandmaking good disturbed surfaces by cement mortar (1:3) and to match with the existing surface/colour by using existing oil bound distemper/white wash complete all as specifiedand as directed. 152 Supply and fixing LED lights fitting 1x 20W, 220V, AC decorative box type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose complete all as specified and directed. 153 Supply and fixing LED light fitting mirror type with high out put diffuser 2 feet, 10 watt 220 V AC decorative type with driver holder and LED lamp including connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size complete all as specified and directed. 154 Supply and fixing LED Light fitting 1x10 watt bulkhead luminaire including LED light driver holder connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size complete all as specified and directed. 155 Supply and fixing LED street light fitting 35 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminium hosing and heat resistant complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistant including thermal management in multiple optics complete with IP 65/66 protection complete all as specified and directed. 156 Supply and fixing in replacement GI Pipe bend to shape 1.5 mtr (32/40mm dia as required at site) with two Nos clamps made out of 50x6mm flat and two Nos bolts with nuts duly grouted in wall or fixing on wall complete all as specified and directed. 157 Supply ,install, testing & commissioning of indoor type, wall mounted (with anchor bolts & nuts) compartmentalized type Meter Cabinet for provision and fixing arrangements of 4 nos. energy meters of overall dimension 1200mm (W) x 750mm (H) x 200mm (D) made out of 2.0 mm thickCRCASheet with front door having cut out duly covered with transparent polycarbonate / glass panel for viewing KWh meter / Timer and other door shall be opaque. All doors should have gasket and locking arrangement to meet ingress protection level IP-43. The cabinet shall be painted both internally and externally with powder coated paint (RAL 7032 : SIEMENS GREY) after necessary surface treatment. The cabinet shall be fabricated as per the drawing and comprising of following accessories :- 158 a) Four pole MCCB, 63 Amps with breaking capacity 16 KA having fixed thermal and fixed magnetic release and spreader link at both incoming and outgoing side.- 01 No.b) Copper Bus Bar of size 25mm x 3mm duly mounted on FRP insulators and necessary drilling for 1 incoming & minimum 6 outgoing connections and duly covered with heat shrinkable PVC sleeves of standard colour code - 4 Nos.c) MCB SPN 25 Amps, 10 KA - 4 Nos ( To be connected with 4 Nos Meters)d) MCB SP 06 Amps, 10 KA -2 No ( For common lighting & Bldg Security Lights)e) Analog time switch 16 Amp-01 No 159 f)LED indicating Lamps, 22mm with 3 Amps SP MCB-03 Nos.g) 3 Way Bakelite strip type cable connector 30 Amps rating - 06 Nosh) Dial type DIN rail mounting, Analog Time Switch 16 Amps / 230 Volts AC 50Hz, with battery back up,24 Hrs programmable type with 1 NO & 1 NC output contact.- 01 No. (for security light).j) Internal wiringwith 1100V grade FRLS PVC insulated multi flexible copper wire of sizes duly crimped with copper lugs of suitable size & type all as mentioned below :-i) MCCB to Bus Bar - 10.0 Sqmm copperii) Bus Bar to Cable Connector via KWh meter and MCB - 6.0 Sqmmiii) Bus Bar to LED Lamp via MCB - 1.5 Sqmm 160 Supply and fixing factory made epoxy powder coated distribution board SPN 12 ways double door with acrylic top cover (IP-43 protection) fabricated from minimum 1.6 mm thick CRCA sheet and fixed flush to wall and suitable for universal mounting and including 200 Amps copper bus bar, neutral bar, stranded DIN rail, earth bar and cable ties for cable management, top and bottom removable gland plates with Knockouts complete all as specified and directed. 161 Supply and fixing MCB single pole 240 volt B curve 10 KA 5 to 32 Amps capacity complete incl taking down old one complete all as specified and directed 162 Supply and fixing MCB single pole & neutral 240 volt C curve 10 KA 25 to 32Amps complete all as specified and directed . 163 M&L for concealed sub main wiring using two single core PVC FRLSH insulated, unsheathed stranded copper conductor cable of size 6.0 Sqmm of voltage rating up to and including 1100 volts drawn in and including PVC concealed conduit of dia not less than 25mm with all fittings and accessories, along with one run of PVC (green colour) insulated, unsheathed, stranded copper conductor of size 6.0 Sqmm (green colour) as earth continuity conductor all as specified and directed. (Note : Two runs of single core PVC cable with one run of earth conductor and conduit shall be measured as one run unit) 164 M&L for taking down carefully existing ceiling fan/exhaust fan from site before B/R repair work, keeping in safe custody in store forgreasing / oiling of ball bearings / bushes and making it for smooth and noise free operation and painting with Hi-Gloss synthetic enamel paint of approved shade by spray painting after filling cavities and re-fixing after providing new fan clamp, nuts/bolts, washers, down rod as required and provision of 3 core copper flexible cable of size 1.0 Sqmm from ceiling rose to fan connector complete with writing of MES No. on the fan surface complete all as specified and directed. 165 Supply and fix exhaust fan steel body, heavy duty, double ball bearing, Copper woundedcomplete with louvers shutter, 230 volt AC, single phase, 50 Hz, 1400 RPM, 300 mm sweepwith blades, steel frame complete all as specified and directed. Note:- (i) Unit quoted rate shall be deemed to include the cost of making suitable dia of hole in wall and finished the surfaces to match the existing schedule of finishes. 