
Tender For Repairs To Pue School Building At Mattaparai In Thiruvathikunnam, gingee-Tamil Nadu

Rural Development And Panchayats Department has published Tender For Repairs To Pue School Building At Mattaparai In Thiruvathikunnam. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-09-2024. Uniform Tenders in gingee Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Repairs To Pue School Building At Mattaparai In Thiruvathikunnam
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Repairs To Pue School Building At Mattaparai In Thiruvathikunnam; 2 Chipping the concrete and roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 3 Chipping the wall plasteringand roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 4 Plastering in cm 1:3 mix,10mm thick including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 5 Plastering in cm 1:5 mix,12mm thick including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 6 Distempering the inner walls with two coats of best quality oil bounded distemper including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 7 Exterior Emulsion two coats with approved quality of snowcem including the cost of all materials conveyances, labour charges etc., complete. 8 Paintingtwo coats with approved quality of paint over old steel doors and windows including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 9 Painting the black board and low level black board with approved quality of paint including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 10 Towards the provision of rain water pipe arrangement using 110 mm dia 4Kgf/cm2 P.V.C pipe and P.V.C bend. 11 Provision for Rain water Harvesting Structure(1Nos) 12 Provision for Cub Board Arrangement 13 Construction of chappal rack in verandah 14 Provision for Electric Arrangement 15 Provision for Bala pianting 16 FixingofName Board includingcost, painting, Lettering, installation etc. 17 Photographic charges for taking photos in various stages before execution, during execution and after execution 18 Repairs to PUM School building @ Meledayalam Pt 19 Chipping the wall plasteringand roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 20 Plastering in cm 1:5 mix,12mm thick including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 21 Dismantling old damaged pressed tiles including the cost and conveyance of all materials etc., complete 22 Terrace finishing with Pressed tiles as slanting tiles set in cm 1:3 mix, including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 23 Distempering the inner walls with two coats of best quality oil bounded distemper including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 24 Exterior Emulsion two coats with approved quality of snowcem including the cost of all materials conveyances, labour charges etc., complete. 25 Paintingtwo coats with approved quality of paint over old steel doors and windows including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 26 Painting the black board and low level black board with approved quality of paint including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 27 Towards the provision of rain water pipe arrangement using 110 mm dia 4Kgf/cm2 P.V.C pipe and P.V.C bend. 28 Provision for Rain water Harvesting Structure(1Nos) 29 Provision for Cub Board with Shutter 30 Construction of chappal rack in verandah 31 Provision for Bala pianting 32 FixingofName Board includingcost, painting, Lettering, installation etc. 33 Photographic charges for taking photos in various stages before execution, during execution and after execution 34 Repairs to PUM School building(Three class Room) @ Pakkam Pt 35 Chipping the wall plasteringand roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 36 Plastering in cm 1:5 mix,12mm thick including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 37 Chipping the concrete and roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 38 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no crushed stone M.Sand to be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental officers. 39 Terrace finishing with Pressed tiles as slanting tiles set in cm 1:3 mix, including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 40 Granolithic flooring using 10 - 12mm chips including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete 41 Distempering the inner walls with two coats of best quality oil bounded distemper including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 42 Exterior Emulsion two coats with approved quality of snowcem including the cost of all materials conveyances, labour charges etc., complete. 43 Paintingtwo coats with approved quality of paint over old steel doors and windows including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 44 Painting the black board and low level black board with approved quality of paint including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 45 Towards the provision of rain water pipe arrangement using 110 mm dia 4Kgf/cm2 P.V.C pipe and P.V.C bend. 46 Provision for Rain water Harvesting Structure(1Nos) 47 Provision for Cub Board with Shutter 48 Construction of chappal rack in verandah 49 Provision for Ramp Arrangement 50 Provision for Bala pianting 51 FixingofName Board includingcost, painting, Lettering, installation etc. 52 Photographic charges for taking photos in various stages before execution, during execution and after execution 53 Repairs to PUM School building(Two class Room with HM Room) @ Pakkam Pt 54 Chipping the wall plasteringand roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 55 Plastering in cm 1:5 mix,12mm thick including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 56 Chipping the concrete and roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 57 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no crushed stone M.Sand to be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental officers. 58 Terrace finishing with Pressed tiles as slanting tiles set in cm 1:3 mix, including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 59 Granolithic flooring using 10 - 12mm chips including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete 60 Distempering the inner walls with two coats of best quality oil bounded distemper including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 61 Exterior Emulsion two coats with approved quality of snowcem including the cost of all materials conveyances, labour charges etc., complete. 62 Paintingtwo coats with approved quality of paint over old steel doors and windows including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 63 Painting the black board and low level black board with approved quality of paint including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 64 Towards the provision of rain water pipe arrangement using 110 mm dia 4Kgf/cm2 P.V.C pipe and P.V.C bend. 65 Provision for Rain water Harvesting Structure(1Nos) 66 Provision for Cub Board with Shutter 67 Construction of chappal rack in verandah 68 Provision for Electric Arrangement 69 Provision for Ramp Arrangement 70 Provision for Bala pianting 71 FixingofName Board includingcost, painting, Lettering, installation etc. 72 Photographic charges for taking photos in various stages before execution, during execution and after execution 73 Repairs to PUM School building (Single Class Room)@ Pakkam Pt 74 Chipping the wall plasteringand roughening the surface including the cost and conveyance of all materials and cost of all labour charges etc., complete., 75 Plastering in cm 1:5 mix,12mm thick including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 76 Dismantling old damaged pressed tiles including the cost and conveyance of all materials etc., complete 77 Terrace finishing with Pressed tiles as slanting tiles set in cm 1:3 mix, including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 78 Distempering the inner walls with two coats of best quality oil bounded distemper including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 79 Exterior Emulsion two coats with approved quality of snowcem including the cost of all materials conveyances, labour charges etc., complete. 80 Paintingtwo coats with approved quality of paint over old steel doors and windows including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 81 Painting the black board and low level black board with approved quality of paint including the cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete. 82 Towards the provision of rain water pipe arrangement using 110 mm dia 4Kgf/cm2 P.V.C pipe and P.V.C bend. 83 Provision for Rain water Harvesting Structure(1Nos) 84 Provision for Cub Board with Shutter 85 Construction of chappal rack in verandah 86 Provision for Electric Arrangement 87 Provision for Bala pianting 88 FixingofName Board includingcost, painting, Lettering, installation etc. 89 Photographic charges for taking photos in various stages before execution, during execution and after execution 90 Provision for LWF1% 91 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}

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Document Fees
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INR 21510.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 21.51 Lakhs /-
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