166 Supply and fixexhaust fan made of sturdy Engineering plastic complete with louvers shutters , 250 mm sweep, single phase, 230 Volts AC, 1200 RPM, ISI marked fixed properly at directed location with provisioning of suitable fixing/ tightening arrangements and connecting/testing andincluding writing MES No complete all as specified and directed,Note:- (i) Unit quoted rate shall be deemed to include the cost of making suitable dia of hole in wall and finished the surfaces to match the existing schedule of finishes. 167 Cutting the existing wall/removing existing steel bar to make a hole for fixing of ventilation fan through packing of wooden ply to support the ventilating/ air circulating fan including necessary nut and bolts of suitable size incl making good of disturbed surface complete all as directed by Engr-in charge. 168 Supply & Fixing ceiling fan 1200 mm sweep, BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush less direct current (BLDC) motor, class of insulation : B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, power factor not less than 0.9, service Value ( CMM/W) minimum 6.00, Air delivery minimum 210 CMM 350 RPM ( tolerance as per IS : 374 - 2019), THD less than 10 % ,electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise = 75 degree C (max), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 230 V , 50 Hz, single phase AC supply, earthing etc including necessary connection with ceiling rose with 3 core 1.0 Sqmm PVC insulated round flexible cable and including writing MES No complete all as specified and directed.Note: Cost of remote and remote cell include in qouted rate of this items. 169 M&L for taking down carefully existing geyser of any type and cap from site before B/R repair work, keeping in safe custody in store for servicing and painting with Hi-Gloss synthetic enamel paint of approved shade by spray painting after filling cavities, writing of MES No. and re-fixing with new hot and cold water connection as required incl provision of 3 core copper flexible cable of size 4 Sqmm complete with 15 Amps 3-pin plug top complete all as specified and directed. 170 Supply and fix water heater storage vertical type, puff insulation type of 25 ltrs capacity and 1500 watts, BEE Star rated-5, with glass line inner shell with Hot & Cold pipe, water connection pipe, electric connection and necessary fixing arrangement andincluding writing MES No complete all as specified and directed. 171 Disconnecting and taking down old serviceable Energy Meters of any type / capacity after noting down the reading from meteretc. and marking the Quarter No on each meter with permanent marker pen and depositing in MES store for safe custodyand writing MES No complete and re-fixing /reconnection in new meter cabinet complete all as specified and directed. 172 Excavation in trenches in soft/loose soil n. exc 1.5 Mtr wide and not exc. 1.5 M deep and getting out including forming bottom surface for laying of pipes complete all as specified and directed. 173 Returning filling in including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 mm thick complete all as specified and directed. 174 Removal of excavated material to a distance not exc 50 Meter and depositing wheredirected at a level not exc 1.5 M above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 175 Supply & laying sand cushioning for cable protection in trenches 8 cm thick before laying cable and 15 cm thick over the cable as loose sand thickness complete all as specified and ditected.Note: Sand cushioning thickness (8 cm+15 cm=23 cm) are punned thickness and only Punned thickness will be measured and paid. 176 Supplying & laying sub class B bricks old size with axis of the bricks perpendicularto the axis of the cable as in cable protection complete all as specified and directed. 177 Material, labour jointing & testingXLPE insulated armoured heavy duty electric cable with standard aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, cross-sectional area 16 Sqmm 4 core including making connection with suitable size of cable gland, aluminium lugs etc complete including taking down old U/S cable complete all as specified and directed. 178 Supply & Fixingin replacement GI tubing light grade in trenches/fixed to wall/ceiling including required GI fitting of size 40mm dia complete all as specified and directed 179 M & L earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 600x600x6 mm thick, buried directly in to ground ( earth pit) not less than 2.25 metres deep below GL with top edge of earth plate opt less attn. 1.50 m below ground levelsurrounded with adequate quantity of charcoal dust mixed with salt to a packed thickness of 15 cm all around the plate, connected to GI lead wire of 4 mm dia.(7.50 m Long) by means of nuts, bolts and washers, check nuts of GIand protected by the GI pipe light grade 15 mm nominal bore(7.5 m long) for earth lead wire and watering pipe light grade of 20 mm nominal bore, 0.63 mm thick G I sheet funnel , wire mesh, earthing test pointetc complete including necessary earth work and excavation in any type of soil , PCC 1:2:4 type B1 earth pit and Precast RCC cover 65 mm thick duly reinforced with 6 mm dia. MS round bars @ 100mm C/C both ways, with 10mm dia MS round bar as in lifting handles, excavation, earth work including laying the GI pipe concealed in floor/wall all as describedin electric plate of SSR Part I 2009 completeall as specified and directed and testing on completion. Note :- Ifthe desired earth resistance is not found, earthing shall be redone by the contractor at no extra cost to the department.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 11-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 257800.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.82 Crore /-
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